shake the nine bream

Chapter 109 Survival in the Desert 1

In the face of Zhou Peng's answer, Qiu Gu couldn't believe what he said, because it was indeed an unbelievable fact. Even if he could believe that he survived, he could not explain the golden light he had just seen, let alone explain why the wolf king did not catch up. If a ten-thousand-year-old monster wants to catch up, he absolutely It is a very easy thing, and Akiya can only be explained by one possibility, that is, the Wolf King was definitely disposed of, at least driven away.

But Qiu Gu looked at Zhou Peng's side, but he couldn't believe it, because Zhou Peng's may not even defeat a mortal, let alone a ten-year-old demon.

"How on earth did you escape? The wolf king will never give up like this." Qiu Gu continued to ask.

But Zhou Peng still smiled and said, "I really don't know. Maybe he thought it was nothing, so he didn't catch up. Can you think of other better explanations?"

Qiu Gu looked at Zhou Peng again, then gave up the idea and said, "Forget it, forget it. Now that we have escaped, let's go." With that, Qiu Gu suddenly stood up and was surprised to find that his injuries had recovered. Zhou Peng saw that all this seemed to be expected, and said unexpectedly, "Your injury is getting better so fast."

Akiya was also surprised and said, "I didn't expect it to be faster than before. I used to be injured in Piaomiao Mountain, but I didn't get better so quickly."

"This is the power of the witch. The bloodline of the descendants of the witch is the most powerful mortal body, and the recovery speed is the fastest. Maybe there may be any other magical power. Well, let's leave this place first. If the wolf king suddenly comes again, it will be difficult for us to deal with it. ."

"Ye also, which direction shall we go?" Qiu Gu asked.

"The wolf's territory is usually about three kilometers away. I'd better get out of this range first, otherwise I will still be smelled by the wolves. At present, it seems that Liu Lianyi and Shangguan Qinger have not got rid of it. We have to go to the heart of the Gobi Sea first, and finding the square sword first is also a matter." Zhou Peng said.

The two began to accelerate towards the destination.

On the other side, Shangguan Qinger and Liu Lianyi have indeed not got rid of the tracking of the rainman, which is not related to the matter of Guan Qinger and Liu Lianyi, because there is no trace of the rainman in this place at all, let alone get rid of it, and Liu Lianyi's basis for determining that the rainman will be in this place is that there is a lot of water in this place, Liu Lianyi knows that Yuren is the exploration agency of Liudao Senluo and a realist with water attributes. There is a lot of water here. Although he doesn't know where Qiu Gu and Zhou Peng went, Liu Lianyi can be sure that ten * rain people will follow him, because people will rotate to move in places that are beneficial to them, and Yuren is no exception.

However, Liu Lianyi made a mistake. He didn't know that Liu Dasenluo had a technology. Although he was being tested, he had some success on Yujin. That was copying. Yuren was copied dozens of them, one of which followed Qiugu and Zhou Peng, and his real body followed Shangguan. Qinger and Liu Lianyi.

But the split has long been eliminated, and I don't know how I was eliminated. It was a night. In such a dry environment, the rainman's split must go nearby to find a place with water, but unexpectedly, when he arrived at a When there was water, there were other people guarding that place. Before he figured out who it was, the rain man's split was. Before he turned around, he was killed directly and turned into steam. This is unreasonable. The composition of the rain man is the Tianshui used by Nuwa. Although it is copied, it is impossible to even turn around. He was killed directly without a chance.

Of course, the news of the incident spread to the ontology. Soon Chang Jue also knew about this matter, which surprised Chang Jue, and Qiu Gu and Zhou Peng's whereabouts had been lost. Chang Jue also predicted that Qiu Gu and Zhou Peng would definitely go to find the square sword. Liu Lianyi and Shangguan Qinger were just a bait.

Yuren has also withdrawn and began to rush to find the whereabouts of Qiu Gu and Zhou Peng. Liu Lianyi and Shangguan Qinger were still in the local area and did not do anything, but they did not know that Yuren had retreated.

