shake the nine bream

Chapter 134 Ghost City

In the southern suburbs of Qianzhou, Qiugu and the three have arrived at this place. This is a relatively remote place, which can be regarded as a barren mountain. What you can see here are bare mountains and rare vegetation. There is no smoke around here, let alone a ghost city.

At present, several people in Qiugu only saw a valley in the distance. If there is any place that may be a city, it may only be in that valley.

Akiya and others slowly approached the other side of the valley. When they walked towards it, Akiya felt a sense of something wrong, but it was hard to say.

When Yang Lingfeng saw something wrong with Qiugu and Liu Lianyi, he hurriedly asked, "What's wrong with you?" What's wrong?"

Akiya was going to shake his head, but suddenly he found that he couldn't shake his head. His body could not follow his own ideas at all. Liu Lianyi was also like this. At this time, Yang Lingfeng was about to take a step but found that he had encountered the same situation.

When several people were puzzled, Liu Lianyi looked at the shadow on the ground and said, "Look, these shadows are actually together. It seems that we have met the so-called shadow demon!"

Yang Lingfeng was surprised to find this thing. The shadows under the footsteps of several people were actually connected together, and then stretched to the distance. Yang Lingfeng turned his back to the distance and couldn't see what it was. Qiu Gu and Liu Lianyi could just be seen. These shadows stretched into the valley in the distance, a long Long shadow, at this time, a black shadow is slowly coming out of the valley.

This is a standing shadow, which looks like a black smoke. When I came out and saw Qiu Gu and others, I immediately laughed and said, "How dare you mortals to come to my territory? Don't want to live?"

"Who are you?" Qiu Gu shouted at the shadow demon who was slowly coming over there. Hearing Qiu Gu say this, he suddenly laughed and said, "Do you think I look like a human?"

"You are the same type as the shadow demon I killed before. Don't be rampant!" Yang Lingfeng said with his back to the shadow demon. Hearing Yang Lingfeng say this, the shadow demon suddenly asked in surprise, "What do you mean by that?"

"A shadow demon ran out of your valley and ate people's hearts everywhere in the city. I caught him. I killed him. I think he must have something to do with you!" Yang Lingfeng said.

Hearing Yang Lingfeng say this, he was immediately very angry. Without saying anything, he rushed to Yang Lingfeng. Qiu Gu hurriedly called Yang Lingfeng to be careful, but Yang Lingfeng smiled calmly. When the shadow demon was about to approach Yang Lingfeng, he suddenly saw Xu Many cherry blossoms were summoned out and surrounded the shadow demon, and then countless cherry blossoms passed through the shadow demon.

"Are you an idiot? I'm the shadow. Do you want to kill me with these darts? The shadow demon shouted.

"Of course, I just want to kill you with this thing." Yang Lingfeng said that at this time, Qiu Gu and Liu Lianyi suddenly found that they could move. The shadows that bound them actually lost their effect at this time, and the shadow demon over there was also trapped in the cherry blossoms.

Yang Lingfeng's cherry blossoms are countless runes, containing sealing techniques. In the face of monsters that ordinary attacks cannot work, sealing is the most effective way.

Seeing that Qiugu and others could actually move, the shadow demon over there suddenly found that he had been tricked. He came out and kept hitting the cherry blossoms that trapped him, and kept shouting out, "What kind of spell is this?"

"This is the light of punishment or the combination of the light of punishment and the sword spirit. Forget it, it's useless to tell you. Anyway, you don't know. Seeing you so angry, the monster I killed before must have something to do with you. In order to be afraid of your revenge in the future, I have to kill you today." Yang Lingfeng said, and then clenched his hands tightly. The cherry blossoms immediately looked at the gathering in the middle and soon disappeared with the shadow demon.

"What a way to die!" Yang Lingfeng said.

I don't know why, Qiu Gu felt a little strange when he saw Yang Lingfeng killing one monster after another cruelly, but he couldn't say what it felt, but his psychologically sour face.

"Let's go. It seems that that's what the shadow demon that that person said was talking about. I thought how powerful it was, but it's just a second-rate monster. Next, you may encounter the so-called dream demon. Everyone should pay attention to it." Yang Lingfeng said.

In fact, this is not that the monster is too weak, but that Yang Lingfeng is too strong. If it weren't for Yang Lingfeng just now, I'm afraid that Qiu Gu and Liu Lianyi may not easily escape the monster's spell.

