shake the nine bream

Chapter 95 Island

Under the storm, Shang Fangjian followed the old fisherman to the edge of the islands. At the edge of the island, the boat actually fell off. At this critical time, neither of them thought that this thing would fall off. Now the old fisherman panicked, because of the sharks around him It is the most. Coupled with this weather, these sharks will definitely dump their nests to hunt.

"Let's get up quickly in this shallow. There are sharks everywhere!" The old fisherman shouted, regardless of the boat that had become fragments, and began to look at the island and rush. Shang Fangjian grabbed the old fisherman and said, "It's okay. Just follow me!"

With that, Shang Fangjian took out the great evil king. Seeing the great evil king in Shang Fangjian's hand, the old fisherman couldn't help but feel cold. A sense of depression and fear immediately came to his heart. Lao Yugu didn't know why he had such a feeling, but it was not just the old fisherman who had such a feeling, but around him Those sharks also seemed to have the same feeling, and they didn't dare to approach. They all circled around Shang Fangjian and the old fisherman.

"What kind of sword are you? Even sharks dare not approach!" The old fisherman asked.

"You don't have to worry about this. Let's go ashore first. The weather is very abominable. I want to find the monster quickly. I'll leave after the mission!" Shang Fangjian said.

The two quickly went to the shore. When they got to the shore, the old fisherman kept picking up some shells around him. Shang Fangjian couldn't understand why and asked, "What are you doing?" Is it useful to see these things?

"Of course, it's useful. Our boat is also broken. I don't know how long it will take in this place. You know that few people come to this place, so these shells must come in handy. I'm going to bake these things later."

"Roast these things to eat? Can these things be roasted and eaten?

"Of course. It seems that you are indeed a stranger. The taste of roasted shells is excellent. I think we may stay here for a while. How can we not eat!" The old man said.

Shang Fangjian didn't expect that the old man would think of so many follow-up things. Sure enough, he was experienced. In this way, Shang Fangjian also felt that he was indeed a little hungry.

After rushing to the shore, the old fisherman quickly found a place next to him, and then quickly built a shelter with the palm leaves next to him. Two small ditches were dug on both sides of the shelter to remove water, and then spread a layer of soft leaves on the ground, and the temporary shelter was built. Seeing that the old man finished all this so quickly, Shang Fangjian was stunned.

"It seems that the old man is really old and strong!" Shang Fangjian said.

After being tired for a long time, the old fisherman could finally take a rest. Hearing Shang Fangjian say this, the old man just smiled and took out a stone from his back. I don't know when, and then he saw that some firewood had been prepared. Soon the old fisherman built a firewood and rubbed it with the two stones. After wiping it a few times, I saw that the spark was beaten out. In a while, the fire was lit in this humid environment. With the fire, there was warmth. There was also hope in this environment. The old fisherman put all the shells on it in an experienced manner and began to handcuff them.

"Just put it on it and bake it?" Shang Fangjian asked, of course, he didn't know these things before, let alone doing such things in the wilderness, and he was inexperienced.

"Yes, this is how you bake it, so that you can copy the salt in the sea water into the shell meat. This seafood is naturally delicious and does not need to add anything extra. After it is cooked, the shell will open the shell by itself, and you will know that it is delicious."

Soon those shells opened their shells one after another. Shang Fangjian picked up a piece curiously, and then sent the shell meat to his mouth. At first, it was very hot, and he almost spit out Shang Fangjian. This was an inexperienced consequence, but the latter one was delicious. These shells were really delicious. , ordinary people are really hard to taste such delicious. The salty taste of seawater has been absorbed. Sure enough, no salt needs to be added. Those natural seafood flavors are perfectly preserved, and the mouth melts through the mouth into the stomach. Immediately, the whole mouth can feel the beautiful taste, as if it is swimming. Same in the sea.

"Yes, is this the place where the monster is located?" Shang Fangjian asked.

"Yes, I met here. This is true. I remember that I was only 18 years old and went to sea with my father, and we came to this place. At that time, the weather here was much better than now. Although it was good weather, there were waves that were bigger than the waves just now. The whole wave involved my father into the sea. I relied on the pole of the sail and saw that it was a monster in the water. His upper body was a human body, but the lower body was the body of a fish. You may say that it was the legend of the mermaid, but it was not a mermaid. The mermaid had fish scales, but the demon Strangely, there were no fish scales. His lower body was very smooth and looked like a smooth ham sausage. That time I lost my father. Later, when I was 40 years old, I met the monster here. At that time, it seemed that he didn't notice me. I only saw a huge whale flying out. The sea flew out like a gunfish, and then turned into a person's shape in mid-air and walked to this island. At that time, I also used this boat, which may not be inconspicuous at all, so I was not seen by the monster. I dare to confirm that it was this island, this sea.