"I didn't expect anyone else to kill you in seconds." Chang Jue said.

The body of the rainman has been found in the rain city, and Shang Fangjian is also doing it. Seeing Chang Jue saying this, Shang Fangjian also asked curiously, "Is it difficult to kill the rain man's split?"

"Yuren's body is transformed by Tianshui, which was created by Nuwa. Tianshui is immortal. Yuren's split is basically restrained by his own **. Even if it is not completely immortal, it is impossible to be killed without any information." With that, Changjue said to Yuren, "Do you know what kind of people in the world can do this today? Or has there been any new master recently?

Yuren thought for a moment, indicating that it was difficult to answer, and said, "Maybe it's just you."

"There is a man named Zhou Peng with Qiu Gu. Is this person a ghost?" The rain man said.

Chang felt that he didn't say anything for a while, and then said, "It's impossible. That guy can't feel the truth in his body at all. At most, he is an incompetent demon hunter, let alone kill your split? At present, I don't know what kind of master is helping Qiu Gu, but it can be imagined that he must be a great person. You quickly find Qiu Gu's whereabouts and continue to follow up. If you find it, tell me that you must get the square sword.

With that, the rainman went down. Shang Fangjian jumped down from a ladder, and then took out the yin and yang blade and threw it to Changjue and said, "This is the yin and yang blade."

Chang Jue pulled out the yin and yang blade that had been inserted into the ground, and then said, "This yin and yang blade has also lost its effectiveness."

"Actually, when I was in that cemetery, I saw a zombie that exerted the magical effect of this yin and yang blade. I don't know why it was a piece of scrap metal." Shang Fangjian said.

Changjue did not doubt Shang Fangjian, but said, "Your team should be all together, right?"

"It's a pity that there are four so far. Originally, my plan was five, but it seems that there are only four at present." Shang Fangjian said.

"The end of the right path is coming, and some difficult major problems must be dealt with before the war begins. The seven-star Shouyao of Wanxing Palace hopes that you can take your new team to solve it, so that only some ants in Wanxing Palace will be dealt with."

"What about the great sadness? And what about Danyang and Chenyuan? Shang Fangjian asked.

"These are a little more difficult to deal with. I have already let Chen Yuzhong deal with it. Endless because of the Buddha's reli protection, it can't be killed for the time being, and Danyang and Chenyuan are in the Piaomiao Mountain. You should know that there is a fairy sword array in Piaomiao Mountain. I'm afraid it's not good to go rashly, so there are still seven stars at present. Sadness will be resolved, and then the war will be on the verge of breaking out.

"It seems that you are ready? Is the war about to begin?" Shang Fangjian asked.

"It's almost, just one step away. Endless has persuaded some scattered Buddhist disciples in the West, and Chenyuan has also persuaded some scattered immortals. It's not time to act rashly now, but I think it's almost soon."

Shang Fangjian had gone out at this time and landed on the ground from the tower.

And Changjue also seemed to know that Shang Fangjian had left. He slowly walked from the inside to the bottom of the tower. After walking for about half an hour, Changjue came to the bottom of the tower. The bottom of the tower was already deep under the ground, about dozens of meters. After walking out of the stairs, he saw the light. I don't know what it was. With the light here, you can only see a very empty place in front of you. There is a very large tree root-like thing on the top of this empty place. There are many replicators connected to the branches of the tree root, all of which are white, as if they have not yet formed, and directly under this tree root. Fang is a large pool. The pool is very clear. When you walk to the edge of the pool, you can see the situation under the pool. There are many people standing under the pool, who are replicators. This pool is the place where those replicators are stored. After passing through the pool, you can see many replicators under the pool. The pool is even larger under the ground, and these replicators are the same as Changjue, about 100,000.

Chang Jue walked over and touched the temperature of the water, then stood up, clapped his hands and said, "It seems almost done!"

