shake the nine bream

Chapter 41 The Legend of Jiu Zhuangou (Six--Conjunction into Connection)

"You old man are really strange. Forget it, I won't talk to you. I still need to find a way out." Akiya said.

However, Shangguan Qinger took Qiu Gu's hand and whispered close to Qiu Gu's ear, "This cave is like a maze. You haven't experienced anything before. I'm afraid he's the only one here who uses spells. I don't think we can run out. He must know how to get out."

While Shangguan Qinger was talking, the old man interrupted and said, "Look, look, you stupid boy, learns from other girls. In my territory, do you think you can easily go out?"

"What do you want?" Qiu Gu asked.

The old man laughed, then circled next to Qiu Gu and Shangguan Qinger for a while, and then said, "I heard your conversation last night. In fact, I was also very curious about the Wanxing Palace. I don't understand why the title of the palace master of Wanxing Palace must be inherited by a virgin? I still remember that I once liked a girl in the Wanxing Palace when I was young, but it was because of that damn rule that I couldn't be with her. I have always hated this rule, so you know what I mean.

"What do you mean? Make it clear!" Akiya said.

However, Shangguan Qinger was a little confused, as if she knew what the old man wanted to do.

"You are really stupid. I don't understand. I mean to make you married to this owner of Wanxing Palace."

Hearing the old man say this, Qiu Gu was also shocked and looked at Shangguan Qinger shyly, and immediately retorted, "You old man, you are not serious." With that, Qiu Gu pulled Shangguan Qinger aside and prepared to leave.

And at this time, the old man spoke again.

"In today's world, the king of the plague has come out. You have only one way to prevent the king of the plague from bringing the plague army to the world, and the solution is with me. Don't you think about it?" The old man said.

Hearing the old man say this, Qiu Gu and Shangguan Qinger couldn't help looking at each other and then stopped.

"What can you do as an abnormal old man?" Qiu Gu asked.

Seeing that Qiu Gu and Shangguan Qinger were interested, the old man returned to his place indifferently, picked up the stone bowl next to him and began to grind it. He said without panic: "The king of the plague is one of the five kings of the demon world. He is the evil god who controls the power of the world's disease, and the only one in the world can restrain him is the Shennong ruler. Maybe you don't know what this Shennong ruler is.

Shangguan Qinger suddenly said, "Shennong's ruler is one of the heavenly artifacts, which has the ability to cure all diseases in the world, and some people say that this artifact is a magic weapon that can make people immortal."

"Oh? It seems that you, a girl, know a lot. Yes, that's it, so this Shennong ruler is also the only artifact that can restrain the king of plague. The old man said.

"What's going on? What's your business?" Akiya said.

Shangguan Qinger looked surprised and said to Qiu Gu, "If this old man is really popular for thousands of years, then it is very likely that he has used the divine power of Shennong's ruler. It is likely that he really has Shennong's ruler."

"But may he give up immortality in revenge for a previous grudge?" Akiya said.

The old man seemed to hear all the words and responded, "Some things are actually not as attractive as expected. This immortality is actually not fun at all. You will see that the person you love dies before you, and you will also fall into the endless emptiness. You will have no desire, no Pursuit, without ideals, in fact, what if it is immortality? Living is more painful than dying, don't you think? The old man said.

"Since you have such a baby, why are you still hiding? Do you want to see the world suffer and ignore it?" Akiya said.

"Actually, things in the world have nothing to do with me. I'm just an outsider. Besides, some people in the world deserve to die." The old man said.

"Why are you like this?" Akiya said.

And the old man laughed and said, "But if you want to help me, can you help you, as long as you get married with this girl? You boy, I will fulfill both of you. It's okay if you don't say thank you. How can you still be like this? Are you a man? It's cheaper for such a beauty to marry you.

"Senior, wait a minute, no matter what, you have to ask for my opinion. Do you want him to marry me?" Shangguan Qinger said.

"Oh? Since neither of you wants to, I can't force it. Anyway, the monsters in the world are responsible for you. What am I worried about? Haha." The old man said.

"That senior means that as long as I connect with him, you can take out Shennong's ruler to help us?" Shangguan Qinger said.

