shake the nine bream

Chapter 45 Xuanwu Temple

After a while, Shang Fangjian and others have come to the caves in the west. There are indeed many holes in this place. Standing high, you can see countless pits over there. Only a few gaps can walk on it, and the grass in front of them is no longer here. Knowing whereabouts, I saw some pits. This place is easy to find, and you can find this place at a glance.

"It seems that we have arrived at our destination." Qiu Gu asked.

As soon as Qiu Gu finished speaking, he saw a snake crawling out of one of the pits. When he saw the snake crawling out, Shangguan Qinger was very surprised and said, "It seems that this place is really like Mona. There are really some snakes here."

"Don't be afraid. Now you are all really angry people. Are you still afraid of these snakes? It's really strange. Well, let's go down and have a look alone. I think this dragon ball is hidden in these pits. Akiya said.

Of course, Liu Lianyi and Shangguan Qinger stopped Qiu Gu as always, but Qiu Gu still asked him to go down and have a look. Liu Lianyi and Shangguan Qinger were very clear about Qiu Gu's strength, and naturally there was no reason to continue to stop it.

Qiu Gu slowly stepped on the edges next to the pit. Originally, Qiu Gu could fly around here, but Qiu Gu wanted to try whether the soil around these pits was resistant to trampling. Walking on it, you can feel that these edges are indeed very resistant to trampling, as if they have become the rest after weathering. Indestructible soil.

Qiu Gu made a gesture to Liu Lianyi and Shangguan Qinger, and then jumped down. Seeing Qiu Gu jumping down, Liu Lianyi and Shangguan Qinger couldn't help sweating for Qiu Gu, because they didn't know how many unknown monsters there were in those pits. After Qiu Gu jumped down, he really found these pits. Sure enough, there are many snakes. In some holes in the distance, there are many jackals curling up inside and looking at Qiugu with a pair of terrible eyes. Those animals seem to feel that Qiugu is indeed not easy to mess with. They all dare not approach them far away from Qiugu, but there are some birds in everything. But the so-called gun shoots the first bird.

At this time, the jackal jumped out of the hole. Qiu Gu had no intention to hurt the jack wolf. Qiu Gu knew that these animals were just his own instinct. He only saw Qiu Gu swinging the jackal and flew the jackal far away, but Qiu Gu didn't exert much force at all. I'm afraid it's not. Be careful to kill the jackal. Qiu Gu doesn't want to kill this innocent jackal.

After the jackal was blown away, it seemed to be scared and fled to the pits in the distance. Even if it never came out, the other jackals also retreated one after another and did not dare to make it again.

But there are indeed many snakes around. Qiu Gu took out the compass and found that. At this time, the compass turned faster and shook quickly, making Qiu Gu more and more confident. It seems that this dragon ball is not far away. Just walking around here, Qiu Gu suddenly saw a few in the distance. Statues, those statues were just like those found when Qiu Gu found the two statues before, and there were also three dragon balls on those statues. Qiu Gu was very happy to see here and was about to take the dragon balls in the hands of those statues, but soon Qiu Gu found some sand in front of those statues in the distance. As if falling underground, Qiu Gu immediately felt something was wrong and hurriedly retreated a few steps.

Qigu picked up a stone next to him and threw it into the sand. As soon as the stone was thrown on the sand, he saw the stone fall into the sand.

"It turned out to be sand! Fortunately," Akiya said, and then summoned the cloud out, ready to fly over the sand carefully. When Akiya flew to the sand, two huge worms suddenly emerged from the sand.

Those worms are very disgusting and thick. They look like a fat pig without legs. Those worms are green and have many yellow on their backs. The most disgusting thing is that those worms have many eyes on their heads, about ten eyes. A pile of eyes squeezed together makes people feel very evil. My heart and dizzy, and at this time, the two worms sprayed a lot of yellow mucus towards Qiugu. Qiugu could not avoid being stained by a drop of mucus on his clothes. Suddenly, he saw that the place where the clothes were stained began to melt. Qiu Gu immediately reacted. These two A bug is what Mona calls a dead worm.

As soon as Akiya reacted, the mucus of those worms was sprayed more. This place is very narrow and difficult to dodge, but Akiya found that the mucus of the worm could not melt his body. At this time, Akiya took out all gods and was immediately summoned with a flame. The flame The mucus was blocked in front of him, and Qiu Gu easily attacked the two bugs. When Qiu Gu arrived at the other side of the two bugs, he was ready to kill the bugs. Suddenly, the two bugs began to spray two electric lights on the side of Qiu Gu.

Of course, Akiya expected that these bugs would attack with electricity, because Mona had said before that these bugs would attack with electricity.