On the other side, Qiu Gu and Zhou Peng have reached the edge of the heart of the Gobi Sea. There is a sea character in the name of the heart of the Gobi Sea, but they really can't find a drop of water in this place. This is completely different from his name, which makes Qiu Gu very speechless and thirsty to look at the situation around him.

The surrounding ground is very special. It is composed of sand and stones. There are droughts in the desert and the hardships of stone roads. There is no grass around it. You can't see any green at all. You can only see a few fire on the ground. This place is a place of death. I don't know why it is called such a name. This is the most puzzling place.

"This place looks bad!" Akiya said.

"This is a good place. Six Dausen Luo's detectives are the rainmen. Rainmen dare not stay in this place often, which gives us a lot of time." Zhou Peng said.

"The air in this place is thin and the heat is so high. It seems that it is not a reasonable thing to use the clouds in this place. Flying on the clouds will definitely be sunburned by the sun here, at least it will be sunburned." Akiya said.

"You are right. It seems that we only marched in this place in the most primitive and mortal way. I hope we can meet the caravan on the way to inquire about this heart of the Gobi Sea." Zhou Peng said, so he took off his clothes and wrapped them around his head.

"What are you doing? Why did you take it off and put it on your head? Aren't you hot?" Qiu Gu asked.

At this time, Zhou Peng had made the simple hat and said, "It's not hot. You won't get hot until you put this thing on your head, and you may faint. The temperature in this place is more terrible than the desert. If the temperature above your head exceeds a quarter of an hour, it may be burned. If you don't block the temperature of the water, I'm afraid you will get heatstroke first, and then be sunburned into dried meat here. Do you want to try the taste of becoming a dried meat? Zhou Peng said jokingly.

Akiya didn't want to be tested as a dried meat. He hurriedly took off his clothes and wrapped them around his head. Sure enough, he wrapped it around his head and covered his face with clothes. It was indeed a lot cooler. It seems that many things in this place are not as imagined. Only the scriptures apply here. Only experienced people can survive in this place.

Qiu Gu is very tired after walking for a while. In fact, he didn't walk for a long time. He walked for about a few minutes, but Qiu Gu is very tired. According to medicine, on average, if you walk in such a place for an hour, you have to supplement a large pot of water, and you also need to supplement the food needed by your body. In this line Perseverance, energy and water are indispensable. Before entering here, Qiu Gu and Zhou Peng did not bring anything they needed. They thought they could fly in this place, but this idea was dispelled, and they thought they could walk in this place, but it didn't seem easy. With masks, no water, no food, it is a way to die in such a hellish place.

"It seems that we must find water here now, or you and I will die in this damn place." Akiya said.

Zhou Peng agrees with this opinion. Although Zhou Peng looks good, Qiu Gu's appearance is too tragic. Dehydration and nothing to eat make Qiu Gu look thin.

Zhou Peng had to help find something to supply water. At this time, Zhou Peng and Bai Nan stopped and began to look for something around. Qiu Gu looked confused and asked.

"What are you looking for?"

Just as Qiu Gu asked, he suddenly saw Zhou Peng's whole body rushing forward. Then Zhou Peng stood up happily and raised his hand and said, "This thing is called sand fish. I used to eat this thing in the desert. I thought there would be no such thing in the Gobi, but I didn't expect that there is also this thing here. It seems that the sand fish here are not small, but their size means that they have more moisture and energy. This thing can be eaten raw and eaten, otherwise you will die in this place. Zhou Peng said.

Qiu Gu approached Zhou Peng and saw what the so-called sand fish looked like. He didn't expect that the sand fish was just a lizard. It was named because it could swim in the sand. This thing is the fastest in the desert. An animal is also a rare food in the desert Gobi. You should know what you have to eat in the desert. If you don't eat it, you are waiting to die. Those who can be hungry and can survive longer in the worst environment.

In this place, being picky about food is undoubtedly to determine your own death.

