shake the nine bream

Chapter 54 Their Own Actions

"Just after the matter of the king of the plague, will you be very tired if you participate in the new task?" Liu Lianyi asked.

In the eyes of others, it is rare to see Liu Lianyi behave like this. In the eyes of others, Liu Lianyi is actually a cold beauty, but I don't know why she has become more and more obedient and reasonable recently.

"It's okay, it's okay. Isn't everyone not resting for long? What am I? Besides, isn't being able to be sent to do tasks also valued by the master? I'm too happy. How can I be tired? Qiu Gu said with a smile.

Everyone is here, Tang Man, Yang Ziyi, Qiu Gu, Liu Lianyi.

Tang Man is the highest-generation one here, and naturally became the team leader of this group. At this time, Tang Man nodded and found that there seemed to be one person missing. After thinking about it, he remembered that there was another person who joined here, that is, Shangguan Qinger.

Tang Man was about to be angry when suddenly a voice came from the distance.

"Wait, wait, I'm coming." Shangguan Qinger shouted in the distance and jogged over.

Tang Man doesn't like people who are late, and he is late on the first day, which makes Tang Man somewhat unhappy. However, due to Shangguan Qinger'er's status, Tang Man still said politely, "Actually, you didn't have to go out of the task."

Hearing Tang Man say this, Shangguan Qinger suppressed herself for the reason why she was unwilling to show weakness and said, "This is what people in the right way should do. How can the head of one of my three major schools hide? Is it okay to spread it in the future?

"Oc, but you are the owner of Wanxing Palace to run around with us like this. Won't the people in your palace say anything?" Tang Man said.

"What can they say? The reason why I came here is that they can't refute it, but I'm surprised by one thing. Shangguan Qinger said.

"What's the matter?"

Shangguan Qinger smiled and said, "Why do you keep asking me these things as soon as I come?" Let's go quickly. I have a line of things about the Tianshen soldiers here. Although my cultivation is still shallow, the source of the information of Wanxing Palace that you know is world-class. If you want to find the Tianshen soldiers quickly, you can't live without me.

Shangguan Qinger said and saw that Liu Lianyi was also in the procession. Suddenly, she was a little unhappy and said, "I didn't expect that there were so many women in this group. It seems that they would be inferior to other groups."

Hearing Shangguan Qinger say this, Liu Lianyi was also a little unhappy and said, "Because there is one more, it may be inferior to others, but fortunately, there are several masters leading the team, otherwise it seems that they will really lag behind other teams."

Yang Ziyi saw Liu Lianyi's rare displeasure and hurriedly pulled off the topic and said, "I don't know if the Lord of Shangguan has any information to reveal? If we can be the first to find the first god soldier, it will be awesome.

Yang Ziyi's image of a clever lady also made Shangguan Qinger feel good, and her anger suddenly decreased a lot and said, "I saw something about the virtual mirror of the three worlds on a bamboo slip in Wanxing Palace."

"Oh? You might as well talk about it. Yang Ziyi said, and Qiu Gu also came over with a smile.

It is said that the so-called three worlds virtual mirror is a supreme artifact in the hands of the Queen Mother of the West. It can penetrate the sky, know the ancient and modern times, and have the power of time and space. It can seal the world and subvert the universe. In a peach conference, the divine mirror was stolen and has been unaccounted. It is rumored that there is another hidden in the three worlds virtual mirror. The ultimate power of his mysterious world is recorded on the bamboo slip in this palace that the person who stole the virtual mirror of the three worlds on that day was a servant beside the Western Queen Mother. This person stole the three worlds virtual mirror in the chaos of the Peach Club. Later, he was secretly hunted down by the Western Queen Mother until he was secretly disposed of by the Western Queen Mother. However, the three worlds virtual mirror was nowhere to be found, and fortunately, the ancestors of Wanxing Palace were lucky to meet this person and learned that the three worlds virtual mirror was hidden in a place near Kunlun Mountain. Shangguan Qinger seems to have said it, but others have not yet figured out where the virtual mirror of the three worlds is.

"Is this over?" Tang Man said.

"It's over, so much is written on the bamboo slip. Although it only hints that the virtual mirror of the three worlds is in the Kunlun Mountains, it is better than no hint. You know, the Chinese mainland is vast. Without this hint, do you think we can find it soon?" Shangguan Qinger said.

"In fact, sometimes it may not be fast, as long as we all try our best." Liu Lianyi said.

Shang Qinger glanced at Liu Lianyi and said, "You can't say that. We are looking for it. It is likely that the people of Liu Daosen Luo are also looking for it. We can't find it. Liu Daosen Luo's people are likely that they are still planning a new evil operation. They are taking two plans, but we are taking one plan. If we don't find these things, will it be okay if a new demon god is summoned out?

