shake the nine bream

Chapter 6 Envoy

Early the next morning, Shang Fangjian and Qiu Gu had been called over. Shang Fangjian and Qiu Gu did not know what they were for. Only when they came to the critical hall did they find that they were called not only themselves, including Danyang and Chenyuan. In addition to Qiu Gu and Shang Fangjian, there were also Yang Lingfeng. , Liu Lianyi, Shen Yun and Shen Tu have all come, so the good hands of the three peaks have come to this place.

After yesterday's battle, in fact, Qiugu monk Fangjian has not recovered. In fact, according to reason, Qiugu's cultivation is not qualified to attend such a meeting, but it is also because yesterday's performance made him value some of Qiugu's explosive power. Although Chen Yuzhong's move at that time did not know what happened It was resolved, but the inorganic side was clearly seen. The power that resolved the skeleton was definitely not produced by Shang Fang's sword, because the power used by Shang Fang's sword was presented in the form of sword light, and the power to resolve the skeleton was presented in the form of black thunder and lightning. This is undoubtedly not produced by Shang Fang's sword. It can be imagined that Qiu Gu used it. Others thought it was Shang Fangjian's trick, but the inorganic could see it clearly. This must have been used by Qiu Gu. Although Qiu Gu also looked confused, the inorganic gave him a chance here.

"Master, is this today?" Qiu Gu asked. The inorganic side just patted Qiu Gu on the shoulder and then walked on the stage. Yang Lingfeng quickly walked over and closed the door. Seeing that Qiu Gu also began to be serious, because it was obviously a secret operation.

Inorganic walked to the stage, then looked at everyone and said, "First of all, I felt sorry for the few disciples who sacrificed Zi Yifeng. In a previous action of Chenyuan's sister, it happened to find that it may be some signs of the action of the Demon Sect. Liu Daosenluo should be clear, but there may not be much for this sect. The impression, because the demon religion had been exterminated as early as a hundred years ago, but there is no doubt that Liudao Senluo has always been the enemy of the world's cultivation sect. No one wants to see this sect appear in the world again. At present, there are such signs, we must also investigate clearly. If it is really the remnants of the demon religion in action, then I We must also take action. If the demonic religion is really in action, we must also inform the other two sects, so this time everyone is anxious to come here to talk about this matter. Talking about the inorganic bar, his eyes were handed over to Chenyuan, and Chenyuan also stood up.

"In fact, I didn't have much to say. Although the characters sent out at that time were not very powerful, they were also strong. According to the ripples, they seemed to have been killed directly. Everything seemed horrible. I analyzed that this was probably snow fog, one of the four guardians of Liu Daosenluo, such as If this is the case, we must take action to get rid of this guy. This time, everyone is anxious to explain this matter to everyone, and then form a team to investigate this matter. The composition of the team is the current people, and the destination is the dream place. Chen Yuan said.

At this time, he looked at Chenyuan and seemed to hope that Chenyuan would continue to talk about the dreamland. Chenyuan continued to say, "The dreamland is actually a forest, but this forest is not as beautiful as the name. This is a black dry forest, which is originally a human forbidden At the beginning, I got the news that there were signs of the activity of a spirit beast. According to the signs of activity, this should be a shark beast that has never been encountered in a thousand years, but the future situation seems to be out of budget. This dreamland may not be as simple as we think. It seems to be a dangerous. However, as a member of the Xiuzhen world, we should follow the principle of exorcism and defend the way. Even if this place is in danger, we must go. I have clearly marked the location of this dream place and handed it over to Yang Lingfeng. This time, the team is Yang's nephew to lead the team. I hope everyone will go there by then. To cooperate well, this may be the first time for you to work on such a dangerous task, but you should be psychologically prepared.

Hearing Chen Yuan say this, all the disciples present felt a little pressure, but Yang Lingfeng was very excited. This was the first time that Yang Lingfeng had made such a dangerous mission, and the target was Liu Dao Senluo, which Yang Lingfeng had been looking forward to. In a task, the inorganic also looked at Yang Lingfeng behind him and said, "This is the first time you have made such a mission. Do a good job."

But Yang Lingfeng was curious and asked, "Does Brother Qiugu also want to make such a mission?" Will it be dangerous?"

Inorganic just lowered his head and smiled, and then said, "I'm relieved that you lead the team!"

Qiu Gu still doesn't have much confidence in himself, but Shang Fangjian is full of confidence. Shang Fangjian can be said to be making progress every day. These advances are completely unaware of by others, and they are all quietly.

On this day, Chen Yuzhong had just returned to Wanxing Palace. Shangguan Qinger was also curious and asked Chen Yuzhong, "How's it going?"

Chen Yuzhong shook his head and said, "There is no way. With the help of inorganic, I still didn't get those two swords back smoothly. In fact, I want to see what ability these two kids can use these two swords."

Shangguan Qinger couldn't help covering her mouth and laughing, and then said, "What are the names of those two kids? Let's remember it too."

"One is called Qiu Gu and the other is called Shang Fangjian. If they really have the ability, I think we will see these two kids soon." Chen Yuzhong said.

"What the hell is going on? Is it inorganic to stop it? Shangguan Qinger asked.

"That's not the case. I thought the two of them couldn't catch my three palms, so in order to give inorganic a face, I said that if the two of them could catch my three palms, then I would give up, but I didn't expect that the three palms were caught by the two kids, and I used 40% of the third palms. Li, but I didn't expect that there would be a black thunderstorm. You know, this is a force used by Dugu to seek defeat in those years. I didn't expect it to appear in reality. It must have been the black ink sword, so I really don't compete with them. I really want to see what these two swords will have. Strength."