The lizard in Zhou Peng's hand is very smooth on the surface and looks like a fish stripped of its scales, but it has the lizard's limbs, which looks a little different. The head is still looking left and right looking at something, which looks very clever.

"Do you really want to eat this? Eat raw?" Qiu Gu asked.

But Zhou Peng has pinched a sandfish into Qiu Gu's hand and said, "Pinch his neck. You must eat this thing. I won't hurt you. You don't have a choice in this place. There are no restaurants or woods around here. You can't find anything here. If you don't eat it, you may not be there. If you eat anything else in a short period of time, you will die here. What ambition will you talk about then? Zhou Peng said.

Hearing Zhou Peng's words, it also increased Qiu Gu's confidence. He only saw that Qiu Gu swallowed his saliva and then put the sand fish next to his mouth, but he couldn't eat it. When Qiu Gu was still bold, Zhou Peng found another sand fish, and then happily put the sand fish to his mouth. The mouth bit off the head of the sandfish, and then spit out its head into the distance. The rest of the whole body was sent to the mouth. Suddenly, you could see the thick pulp flowing out from the corners of Zhou Peng's mouth. Qiu Gu was suddenly a little disgusted when he saw this scene. Looking at the sandfish in his hand, he dared not do it.

"You can eat as I did just now." Zhou Peng was guiding in front of Qiu Gu, but Qiu Gu still looked unwilling.

"Autumn Valley!" Zhou Peng suddenly shouted, and Qiu Gu's first reaction replied, "Ah?"

At the moment Qiu Gu opened his mouth, Zhou Peng quickly stuffed the sand fish into Qiu Gu's mouth. When Qiu Gu reacted, the sand fish had been swallowed by Qiu Gu, and Qiu Gu's head was still with a mouth in Zhou Peng's hand. Zhou Peng's method quickly pulled down the sandfish's head at once. Come on, Qiu Gu didn't react.

When I saw the head of the sandfish, I realized that I had eaten a sandfish, that is, a lizard.

Qiya's expression was very painful and disgusting, and he hurriedly bent down and clasped his mouth.

"Don't deduct it. Eat it and eat it. In fact, it doesn't taste bad after eating it. Now that you have eaten it, it can barely bring a little energy and water to your body. Let's continue to go." Zhou Peng said and led the way in front of him.

Qiu Gu took a few breaths of the air around him, but still felt that his mouth was very disgusting. He followed Zhou Peng and continued to walk forward.

"Do you know? In fact, human beings are constantly degrading in the process of social development. Human beings evolved from apes to modern people, and then slowly degenerated from the current stable society.

Walking on such a Gobi and doing nothing, Zhou Peng said such a problem.

"How are you sure that human beings are degenerating rather than evolving? Aren't human beings slowly becoming stronger? In the past, you had to fight with animals to get food and survive. How easy it is now.

"What you are talking about is the situation in society. If you put people in real nature, I'm afraid that few modern people can really survive, but people in the past can survive through nature. For example, in this desert, some people can survive in this place, and they can live here again. Fang found food and water, and it was difficult for us. You see, we are all from the world of cultivation, and it is difficult to resist the climate here, let alone mortals.

"Yes, it seems that people lose something when they pursue something. You can't have both fish and bear paws."

"At present, we have to find a place to rest first. We have all gone for another hour and a half. If we go on like this, I'm afraid we won't have a head. Find a place to rest first. When it's dark, we can set out. It's better to start in this place than to walk during the day." Zhou Peng said.

It turned out that Zhou Peng found a tree not far away, which was a very magical tree. In this desolate place, there was only one tree, surrounded by the Gobi Desert. A green plant located in such a place really made people marvel at the wonder of life.

The crown of the tree seems to be blown to one side by the wind. It looks like it has been living here for a long time. In this waterless place, the roots of these trees will extend hundreds of meters underground to obtain water, which is much more powerful than human beings.

Zhou Peng and Qiu Gu chose the shaded part of the tree to do it. Qiu Gu sat aside, but Zhou Peng was not idle. Zhou Peng began to dig a pit under this shadow, looking like digging a coffin pit.

