shake the nine bream

Chapter 60 Trouble

This deep hole is not an ordinary deep hole. As soon as Qiu Gu and Tang Man jumped down from above, they felt a strange atmosphere. I don't know what was closed under this thing. Even in a high place, you can smell a disgusting smell under the king, and the kind of fishy smell from the tide. Taste, these smells are so close that people can't smell them. Qiu Gu and Tang Man hurriedly sealed their taste, and this time they can barely continue to explore below.

The two were slowly leaning down. They were still fine before, but suddenly, a long gun was shot out of the wall here. If ordinary people encountered such a situation, they would have been shot into hedgehogs on the spot. Fortunately, Qiu Gu and Tang Man were not ordinary people. Tang Man raised his hands, and the ten thousand cane changed. Countless vine-like darts flew out of the pole, and soon smashed the long guns around him.

In the rain of bullets, the two of them are still going down indifferently. Such a chaotic situation is very shocking. There is a rapid shuttle sound around, and the situation is dangerous.

But how can artificial things and spells be? Soon those long guns were shot, but the danger was not resolved. When the two flew down, another mechanism began to drive. This time, it was not a long gun, but water, a poisonous water. When the first drop flew out, Qiu Gu blocked it. Suddenly, I found that my sleeves were corroded. These poisonous water began to be severe. They were all corrosive venoms. If not, they turned into thick soup, and there were no bones left.

However, Qiu Gu was calm and stamped up in his hand. A strong wind swept up out of thin air, rolling these ** to the mouth of the hole, and not a drop of it leaked from the wind. These organs were not lethal at all in front of Qiu Gu and Tang Man.

Soon the mechanism stopped, continued to go down, and saw something twisting at the bottom. The falling bed was also seen by Qiu Gu and Tang Man. At this time, the bed was reaching into a gap in the cave wall next to it and immediately disappeared.

This is about to reach the bottom. The two found that in this bottom, there are actually many crocodiles. These crocodiles are like trapped animals that have been hungry for a long time, but they are huge. When Tang Man was thinking about what raised these things so big, Qiu Gu was surprised to find that they had been in the mouth of the crocodile. Unexpectedly, there is a hand in it. Zhejiang crocodiles are all eaters and grow so big. There are also white bones on the surrounding fresh water, which is very terrible.

The crocodiles saw Qiu Gu and Tang Man approaching and raised their necks to attack one after another, but those crocodiles knew that Qiu Gu and Tang Man could fly.

"I didn't expect this city owner to be so cruel. Presumably, the beautiful women worshipped in the past were thrown into this hole after being violated. It's really cruel." Akiya said.

"Forget it, anyway, the hateful city owner has been in a different place, which is also a revenge for these dead souls. Let's go. That big bed has been transported into this. Let's follow up quickly." Tang Man said.

The bed was transported to another cave on the wall of the cave. The cave is relatively small, but it is still enough for several people to enter. Maybe the designer did not consider that someone could still come in from here, but there was no mechanism. Qiu Gu and Tang Man walked along the way through this tunnel cave. Still no danger was found.

The ground of this tunnel is a long cableway, similar to the kind of transportation road used by coal trucks. This is deliberately made by someone in advance, and the metal on the road surface is still shining. It seems that it has been used all year round.

Seeing this, Tang Man looked very angry and roared, "This must be the so-called god of the mountain. Let me find this guy and make him die ugly."

Qiu Gu was a little ashamed and said, "Brother, in fact, you don't have to use violence to solve everything." Qiu Gu knew that the most violent and bloody law enforcement in the whole Piaoyuan Mountain was this Tang Man, and he was famous.

"Your method is applicable to animals. Humans are different from animals. Some people need to use this method to solve it, otherwise he will continue to commit crimes. Only when he is really afraid of him will he become obedient." Tang Man said.

Akiya doesn't want to talk to him about these conceptual problems, which are deeply rooted and difficult to change.

"Liu Lianyi and the three of them are all from the cultivation world. I've been thinking about how it's possible to be abducted so easily?" Tang Man said.

"Absolutely use poison. As you just now, you saw that all three of them fainted, not poison or something."

Poison? In fact, poisoning may not be tricked by them.

Akiya thought for a moment, and then suddenly said in surprise, "There must be something wrong with which hotel. It's a black shop. The poison must be that the people of that black shop must find a chance to drink in the food and drink."

"Then why are we both all right?" Tang Man asked.

"That hotel must be more than less. Since the mountain god and the city owner like beautiful women, they naturally won't poison us." Akiya said.

"Then why did the shopkeeper tell us the location of the city owner and those things related to the mountain god? He is with them. Is it crazy?

Akiya remembered what the shopkeeper had just said and immediately laughed and said, "Presumably the shopkeeper was not willing to serve the city owner, and also wanted to escape his control, so he told us the location of the city owner. Presumably the shopkeeper already knew our identity, so he told us, Because we are not ordinary people, the shopkeeper is really good and doesn't fight uncertain sticks.

PS: Ask for support, collection, red tickets, rewards, saliva...

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It's really not easy to write a book. The author brings it in front of the computer every day, and he has to become an otaku professional. A good book can't flow to the reader's vision without publicity and recommendation. I hope that people from the same road can support each other. If you need to collect it, just leave a message in the book review area, and the message will be returned. I hope everyone We can support each other, and the smell of wine is afraid of the deep alley.