shake the nine bream

Chapter 76 Evil Uses for Right

He stood up painstakingly and slowly stood up, then looked at Qiu Gu and Shang Fang Jian, and then said, "Thank you!"

Hearing the painstaking efforts to say such words, Shang Fangjian still looked a little angry, but Qiu Gu asked indifferently, "Are you all right?"

Facing Qiu Gu's question, he was also a little surprised, bowed his head and smiled, and then said, "Fortune, I didn't expect that these cancers that have controlled me for many years have been blessed by misfortune. Thank you very much."

"Control your cancer? This may be the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard in my life. Brother, don't believe him. These people in the demon world are not good people. What they say is not credible. This must be a lie that he took the opportunity to escape in order to deceive your kindness. Don't believe it. Shang Fangjian said.

Qiu Gu patted Shang Fangjian on the shoulder and said, and then said, "No, in fact, I don't think this is a lie. Anyway, we are fine now, right? Let's listen to what's going on. As you said, this statement is indeed a little ridiculous, but I'm really curious about whether cancer can control people. ?"

"Yes, this thing can indeed control people. This is a kind of poison I practice. At the beginning, I didn't feel that this thing could devour people at all. Later, I learned that although this thing was powerful, it could devour people's consciousness. I slowly began to fall into this poison. In control, these cancers seem to have their own thoughts and control my thoughts to let me do things for him, and he seems to be the only one who succumbs to is the demon king Raven Feather. Casually, I work for the demon king Raven Feather, which is not my voluntary. He said painstakingly.

Shang Fangjian still didn't believe all this, and then asked, "Then what do you think this is going to do?"

"Although I lost consciousness, I still know these things in the world, so I hope to do something for the current world." He said painstakingly.

Of course, such words are very pleasing to Qiu Gu, but they can't be liked by Shang Fangjian. Shang Fangjian is a little disgusted. It seems that he is confessing to Shang Fangjian that he wants to join Qiu Gu's camp. At this time, Shang Fangjian is very defensive, and then said, "Hahaha, I understand. You want to join us, right? The best way to win a big battle is to know yourself and know your enemy, and it is best to communicate internally and externally so that you can be sure to win the battle. I think you just want to lurk around us and then come out with us at some point, right? Your mind has been seen through by me, so don't pretend. "

I looked at Qiu Gu with painstaking helplessness, and then saw Shang Fangjian and said, "What I said is true. In fact, a long time ago, I was a doctor. I specialized in detoxification, but later I didn't know that I was harmed by the strongest poison of this research, so I killed my family and I killed. My friend, I'm really sincere. I hope to see human beings are good. I don't want to see human pain. At present, you two are the only ones who can fight against the demon king and crow feather. Although the goal of demon king and crow feather is too far away, I hope to deal with you. I hope to do my part for human beings. , it is obviously a useless battle for me to fight against the demon emperor alone.

What else does Shang Fangjian want to say? At this time, Qiu Gu has come out to stop Shang Fangjian, and then said, "Actually, I can feel the painstaking heart. Brother, don't worry, this guy is indeed a good man. Just now I got a magical unknown Power, now I think I can feel that the person in front of me is indeed a good person. The corruption in his body has disappeared. At present, we still have to deal with those six. If there are five except soul refining, we are also difficult to deal with. We need help.

As Qiu Gu saw the painstaking side, and then said, "You can still use spells now, right?"

As soon as Qiu Gu finished speaking, he suddenly saw painstakingly stretching out his hand and grabbing a withered branch on the ground. Suddenly, he saw that the branch began to germinate. Seeing this, Qiu Gu smiled and said, "Is this?"

"I took the medicine. In fact, my original ability is medical ability. I can provide you with some support when you kill the enemy on the front line, and as for the offensive power!" With that, he only looked at the front with painstakingly, and suddenly several emerald humanoid creatures were formed.

"These are creatures that can absorb the vitality of the other party. Originally, this is a relatively evil spell, but if you want to fight, you can only use such a spell." He said painstakingly.

Akiya smiled and then said, "It's nothing. The so-called evil only depends on the person who uses it. Even if the evil spell is used for good purposes, then he is just. For example, if the demon king uses his ability for the benefit of mankind, then he will not represent evil." With that, Qiu Gu looked at Shang Fangjian and said, "Brother, you should have had such an experience. Why don't you give a repentant person a chance?"

Hearing Qiu Gu say this, Shang Fangjian also seemed to ease a little, and then said, "Well, but I have to say it first. If you do something hateful halfway, I'm not polite!"

He nodded painstakingly and said, "Don't worry!"

At this time, Akiya reacted and said, "Can you talk?"

"Let's hurry back to the demon emperor. I think he has gone to the elf kingdom at this time. We must quickly see the situation there." Shang Fangjian said.

At this time, he hurriedly asked, "Do you want to go to the headquarters of the Demon Emperor?"

Akiya was about to speak, but Shang Fangjian stopped it and said first, "Then what kind of decision did this demon emperor make?"

"The demon emperor decided to take the army to the elf kingdom with some third-rate characters. It seems that he hopes that one person can defeat the elf kingdom. I think the demon emperor has almost begun to act now. Now there should be many elite backbones stationed there. If this time It may be difficult to attack.

"Then do it. We're going to attack at this time." Qiu Gu said with a smile.

"Is it just a few of us? No other support?" He asked painstakingly.

"No, just the three of us, if you think it's too late to regret now!" Shang Fangjian said.

After laughing painstakingly, the old man laughed and said, "I'm also old. Even if I'm going to die, what is there? Let's go. I'll take you to the Demon Emperor. I know best about the deployment there.