shake the nine bream

Chapter 91 Shark's fin

Shang Fangjian and Nisheng have arrived near the sea. Nisheng came to this place like Shang Fangjian in a very ordinary way. It is absolutely difficult to see that this is a person composed of mud.

This seaside is called Bohai Bay. The two came to this place to find one of the lost seven blades. Their goal is a knife called shark fins. According to the mud memory, this knife looks like a shark's fin. It is about one meter away, and it is much easier to have a rough shape. According to the information on Shang Fangjian's side, this knife called shark fin is in the deep sea of Bohai Bay.

Coming to this place is to experience the feeling of entering the ocean. Mud is afraid to enter the sea. Fire and water are the things that Mud are most afraid of. Fire will dry the mud, and the water will dilute the mud. There is nothing we can do in this mission. Mudling can only observe it on one side.

But that's just a later thing. The problem I encounter now is that although I know it's in Bohai Bay, I don't know where it is. In this way, it's troublesome. It's equivalent to the feeling of looking for a needle in Haiti. The radius of Bohai Bay is within his range, and there are dozens of meters or even a few miles under the sea. 100 meters deep, I'm afraid it's difficult to find it for a lifetime.

But the two heard such a saying in a local harbor that sharks are the most in one of the places in Bohai Bay. People have died tragically in that place all year round. That place is called shark tank, and few people go there to play. Some local old people said that there must be something in the deep sea of that place. Something is attracting those sharks.

Sharks will look for smell in the sea, and female sharks will emit a smell to bring many male sharks closer, and this is what Muisheng is looking for. Muisheng knows that the shark fin has a feature of this knife, that is, it is made of the broken fin of a thousand-year-old female shark, which can explain the reason. The place called Shark Tank must have attracted a large number of sharks because of this thing.

When I came to the place of the shark tank, I only saw a fallen sign in the fallen grass next to it, which said that this place used to be called the American port, but I didn't expect it to become a wastewater port now. This is already an abandoned fishing port, and you can also see the prosperity of this fishing port around it. Some Large but seriously damaged boards are still placed around, and some used fishing nets are everywhere. If you are not careful, you will hook your feet. Through a high reed, the two come to a place near the water. The harbor in the distance can be clearly seen.

Mud can't go into the water, but he can't help anything. He can only watch Shang Fangjian go down on the shore.

Shang Fangjian is ready to go into the water. Some spells learned from Liu Daosenluo were used at this time. Just look at Shang Fangjian's hands printed and make a circle in the air, and then drew a circle around his body. Suddenly, he saw a big bubble generated and Shang Fang Jian was shrouded in it.

"Wait here for a moment, and I'll go down and have a look." Shang Fangjian said, and then controlled the bubble and jumped into the water. Mud Sheng was about to speak in time. Shang Fangjian had arrived in the water.

"This boy is really a straightforward guy!" Nisheng can only say to himself like this.

When you enter the sea, you can see that there are no other creatures in the sea, only swimming sharks. This must be a nightmare for an ordinary diver, but Shang Fangjian is not afraid. Instead, those sharks are afraid of Shang Fangjian, which seems to come out in his body. What makes those sharks dare not approach at all? Sharks are animals with a strong sixth sense and strong senses. They can feel the existence of danger and measure their strength. Some old fishermen have an old saying: sharks can only attack with certainty.

Obviously, these sharks are not sure about Shang Fangjian, but they all swim around and dare not approach them. It is relatively rare for Shang Fangjian to see sharks so close. These fierce sea beasts in ordinary life dare not approach.

This bay is not very big, and it is not very difficult to find anything. Shang Fangjian thought that since it is made of the fin of the female shark, it is very likely that the place with the largest number of sharks is the hiding place of the knife. In this way, Shang Fangjian soon found a large cluster of sharks swimming around in the distance, surrounded by a snail. The spiral look wanders in the distance.

Shang Fangjian slowly approached, and some sharks gave way one after another. Of course, some sharks did not give way. This is like the mating season. It is inevitable that some male animals like to pick thorns to show off their bravery. This kind of thing was encountered by Shang Fangjian.

Soon a few sharks rushed towards Shang Fangjian. These sharks are the strongest sharks. They may think that they are very strong. Naturally, they can't be pressed on their heads. Even if it is dangerous, they have to risk trying, but some things can't be tried easily.

When those sharks approached Shang Fangjian, they were not too close. The punishment light in Shang Fang's sword's hand had cut off their heads. Those sharks were still looking at Shang Fangjian with big eyes. Maybe they had not understood what was going on, but they had been beheaded.

Shang Fangjian continued to float towards the bottom of the shark vortex. Soon, there was something at the bottom, which was similar to a fish fin, which was indeed the same as the shape of the shark fin described before. Shang Fangjian was very happy to see here and did not expect to find this thing like this.

