shake the nine bream

Chapter 145 Demon Cave

Akiya was still reluctantly pulled into Yang Lingfeng's team. There is nothing he can do. The current situation does not allow anyone to rest. It is also normal for Akiya to be pulled into it as the main force.

Yang Lingfeng gathered dozens of the best teams in the current ethereal mountains, including the core Qiugu and Liu Lianyi. Originally, Yang Ziyi was also asked to join the war, but Liu Lianyi strongly demanded to retain the bloodline of Ziyifeng. Liu Lianyi did not want to have anything to do with him, and Ziyifeng would have no successor. So in the end, Yang Ziyi still did not appear in the team, and the remaining one included some people who were cultivated and not afraid of death at the current critical peak and Miaolufeng.

This team has ten people, which can barely be called the death squad, and it is also the strongest force in Piaoyuan Mountain that has barely been organized after the war.

Yang Lingfeng did not expect that what he could count on at this time was that Shangguan Qinger could attract others to help. He had always hated monsters and Yang Lingfeng, who looked down on demon hunters and scattered immortals, had to put down his pathetic obsession at this time. Without unity, the battle could not be very light. Song's victory, this is an ancient motto since ancient times.

This battle can be regarded as a counterattack of the right path. If it fails, it may mean the extinction of the practitioners who represent justice in the world. Therefore, Yang Lingfeng has attached great importance to this matter before. He also hopes to sit in the position of the head of Piaoyuan Mountain for a longer time, which is a rare combination of Piaoyuan Mountain. As the only person who unified the mountain after the ancestral temple, Yang Lingfeng did not want to live so short, so this time Yang Lingfeng was also fully prepared and even prepared to open the sword world. The sword world is Yang Lingfeng's strongest move.

Yang Lingfeng has never used this trick, because the side effect of this trick is to take away the life of the caster, but Yang Lingfeng must fight in front of him, so he also found some drugs that can save his lifeline in Miaolufeng, hoping to survive after using the sword world. .

This time, Yang Lingfeng took the team to Yudu with full force. Because Qiu Gu was seriously injured Chang Jue last time, Yang Lingfeng also did a good job of ideological work for Qiu Gu in advance. As a last resort, he hoped to do his best to cope with the power of Changjue.

Shangguan Qinger has come to a place called the Demon Cave at this time. The Demon Cave is a famous gathering place for monsters in the world. They are all mountain demons, because it hides and crouching tigers, and there are also people who come to this place with the right way. However, Wanxing Palace has always been close contacts with some monsters. Of course, this place is an important visit. When Shangguan Qinger became the owner of the 10,000-star palace, most of the monsters in the world knew it, and many monsters came to congratulate him.

This all depends on the protection of these monsters in the Wanxing Palace, which is also the reason why the demon world has not had a large-scale battle with the right path.

The Demon Cave Mountain is a group of large mountains. The mountains here are huge. You can see this place from the sky. There are mountains similar to deserts, mountains like ant nests, and mountains similar to paradise. It is because there are many types of monsters here. Of course, there are also some evil monsters hiding here. A place.

Shangguan Qinger came to a narrow valley nearby and had to go through this valley to go to the demon cave. I heard that this was a defensive measure laid by those monsters. Most ordinary people will be fiercely attacked by monsters when they come here.

As Shangguan Qinger walked, she already felt something wrong around her. The stones around her rolled down from time to time, and a feeling of depression spread to Shangguan Qinger's heart from all directions. Shangguan Qinger knew that there must be monsters.

Sure enough, a huge sand monster emerged from the mountain walls on both sides of the valley. It seemed to be a monster with many stones combined together. The huge size attacked Shangguan Qinger, and not only this sand monster, but also some mountain lion demons also appeared on the other side, about the number of More than a dozen.

Shangguan Qinger turned around calmly. When the monsters were about to arrive in front of them, an ice wall suddenly froze in front of Shangguan Qinger, blocking the monsters outside the ice shield. Shangguan Qinger politely greeted the monsters and said, "I'm Shangguan Qinger, the owner of the Wanxing Palace. , I didn't come here to fight.

