shake the nine bream

Chapter 23 Second Kill

When Qiu Gu left, before the matter was over, the iron-faced elixir and bitter head lurking under the ground appeared. Their purpose was very simple. Originally, the task of the group of people in the rain was to lure Qiu Gu away. The task of this iron-faced elixir and bitter head was to catch Guan Qinger and Liu Lianyi.

At this time, they saw Qiu Gu fly out with them. They were so proud that they hurried out of the soil and then walked into the room. Liu Lianyi and Shangguan Qinger were very surprised to see these two guys.

"Who are you? Why are you here?!" Although Liu Lianyi knew that these guys were likely to be in the same group as those just now, Liu Lianyi still asked, and she didn't want it to be the same as what she guessed.

Who are we? We are here to arrest you. What happened just now is just to lead Qiu Gu away!" Iron-faced Danxin said.

Then they looked at Liu Lianyi and Shangguan Qing'er. Although they saw an orange boundary around Shangguan Qinger and Liu Lianyi's bodies, they had never seen such a thing, and they didn't take it seriously and stretched out their hands, but they didn't expect to be in the iron. The bitter hand was ignited as soon as it touched this boundary. The iron-faced elixir was very surprised, because there has been nothing he ignited by his hand, and the flames burning the iron-faced elixir still spread from the arm of the iron-faced elixir to the whole body.

Iron-faced Danxin was shocked and hurried to look for water around. He found the water in the washbasin next to him and hurriedly looked at the water on his body, but it was useless. The flame was still burning. Now the iron-faced worry made him even more panicked. This was beyond his expectation and could not be controlled. Naturally, it is very frightening.

Sky fire is a fire generated by true qi and Danyang qi. This kind of flame will not be extinguished if it burns on the body without true qi. The only way to extinguish this flame is to extinguish it with true qi, and the true qi of Danxia qi that has suppressed this flame can be extinguished, because the qi of Danxia qi belongs to yang, true qi It belongs to Yin. Only when the yin qi of true qi is greater than the power of yang qi can this sky fire be extinguished, otherwise it is impossible to be extinguished.

Of course, Iron-faced Danxin didn't know this. He soon shouted in place and died in that place. After his death, the flames were not extinguished, because the situation here was indeed too alarming. Hu Fei had come to this place with a large group of people. As soon as he came to this place, he saw it. The body had burned out, and at this time, the bitter man was surprised to find all this and was about to escape, but he was obviously outnumbered.

Just look at Hu Fei's hands taking out a circular thing from behind. This is Hu Fei's killer mace, referred to as blood droplets. Of course, Liu Lianyi and Shangguan Qinger also saw Hu Fei using this thing for the first time. The northeast was taken out by Hu Fei, and then they saw Hu Fei giving this thing towards the bitter head. Throw it over, of course, Kutou Tuo wanted to escape, because there were too many people on Hu Fei's side, and he could not be against them. Unfortunately, the blood droplets were powerful. Suddenly, he flew into mid-air and followed the direction of Kutou Tuo's departure. Then Hu Feiguan didn't care and then walked towards Liu Lianyi and Shangguan Qinger. The other brothers guarded around to prevent others from coming to this place and causing some trouble.

Hu Fei came to Shangguan Qinger and Liu Lianyi's side and saw the orange bubble-like thing covering the body of Liu Lianyi and Shangguan Qinger. He was immediately surprised and was about to reach out to touch it. Liu Lianyi hurriedly stopped him and said, "Don't touch this. One thing, did you see those guys on the ground? They were all burned to death by this thing. This is a magic trick of Qiu Gu. No one can move until he comes back, including us. This thing is fatal.

Hu Fei couldn't help looking at the bodies that had been charred on the ground in the distance, and then swallowed his saliva and said, "It seems that Qiu Gu is really a powerful guy. How can he still do this? It really stunned me."

Liu Lianyi and Shangguan Qinger settled down, and Qiu Gu's side had just caught up outside the city. The Qingcheng ghost face and the three ninjas were not Qiu Gu's opponents at all and were soon caught up.

Seeing that they really can't run away from Akiya, even if those ninjas continue to use stealth techniques, they have not deceived Akiya's vision. Now the three ninjas and Qingcheng ghosts have been forced into a corner.

Akiya held the gods in his hand and then walked over. When he walked over, he only saw those ninjas constantly throwing darts at Akiya's side, but it was useless. Akiya blocked these darts back by the way. This is an overwhelming advantage. Some mortals are not the right of practitioners at all. Hands.

"Who are you? Why did you come to attack me?" Qiu Gu asked.

Seeing that the mission had failed, the ninjas suddenly pulled out their knives, and then cut their abdomen at once. Blood suddenly flowed out, including those intestines, and the three died on the spot. Qiu Gu was very puzzled when he saw this.

This method of death is very incomprehensible. If the mission fails to express his loyalty, then it should not be killed, because suicide by cutting the abdomen is a very painful way to die. The person who is cut can only lose it. His consciousness still exists when his stomach is cut off. He will be confused. If you feel pain, you will feel a burst of pain in your abdomen. These pain will quickly spread to their heads, followed by abnormal nerve pain. If the brain can't feel the response of the intestines, it will tighten the muscles of the whole body to protect important strange things. It is a very painful behavior, and I don't know who invented it. Such a way to commit suicide, although I don't know who that person is, it is certain that that person must be a pervert and masochist.

"What's wrong with these people? Anyway, you are still alive. Tell me, who sent you to kill me? If you say it, I will let you go. If you don't say it, you can't leave. I will make you die worse than them!" Akiya said.