And Yang Lingfeng's rise made everyone stunned. They didn't expect Yang Lingfeng to suddenly emerge, and his cultivation actually reached this level. They couldn't help but make everyone think that Yang Lingfeng was still trapped by the rainman's spells in the North Sea before. In this way, it may be that Yang Lingfeng deliberately showed weakness. .

People will sympathize with the weak and feel that the weak ignore these people without threatening themselves, but many smart people will pretend to be weak, and the strong hide as the weak. This is the highest-end plan. If you think carefully, Yang Lingfeng was trapped under the magic of the rain man. Logically, there must not be on the chassis of others. It's so easy to escape, but everyone didn't pay attention to Yang Lingfeng and analyze these things.

Killed the shadow demon, and Yang Lingfeng was sure that there was indeed something strange in the valley in front of him. It seemed that the shadow demon he had killed before did not lie, and the ghost city was likely to be in that valley.

At this time, officially in the afternoon, a strange phenomenon appeared in the valley in front of it. This phenomenon was the magical phenomenon of the previous folklore. The sound of thousands of troops and horses was heard outside the valley, but he did not see those images. Yang Lingfeng speculated that those images were made by this shadow demon. After the shadow demon is killed, those images can't appear. These can be explained, and how to explain that voice?

Soon the three of Akiya came to the valley and found that those sounds were caused by the wind passing through the valley and hitting the surrounding landforms, because there were many small stones here, which seemed to be like an abandoned mine.

"These can explain that phenomenon, but I don't know what the so-called dream demon is. According to this name, it may be a guy who is proficient in illusion, so I will give you a seal!" With that, Yang Lingfeng looked at Qiu Gu and Liu Lianyi's forehead and nodded, and then said, "This seal is to prevent everyone from falling into illusion. Even if we are subjected to illusion, we can see each other, so that we will not be dispointed."

Akiya looked at Liu Lianyi's forehead. It turned out to be a cherry blossom-shaped thing. Seeing this cherry blossom, Akiya couldn't help thinking of the mark found in the hall. At present, Akiya didn't want to think too much about it, and he didn't want to speculate about what was going on.

Several people walked along the valley towards the front. The valley was full of landslides and a lot of stones. The middle path was not very wide, only about five or six meters. If they were not careful, they would be hit by the stones on both sides, but Yang Lingfeng's cherry blossoms flew around and hit the stones that were about to hit people. The head was broken, which ensured the safety of several people.

Although they can fly in this place, the three of them have not taken this method, because this may be a common territory. Flying over the enemy is undoubtedly a death-seeing act, so the three of Qiugu are still marching in this valley through the most primitive way forward.

Because of Yang Lingfeng's relationship, there are cherry blossoms around. These cherry blossoms look much more romantic when there are many decadent places. Under the sunset, those cherry blossoms are illuminated transparent, adding an exotic magical atmosphere.

The sunset is the fastest period of the day. I just saw the sunset and I couldn't see the sun at this time. The sun had almost set at the foot of the mountain. The blood-red glow shone on those cherry blossoms turned the originally pink cherry blossoms into blood red, from the romantic time just now to horror.

It soon became dark, and several people have not found the so-called rain capital. According to the news, the rain is a place where it rains all year round. This place should be seen in the distance, but at present, there are still those decadent places, and there is no rain at all, not even any water.

Since yesterday, the three of Qiugu have not slept a night. In addition, they walked for a day and had a fight. Even Yang Lingfeng felt tired and said, "Let's take a break first. After walking here for so long, we haven't seen any smell of water. It seems that it will take a lot of time to find the rain."

"This ghost city is a regional area, and it seems that this area is not small." Liu Lianyi said.

When the night came, Qiu Gu summoned a pile of sky fire to the ground to add some warmth to this night, and then summoned some electric lights to the surroundings to illuminate some surrounding situations. Qiu Gu did not want anything to be close to this place in this night.

"Your spells are really practical." Liu Lianyi said.

Several people sat down at a huge time, probably because they haven't slept for a few days. They were quickly sleepy, and their eyes had to be closed. What's wrong with such a situation? Besides, the surroundings are still very quiet. Such an environment is the easiest to want to sleep. That pile The bonfire added warmth and sleepiness there, and soon the three of Qiu Gu fell asleep one after another.

But they didn't expect that their sleep was actually not just sleepy. This was another guy using a kind of smoke to increase the sleepiness of several people, because the ability of the dream demon could only be fully demonstrated in sleep, and Qiu Gu and the three quickly entered sleep. Among them.