shake the nine bream

Chapter 16 Dragon Vein

After Changjue attacked Piaoyuan Mountain, the inorganic representative of Piaoyuan Mountain and Wanxing Palace came to the side of the Dabei Temple. The Dabei Temple is located in the Dabei Valley, which is a Buddhist holy place. It was originally surrounded by a wild Gobi, but since this place became a Buddhist holy place, it began to come out slowly. With vitality, there are many flowers and plants around here, and gradually this place is surrounded by green.

There is no doubt that there are many memories when I came to this place again. I still remember that I killed a child when I first came to this place. When I first came here, I came here for the matter of Liu Daosenro. This time, I didn't expect that it was for the matter of Liu Daosenro. This is undoubtedly a fateful arrangement.

The Temple of Dabei Temple is not as huge and luxurious as expected. Dabei Temple is actually a small temple. The diameter of this temple is less than 600 square meters, which is a complete small temple, and there are few disciples here. There may be only about 50 or 60 disciples of Dabei Temple, and Dabei Temple is also It is the gang with the least number of the three sects. Of course, the strength of the gang cannot be explained by these external conditions. Although the Great Compassion Temple is a small temple, the strength of the Great Compassion Temple cannot be underestimated. Those monks who practice here are highly understanding talents, because of the strictness of the Great Compassion Temple's disciples. That's why there is such a disciple.

Although the Great Compassion Temple is small, it is actually within thousands of miles around the scope of the Great Compassion Temple, because the Great Compassion Temple has a supreme treasure. This treasure is called the Buddha's relith reli. The Buddha's relith relithrecy is the sparks after Sakyamuni's nirvana, which contains Buddha's thinking about the world, and he has been in this world. The divine power obtained by cultivation protects this Great Sorrow Valley. It makes this Great Sorrow Valley a forbidden place for evil. No evil can come to this place, because the protection of the reli makes this place an invincible place. No one who has anything important dares to step into this place, because it is big here. The Temple is a perfect and invincible place, so some people say that the Great Compassion Temple is eternal justice. No matter how strong the strength of Liu Daosenluo is, it is impossible for them to attack the Great Compassion Temple. The Great Compassion Temple is the last refuge of the right path. Evil can enter this place through its invincible and powerful power. In an instant, the quantity will destroy those things that should not have come to this place.

In fact, I don't want to come to this place easily, because when I come to this place, I always feel very small and weak.

However, Dakong, the host of Dabei Temple, is a very good person, and Dakong's cultivation is also very profound. Of course, such an abbot will not be said to kill innocent people in this place. There are three elders in Dabei Temple, namely Dakong, Daci and Dawu. The three elders are heard that they have exceeded 300 years old and are the current life in the world of cultivation. The three longest human beings, because their old age also makes them become rare masters of the current cultivation world.

Dakong is also a rare genius in the post-unusual era, but this genius rarely appears elsewhere in the world. Most of his time he practices in this valley of great sorrow. There is really little time to step into the outside world. Even during the war in the wilderness of the West, Dakong did not appear. Because of this incident, it has also caused a period of upsurge. Fortunately, the station was successfully solved, otherwise Dakong may have to bear some sins. Of course, for Dakong, these sins are just imposed on themselves by others. As long as they don't think it is actually a sin, there are some time for Buddhists. It will make you speechless and puzzled.

Because of this reason, there is no way to come to this place this time, because there are too few opportunities to see these guys outside.

When Inorganic just came to this valley, he heard the sound of chanting Buddhist scriptures echoing in this valley. These sounds echoed in this valley, making Inorganic suddenly feel that he had entered a Buddhist holy place. Inorganic had just come to the foot of the mountain, and the sky had been waiting for a long time. When the machine came to this place, the sky shouted to the machine-free side from afar, "This way, this way!"

The inorganic saw the sky at a glance, but the inorganic did not expect that a master like the air would wait for him at the foot of the mountain. There is no doubt that this is a supreme etiquette, and the inorganic also hurriedly came to the sky. Although the inorganic itself was already an elderly old man, in front of the air, the inorganic You can feel that you will always be a child, but in fact, it is also like this. Inorganic is indeed a child compared with Dakong, because Dakong is nearly 200 years older than inorganic, and many past things or things experienced in Dakong are much more old-fashioned than inorganic.

"Why are you always in this place?" Inorganic came to the sky and asked.