Shang Fangjian accelerated his speed and floated over there, but there was danger hidden at the quiet seabed. When Shang Fangjian was about to get the shark fins, several tentacles suddenly shot out of the trench behind the shark fins. These are the tentacles of the octopus. According to this block, the size of the octopus is still Not small, he suddenly trapped Shang Fangjian and the shark fin and pulled it back into the trench. Shang Fangjian hurriedly gathered the light of punishment into a lightsaber, but the stumbling in the process of pulling was really difficult to control. After a fierce struggle, Shang Fangjian cut off the sleep in chaos. Those tentacles on the surface of your body.

However, the tentacles were cut off, but the shark fins were pulled to the depths of the trench by the huge shopkeeper. Shang Fangjian had no choice but to continue to follow. At this time, Shang Fangjian was real. The evil king had been taken in his hands, and the fierceness of the punishment became heavier, and the speed of Shang Fangjian also appeared in the sea. Extraordinarily quickly, Shang Fangjian rushed to the octopus. The angry Shang Fangjian immediately made a big move. Thousands of huge punishments sealed the route in front of him, and the octopus was torn to pieces in an instant. This was the consequence of provoking things that should not be provoked. Originally, the octopus was just borrowing He helped the shark fin to attract the prey, but he didn't expect to find the disaster of killing himself.

The blood of the octopus dyed the whole trench at the bottom of the sea. Fortunately, Shang Fangjian could barely find the direction with the light of punishment, but it was not easy to find a knife more than one meter long in the chaos. Suddenly, Shang Fangjian had an idea and took advantage of the surrounding Things were still slowly falling, and I saw that Shang Fangjian suddenly began to rotate in place, and soon formed a huge vortex, which sucked the surrounding Dingxi towards that side.

Including the stone coral and the surrounding sharks, they were sucked, and of course, they also included the shark fin scattered in the sea. The shark fins were adsorbed. Suddenly, the vortex suddenly stopped. Shang Fangjian's hand had held the shark fin tightly, and the shark fins had arrived.

You can see the whole face of the shark fin in your hand. This is a very strange-shaped knife. It really looks like a shark fin, but it is very sharp. I don't know how to deal with this process.

The mud on the shore is digging earthworms on the ground. He has nothing to do. This is his favorite sport. He hopes to find some new varieties here. Sure enough, he has found a new variety, but it looks really disgusting. He is very big and looks like a pig worm, wriggling fiercely. When Musheng was about to put this thing in his mouth for a while, suddenly there was an explosion on the sea. A sword light rushed out of the sea, and the non-raining sky also rained because of this explosion. It fell down like a downpour, making the mud wet all over. He became a wet clay figurine, and the earthworm in his hand had also slipped off by the melted hand.

"Have you made a mistake? Don't exaggerate so much." Nisheng said that the melted body quickly recovered.

Shang Fangjian quickly landed from the sky, followed by a shark fin that suddenly inserted into the wooden board next to it.

"Is this what you want?" Shang Fangjian asked.

Seeing that the shark fin was really found, Nisheng was very happy and ran over with joy, turned around the shark fin and said, "Yes, yes, it's this knife."

"Well, six Dawsonro has collected wolf teeth and cow bones. Now with the shark fins and tiger thorns in your hand, there are already four, and the remaining three have been obtained, so our transaction and agreement will begin."

"Don't worry, I'm a person who guards Chen Nuo. No, I'm a mud guarding Chen Nuo." Nisheng said and held the shark fin in his hand and looked like he couldn't put it down.

Shang Fangjian can't figure it out. This is just an ordinary knife. At most, it is a little special in appearance. I don't know what's strange about Nisheng. He can't put it down to such a knife, which makes Shang Fangjian feel strange and asked.

"I don't know what's so strange about this thing? I heard that it was made by the old man Tianshan, which should not be an ordinary knife. Looking at the way you can't put it down, don't you know what magical power it has?

"What power can you have? It's just a strange-looking knife. Well, let's go to the next stop. You should be the kind of person you can't wait to." Nisheng said.

And on the other side, all this has been reported to Chang Jue in the eyes of the rain man. Chang Jue said with a smile, "It's going well. Haha, you prepare the wolf's teeth and cow bones, and then I'll take a look at the treasure of the seven killer blades."

"So these seven knives can be combined?"

"The old man in Tianshan can't create waste. These seven killing blades hide some strange forces. I heard that they have the power to control beasts. Although it is not a powerful skill, it is not bad. After all, this is a thing made by mortals who don't know magic."

"What is the beginning of the old man Tianshan?"

"The old man Tianshan is an iron refiner. He is famous for his love to refine some very magical weapons. He is the first person whose mortal body can build magic weapons. Later, he lived in seclusion in Tianshan and didn't care about the world. I once persuaded him to join me, but he was unyielding, so he was killed by me."

In the face of Changjue's statement, Yuren is a little speechless. It can be heard from Changjue's words that things are definitely not so simple. It sounds like Changjue has a grudge against this old man in Tianshan.