shake the nine bream

Chapter 84 Forbidden Art--Queen Ant's Wrath

Soon those termites wrapped He Shengwei in it, and the whole He Shengwei looked like a sand dune full of ants in the distance.

Although Qiu Jisen did not bring magic weapons, these spells will not be forgotten. Without the power of these spells, these spells could not be exerted to the maximum effect, but Qiu Jisen did not expect to win so soon.

Qiu Jisen and Lu Shou slowly stood up and were about to go to have a look. Suddenly, a knife from Lu Shou's chest and penetrated through the front. The blood immediately burst out. Qiu Jisen was shocked and pulled Lu Shou to the distance, but the blood still couldn't stop flowing out. , Qiu Jisen found that the termites just gnawed was just a body. The real He Shengwei stood in the distance, holding a long sword drawn with ink in his hand, and the sword was black mixed with blood and ink flowing with disgusting **.

"You...!" Lu Shou looked at He Shengwei in surprise. The sword in He Shengwei's hand suddenly melted into ink. Lu Shou's face also changed, and his whole face began to turn black, and even his tongue and lips began to turn black.

"Brother, what's wrong with you?" Qiu Jisen asked.

"No, I'm poisoned!" Lu Shou suddenly fell down and twitched on the ground. Seeing Lu Shou's pain, Qiu Jisen didn't know what to do, so he could only shout at He Shengwei, "What have you done to him?"

He Shengwei said indifferently and happily, "I didn't do anything. It's just that the ink used for the sword just now is very poisonous. I think your brother is highly poisoned, right? As far as I know, the effect of this ink is to make the poisoned person die in great pain and finally turn into a pool of pus. Seeing that your younger brother won't last long, just say what you want to say, or go down and talk to him later?

In the face of He Sheng's fearful provocation, Qiu Jisen had no choice but to hold his dying brother tightly. Looking at Lu Shou's very painful appearance, Qiu Jisen couldn't stand it. He couldn't stand the pain in front of his brother in front of him. He only looked at Qiu Jisen's neck behind his back and hugged Lu Shou, and then Twist, this solved Lu Shou's life. Lu Shou's final expression was kind, which was better than turning into pus.

Seeing that Qiu Jisen actually understood Lu Shou's life over there, He Sheng smiled treacherously and said, "Do you really believe it? What I just told you is false. That toxin is at most painful for him. I didn't expect you to solve his life by yourself. Your brother is really cruel enough, but it's good. Anyway, he won't live long after piercing his heart.

Hearing He Shengwei's words, Qiu Jisen opened his eyes wide and burst into tears, which was extremely angry but helpless.

Qiu Jisen slowly stood up, pointed to He Shengwei in the distance and gritted his teeth and said, "You, you bastard, you want to die, don't you? I'll make you die ugly today."

"Oh? Make me die ugly? Just you? Don't you look at yourbei, don't you look at your strength? With that, I laughed sarcastically.

Qiu Jisen did not bring any magic weapon, but Qiu Jisen will have a forbidden skill. This forbidden skill is a taboo in summoning and is absolutely prohibited, because this forbidden skill is life-threatening and will make people lose their minds, so as to avoid people who use this move from falling into In the crazy killing, or being turned over and swallowed by the summons, this forbidden book has been destroyed.

In a coincidence, Qiu Jisen inadvertently read the book and learned some of it. Some of the tips were still firmly remembered in his heart. Originally, he did not intend to use this, but the current situation has reached the point of being forced helplessness.

I only saw that Qiu Jisen bit his finger, and then drew a rune-like thing on his forehead. Then he saw that Qiu Jisen stabbed his abdomen with his hand. Blood suddenly came straight out, and his intestines also fell to the ground, forming a blood pool on the ground.

He felt a little cruel when he saw the scene in front of him. He didn't expect anyone to self-harm like this.

Soon the blood stains on Qiu Jisen's ground actually began to move, forming a rune and rotating into a circle. Qiu Jisen summoned up his last strength and stepped into it. Those blood stains suddenly rushed up and surrounded Qiu Jisen in the blood curtain, and the blood fell down. I can't see Qiu Jisen.

Just when He Shengwei was still curious about what he was going to do, suddenly a large white hand stretched out from the blood curtain, and then a white hand stretched out, and six hands stretched out several times in a row. In total, there were three pairs, all white, huge, and looked still Flowing **, it's a little disgusting. There are many barbs on the hand, just like a ox, or the hand of a giant ant.

Soon those blood curtains slowly became scarce, and the whole body of the monster slowly appeared, about five or six meters. In fact, it was only a plush ant, but the center of the head was embedded with Qiu Jisen's head, which looked a little disgusting. Any insect plus size appeared on the surface. It will be a little disgusting, not to mention a person's head embedded in it.

He Shengwei did not dare to relax when he saw this style. He hurriedly took out the quaternary token and finishing touch, took out a scroll from behind, ready to meet the enemy.

The termite seems to be completely inhuman and uncontrolled, and Qiu Jisen's head is also closed and looks dead.

