shake the nine bream

Chapter 80 Ziyun Mountain Old Immortal

"Relame, everyone. As long as you join me in what you stole from the vault that day, those things are all yours, and I can not blame the past." King Zhou said.

Akiya said with some disdain, "In fact, those things don't mean much to us, and I'm just an ordinary person, and I may live up to your expectations."

At this time, King Zhou's eyes were all on Liu Lianyi and Shangguan Qinger. He was not in the mood to listen to Qiugu's words at all. In order to see the faces of Shangguan Qinger and Liu Lianyi clearly, King Zhou also walked down the throne and looked at Shangguan Qinger and Liu Lianyi.

Liu Lianyi and Shangguan Qinger have already noticed King Zhou's lustful eyes, which is also very uncomfortable.

"Your Majesty, are you listening to me?" Qiu Gu asked.

At this time, King Zhou suddenly remembered and said to Qiu Gu, "Since the strong man has no intention to be glorious and rich, I am not reluctant. You can leave today, but these two girls must stay." While talking, King Zhou's eyes have not left Shangguan Qinger and Liu Lianyi. For these mortal world, the appearance of Shangguan Qinger and Liu Lianyi is indeed too rare and beautiful. Maybe some fairies can't compare with their appearance, so it is difficult for King Zhou to stare at them so directly.

Hearing King Zhou's request, Qiu Gu suddenly became angry, but he still had to suppress and say, "Your Majesty, this can't do this. They still have tasks to do. This is something related to the world. You can't stay here."

"What's the matter in the world? I am the world, and they must stay. King Zhou's temper is not the kind of patience, let alone someone opposing him in front of him, which is an unbearable thing for the tyrant.

"Your Majesty, I hope you don't force me or both of them." Akiya said.

King Zhou's patience has reached its limit. He climbed up the sword next to him and pointed to Qiu Gu and said, "This is my world. I have to do whatever I want. The rebels must die. Do you want to die?" King Zhou pointed to Qiu Gu and approached Qiu Gu, and his eyes had never left Liu Lianyi and Shangguan Qinger.

King Zhou walked in front of the three people and dragged one finger to Liu Lianyi's chin. Qiu Gu was suddenly angry and was about to resist. Liu Lianyi stopped Qiu Gu, and then said to King Zhou, "Your Majesty, what you want to do? Everyone who doesn't care about it will be let go first. The rest is easy to say."

Hearing Liu Lianyi say this, Qiu Gu couldn't help it, but Liu Lianyi still hurriedly stopped Qiu Gu and gave Qiu Gu a fierce look.

According to Liu Lianyi's idea, he first let Qiu Gu go, and then find an opportunity to escape later. He didn't believe that the old hunchback would follow when King Zhou was in the same room. As long as the old hunchback did not follow a true person to escape from a mortal place, it was easy, but Qiu Gu did not have the wisdom of Liu Lianyi. .

"You can go with those gold, silver and jewelry." King Zhou pointed his sword at Qiu Gu and said, and touched Shangguan Qinger's side. Of course, Shangguan Qinger slapped King Zhou. King Zhou did not react. He did not expect Shangguan Qinger to do so. This is the character of a woman King Zhou has never met. The old hunch over there suddenly He took a step, but King Zhou hurriedly stopped it and laughed and said, "Are you hitting me?"

"Yes, it's to beat you, pervert, stupid king." Shangguan Qinger roared. The king of Zhou on the other side didn't seem to have reacted or said that he was crazy. He actually looked around and laughed. He turned around and said calmly, "I, I like a woman like you. It's so exciting. Come on, hit me, hit me in the face, spank me."

King Zhou turned his buttocks, but just when King Zhou turned his buttocks, Qiu Gu picked up a mace and hit King Zhou's buttocks fiercely. King Zhou was suddenly blown away. Although Qiu Gu did not use force, King Zhou flew far away and saw Qiu Gu's performance. , the old hunchback hurriedly printed it, and suddenly trapped Qiu Gu in the boundary of the cube.

The old hunchback looked at King Zhou and said, "Your Majesty, are you all right?"

King Zhou seemed to be fine. He had already stood up and looked at Qiu Gu's side angrily. He touched his buttocks and pointed to Qiu Gu's side angrily but did not dare to act rashly and said, "Kill him, the national master killed him!"

Of course, the old hunchback was very willing to do so. I only saw the old hunchback saluted King Zhou. Seeing this, Liu Lianyi and Shangguan Qinger were immediately shocked and shouted, "Qiu Gu, run!"

Shouguan Qinger and Liu Lianyi also took out the magic weapon and were about to make preparations, but a star was illuminated in the middle of the cube. It seemed that the old hunchback had begun to cast spells, but Liu Lianyi and Shangguan Qinger did not expect that the next thing was magical.

When the cube began to tighten, and Liu Lianyi and Shangguan Qinger were helpless, they suddenly saw that the cube actually stopped shrinking and expanded towards the surroundings. The old hunchback on one side was immediately surprised and hurriedly added the seal, but it was useless. The cube was still facing Expanding around, this is completely beyond the control of the old hunchback, and soon this cube actually wrapped the whole hall into it.