He smiled, then hurried to the front, and then turned around and said, "Why can't I be in this place? Let's go. You must have something important to say. Let's go in and talk!" Speaking of the sky, he walked to the upper ladder step by step. The inorganic hurriedly caught up. This time, the inorganic had a sense of familiarity, as if he had followed his master to the ethereal mountain step by step when he was young, and once again experienced this feeling, which made the inorganic a little moved, as if When I was young, I hurriedly followed Dakong to the Great Compassion Temple.

The Great Compassion Temple is a small temple. When it entered the Great Compassion Temple, other monks were chanting scriptures there. Seeing that the inorganic side followed the sky to this place, those disciples politely greeted the inorganic, and then continued to recite the scriptures there. Da Ci Dawu came at this time. In front of Dakong, he made a gesture of Buddhism to Wuji with one hand. Dawu said at this time, "Inorganic? Long time no see. How have you been recently?

"Okay, okay, it's only been good since the station more than a hundred years ago to not long ago, but it hasn't been so good recently?" Inorganic said and then sighed.

Dawu looked very entangled and asked, "What's going on?"

Dakong smiled at this time and said, "Let's talk about these things after we go in. Let's go to the Zen room and talk about these unpleasant things!" With that, Dakong took the lead to walk to the backyard. The sky was kind all the way, and said to the inorganic side, "Isn't our temple very small?"

"Small? In fact, I think it's not small, and I even think it's still very big. In fact, the size of a temple does not depend on its size, but on the things contained in it. The Great Compassion Temple contains the strongest Buddhist disciples in the world and the most devout Buddhist disciples. This place is full of the taste reflected in the Buddhist scriptures. Tao, the temple should be like this, so I think the Great Compassion Temple is actually a big temple, even the largest temple in the world!"

Inorganic said this, Dakong suddenly laughed, and Daci Dawu also laughed. Dakong said at this time, "It seems that your understanding is still quite high. In fact, small is small, haha!"

Speaking that several people have come behind the so-called Zen room at this time. This so-called Zen room is the place where people have been sleeping in the air. This place has been staying in the sky for the longest time, but this place is indeed not very good. It looks like a firewood house, but it is still cleaned. It makes people only imagine that this is an ordinary house. This house has only one bed, some pots and pans, a table, and a very ordinary wooden table. The wooden table has been polished, and I don't know how many candles have been used on the table.

"This is my Zen room. Such an environment must make you laugh?" Dakong said.

Inorganic smiled bitterly and said, "No, in fact, I know that it is absolutely easy to want a more luxurious Zen room than the royal palace with the power of the Great Compassion Temple, but I also know that real Buddhists will not care about these external things."

Dakong laughed again and said, "You're really right. Come and sit down, everyone sit down!"

Said that the four people sat down in this place. Dakong was still very polite. He hurriedly served tea to everyone and said, "I only have tea here!"

"It's okay, it's okay!" Inorganic said.

"Do you want to talk about Liu Daosenro this time?" Dakong said while pouring the tea. Inorganic was stunned for a moment and then said, "Yes, how do you know?"

"Your majestic head of the ethereal mountain came to my place. It must be a very difficult thing to deal with. It needs to be dealt with together. I watched the sky last night and found that the Star of War in the wild land of the West began to light up again. It was a red star. I remember the last time I saw it was More than a hundred years ago, I didn't expect it to light up again recently. This is a bad omen. I expected that Liu Dawson Luo must have rekindled again, so I also expected that you will definitely come back to this place. Here I want to apologize to you first!" Dakong said.

Hearing Dakong suddenly say that he wanted to apologize, it made the inorganic suddenly feel at a loss and said, "What are you? ......”

"Your master also came here to find me more than a hundred years ago, but I didn't promise to go out to fight. I know that the battle was a very tragic battle, and I have always been very sorry for this, so I think I should apologize to you!"

Hearing Dakong say this, he said in a hurry: "Senior, don't say that. In fact, it's all over, and Liu Daosenluo has also been destroyed, so..."

Dakong took a sip of tea and said, "Now all the elders of my Dabei Temple are in this place. Let's talk about what happened recently!"

"Oh, that's right. Recently, Six Dawsonro has indeed started to be active, and previously provoked the relationship between the Floating Mountain and the Wanxing Palace through the mirror magic, which almost made us fight even with a gang. Fortunately, later we tricked to let Six Dawson Row fall into our trap. In a battle, we Nearly 300 believers who successfully defeated the demon religion, but still let the core people escape, so I expect that the activities of the demon religion will never end. The person you know is a person who is not immortal than the Yellow River. I think he will definitely brew some new evil things after this battle, plus He will definitely return the failure of the wild land of the West a hundred years ago to the world, but now we don't know how to do it. There has never been the whereabouts of Six Dausen Luo, and we don't know what these guys are doing? But no matter what they are doing, I must inform you beforehand.