"What are you doing?" Qiu Gu asked doubtfully.

"I learned from some indigenous people from here. In such weather, the temperature on the ground is very high, but the temperature under the sand is much lower. In order to have a good rest, you'd better follow me, otherwise you will be dehydrated." Zhou Peng said in an experienced manner.

Soon Qiu Gu and Zhou Peng dug a hole, and then saw Zhou Peng crawling into the pit. The pit was not very deep. Half of the people lay horizontally and drowned in it. Zhou Peng looked very comfortable and said, "It's really cool!"

Seeing Zhou Peng's coolness, Qiu Gu also began to lie down. It was really cool to lie down in this pit. The temperature of the soil in the sand was much lower than that on the surface. After a day of walking, it can be said to be a great enjoyment to lie down in such a place.

After lying for about two hours, the sky gradually dimmed. This scene in the desert is very amazing. The sun and horizon can be clearly seen not only on the sea, but also clearly parallel to the sun and the horizon in this desert. Such scenery is also It is rare to see, because this place is the limit of life. Only those who are tenacious or desperate can understand the proud landscape here.

"Let's go. It seems that the sun is going down. The temperature here may be as low as freezing point at night. Only when you move can you warm your body up. We are just on our way. It may be more likely to meet a caravan at night!" Zhou Peng said.

With that, the two set out and left the tenacious tree. Qiu Gu still looked back at the tree from time to time. No matter what happened, the tree stood in that place. It looked so strong and lonely, and the strong were lonely.

Walking forward at night is really much cooler. The heat during the day is directly swept away. At this time, it seems that it is from summer to autumn, but after the night, it is like winter. The temperature is not cool, but cold. Qiu Gu is trembling all over and can only pass through. The power of gods and witchcraft keeps warm.

"The weather here has changed a lot." Akiya said.

"Of course, it's big. During the day, the sun sprinkles heat on the earth, and at night, the earth will quickly sprinkle off the heat, and it will become very cold. After all, there are all fools here, and sand is not so good at storing heat." Zhou Peng said.

"It seems that you really know a lot about Brother Zhou." Akiya said.

"No, these are just books and what I usually know through others. Sometimes they can really come in handy." Zhou Peng said with a smile.

"Then are we walking aimless in this desert?" Qiu Gu asked.

"That's not surprising. In this place, the best and most practical way to determine the direction in the desert is to look at the stars in the sky. You see, the air in the desert is very clean, and you can clearly see the shape of the stars in the sky. That spoon-like thing is called the North Star. At the bottom of this spoon, you find the largest and brightest star, which is the north. This is a good way for locals to distinguish the direction in this desert. As long as the weather is good and there are no dark clouds, I like to use this method to distinguish the direction.

With that, Qiu Gu really found the so-called North Star, which is a very bright star in the right direction at the bottom of the so-called spoon.

"But what if you know it's the north over there? In this place, we are looking for the heart of the Gobi Sea. We can know that it is not possible to get lost in the north, and we can't find the so-called heart of the Gobi Sea smoothly. Akiya said.

"Yes, this is indeed a problem. The direction of separation is at most just to go out. If it is to find something in the desert, it is still a problem, but you really won't be flexible. During the day, you can't fly because of the sun, but at night, it's different. At night, we We don't have to go anymore. We can fly and won't get heatstroke. In the air, we can definitely find the caravan in the desert more quickly. As long as we get into the caravan, we should be able to find out some places about the heart of the Gobi Sea. Zhou Peng said.

Qiu Gu suddenly felt that he was really stupid. Unexpectedly, he didn't think of such a thing. He thought the sun was too hateful to fly during the day, but at night, there was only the moon, which could fly completely. Qiu Gu could only giggle and say, "Yes, why did I think of it at this time?"

"But I can't fly, you know, it seems that I'm still going to bother you now." Zhou Peng said.

"Say this, we are all in a team." Akiya said.