The Qingcheng ghost face was immediately divided into two. Although the Qingcheng ghost face looked like a 1.78 meter person, he did not expect that the two dwarfs were together. At this time, after being separated, he saw that these were actually just two dwarfs.

"Don't kill me. We work for the gang and the horse gang in the suburbs. They unite to deal with you. We are the ones they sent to kill you. Oh no, strictly speaking, I'm the two wives they sent to seduce you out and catch you, so I hope you can let me go and see your two quickly. Is your wife still alive?!" Qingcheng ghost said this, Qiu Gu was immediately shocked and then said, "Your target is my family! Bastard!" With that, Qiu Gu waved his hand and saw a thunderstorm in the sky and hit the other side of the ghost face of Qingcheng. Suddenly, the two dwarfs were killed by the thunderstorm and burst into pieces.

Akiya turned around and flew towards the house and soon returned home. Akiya originally planned to let go of the two guys, but when he heard that they were to hurt his family, Akiya was furious. Akiya could tolerate anything, and the most unbearable thing was his home. People are hurt by others because of themselves.

Fortunately, when Qiu Gu came home, Liu Lianyi and Shangguan Qinger were still safely in the boundary. Seeing Qiu Gu coming back, Hu Fei hurried over and asked, "Lord, are you all right?"

Seeing that Liu Lianyi and Shangguan Qinger were fine, Qiu Gu remembered the matter and asked, "What's going on today?" Isn't it too ridiculous that someone came into my room? What's wrong with the guards around? Qiu Gu asked angrily.

Hu Fei was also embarrassed and then said, "Those who came here today are the top assassins, which I didn't expect, but according to my spy's report, it turned out that today's things were done by those gangs and horse gangs in the suburbs. They were afraid of their own status and were afraid that you would unify China. Sooner or later, the salt gang in Yangcheng will go to unify their territory, so they united and launched today's attack. Fortunately, it's okay, otherwise I will die!"

Akiya's anger did not seem to have disappeared. He turned around a few times and then said, "Damn it, I don't mean to attack them at all. I don't want to bring them to do this to me like this. It seems that this is the so-called better to do it first, right? Well, since they have done it, I'll do it. You go down and arrange 500 brothers for me. We will go to those gangs early tomorrow morning. I must return what I met today to them. Go down!"

Akitani looked a little angry and then returned to the room and suddenly closed the door.

This is the first time Hu Fei saw Qiu Gu so angry and didn't react for a moment. At this time, the blood droplets that flew out before suddenly flew back. The blood droplets were a ring and a bag on the ring. At this time, after flying back, the empty bag had actually been filled. The head of the bitter head has been cut off.

This is Hu Fei's unique skill. It will only be used by Hu Fei on some occasions. Hu Fei has never used this thing. This is his unique skill.

Qiu Gu returned to the door, then resolved the boundary of the sky fire, and then walked to Liu Lianyi and Shangguan Qinger and hurriedly asked, "Are you all right? It turned out that the purpose of those guys was to lead me away to arrest you. It seems that it was to arrest you to threaten me. Fortunately, I was ready to lay this boundary. Those guys were so bold that they dared to deal with me! It seems that in this era, if you don't provoke others, others will come back to provoke you!"

"Don't be angry. Aren't we all right? What the hell is going on?" Liu Lianyi asked.

Qiu Guchang took a breath and said, "I heard that they are all the top assassination masters who came here today, which I didn't expect. According to Hu Fei's detective's return, it turned out that today was done by those gangs and horse gangs in the suburbs. They were afraid of their own status and were afraid that I would unify Huayang City. Sooner or later, the Salt Gang will unify their territory, so they united and launched today's attack. Fortunately, it's okay, otherwise, I don't know what to do!" Qiu Gu seemed to be a little panicked as he spoke.

Liu Lianyi knew that Qiu Gu was thinking of them. At this time, Liu Lianyi and Shangguan Qinger slowly walked up and held Qiu Gu in their arms. They only heard Liu Lianyi say, "It's okay. It's okay. Anyway, we're all right. Besides, how can those mortals be your brother? What about the opponent? Isn't that self-destruction? Besides, we used to be powerful figures. How can we be hurt by those guys so easily? You say so, right?

Shangguan Qinger touched Qiu Gu's head and said, "Good boy, we're all right. We can recover today's mental loss in the future!"

Akiya did look like he wanted to revenge, and then said, "Yes, I'm going tomorrow. These guys will be destroyed. It seems that you must cultivate that flower quickly. You must recover your true spirit as soon as possible. Otherwise, what happens to this? If I make a mistake and something happens, then , what should I do? I don't want to be alone!"

Seeing Qiu Gu say this, Shangguan Qinger knocked Qiu Gu and then said, "Do you want something to happen to the two of us? He also said that if you say this too much, you will make it true, you crow!"

Qiu Gu hurriedly slapped himself twice and then said, "DaMN IT. I won't say such a thing again."

Liu Lianyi smiled and said, "Go to bed. I've been tossing all night today!"

However, the three were about to go to bed, but they found that their beds had long been burned out. This was all the reason for the boundary that Qiu Gu had just set up. When they saw that the three looked at each other, they couldn't help laughing. Qiu Gu's anger had disappeared a lot at this time, and they smiled and said: "It seems that I can't sleep here today!"

Seeing that Qiu Gu finally smiled, Liu Lianyi was also happy and said, "Well, no matter what happens, you have to laugh and be happy. You know, people will die for a long time."

"Don't say dead words anymore. Didn't Qinger say that? I heard that if you say too much, it will make it true. In the future, we will open up a new world of cultivation together, and we will be together forever!" Akiya said.

Liu Lianyi suddenly shook his body a few times, and then said, "It's really numb. Only your brother can say this!"