Hearing the inorganic words, the great understanding also began to be a little anxious at this time, and it seemed that he also felt a sense of crisis for this matter.

But Dakong looks true but let it, and then said, "Changjue should have died a hundred years ago, and those mirror demons and so on should also be dead. I have calculated that there is no fate at all, but I also believe that what you said is indeed true, and it can be done to the dead. Law is nothing more than involving two camps, that is, gods and demons. Both camps will resurrect the dead again, but as you and I both know, this Changjue has actually cultivated the cultivation of breaking through the heavenly world, but he is not listed in the immortal class, because the divine world does not welcome this guy, so he has to find demons. It's the world, so I think he has fallen into the demon world. If the resurrection again, it can't involve the divine world, it must be involved in the demon world!"

Hearing Dakong say this, Wu Inorganic was also very surprised and said, "What should I do?"

"It's hard to say, but I can give you a direction and give us a direction. As you said just now, I don't think Changjue's power has fully recovered. If Changjue's battle is fully restored, the battle will never be so depressed. You should remember the battle a hundred years ago, Changjue In that war, it was shocking, and everyone joined hands to barely subdue this guy, so after listening to what you said just now, I think Chang felt that he should not have fully recovered his strength. Dakong said.

At this time, the machine seemed to be a little enlightened. "No wonder he suddenly pulled his hand at that time. It was for this reason! So what will he do in the future? What else does he need to recover his strength?

Dakong sighed at this time and said, "Actually, I have been observing the four auspicious beasts. Recently, I found that the fate of the four auspicious beasts has been zero, so I think he restored his power to this point by killing the four auspicious beasts. If I guess correctly, he wants to continue After recovering his strength, he can only find two things. These four things are the dragon vein, Shenyuan.

"These two things? Why haven't I heard of it? What the hell is this? Why did he look for these two things? Inorganic asked.

"In fact, this is what represents the two worlds of the three worlds. The dragon vein represents the origin of human beings and a lifeblood that maintains the vitality of this continent. I heard that this dragon vein contains some of the most primitive power of human beings, and this divine origin is the origin of God. This thing contains the one of the original gods. No one knows what power it contains, but this thing does exist. Unfortunately, even God doesn't know where this thing is. The only thing that can be known is that it does exist and exists in the human world, but no one has found it, and this often feels that he wants to find it. When it comes to these two things, I think this is also the idea of the demon king. These two things must be related to some of the conspiracy of the demon king, because these two things are opposite to the demon world. If they are destroyed, they are harmful to the human world and the divine world, so I think the demon world must want to subvert the rule, and that often feels Power must be sealed in the demon world, so that if you want to find your power, you must please the demon king. Therefore, we must find those two things before them, or kill Changjue before they find them. At present, only this way can prevent the world from destruction!" Dakong said.

Hearing such remarks, everyone present was speechless and silent. After a while, he continued to ask, "So where should we get this dragon vein and Shenyuan?" What kind of two things are they?"

"I said that God is a thing that no one knows. Of course, no one knows what it is, but I know what this dragon vein is like. This dragon vein is actually a vertebrae, and this vertebrae is actually the spine of the human lifeblood. Bone, I heard that this thing is hidden in the tomb of the Dragon Emperor, but this Dragon Emperor's tomb is a mysterious place. In the past, there was a place that was thought to be the tomb of the Dragon Emperor, but later it was found that this was not the tomb of the Dragon Emperor but a shaky tomb. People who entered it were given by traps there. Killed, and then countless people sacrificed in this tomb that the tomb was completely dug, but it was found that it was a fake dragon emperor tomb. The real dragon emperor tomb has not been found, but this is the only clue we know now. If we want to stop Changjue's action, we must at least find it. To one of them, and the Shenyuan can't find it at all. There is no clue, so we must find this dragon vein. Our goal is the tomb of the Dragon Emperor. As for how to find this tomb, we need to find it ourselves, so I think we must form many teams to find this tomb, hoping that we can Changjue found this thing before he found it!" Dakong said.

Inorganically looked at Daci Dawu, then took a long breath and stood up, and said, "Will the Great Compassion Temple also send disciples this time?"

"Of course!" Dakong said, and then stood up and drank the cup of tea in his hand.