"We only ate a little today. Don't fly too high in the air. Let me see if there is anything to eat around."

Can you find it? You may not see large animals in this desert at all. How can you find those small animals in mid-air? Qiu Gu asked.

"Do you think animals are the only ones who can eat in this place? In fact, what can be eaten in the desert is not only for animals. Here we can eat a kind of cactus, but there are not many cactus that can be eaten here. Many cactus are poisonous, so I need to observe it carefully. I heard that there is a kind of thing called the devil's cane in this place, and the cactus I really want to But its juice is poisonous and is likely to kill people, so don't fly too high, just about ten meters. Zhou Peng said.

Flying in mid-air above ten meters is much faster than walking on the ground, and at this altitude, you can also see the situation on the ground. In addition to finding food, you can also see the situation on the ground more clearly, but at this altitude, Zhou Peng bends down and looks down, or A very horrible thing. If you accidentally fall down, you may be half disabled for Zhou Peng.

"Listen, there seems to be something down there!" Zhou Peng suddenly shouted. Qiu Gu stopped and looked at the ground. Sure enough, there was a green place on the ground, which looked dark blue in the moonlight at night.

The two slowly landed from the sky and arrived at that place. Sure enough, this is a cactus area. There are many cactuses here, and the size is not small. The tallest cactus may be more than two meters high, all with pointed thorns, surrounding this place into a strange forest-like area. If you want to It is a more challenging thing to insert and walk in this.

There are thorns everywhere.

"Can I eat these things?" Qiu Gu asked.

"No, most of them can't, but I'll look for them first. There are no cactus to eat in the future." With that, Zhou Peng bent down to look around and looked for Zhou Peng looking there. Qiu Gu on one side could only admire him. He always thought that Zhou Peng was a useless person, but he did not expect that he was a survival expert. It seems that he has also honed a survival expert after walking around for many years. This is Zhou Peng's skill. , skills that are difficult for ordinary people to hone.

After looking for a while, I suddenly heard Zhou Peng shouting out and saying, "There is something to eat here." With that, Qiu Gu rushed over and saw that he only caught two scorpions in Zhou Peng's hand, and a few cactuses had been bent by Zhou Peng on the ground.

"These scorpions can be eaten raw, and those cactus can be eaten as long as the thorns on the surface are removed. It seems that we can have a good meal tonight." Zhou Peng said.

Facing Zhou Peng's words, Qiu Gu suddenly felt speechless when he saw what was in Zhou Peng's hand. He didn't know what delicious it was. He actually said that it was a good dinner and had a big meal.

With an experience of eating insects raw, this time Qiu Gu is much bolder. After cutting off the scorpion's tail, he sends it to his mouth. The taste can be said to be extremely bad. The first time he ate the sand fish was swallowed, and this time he ate this The scorpion is chewed in the mouth, which is incomparable. Those things in the scorpion's abdomen burst in Qiu Gu's mouth, and the pungent smell suddenly bloomed in his mouth, which made Qiu Gu very painful. Qiu Gu described the taste as the feeling of dozens of earthworms being smashed and eaten, which was very uncomfortable.

Compared with the horrible taste of the scorpion, this cactus is much more delicious. The outer skin and those thorns are peeled off and sent directly into the mouth. It tastes very crispy and has a lot of juice. It feels very good. It seems to be eating a mixture of juicy apples and Sydney, sour.

"This cactus is good." Akiya said.

"Of course, it's good. This kind of cactus is a girl in this place. Do you think it's not good to eat the taste of girls? These tall things next to me are the devil's cane. With that, Zhou Peng cut a devil's cane with a knife, and then saw some white juice flowing out.

"These juices are very powerful. They can poison a person with just one point, and a small cup can poison a cow. It's better to avoid this kind of thing." Zhou Peng said.

The two were full in this place, clapped their hands, patted their buttocks, and returned to the sky.

This time, I flew higher, about 20 meters high. I hope I can find Zhou Peng's so-called caravan in this place as soon as possible.