Although Shangguan Qinger said so, those monsters are still looking for breakthroughs to attack. Shangguan Qinger sighed and said, "Since you are like this, I'm not polite." Speaking of Shangguan Qinger, the ice heart soft jade was held in his hand, and the cold light came out. From this cold light, everything that began to shine outside began to freeze. Those monsters hurriedly dodged, and the mountain lion demon dodged flexibly and timely, but the sand monster was caught a little because of its huge size, and then the whole body was frozen. .

At this time, more monsters rushed over. Among them, the leader was a tiger demon, who seemed to be a little old. The team of those monsters rushed over. The tiger demon recognized what the spell was at a glance, hurriedly stopped all the monsters present, and then went to Shangguan Qinger's side. .

"Are you from Wanxing Palace?" The tiger demon asked.

"Yes, I am Shangguan Qinger, the owner of Wanxing Palace. In fact, Wanxing Palace no longer exists now. I was defeated by Liu Daosenluo before." Shangguan Qinger said.

The tiger demon waved to other monsters, and then saw that other monsters retreated one after another. It seemed that this tiger demon was a leader here.

"I know that. Not long ago, I heard that Liu Dawson Luo launched a war to destroy the Great Compassion Temple and the Wanxing Palace, leaving only Piao Miao Mountain. It's great that you can survive. I thought you couldn't meet the people of Wanxing Palace in the future." The tiger demon said.

Shangguan Qinger also put down the ice-hearted soft jade. The tiger demon looked at the frozen sand monster in the distance and said to Shangguan Qinger, "This is our guard. Maybe it's young and ignorant, so I just offended you and hope you don't see the villain."

Shangguan Qinger understood what he meant, and then thawed the ice on the sand monster, but as soon as he untied the sand monster, he rushed up again. He only saw the roar of the tiger demon, and immediately shocked the sand monster in place and dared not make it again.

"Don't you know this is the owner of the Wanxing Palace? I have already said that people from other three sects can fight, but the people in Wanxing Palace are our friends. We should receive them well. Is this your attitude of reception? The tiger demon said.

The sand monster slowly changed into a human form and said, "They don't know, and they didn't say it earlier."

The tiger demon pointed to the sand monster and said, "You don't see that this is ice-hearted soft jade. Is there anyone who can use ice-hearted soft jade?"

Shangguan Qinger hurriedly persuaded, "Forget it, not everyone knows these things."

The tiger demon politely received Shangguan Qing'er into the mountains.

Shangguan Qinger can sit here without much leisure, because Yang Lingfeng's team is on the side of Yudu and doesn't know what will happen.

Soon Shangguan Qinger came to a relatively large cave. Although this is called a cave, it is actually not like a cave, but more like a hall. After the tiger demon greeted Shangguan Qinger here, soon after the notice of other monsters, some other monster leaders also followed. Here, there are about four, plus five tiger demons, which are the five leaders of the demon cave, managing some of the order of this place.

These include tiger demons, tree demons, ghost demons, bear demons, and stone demons.

Seeing that the tiger demon brought Shangguan Qinger, they saw the ice-hearted soft jade on Shangguan Qinger's chest at a glance. They knew that it was the owner of Wanxing Palace, so they were also polite.

Generally, after booing and asking warm questions, several monsters sat next to each other. The tiger demon seemed to have some weight here. The others did not speak, but this tiger demon spoke first.

"I don't know what's wrong with the Lord of Wanxing Palace coming here?" The tiger demon said.

Shangguan Qinger did not beat around the bush and didn't want to pull it. She said directly, "Actually, it's like this. We want to invite you to join us and cooperate with us once to eliminate the nest of Changjue."

