shake the nine bream

Chapter 60 Golden Ice 1

Shang Fangjian and the demon king Raven Yu collided together, which was very obvious. Shang Fangjian was directly defeated by the Raven Feather. Although the Raven Feather and Shang Fangjian had already fought, Shang Fangjian was still shot down, and the whole body was directly torn by the devastating power of Raven Feath in the impact. Shang Fangjian was completely There was room for resistance, and the whole body was torn. Shang Fangjian saw his body torn in the last time, and his skin began to disintegrate inch by inch, as if the charred paper began to peel off. At this time, Shang Fangjian almost had no pain. At this time, Shang Fangjian also reacted and looked at Shang Fang. On the other side of Jian, seeing that Shang Fangjian was no longer in this place, Shang Fangjian was relieved and knew that his last eyes had disappeared.

The demon king crow feather did not expect to encounter such obstacles at this time, but all this is no longer important, but the demon king crow feather did not expect that Shang Fangjian would be reborn in another way. This is a reborn Shangfang sword.

On the top of Mount Hua, the altar that was once used by zero to summon the evil king was already dilapidated, but something was happening in this place. Just looking at the ice and snow around it began to turn golden, and these golden ice cubes began to gather towards this altar, and soon On this altar, a blade-like ice cube gathered. This is a large ice cube, about two meters old, and a person's body is forming in this ice. Only some blood vessels begin to converge in this ice, then organs, then muscles, and then skin. Everything is generated quickly, just like a god creating a man. You can clearly see the whole process of the generation of a person's body, and soon the person's appearance is generated, and the whole body is also generated. It should be said that it has been reorganized. This is Shang Fangjian, a reorganized Shang Fang Jian, no one knows why all this happened, but Shang Fangjian's body was indeed generated in this ice cube.

This ice has stood on the top of Huangshan for three days. These three days is the most important link for people. It is much more difficult before this link, because this link creates the human soul. The human soul is a very special thing. Only when people have a soul can they be distinguished from animals. Only when people have a soul can they create it. Everything impossible, the soul of Shang Fangjian has been newly created in these three days.

Shang Fangjian quickly woke up and found himself curled up in an ice cubes. He was very surprised. Shang Fangjian thought he couldn't escape, but he didn't expect that when Shang Fangjian used his hand hard, the whole ice cubes burst out, and the ice cubes turned into golden snowflakes floating around. Shang Fangjian Standing up and slowly landing on the ground, Shang Fangjian stretched out his hand and was surprised to find that his destroyed body had been rebuilt. What was amazing was that he still remembered the past. Seeing this familiar place around him, Shang Fangjian knew that he had come to the place where he had summoned the evil king. A place.

Shang Fangjian knew that the evil king was a guy who could be compared with the demon king's crow feather. Naturally, his power could be rebuilt like the demon king's crow feather, but Shang Fangjian was surprised that the power in his body was another force. This power did not have an evil feeling, but was very righteous. Shang Fangjian did not understand what was going on. Shang Fangjian reached out and was lucky at this time, and then used the sword light to the distant sky. Suddenly, he saw a sword light being shot out, but the difference is that this sword light is different from the previous sword light. This sword light is composed of ice, and also Maybe it's not ice, because it doesn't have the hardness of ice. This power is a thing composed of golden ice, ice and light, a thing that Shang Fangjian can't explain clearly.

Shang Fangjian had no intention to understand these things and hurriedly flew to the mountain to find the whereabouts of Qiugu, but the whereabouts of Qiugu was not as simple as he thought.

When Shang Fang's sword flew to the world, he suddenly found that this place was different from the previous world. At this time, the world was full of demons, all those demon creatures. There were still burning meteors falling down in the sky, and those meteors falling to the ground were smashed and turned into the demon world. Creatures, the world has fallen under the control of creatures in the demon world.

People on the ground are fighting against these demon creatures. In fact, it has been four days, and the human army is vulnerable in front of the demon creatures.

Dazhou did not expect that the country he had built was destroyed in such a short life by these demon creatures in two days. The main characters of the whole dynasty were killed, and the unimportant have become slaves of these demon creatures. It seems that the demon king Raven Feather has ordered not to kill too many people, because the demon king If you want to enjoy the feeling of ruling the three worlds, it is impossible without people in the three worlds. Without human beings, the three worlds will not be regarded as the three worlds. It can only be regarded as the era of famine in ancient times.

So most people have become slaves of these demons, and the slave camp is being built at this time.

Shang Fangjian walked in a destroyed town, surrounded by burning flames, and killed bodies can be seen everywhere. These bodies have been burned, and those who have not been burned do not know what has been eaten.

Shang Fangjian did not expect that one day the human world would become like this. Human civilization was put to an end here, but Shang Fangjian believed that all this had not been put to an end. When Shang Fangjian was walking in this town, a demon world creature suddenly saw Qiugu in the distance.