"Are you so sure that they will summon the demon god again?" Liu Lianyi argued.

Shangguan Qinger sneered and said, "Six Daosenluo is now outnumbered. What else can they do if they don't use other forces to weaken the power of the right path? So they will definitely use that old trick again. Although they may not succeed at one time, they can weaken the power of the three sects at least once, can't they?

Shangguan Qinger's reason makes Liu Lianyi unable to speak. Strictly speaking, Liu Lianyi is not a person who can speak and argue. How can he compete with Shangguan Qinger's cleverness?

Seeing that both sides were deadlocked, Qiu Gu hurriedly inserted in and said, "Let's go quickly. Since we have to find the heavenly soldiers first, we can't spend time here, can we? Let's go."

Tang Man took out the ten thousand rod and flew to the front. Tang Man could only fly through the power of the ten thousand rod.

"Let's go, everyone." Tang Man said.

Liu Lianyi and Shangguan Qinger hated each other and began to act with a hum. Seeing these two people, Qiu Gu couldn't help sighing and said silently in his heart: It seems that this road is not easy to go.

According to the plan, this action can be said to be the first time that the three sects have touched manpower to find the god soldiers on such a large scale. In history, so many master areas in the cultivation world have not been sent to find the god soldiers. The god soldiers have always been a mystery. They all said that they wanted fate, and no one deliberately searched for them. Looking for this thing, this time, the people of the three sects realized the powerful role of the divine soldiers. In order to resist and control the restoration of Six Daosenro, it is necessary to take such a road.

For Liu Daosenluo, he also heard that the three sects had begun to look for Tianshen soldiers, and also sent obstacles. In addition to Changjue and Yuren to do other things, Shang Fangjian, Chen Yuzhong and He Shengwei were sent out to prevent the three sects from looking for Tianshen soldiers. The task of the Rainman is to gather living forces for Six Dawsons.

The self-proclaimed person is a person with the aura of the six Daosenro patriarchs on his head, and it is very easy to do many things, including the search for some scattered evil followers.

In the war in the wilderness of the West, most of the power of Six Dawsonro's power has been annihilated, but some of the congregations who leaked out of the net are still alive. Although it has been a hundred years, some of the surviving congregations have become fewer. Don't mention some ant-like congregations, followed Six Dawsonro's failure to make a head. He went to do other things, but there were few truly powerful followers left.

Fortunately, Changjue has found all the left and right guardians. Although He Shengwei's loyalty is not as good as before, he will be used if he has weaknesses. Changjue likes to find human weaknesses. He Shengwei's weakness is his desire for eternal life to enjoy some superficial glory and wealth. Shang Fangjian's weakness is hatred. Chen The weakness in the rain is the only daughter left, and the rain man seems to have no weakness but still faithfully follows Changjue.

In the past, there were 20 masters in six Dawson Luo. In addition to Changjue, He Shengwei, Rain Man, there were also five King Kong guards, ten monsters, and two scattered demons.

Among them, the five King Kong guards were killed in the first battle in the wild land of the West, and eight of the ten monsters died. Among them, the two who were the most good at camouflage and escape survived, but from then on, they hid their names. The two scattered demons were all annihilated, but they often knew that these two scattered demons could not be completely annihilated, because They are a hybrid of the demon world and human beings. The flowing demon blood is undefeated. At most, it is temporarily sealed. This is also the strength of the people in the demon world. They can't be eliminated and can only be temporarily blocked. Although many abilities are not as good as the gods, they are constantly challenging the gods because of their immortal characteristics. Authority.

At this time, Chang Jue was in the Pope. The Pope was the place where Six Dausenro buried their bodies. Now they are buried the bodies of those religious people who died in the past. Although it is not comprehensive, Chang Jue tried his best to find these bodies and give them a burial place.

"According to reason, I should also sleep here with you, but I can't sleep here. If I sleep here, then no one will care about Liu Daosenro's hatred. If I sleep here, Liu Daosenluo's vision will never be mentioned again. You have sacrificed your life for Liu Daosen Luo, and soon Get the reward you deserve!" I often feel that there is a person in this Pope. As soon as Changjue stretched out his hand, a grave immediately exploded. Changjue walked over like a madman, took out an armor from it, smiled frantically and said, "I haven't worn you for a long time. You've been waiting here for a long time."

The dark night made the mass grave look more strange. The undead under the Pope seemed to be ready to move. Terror spread around this cemetery, but I often felt that it was natural to walk in this cemetery, walking and dancing from time to time, like a madman, or just a madman. Zi.

Changjue's next goal is to find the souls of the two scattered demons. As for the other two escaped believers, Changjue's idea is to let them return to this place and bury here forever. Changjue's unforgivable is deserters.