Hearing Shangguan Qinger say this, the other monster leaders on the spot were surprised to talk about it. Suddenly, the tree demon objected and said, "Chang Jue? If I'm not mistaken, this Changjue is the owner of Six Dawsonro. Six Dawsonro still don't know that you three sects worked together to get rid of this gang, but now he has recovered and destroyed the two sects. Isn't it looking for our own death to fight with such people? I won't do this kind of thing."

"Yes, it's really difficult to help you. Although Wanxing Palace has always had a very close relationship with our demon cave, this favor really can't help. It's like going to die."

Shangguan Qinger calmed everyone's emotions, but she couldn't calm them down now. The tiger demon frowned and said, "Everyone be quiet!"

Everyone present with such a roar of the tiger demon became quiet.

The tiger demon politely asked Shangguan Qinger to continue.

Shangguan Qinger sorted out her emotions and expressions and then said, "In fact, the current Six Daosenluo is not as powerful as you think. The prosperity of the original Liu Daosenluo has passed. Not long ago, he often felt that he was seriously injured. His only powerful man was the cheetah team of Shang Fangjian, and the last war was also severe. It has weakened the strength of Six Dasenro, and now is the time to annihilate him.

Hearing Shangguan Qinger say this, the tree demon said again, "But what's good for us to annihilate him? We can't take risks just for a friendship, can we?"

This problem is what Shangguan Qinger had expected for a long time. The tiger demon was about to talk about the tree demon, but Shangguan Qinger hurriedly stopped it and said, "Actually, I also expected this matter. The thing is like this. You should know that there are nine heavenly soldiers, and now they have been taken away by Changjue, and they are not right now. I know what he is going to do, but it must be something that will plunge the whole human world into the end. Think about it, if he succeeds, will you still have a good life? So this war is also for your future, and this is our battle together. Shangguan Qinger said.

Shangguan Qinger said so, and all the monsters in the hall suddenly calmed down one after another. Suddenly, they saw the tiger demon stand up and asked Shangguan Qinger with a serious expression, "Is everything you said true? Is the divine soldier really taken away by Chang Jue?

Shangguan Qinger didn't know why the tiger demon was suddenly so excited, so she nodded confusedly and said, "Yes, what's wrong?"

"Oh, it seems that it is indeed the same as what you guessed. It seems that Chang feels that he is going to open Rashomon. This is not good."

"Rrawman? Are you talking about the Gate of the Demon World? Shangguan Qinger asked in surprise.

The tiger demon has been done, and the other monsters have nothing to say.

"What the hell is going on?" Shangguan Qinger asked.

The tiger demon sighed and said, "The thing is that the divine soldiers were actually the key to open the Rashomon Gate. As long as these nine heavenly soldiers are inserted into the lost array, they can open the Rashomon Gate, so that the monsters in the demon world will come to the three worlds. At that time, I'm afraid it will really be as you said, in this world. Demons, people, and even gods will face a disaster.

Shangguan Qinger has never heard of this legend, but after hearing it, it has aggravated Shangguan Qinger's worries.

"Where is that lost array?" Shangguan Qinger asked.

"The lost array is in the place you just mentioned, in the rain capital, but it is said that the rain in the ghost city is just a legend. I didn't expect that there was really such a drop in the world?" The tiger demon said.

"There is indeed such a place that we have been to before. It is an ancient city that rains all year round. Now that you know the consequences, what action should you take? If you indulge in that way, I'm afraid there will really be unexpected consequences." Shangguan Qinger said.

Several other monster leaders are very anxious and thinking about something. The tiger demon is in a kind of chaos, because the tiger demon must consider the survival of the monsters here, and make any decision to consider the future of the monsters here first.

Shangguan Qinger understood what they were thinking very well, that is, adding: "Now the ethereal mountain is weak, and Changjue is still healing. This is the best time. If you miss this time, I'm afraid that there will really be a doomsday situation in the future. At that time, not to mention the demon cave, even the whole world is likely to be destroyed. Destroy."

"Have your people gone to the rain?" The tiger demon asked.

Several monsters stood up.