The termite soon rushed towards He Shengwei. The momentum was very fierce, and it also formed a cyan protective shield in front of the termite. Seeing here, He Shengwei knew that he did not dare to slack off. With a stroke, a huge Rashomon was generated in the scroll of He Shengwei, and immediately imaged it. He Shengwei's front generated a huge Rashomon, and the termite suddenly hit this Rashomon. Even if Rashomon was very hard, it was pushed back fiercely, and He Shengwei's footsteps had to retreat a little.

He Shengwei didn't expect that a little boy could use so much power, and the surprise was not over. He just saw that the mouth of the huge termite actually began to spit out some emerald **. These ** began to spread over Rashomon and began to dissolve Rashomon quickly, but He Shengwei I have never encountered such a situation. Logically, this door is one of the strongest defenses, and it has been melted like this.

Those emerald ** seem to be very soluble. He Shengwei had to give up the defense in front of him, and then retreated to the distance. With a stroke, the thick clouds wrapped He Shengwei in it. This is He Shengwei's old trick. He Shengwei has always been afraid. Use this as a blindfold to confuse the enemy and give yourself time to draw things one by one to launch an offensive.

The old trick, many skeleton soldiers and flying crows flew out towards the termites.

The offensive of these flying crows and skeleton soldiers was not weak, but the attack on the huge termite had no effect. The termites continued to move forward, recovered from standing to lying down, and rushed towards He Shengwei. He Sheng was shocked, because the termites were about to come in front of him.

There was nothing he could do. He Shengwei didn't expect to make his own big move to deal with an ordinary disciple.

I only saw He Shengwei bite his finger, dip some blood stains with a finishing touch, stroked it on the scroll, and shouted, "Blood sea!"

shouted and saw that a sea of blood was immediately formed in front of He Shengwei. The sea of blood emerged from the ground and suddenly sank into a deep ditch from the ground. The deep ditch was flowing with these blood seas. The blood sea blocked the termites's way forward, but the termites still jumped over at once. This is He Sheng How can a terrible move be so simple to make an opening?

The sea of blood spewed out quickly, like a flood rushing towards the termites, drowning the termites in it.

You can see termites struggling in the distance. The sea water of the sea of blood is like glue, wrapping termites in it. You can only see the struggle of termites and making a sharp cry, just like a burned spider, because the sea of the sea of blood can not only stick to people, but also is corrosive. .

Seeing the terrible cry of termites, He Shengwei knew that this place could not stay. He was not sure whether the termite and Naqiu Jisen were dead or alive. He Shengwei hurriedly flew out of the boundaries of the ethereal mountains.

Sure enough, in the middle of the night, the sentries on the ethereal mountain quickly flew to the scene of the crime, and then Danyang and Chenyuan also rushed to the scene. The scene was already full of people, and they were talking about something, which made many people panic and guessed that the power of Liu Daosenluo was getting stronger and stronger, and today, when the three The power of the sect is indeed completely impossible to fight against it.

There is no trace of the sea of blood at the scene. There is only one body of Qiu Jisen, which has been corroded. The flesh and blood have been decomposed, and even the appearance can't be seen clearly. As Qiu Jisen's master, Danyang can only barely recognize this person as Qiu Jisen. This method is also recognized by the dust. This is Liu Daosen Luo Youhu What's the fear of the law?

Piao Miao Mountain has been unfinished and has risen again, and three disciples of Miaolufeng have died in a row. Why are the murderer afraid of it, but he has already fled?

Danyang vowed to find out what he was afraid to make his life worse than death!

The hidden rain man's split in the distance sees all this in his eyes. The rain man's concealment can be said to be the strongest in the human world, and no one has found his whereabouts on the top of the mountain. Only after he often feels that he can copy the man, the power of the rain man has been well used by him, replicating many clones while investigating the data of all parties.

The guards of Piaomiao Mountain have been strengthened, and a team of 200 people has been organized to prepare to attack Six Dawsonro at any time. Because the detectives of Piaomiao Mountain have come to report that there are traces of Six Dawsonro's activities in many places. The task of this team is to make six Dawsonro Blood and blood repayment.

On the other side, Shang Fangjian was recovering from his injury in a mysterious place. He was inorganically dead. Shang Fangjian did not want to stay in Liudao Senluo, but he could not get rid of it, so Shang Fangjian began to plan his career.


"Rshomon" was originally a story in the Buddhist Zen scriptures. Later, after Buddhism was introduced to Japan, it merged with local Japanese legends and had the meaning of "the gate between the world and hell." "Luoshengmen" was originally written as "Luochengmen" in Japanese Chinese characters, and the most primitive meaning refers to the gate located in "Luocheng (the outer wall of the city, that is, the outer city)", that is, "Beijing Gate". Due to the perennial war in ancient Japan, corpses were everywhere. Many unnamed dead bodies were dragged to the tower and abandoned. After being in disrepair and decadent, they then looked desolate and gloomy. Over the years, people have developed the impression of gloomy and ghosts, so there is a ghost story that "Rshomon" is the gate to hell.