shake the nine bream

Chapter 69 Great Glory

Shang Fangjian stood on the branch and despised the inorganic that had fallen to the ground. The inorganic had obviously been defeated. He grabbed the other hand on the ground and looked at the Shangfangjian standing on the branch with a painful expression.

In fact, Shang Fangjian doesn't look good, but it's a little better than inorganic.

"How can you, a so-called righteous person, lose in the hands of a person like me today? Is this what it means to teach the apprentice to starve to death? Oh, no, it should be said that it taught the apprentice and killed the master. Shang Fangjian said, clapping his buttocks and doing it on the branches.

smiled helplessly, then opened his limbs and lay down and said, "Yes, it's all my fault for kindness. If I had killed you back then, I wouldn't have been in today's situation again."

"Benevolence? Do you say you are kind? You are ridiculous. Kindness does not belong to you. You just want to use my blood to study the Great Evil King. If I remember correctly, the Great Evil King can only be used by the Jinyin clan, right?

"You're wrong. Maybe you won't believe it anymore. In fact, the purpose of looking for the Great Evil King was to study the relationship between the Great Evil King and the demon world. I hope to find a way to restrain the people in the demon world, but I didn't expect so many things to happen later. Forget it, since it's all over, when I have also trained a demon like you. Since I trained you, I will take you with my own hands.

Shang Fangjian was stunned for a moment and said, "Do you want to accept me? You are too conceited."

At this time, the inorganic on the ground took out the wooden box behind it. The wooden box has always been behind the inorganic. Since the beginning of the battle, the inorganic box has not been used. Shang Fangjian has been thinking about what is inside.

In this way, you can see what is in that box.

"Are you finally going to use the trick?" Shang Fangjian stood up as he spoke. The Great Evil King had already shined in Shang Fangjian's hand. Shang Fangjian was not in a hurry to attack. Shang Fangjian wanted to see what the inorganic trick was.

The wooden box of the inorganic bar is held up so that you can stand up.

The wooden box was opened, and inside was a sword, a very ordinary sword, but it shocked Shang Fangjian, because the sword was the supreme magic weapon of Piaomiao Mountain, brilliant, the most powerful magic weapon used by Piaomiao's ancestor. It is also said that this sword is the strongest magic weapon cultivated by people. Shang Fangjian has always wanted to see this What magic power does the sword have, but it has never been fulfilled. Now that you look at it, you can finally witness the magic of this sword. Somehow, Shang Fangjian is getting more and more excited.

"How dare you let me pick up this sword?" Inorganic asked.

"What if you pick it up? Anyway, you have to die today, and it's also a problem that you can't use the great glory. Shang Fangjian said confidently.

For Shang Fangjian's self-confidence, Wuyi felt ridiculous and said, "You will pay for your self-confidence. Originally, I intended to use this sword to deal with Changjue, but it seems that I will not live that day, so you can become the dead soul under this sword first."

As he spoke, he took out a pill from his pocket. He held the pill in his hand and looked at it, and swallowed it from time to time.

"How can you appear at any time?" Shang Fangjian asked.

"You don't have to worry about this. Anyway, when you die, I will bring you back, otherwise I will have a weak assistant." Chang Jue said.

"I'm going to die? Don't be funny, just rely on the crazy inorganic one." Shang Fangjian said with a smile. In fact, Shang Fangjian knew in his heart that if he attacked just now, he could not be optimistic about what he would do.

"Will you not die? Do you know that the great brilliant light is the strongest spell in the world? If it hadn't been for the death of the ethereal ancestor, Liu Daosenluo would not have risen. With the ethereal ancestor, no evil force dares to make it, and that great glory is his strongest magic weapon. Although it is inorganic to barely drive it, it can be said that it is better to kill you to death. An ant is still easy.

Shang Fangjian laughed and said, "Is it really so powerful?"

"That great glory legend evolved from a stone that existed before Pangu. No one can face and face the peeling glory."

The brilliant light only shines for a moment, but that moment is already a devastating impact. The mountains and forests have turned into ashes, as if they had just experienced a disaster of annihilation. Danyang and Chenyuan in the sky hurried over when they saw the light here. Chen Yuzhong glanced from the ashes pit. He saw Danyang and Dust in the sky and hurriedly continued to cover himself up with the ashes around him.

At this time, the land under Chen Yuzhong's ground suddenly leaked a puddle. The puddle slowly fell like a sand hole, and one hand suddenly grabbed Chen Yuzhong and sank into the pit.

Chen Yuzhong was about to resist, but he only heard someone say, "I'm a rainman. Changjue sent me to save you."

In this way, Chen Yu also disappeared unconsciously on this continent.

"What happened here?" Danyang said to himself that he couldn't believe what was happening in front of him. It was like hell.

Suddenly, endlessly came out of the ashes and took a few breaths in a hurry.

"Endless host? Are you all right? What's going on here?" Danyang hurried over.

Dust fate went to a place that seemed to be the center of power in the distance. Just looking at the middle of this place, there was a stone sword. Dust fate knew that this was a great glory.

"Inorganic seems to drive great glory, but I didn't expect Shang Fangjian to force him to use such a suicide trick." Endless said, the silence for too long has made Endless become very weak.

In the distance, Chenyuan came over with great glory in his arms.

"How's it going? Where's the inorganic brother?" Danyang said.

Chenyuan shook his head and sighed, "The inorganic brother has no bones, only this great glory is still in place."

Danyang suddenly hit the ground and said angrily, "Damn it, Shang Fangjian, a traitor, forced the inorganic brother to do such a thing."

"In fact, the inorganic brother has been studying great glory. There may be something that makes him feel that it doesn't matter if he dies." Chen Yuan said.

"At present, the inorganic brother is dead, but the strength of Liu Dao Senluo is getting stronger and stronger. It seems that our three sects are going to come to a dead end." Danyang said.

Chen Yuan sighed and looked up to the sky and said, "At present, I only hope that others can find those lost gods as soon as possible. I hope this can completely eradicate those demons."

Suddenly, Qiu Gu felt uneasy.

"What's wrong?" Liu Lianyi came over and said.

Qiu Gu smiled and said, "It's okay. It's okay. It's just that my eyelids jumped."

"This three-world virtual mirror doesn't seem to have any special ability. I injected true qi, and there is no reaction at all." Shangguan Qinger handed over the virtual mirror of the three worlds to Qiu Gu.

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