"That's good. When the rain here is over, I will go to kill this monster. At that time, I will contact you to save you. Just stay here."

"Kill that monster? What are you talking about? You are by no means his opponent. He is a monster. You are a mortal. How can you fight with him?

"Strictly speaking, I'm not a mortal. You should also be able to see the behavior of those sharks just now. I'm from the real world. I'm here to kill that monster. Don't worry, as long as you don't move here. After I kill him, I'll call someone to save you."

"Are you really from the world of cultivation? Which faction is it? Is it a demon hunter?"

"Demon Catcher? Of course, it's just scattered people. I'm..." Shang Fangjian suddenly hesitated. I don't know whether he is from Piaomiaoshan or Liudao Senluo. He said that Piaomiaoshan is indeed a lot of glory, but he is no longer. He is afraid that Liudao Senluo will be spurned. In the end, Shang Fangjian can only say that he is A scattered man formed a team called Cheetah.

Cheetah? This name, it seems that you want to hunt something, are these monsters? The old fisherman asked.

"Of course not, forget it, you will remember the name later." Shang Fangjian said and walked out of the shelter. The weather had slowly changed, and the weather on the sea came and went quickly. At this time, the dark clouds had slowly receded and the sun began to show its head.

"Thank you for leading the way. I'll go first!" Shang Fangjian said, and then summoned Dao Liyun and flew to the sky. Shang Fangjian learned a spell, that is, he can sense the flow of true qi around him with the help of the Great Evil King. Although he has just learned it, it can't be said that he feels it clearly, but there is only this way at present, as long as he feels the flow of true qi near here. That's fine.

Seeing Shang Fang's sword flying into the sky, the old fisherman believed that this person was really a person from the cultivation world. Seeing this, the old fisherman hurriedly took out the gold in his pocket, hurriedly bit it, and then said happily, "It's not a spell change. It seems that I sent it this time!"

Shang Fangjian is flying over the center of this island. When he flies to the sky, you can see the surrounding situation. There is only one island within a hundred miles around. The center of the island is a big mountain surrounded by five small islands, all with the largest island as the core. .

No matter so much, Shang Fangjian began to cast spells and closed his eyes to feel the flow of true qi around him. Sure enough, as soon as he closed his eyes, Shang Fangjian felt a strange phenomenon, that is, even if he closed his eyes, he could still see something, but what he saw was not what he saw with the naked eye, and It is something that can only see some blue silk, which seems to be the outline of the surrounding food. According to the formula, in these blue outlines, true qi will appear in a red state, which is the principle. As long as red things are found, then even if you feel the flow of true qi. Move.

Soon Shang Fangjian saw many such red stars around him. It seems that there are many magical things similar to Zhenqi in this sea. It is likely to be some little monsters with poor cultivation, or small monsters that have just formed.

And the whale monster should not be such a little true qi. It should be a big piece of red. Shang Fangjian hurriedly observed 360 degrees and soon saw the phenomenon of a large red true airflow on the land under his feet. The red dot was in the mountains of the largest island in the middle of the island. It looks like a cave hidden deep in the mountain, and it can be seen moving from time to time.

Shang Fangjian opened his eyes and has set a target. This is this guy, which is the monster he has been looking for for many days.

I was sure that Shang Fangjian suddenly flew over the central island of the Great Evil Dynasty and immediately landed near that point. Soon it was found that there was indeed a cave here. The cave was the kind of slope, the feeling of leading to the underground. This cave did not have The only way people can walk is the waterway. A stream flows from the top to the bottom. It seems that the monster usually flows down through this water and does not walk down at all. In this way, it is confirmed that the monster is indeed a monster related to water.

Shang Fangjian can only drive the clouds along this water flow slowly, and have to squat down, because this cave is indeed not very big. When Shang Fangjian slowly walked down, he found that the cave was getting bigger and bigger. He walked down the stream and saw that it was already here at the bottom. Converged into a pond, on which you can see the light coming down. There is also land next to this pond, and several holes on the other side of the land. I don't know where it leads to. Shang Fangjian flew to the land carefully. At present, three more holes can be entered. Of course, if you are an ordinary person, it is easy to get lost, but Shang Fangjian There was a way, and then Shang Fangjian closed his eyes and began to feel the place where the true qi came out.

Soon the mouth of the hole was confirmed, and Shang Fangjian began to walk into it. The Great Evil King held it tightly in his hand and was ready to attack at any time.