"It's reasonable, but although I'm old, I'm not stupid. If you two come up and lie to me, won't I lose a lot?"

"What do you want?" Akiya said.

Qiu Gu's question seemed to be in the middle of his arms. The old man immediately replied, "It's very simple. This marriage will definitely be a couple's business. You and I will move. There is a separate cave in my cave that can be vacated. As long as you get married and do husband and wife affairs, then I will take out Shennong's ruler. And how about helping you get out?" The old man smiled evilly.

This is obviously an unreasonable and *** oblutty request, but it is not a rare thing to come from this crazy old man. Imagine, why doesn't an old man who has been closed for thousands of years not want to see those men and women?

Hearing the old man say this, Qiu Gu suddenly became angry and shouted, "What are your requirements? It's already difficult to get married. You still say such a request. How can a yellow girl allow you, an old man, to talk nonsense over there?" With that, Qiu Gu looked at Shangguan Qinger, but Shangguan Qinger did not show shyness or anger.

"Do you keep your word? If I do it, then you have to take out the Shennong ruler and lend it to us. Shangguan Qinger said.

Hearing Shangguan Qinger say this, Qiu Gu, who couldn't understand, hurriedly retorted, "No, you can't listen to his little girl talking nonsense. This absolutely can't be done."

"You are really stubborn and stupid. Have you suffered a loss for the owner of the Wanxing Palace? You idiot, okay, okay, freedom is yours. You make your own decisions. The old man said unhappily.

Shangguan Qinger pulled Qiu Gu's sleeve a few times, and then raised her voice and said, "You stinky boy, pick up a bargain and sell it well. Stop it. That's it. Do you want to see the world fall into eternal disaster? Isn't it just sacrificing our bodies? What's the fear of death?"

"It's so bold, so bold. Look, the daughter's family is so reasonable, and you, a big man, are still so twisted. Are you decent?" The old man said.

"But!" Qiu Gu hesitated and looked at Shangguan Qinger.

"What if you lie to us? How can I trust you like this?" Shangguan Qinger said.

The old man smiled and said, "You are so clever." As he spoke, he saw the old man stretch out his hand and see the green light emerge. A summoning seal slowly generated, and something like a wooden board was slowly pulled out of the summoning seal by the old man.

This thing is emerald green, and the top is a little curved. There are many dense textures on the body, and I don't know what it is carved. It is surrounded by a green smoke like blue smoke. Although it looks strange, it must not be an ordinary thing.

"Is this?"

"This is the Shennong ruler you want, which is forged by Shennong. It is soaked in all the poisons in the world. It can kill people with poison or save people. It is the magic weapon with the strongest healing ability in the world. I think you also feel the powerful power in it. I don't lie. Come and have a look if you don't believe it, it also says God. The word farmer. With that, the old man approached Qiu Gu and Shangguan Qinger, and Qiu Gu hurriedly stopped the old man and said, "You still don't get too close to us, but I wonder why we can't use spells in this place, but you can? Why is this?"

The old man laughed and said, "Because I raised those apes outside, those apes took one of my medicines, so that they have changed color all over their bodies, and can also suppress people's true qi, so that practitioners can't use Taoism. Of course, since I made it, I must have a way to use it. Yes, anyway, you don't have to be afraid that I'm a liar. This Shennong ruler is genuine. Don't worry.

"Okay, let's believe you once," Qiu Gu said.

"Then when will we start the wedding candle?" Shangguan Qinger said.

"Oh? Your girl is really anxious. Anyway, I'm also anxious. Well, let's go to the bridal chamber now. The layout here is also beautiful. I'll be the matchmaker. You worshipped me and entered the bridal chamber. I'll give you the Shennong ruler tomorrow morning.

Why tomorrow morning? Isn't it dark yet?"

"Idiot, this is the first time I've faced such a happy event here. I'm sure I have to prepare for it. Besides, you probably haven't eaten anything for a day. I have to make some banquet for you, otherwise how can you mess around at night?"

"Toss? What a toss."

"A fool is a fool. I won't talk to you. I'll get ready. It's dark here early. I guess there will be another hour left." The old man jumped to another room with joy.

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