Those are several magical creatures. They all have horns and look ugly. They are burning with flames on their bodies and holding several captured humans behind them. When these monsters saw Shang Fangjian's side, they were immediately shocked. They picked up the big knife in their hands and pointed to Shang Fangjian and said, "What are you?" Are you still walking around here? Come here, you will all be slaves in the human world in the future. You can only live in the slave camp. The demon king said that human beings have never been united. Only in this place can you live a united life. Come here quickly!"

Shang Fangjian suddenly laughed, but he couldn't help but be sad to hear these demon creatures say this. At this time, Shang Fangjian said, "Human affairs don't need to be managed by you monsters at all. Human beings are constantly developing today because of those shortcomings. You guys in the demon world, the most Good, get back to your demon world. This is not your world. You are the invaders!"

Hearing Shang Fangjian say this, those creatures in the demon world suddenly came out in anger. Maybe they had never heard human beings say such a thing in front of them. At this time, they saw a monster angry and threw a chain tied to human beings on the ground, and then raised a big knife towards Shang Fang. The sword rushed over, and Shang Fangjian stood still. Originally, the demon world creature thought that Shang Fangjian would escape, but it did not escape, which was even more a contempt for the demon world creature.

But when the demon world creature waved a big knife in front of Shang Fang Sword, he figured out why Shang Fang Sword was so confident. When the demon world creature had not cut the knife to Shang Fang Sword's head, he saw that the demon world creature was directly frozen in place. With those golden frosts all over his body, Shang Fangjian smiled and said, "I said that you don't belong to this world. You can only return to your demon world or go to the demon king!"

As Shang Fangjian pushed hard, he saw that the golden ice cube collapsed and suddenly broke to the ground. The demon world creature also broke to the ground. Suddenly, it turned into a black flame and burned out. Shang Fangjian did not expect that these demon creatures would be like this after they died.

"Do you still want to die? If you don't want to die, then let go of those people in your hands, and I will let you go!" Shang Fangjian said.

Shang Fangjian's words did not seem to make those people feel timid. Instead, he rushed towards Shang Fangjian angrily. Shang Fangjian sighed, and then put his hands together in front of him again. He only saw a golden ice light flashing through the monsters and fell down one after another, and then turned into a black flame. Lost.

At this time, Shang Fangjian walked towards those who were pulled by the chains. After walking in, he saw that it was really pitiful. Those people's hands and feet were all iron. Some people's hands and feet were worn out by these things, their skin and flesh and flesh were exposed, and blood had become blood pots. These people looked like Zi was overpanic, or desperate. He couldn't find an expression on his face. He could only see the fear and desperate faces on their faces. Shang Fangjian sighed and took out the shackles on these people's hands and feet, and then said, "You are free!"

Hearing Shang Fangjian say that you are free, suddenly a guy in this crowd sighed and said, "What freedom? We have no freedom at all. Today, the world has been reduced to those monsters. You have saved us now, and it won't be long before we will be captured by them. This It won't be easier to catch us back than now. You saved us, but you actually hurt us!"

Shang Fangjian didn't expect these people to say so. Shang Fangjian still thought that he had saved people, but when he looked back, it was indeed like this. The world is already the world of those monsters, and these people can escape to that place? But after saving people, it can't really become harmful. Shang Fangjian originally planned to find Qiu Gu, but now it seems that there is nothing he can do for the time being. However, Shang Fangjian can only say, "What do you think? Now that I have helped you, I can't see that you hurt you because I saved you!"

Hearing Shang Fangjian say this, some people in the crowd laughed with a rare smile. Suddenly, a person said, "Then let's follow you in the future. With your skills, we can live, otherwise I'm afraid we will only die!"

Shang Fangjian was very helpless and didn't know how to shirk it. Then he said, "Well, we have to leave this place now. I think those monsters will come here soon, and I'm afraid there will be a lot of trouble at that time!"

"Yes, those monsters have transported the first people to the slave camp. We have to leave this place as soon as possible. I know that the plain in the distance is very safe. There have always been few people there, and it is not a place where these monsters often haunt. We can be there. For the time being, I know there are some caves over there, and we can also live there temporarily!"

Hearing this guy say this, Shang Fangjian had no choice but to follow these guys to go to that place. I don't know why these guys are so rude. This can be said to be the sinful person Shang Fangjian has seen, but what's the use of some so-called politeness in front of life and death? What people only care about is that they can make It's good to live by yourself. As long as you can live, people will come up with all kinds of ways.

Following the guy, he dodged away from the town. At this time, the group had come to a mountain range. It seemed that few people were active here, and it was still a little green here. At this time, the guy pointed to the wall and shouted, "There are many holes there. Cave, we can hide in it, and my wife and children are hiding in it. Let's go and have a look there!"

This guy is smart and has arranged his wife and children to this place in advance. Seeing the smiling face on this person's face, Shang Fangjian saw the beauty of some nature and couldn't help warming Shang Fangjian's heart.