shake the nine bream

Chapter 89 Danxia Valley

Danxia Valley,

It is said that Nuwa, the ancestor of human beings, took water here to make people. She picked five-colored stones in the Jinjiang River to make up for the sky, and lay on the bank of the river and became a stone. Emperor Shun's southern patrol once climbed the mountain in Danxia and ordered 36 stones. Since then, literati monks have come to the mountain, and the incense has flourished.

The 290-square-kilometer red mountain group is known as Danxia Valley,

Danxia Valley is located on the southwest side of the mainland of China. It is a corner extending from the Himalayas. There is a very magical geomorphological feature here, that is, the mountains, soil and stones here are all red, like Danxia. From a distance, you think it is a fairyland. Indeed, people have arrived at this place. It is inevitable that they will be confused by the scenery here, which makes people think that they have come to a place that does not belong to the world, so some people say that this place is only because it is in the sky, and there is a chance to see it on earth.

For Shang Fangjian, his first feeling of coming here is also like this. Although Shang Fangjian has also seen many amazing places, this place is undoubtedly the most magical place he has ever seen.

Stepping into this magical place, the dense jungle surrounds Shang Fang's sword. Although it is a jungle, it does not feel very humid. The feeling here is very refreshing. It feels like walking on the autumn road. The ground is soft and textured to step on it.

The trees here are very tall, and most of them grow straight. Unexpectedly, there is no bending or too many branches in the middle. It looks very clean and neat. The largest thing in this place is bamboo, which is full of bamboo, so that a natural beauty is formed here, that is, the bamboo sea and The houses built by the locals with bamboo are staggered on some local slopes, which is very eye-catching from afar.

Someone is a good thing, which means that you can ask a lot of useful information here. The useful information for Shang Fangjian is the news of Nisheng. If Nisheng often comes to this place, then a strange creature must be able to attract the attention of local people.

Sure enough, as soon as Shang Fangjian entered the village, he opened a sign on a road sign at the door, which described:

There is often a mud monster in the mountains and forests. The monster has a human form, sometimes helps people and sometimes hurts people. It is a moody monster. It hereby shows that everyone can go up the mountain as much as possible to avoid accidents.

Seeing this sign, Shang Fangjian smiled. He didn't expect the news to come so easily. Before he entered the village, Shang Fangjian had turned around and was ready to leave. Suddenly, a man stopped Shang Fangjian.

Shang Fangjian turned around calmly and saw that this was a man in his early 40s, with an old pipe in his mouth and a basket on his back. He looked like a local farmer. When he saw that Shang Fangjian was about to leave the village empty-handed, the middle-aged man hurried forward, looked at Shang Fangjian all over, and then said "Foreigners?"

"Yes, what's wrong?" Shang Fangjian replied.

"Did you see what was written on this sign?"

"What's wrong with seeing it? Is there a problem?"

"No problem, do you want to go up the mountain alone?"

"Yes, what's wrong?"

"Can't you read? There are monsters on this mountain. It's evening now. Are you still going up the mountain? Aren't you afraid of death?"

Afraid of death? I have never been afraid of death. How can I be afraid of a mud monster?

Hearing Shang Fangjian's words, the middle-aged man looked at Shang Fangjian's clothes and saw that Shang Fangjian's face was full of resoluteness and masculinity. He said, "You are also a practitioner, but I really advise you not to go up the mountain at night. Even if it is not the time for the monster at night, you'd better not go, such as If you meet other beasts, it will be difficult for you to fight.

Shang Fangjian smiled and said, "Beast? Don't be afraid, it's just that what's wrong with the monster you said won't haunt at night? In fact, I came here to find that monster.

Hearing Shang Fangjian say this, the middle-aged man was even more strange. He didn't expect that someone would deliberately come to this monster, so he asked in surprise, "What are you looking for that monster for? Are you looking for death from other places?

"That's not true." With that, Shang Fangjian said with an inspiration, "Actually, I'm a practitioner. I came to this place for you except this monster."

Now the farmer laughed and said with great joy, "Oh, well, that's great, but the monster is very powerful. Can you deal with it?"

"Don't worry, this is definitely not a problem, but I still don't understand. Brother, what did you say that the monster didn't come out at night? When did he come out?

"Actually, according to some old people for many years, the monster came out the earliest time. I heard that it was to catch some insects to eat. The moisture in the morning is the heaviest, the soil is also relatively loose, and it is also more convenient to catch some insects. Presumably the monster got up early for this reason."

In this way, it happens that the information of Monk Fangjian coincides. Earthworms like to come out in the morning, and Muisheng likes an earthworm in the soil here. "Well, haha, I didn't expect this monster to be more particular about it, so I'll wait until tomorrow morning to go up the mountain."

"This is the best. I don't know where the hero lives tonight? Have you eaten yet?" The farmer said enthusiastically.