The old hunchback realized something was wrong and hurriedly prepared to escape, but as soon as he escaped outside the hall, the expanded cube suddenly tightened and trapped the old hunchback in it.

Seeing all this, the three of Qiu Gu didn't understand what was going on at all. The old hunchback, which had always been calm, would become so shocked. Such a master would be trapped by his own spell. When King Zhou in the distance saw this scene, he hurriedly hid behind the throne to peek at what was going to happen in the distance. What's the matter?

"Dead emperor, I want you to look good today!" Qiu Gu roared and raised all the gods and rushed towards the emperor. Seeing Qiu Gu rushing over, King Zhou hurriedly began to escape and kept shouting, "Come on, come on, help me!"

Shouting and shouting, a large group of soldiers were ready to rush in from the outside, but at this time, suddenly, the soldiers actually stopped as if time had stopped in place. Qiugu and the three also stopped in place. Only the brains could still move, and their bodies were completely disobedient and died. It was fixed in place, the jump in mid-air also stopped in mid-air, the flow stopped flowing, and everything here seemed to stop suddenly.

Just when several people were still wondering what was going on, they suddenly heard a sound outside. This was the sound of vinegar after the gas explosion. Qiu Gu could barely see the situation outside. The sky turned purple, and a large mass of purple gas came from the outside. The face slipped in. These were purple clouds, which came in from the sky, and the light and golden light also shone into the hall.

Eight unicorns rushed in from the outside. In the middle of the unicorn dragged a sedan chair. The sedan chair was made of purple gold and inlaid with all kinds of rare jewelry. Even the curtain of the sedan chair was not ordinary. Unexpectedly, it flashed colorful light from time to time, crystal clear, but you can't see what was sitting inside. Who.

The people in the hall were surprised, but they couldn't express their expressions.

Soon a person came out of the sedan chair. This man walked out slowly at a steady pace. He was an old man who looked like he might be over 100 years old. His beard was very long and dragged to the ground, but it was light. His hair was also dragged to the ground. He was white and white and clear. Xinghui, you can only see the skin on both sides of his eyes, nose and jawbone. Obviously, this is not an old man who matches his age.

The old man held a dust in his hand, and there was a unicorn horn in the middle of the dust, shining colorfully. This person knew at a glance that he was not an ordinary person, or a great god.

The old man floated down, threw the dust on his wrist, and said to the old hunchback, " apprentice, do you know what wrong you have made?"

Hearing the fairy say this, the old hunchback on the ground suddenly knelt down and said, "di zi damn it, disciple damn it."

"Everyone has a death, and it depends on yourself whether you should die or not. What you have done today is not deserve to die, but you have violated God's will. The Shang Dynasty has exhausted its spirit. Nuwa has sent someone to conform to God's will, but you have mixed up on the way. How can I tell Nuwa? Not long ago, Nuwa seemed to come to deal with you, but she came to talk to me because of my face. I found that you actually sneaked out of the mountain. Are you, are you tired of living in Ziyun Mountain?

"They are all confused for a while. I hope the master will forgive me." The old hunchback said.

"Forget it, it seems that this is also a disaster in your life. Let's go back to Ziyun Mountain with me." The fairy said, waved his hand and saw that the cube immediately took it back, and the old hunchback suddenly disappeared in front.

When the fairy was about to leave, he suddenly stopped, looked at Qiu Gu, smiled and said, "King Zhou is the last king of the Great Shang Dynasty. It is God's will. Don't do it. You still have your own things to do. Do your own things."

The fairy said and added, "That little brother with all gods, you have to restrain your anger in the future." Saying that, everything slowly became transparent and soon disappeared.

Those stopped times suddenly returned to normal. Qiu Gu can finally move normally, but Qiu Gu doesn't seem to be able to move. Looking outside the hall in the distance, it seems that he can still see the fairy's body.

"Hey, hey, brother, are you all right?" Liu Lianyi and Shangguan Qinger have stood in front of Qiu Gu.

Qiu Gu then reacted and asked, "Who was that person just now? Is this the god you are talking about?"

"It should be the head of Ziyun Mountain. It must be an ordinary person to have that kind of power. Didn't you see the old hunchback calling him master? He was subdued by one move or even without a trick. He must be an old fairy of Ziyun Mountain.

"Wow, this is the power of the ancient gods. It's too powerful. It's really awesome." Qiu Gu was still there and sighed.

And the distant King of Zhou no longer knew where he had run to, and the soldiers outside the hall had surrounded him.

In the face of these soldiers, Qiu Gu ignored the way and summoned Li Yun, Liu Lianyi and Shangguan Qinger to leave this place quickly. Originally, Qiu Gu planned to kill the faint king, but later when he remembered the old fairy's words, Qiu Gu felt that it was okay. Everything in the world had God's will.

The three of Qiu Gu flew back to Zhou Peng's inn, and Qiu Gu still held the universe bag tightly in his hand.