Unfortunately, electricity is of little use for Akiya. Akiya used magic to absorb those electricity. These bugs are not aggressive in front of Akiya. At most, they are two hateful bugs that are more annoying. Akiya believes that these two bugs are just to prevent some people from coming here to steal those three. Dragon Ball.

After the electricity was resolved, Qiu Gu had arrived in front of the two bugs. Then he knocked the two insects unconscious and knocked them to the ground. Qiu Gu didn't want to peel off the skin of the two bugs as a precaution, but went directly to take down the three dragon balls. This time, Qiu Gu learned a lesson. When he got three dragon balls, he hurried out of the pit and came outside.

Fly to Liu Lianyi Shangguan Qinger's side, Qiu Gu took out the dragon ball and said, "Haha, I got three dragon balls this time. No wonder this compass shook as if it was about to explode."

And Shang Fangjian has gone to another place to find the whereabouts of Xuanwu. Xuanwu is auspicious beast in the north. According to rumors, this so-called Xuanwu is a turtle with a snake's head. This turtle is not as difficult to find as other mythical beasts. The turtle Shang Fangjian and others came here. Legends related to this turtle have been seen everywhere in the north. There are statues of Xuanwu in many temples here. Many people here worship this turtle, which may have something to do with the environment here. This is a forest sea and snowfield. People here rely on hunting for a living. People here say that as long as they give This Xuanwu god can be blessed with incense, and it is lucky to go out to hunt. I don't know how this legend came out, but it has indeed formed a small-scale spread in the local area.

Shang Fangjian and his party came to one of the largest Xuanwu temples here. This Xuanwu temple is specially used to sacrifice this Xuanwu. There is only one god worshipped here, that is, Xuanwu, and other temples have more or less other gods in it. They want to ask about relevant letters. Xi can only come to this largest Xuanwu temple.

When you come to Xuanwu Temple, you can see many people coming and going in the distance. These are the families of hunters or hunters. You can see the fur coats they are wearing. The environment here is very bad, and some measures must be taken to keep out the cold, and the Xuanwu Temple is actually on a relatively high mountain. I don't know why the temple has to find a high mountain to build. Some people say that the temple is not built in the deep mountains for those monks to practice, but to attract more sesame oil money for self-hype. Seeing this, Shang Fangjian can't help but think of this statement.

"It's abominable that the temple is built in such a high place. Shall we fly up?" Bai Nan asked.

"No, there are too many people here. Flying up will definitely cause a lot of chaos and speculation. Since this temple is called a sacred place, let's go up. We must be a little sincere when we come to the sacred place. I hope we can successfully find Xuanwu." Shang Fangjian said that he was the first to walk towards this mountain.

There is only one continuous stone ladder connected to the Xuanwu Temple on this mountain, and people come and go on this narrow ladder.

After walking for about half an hour, Shang Fangjian came to the stairs and came to the door of the Xuanwu Temple.

In fact, looking from the distance from this Xuanwu Temple, the scenery is really good. Because it snows here all year round, it looks white and pure from high. From time to time, you can see some hunters hunting there in the valley in the distance.

"I didn't expect the scenery in this place to be really good!" Bai Nan gasped and said.

At this time, a monk came out of the temple and saw the three faces on the side of Shang Fangjian, so he hurried over. In fact, when Shang Fangjian came to this place, they bought some more luxurious fur coats in the local area. Seeing the clothes of Shang Fangjian and others, the monk seemed to be Seeing the money, he hurried over and asked, "How many are outsiders?"

"Hm, how do you know?" Yu Chi asked.

"Of course I know that you are rich families from other places. You must come here to see this Xuanwu God." The monk said.

"Of course, since we have come to this place to see the Xuanwu God, in fact, we are here to know something about this Xuanwu God." Shang Fangjian said.

The matter of Xuanwu? Oh, by the way, you must be hunters. In fact, there is a rumor among the hunters. You must have heard it. Yes, this Xuanwu beast is indeed so magical. With the blessing of the Xuanwu beast, hunters will hit more prey and be less attacked by prey. You came here in the right place!" The monk said.

Shang Fangjian didn't know what the monk wanted to say, but looking at the monk's dress, Shang Fangjian almost knew, because the monk's jacket was actually covered with gold wire, and this was just a small monk, so the host here may be more luxurious. Hua, how can a monk use such a thing? The monk's cultivation is to cultivate to all four empty. He must dress as simple as possible. Unexpectedly, this is obviously a guy who uses mythical gimmicks to cheat money.

Shang Fangjian smiled and then said, "We are here to ask for some information. If the information you give me is reliable and practical, then I will definitely reward you with a lot of money."