The caravans in the desert are very awesome people. These people maintain trade exchanges between Eastern and Western countries and transport some relatively few things, most of which are king's caravans. Because of the king's reasons, many of these kings want to get only cost a lot of money to hire these caravans. Another country will get it.

Flying in the sky overlooking the desert Gobi, there is a feeling of defeating them, and Qiu Gu also needs to be much calmer.

"Can you really find a caravan here? Is there no other way?" Qiu Gu asked.

"There's nothing we can do. This is the only way in this place. The only thing you can find here that can make you understand is monsters and people. You don't want to ask about the situation in this place, do you?" Zhou Peng said.

"Yes, but it seems difficult to find?" Akiya said. Just as Qiu Gu said, suddenly Zhou Peng pointed to a place on the ground and said, "Look, there seems to be someone in that place."

Akiya came over in a hurry and couldn't believe that it would appear as soon as he said it.

Sure enough, looking down, you can see a long team with many camels moving forward with the caravan.

"It seems that Cao Cao will come." Zhou Peng said.

"Then let's go down quickly." Akiya said.

"No, if we go on like this, I'm afraid it will be very surprising to them." Zhou Peng said, but at this time, he heard those guys on the ground looking up at the sky.

"Those guys are actually shouting towards us. It seems that we have been found out. They look very friendly and not surprised," Akiya said.

Zhou Peng said that he was speechless and said, "It seems that these guys are really skilled and bold. Let's go." Zhou Peng said.

Qiu Gu slowly landed and soon reached the ground.

After entering, I saw this large caravan. This caravan was indeed a certain number. It seemed that there were about dozens of people. Seeing Qiu Gu and Zhou Peng landing in the sky, these people surrounded them curiously.

"Are you immortals?" A leading caravan leader asked.

Qiu Gu said with some embarrassment, "Well, we are just practitioners. We came to this place to find a place called the heart of the Gobi Sea. I didn't expect to get lost. I'm so happy to see you."

"The heart of the Gobi Sea? Where do you want to go for what? Which place is a legendary place? Although it has a name, few people can find this place. The leader of the caravan said.

"How do you say this?" Zhou Peng asked.

"In fact, there is a legend here that the heart of the Gobi Sea is an oasis suspended over the desert, about five or six meters suspended in the desert. It is said that only dying people can see this oasis. If you want to find this place, I'm afraid it will be very difficult." The leader said.

"Where is the direction of this oasis?" Qiu Gu asked.

"We don't know this. We just know this legend. As for which direction it is, it is not clear. Some people say that this place will be seen in the whole desert, and only when people are about to die."

Qiu Gu was a little discouraged, but Zhou Peng didn't think so and said, "So where are you going?"

"We are the caravan of Shaqiu. These goods were all obtained in the Central Plains and are preparing to be shipped back. I advise you not to find that place." The leader said.

"We have to find that place. This is our mission." Akiya said.

The leader sighed and said, "Well, in that case, I advise you to go to Shaqiu to have a look. I hope there is any news you want to know, compared with some legends we just heard."

"If it's convenient, can you follow you to Shaqiu?" Zhou Peng asked.

"Of course, your dress is also from the People of the Central Plains. We, Shaqiu, have always had close contacts with the Shang King of the Central Plains. It is natural to welcome people from the Central Plains to come to Shaqiu." With that, the leader asked someone to hand a pot of water to Qiu Gu and Zhou Peng and said, "You must have gone through a lot of suffering in this place. Come and drink some water, and then we will continue to go. Sha Qiuguo is not far from here. When you get there, you will never forget it."

"I have long heard that Shaqiu is a magical place. I have always hoped to witness this place with my own eyes. It's really lucky to meet you." Zhou Peng said.

"Come on, give these two guests a camel." With that, someone moved a camel to Qiu Gu and Zhou Peng. Qiu Gu and Zhou Peng didn't expect the people of this caravan to be so enthusiastic.