"It doesn't matter if I live there, but I haven't eaten this meal."

The farmer was overjoyed and said, "That's just right. Let's stay at my place tonight. Even if I make dinner, I'll give you a taste of our special food so that we can perform for the strong men."

Why does Shang Fangjian always feel so awkward when he hears the farmer say this? It seems to be on the execution ground, but it is also difficult to shirk the kindness of this farmer. Anyway, it's okay to come now, and it's not too much to have a good meal.

Talking and laughing, Shang Fangjian followed the farmer to prepare to go to his house. On the way, Shang Fangjian felt the enthusiasm of the people here, which reminded him of some of the past and remembered that when he was still in the Piaomiao Mountain, he met the local enthusiastic people on a mission. It was also this scene to eliminate harm for the people. That mood is happy, but it's a pity that Shang Fangjian hasn't felt it for a long time, which makes Shang Fangjian a little moved.

It was also dark here. Less than half an hour after walking, it was already half dark. As soon as I got to the farmer's house, the farmer's wife came out and saw her husband bringing a stranger. The woman couldn't help but be a little unhappy. He asked, "Old ghost, is this your friend?"

The farmer seemed to be very afraid of his wife and said with a hurried smile, "No, no, no, it's just a friend of fate. Is he here to drink?" With that, the farmer pulled Shang Fangjian over, and then patted Shang Fangjian on the shoulder and said, "He is a practitioners. He is awesome. This time he came here to get rid of the monsters on the mountain for our village. He is a warrior. Don't worry, madam."

"Well, it should be sent to the village head. Why did you bring it to your home?"

Seeing the old woman's poor appearance, Shang Fangjian hurriedly said, "Why don't I go first? It's not good to bother your family."

"Don't leave. If you can do such a thing for our village, we should provide you with a shelter from the wind and rain. Moreover, if the strong man succeeds, our family will also benefit from the glory. Don't you think so? Come into the house and enter the house."

"Oh, you're welcome."

"In this case, come in quickly. I'm just cooking. Anyway, I haven't eaten good food for a long time. Since the guests have come, let's have meat by the way today." The old woman said and went into the house.

After entering the house, Shang Fangjian soon saw a five-year-old child. Presumably this was their child. Both of them were old but there was only such a child, which made Shang Fangjian understand why the farmer loved his wife so much.

"Is this your child?" Shang Fangjian asked. The farmer and Shang Fangjian chatted vigorously, so the peasant woman went to cook and soon asked about the seductive fragrance in the room, which attracted Shang Fangjian's curiosity and asked, "I don't know what the lady is doing. It smells so good."

"Oh, these are some of our specialties here. You will know what they are in a while." The farmer said as he bought the gate.

The expectation was finally over. The peasant woman brought up the last dish and only saw that there were five dishes on the table, and it smelled very attractive. Shang Fangjian asked curiously one by one.

"What is this red-looking soup?"

"This is our specialty. It's a Miao sour soup. It's made from tomatoes and bayberry. It's very delicious with some beef. Try it first!"

With that, the farmer picked up a piece of meat for Shang Fangjian. Shang Fangjian couldn't wait to taste a piece. Wow, the taste was sour and delicious. The fresh fragrance of beef was displayed on the other side, and the taste of people quickly stimulated in the mouth. This was indeed the first good dish to eat, which immediately opened Shang Fangjian's sense of taste.

"This is puffer fish ball soup, this is plum vegetable meat, this is charcoal grilled pine mushroom, this is drunken fried rob!" Hearing the peasant woman introduce that dish, she couldn't help but make Shang Fangjian have a big appetite. He suddenly ate nine bowls of rice. If it hadn't been for the stomach, Shang Fangjian would have eaten it.

The biggest feature of puffer fish ball soup is deliciousness. This is the most delicious soup Shang Fangjian has ever eaten. Shang Fangjian is still afraid that he may not be able to eat such a delicious fish soup in the future, and the taste of plum meat is an indescribable feeling. It seems that he ate a very special meat, but he was surprised to find that I ate pork. I didn't expect the pig's head to be so delicious on such a plum dish. Needless to say, the taste is excellent. The delicious taste created by nature seems to be only eaten above the sky. Stir-fried robs with wine is very different from the usual robs. It feels like combining the wheat fragrance of wine with the natural fragrance of lob. It is sour and tender, and it is very far away from the meal. This is the reason why Shang Fangjian ate so many bowls of rice. Later, Shang Fangjian hated this dish very much, because it was because of this dish that Shang Fangjian could not eat more other dishes.

Shang Fangjian didn't expect to eat such delicious food here. It can be said to be a great blessing in life to have such treatment when traveling. Being able to meet such a warm person in a foreign country makes Shang Fangjian happy.

At night, Shang Fangjian is still thinking about the lovely and warm pictures of the family, the smoothness of the beef, the fluffy taste of the sky, and the unique fragrance of pufferfish.