shake the nine bream

Chapter 71 Strange Events

"Where are your other partners?" Qiu Gu asked.

Say this question, and the young man suddenly became depressed and said, "They all died in that avalanche."

"Are you sure they are all dead?"

"Although I'm not sure, who can survive the avalanche?"

"Didn't you survive?" Akiya said.

"I can survive because I was not buried by the avalanche, and the people buried by the avalanche will basically not come out alive." The young man said.

Anyway, that two-year young year is sure that everyone else is dead.

The wind and snow outside are getting heavier and heavier. It seems that they only live in this place this night. It is very dangerous to walk in such an environment at night. After the young man's statement, Qiugu and others are even more vigilant that they may have encountered the same thing as him at any time.

Late at night, everything calmed down. Only the wind and snow outside were still washing and drifting. Liu Lianyi and Shangguan Qinger came so close for the first time. Because of an outsider, the two women were more vigilant. They didn't know whether it was a wolf or a ghost introduced, which shocked Liu Lianyi and Shangguan Qing. The son's heart was still very uneasy. The two slept on the far side, covering their backs with blankets brought with them.

Akiya slept with the unknown young man on the other side.

In the middle of the night, people who have fallen asleep have no dreams, and fatigue makes everyone sleep very soundly. Even if it is windy and snowy outside, it can't stop several people's fragrant sleep.

In the middle of the night, Qiu Gu suddenly leaned aside and opened his eyes. Qiu Gu found a strange thing. There seemed to be something missing next to him. After reacting, Qiu Gu reacted that there were few people next to him, and the unknown climber was no longer around.

"Ripple, Qinger, wake up quickly. That guy is missing." Qiu Gu shouted several times before waking up Liu Lianyi and Shangguan Qinger. In a daze, Liu Lianyi and Shangguan Qinger slowly showed their heads and looked at Qiu Gu. At this time, Qiu Gu had stood up and looked outside the mouth of the cave, but it was dark outside, and nothing could be seen except the wind and snow.

"What's wrong?" Liu Lianyi asked.

Akiya said nervously, "That boy is gone."

"What's missing?" Shangguan Qinger is still in a daze. Sleeping in a cold environment is the most pleasant and difficult to wake up. Shangguan Qinger confirms this and looks like a bear waking up from hibernation.

"The climber just now is missing." Akiya said.

Liu Lianyi came out of the quilt, looked at the person around, and then looked at the footprints of Qiu Gu on the ground, and there were no other footprints at all.

"Sister, what are you looking at?" Akiya asked curiously and puzzledly.

Liu Lianyi squatted down, pointed to a footprint on the ground with the firelight and said, "Brother, lift your feet up."

Qiu Gu raised his feet puzzledly. Liu Lianyi compared the size of Qiu Gu's feet, and then said, "Brother looks 120 catties, and the size of his feet is about 39 yards. The footprints on the ground should be yours, and there are no other footprints around here. We and Shangguan Gongzhu are relatively light. The feet are also relatively small. Except for your footprints, it is our footprints. The climber seems to have never been here.

Akiya laughed in disbelief and said, "No, you two saw it just now. That person is indeed a real existence. Can't you believe it? Isn't this too strange? Are we seeing a ghost?"

Shangguan Qinger and Liu Lianyi couldn't help shuddering, but Qiu Gu was energetic and continued: "I heard that the souls in the underworld are those ghosts that died unjustly. These ghosts will wander around the world and know that they can continue to reincarnate only when they find a ghost. The guy must have died just now, but Yes, but he didn't know that he was dead and couldn't find his body, but he could act on his own, so he thought he was fine. I don't know if this is a kind of injustice. If so, then the guy just now may be a ghost to find a ghost.

Akiya's tone became more and more strange.

"Isn't it? You're going to die. You should know that you and the ghost have been sleeping all the time just now. Shangguan Qinger retorted as if she was scared.

As soon as Shangguan Qinger finished his words, Qiu Gu shouted and fell to the ground and convulsed in place. Shangguan Qinger was shocked and hurriedly jumped out of the quilt and rushed to Qiu Gu.

Qiu Gu has not moved. He lay there like a dead man, with his eyes wide open, but Liu Lianyi over there was very calm and took care of the bonfire.

Shangguan Qinger was very anxious and said to Liu Lianyi, "Why are you like this? Haven't you seen Qiu Gu like this? Is that ghost really fulfilled?

Liu Lianyi laughed and continued to take care of the bonfire, which soon burned bigger.

Seeing Liu Lianyi's indifference, Shangguan Qinger didn't care. As soon as she turned her head and looked at Qiu Gu, Qiu Gu suddenly made a grimace towards Shangguan Qinger with ferocious eyes than her hands. Shangguan Qinger was shocked and was suddenly scared to one side and her face was blue.

Seeing that Shangguan Qinger was scared, Qiu Gu suddenly laughed and said, "Hahaha, have you been fooled?"

Shangguan Qinger then realized that she had been cheated. Shangguan Qinger shouted at Qiu Gu, "You're going to die!!" With that, Shangguan Qinger grabbed a handful of sand next to him and threw it at Qiu Gu. Qiu Gu hurriedly dodged and played with Qinger.

Liu Lianyi was unhappy to see this scene and said, "Are you two finished?"

Shangguan Qinger kicked down and hummed back to the quilt. Qiu Gu laughed so much that he was about to apologize. Suddenly, he patted Qiu Gu on the shoulder with one hand. What scared him was not Shangguan Qinger, but Qiu Gu. Qiu Gu was so scared that he jumped off the ground and hurriedly pushed a few steps. In addition, he accidentally hit the wall of the cave.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, did I scare you?" One person spoke, and then several people came in from the hole and counted about ten people. These people were basically dressed the same as the person they had seen before.

After seeing the three Qiugu, the leader of the team took off his hat and said politely, "Hi, my name is Ma Gang. I don't know if you have seen a young man who is wearing the same clothes as us and is not tall..." Before the man finished speaking, Qiu Gu knew the man said. Who is it?

"We know the man you mentioned that he was still in this cave a few hours ago, but now we don't know where he ran." Qiu Gu said, while Liu Lianyi next to him pulled Qiu Gu's corner and pulled Qiu Gu aside, looking a little defensive and vigilant about the people in front of him.

"Oh? Is that so? Excuse me." The man said he was about to leave.

Liu Lianyi stood up and said, "If I'm not mistaken, the young man said that everyone except him is dead. Shouldn't you be buried in the snowdrift?"

Liu Lianyi's words were not very polite. Qiu Gu hurriedly pulled the corner of Liu Lianyi's clothes and asked Liu Lianyi to stop talking.

The man who was about to leave suddenly stopped, turned around and said, "What are you talking about?"

"Are you looking for someone with emerald earrings?" Liu Lianyi said that Qiu Gu did not find such a feature, but Liu Lianyi had been looking at the person last night to observe and found such a remarkable decoration.

"Oh? Are you talking about the Jaguar? He has died in the avalanche. The body has been found by us and buried in the ravine. We are looking for another person. Are you sure you are right? The climber said.

Hearing this man's words, Qiu Gu, Shangguan Qinger and even Liu Lianyi shuddered, so according to this, the person just now may really be a ghost.

But Liu Lianyi still pretended not to know and said, "Oh, well, it seems that I was wrong, or maybe we just had a dream."

For Liu Lianyi's words, the climber was a little suspicious. He said goodbye to the three people on Qiugu's side and wanted to leave.

Qiya hurriedly caught up with him to ask what was going on.

But when Qiu Gu chased out, he found that those people had disappeared. According to time, it was impossible for those who could disappear out of the hole in such a time, and ten people disappeared in a blink of an eye.

All this was so weird that Akiya hurried back to the cave.

"Who are they?" Shangguan Qinger asked.

"It's gone. It's so weird. Those who magically disappeared disappeared in a blink of an eye." Akiya said.

Liu Lianyi seemed to have expected something and smiled and said, "Haha, it seems that this mountain of dreams is indeed a mountain of dreams. Things in it are like dreams, uncertain."

Qiu Gu asked puzzledly, "Sister, what do you mean?"

"Every mountain has its name. When we don't know a new thing, the best understanding is to start with their names. This mountain is called Dream Mountain, which must also have a reason. I think this is also based on his characteristics. Everything we saw just now is illusory. Just like a dream, this is the characteristic of this mountain.

"Well, is what we are seeing now also illusory?" Akiya said.

"That's possible, so I suggest we all make some preparations."

"Ready? What preparations?"

At this time, Liu Lianyi has taken out the fairy sword.

"Sister, you are..." Qiu Gu asked puzzledly.

"Xianyuan Sword is the nemesis of restraining illusions. No matter what kind of illusion it is, it can be cracked by Xianyuan Sword. Of course, the scope of action is not very large, only five or six meters at most. Although it can't crack large-scale regional illusions, it is still not a problem to save lives." With that, Liu Lianyi put his finger on the Xianyuan sword and cut the skin, and the blood immediately flowed out, and Liu Lianyi held the wound in one bite.

"Sister, are you all right?" Akiya hurried over and said.

"It's okay, it's okay. I did it on purpose. You have to do it. As long as you cut your skin with the fairy sword, take a mouthful of blood from the wound, and then within a short day, the illusion within five meters can be seen."

"I didn't expect you to have such a trick, sister, you're good." Qiu Gu said with a smile, but he didn't dare to smile and scratched the sharp fairy sword.

But Shangguan Qinger was much more heroic. She cut it and squeezed her fingers.

"Brother, what's wrong? Don't be afraid. Hurry up, you will become more and more afraid. Liu Lianyi said.

Akiya is still scared. People will be afraid of things like deliberately cutting themselves, but they are not afraid of something unexpected.

Sure enough, when Qiu Gu's fingers were still hanging on the blade, Liu Lianyi suddenly separated Qiu Gu's hand. Although it was just a small opening, Qiu Gu shouted as if he had been seen by his arm.

Seeing Qiu Gu like this, Liu Lianyi smiled, but Shangguan Qinger sighed and said, "I knew it would be like this."

"Well, now the sky is slowly starting to light up. Let's go. Staying in this strange cave always gives people a feeling of uneasiness."

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