shake the nine bream

Chapter 19 Black Raven

I actually saw such a horrible scene on the first day I came here, which made Chu Wen and his party shocked, and this made several people strengthen their interest in this place. According to reason, the race that built such a huge building complex in this place should not be so deserted, let alone Such torture should often occur, which is undoubtedly a very unfavorable thing for a race in the desert. There must be some unspeakable secrets here. For a period of time, although whether the Dragon Emperor's tomb is there or not, Chu Wen also vowed to investigate what was going on. .

"It seems that there are indeed a lot of things in this place. We'd better be careful!" Chu Wen said.

The next morning, Chu Wen took everyone around. It was not a very pleasant thing to walk around this lonely and ancient place. He couldn't ask anyone when he wandered around. He rarely saw anyone wandering around. He just couldn't ask anyone at all, in order to let go of his hands to do things. Chu Wen took everyone to the outside of the stockade to investigate.

"How should we find the so-called tomb of the Dragon Emperor?" Qiu Gu asked.

It seems that no one can answer Qiu Gu's question, because this question is indeed difficult to solve. It is surrounded by deserts and endless deserts. It is impossible for such a place to find a tomb a long time ago. Thousands of years of wind and sand may have covered up that grave long ago. Of course, this is the case that the Dragon Emperor's tomb is indeed in this place.

At present, the only feasible solution is to know everything about here from the locals. After all, no one is more familiar with the situation around here than the locals, but in fact, this is also a problem, because it is really difficult for the residents here to ask, not to mention that they rarely come out at ordinary times, even if some people come out to see Chu Wen and other outsiders have fled one after another, let alone ask what happened recently.

"At present, we have to start from the local area. It seems impossible to investigate something from our team, so I think we can start from the library in this place. If possible, I hope the patriarch can let us enter the classics collection room and other places here. Go and check some of the history, classics and so on. Liu Lianyi said.

"Will the patriarch agree?" Shang Fangjian asked.

Liu Lianyi smiled and said, "He will definitely agree. Even for the water that can be obtained in the future, he will definitely promise us, otherwise he may never get water again in the future, although he really can't get water in the future, at least he won't get water from us!"

At this time, Chu Wen hurriedly motioned Liu Lianyi to whisper and said, "These words must be whispered. Maybe the surrounding wall has ears!"

Of course, the result is the same as Liu Lianyi said. The patriarch did agree to this requirement. There is only one library of the Huo Miao clan. In the past, only this prestigious person could enter this place, but now the patriarch also allows Chu Wen and his party to enter this place.

The library seems to be built with special building materials. Because of the harsh environment around it, it has to be built with special materials. The walls here are very cold. Such things are also to prevent the books here from slowly drying up because of the surrounding environment. The service life has been lost, because the books of these materials have been preserved for a long time, including some ancient books recorded in animal furs, but unfortunately, the relevant records cannot be found in this limited number of books, and there is no one in this place. The books that record the tomb of the Dragon Emperor, and the books here do not even record who the Dragon Emperor is.

"The books here are limited, but we have read all the books now, and basically nothing related is recorded. It seems that the clues are broken again. Should we give up this place?" Qiu Gu asked.

Liu Lianyi and Chu Wen didn't speak. After a while, Chu Wen said, "I don't know if this patriarch will know something. At present, only the most authoritative people in this place know something!"

"What should I do?" Qiu Gu said that when Qiu Gu said this at this time, suddenly a man came in outside the library. This person is the person on the altar that everyone saw before. This is a big guy who has blocked all the light as soon as he walks in. This guy came in and laughed. Then he said, "What are you discussing? Are you looking for something? I don't think I can help!"

As he spoke, the guy touched a skull in his hand, which seemed to be shiny by him. It seemed that he had developed such a habit.

Looking at this guy closely, you can see the general appearance of this guy more clearly. He is a bald head, looking like a dying man. His face is pale and there are many skeleton spines in his back, which is daunting. In addition, this guy's black robe gives people a very depressing feeling. , hearing this guy say that he wants help from this depressed body always gives people an unreliable feeling.

"Who are you?" Shang Fangjian asked.

At this time, the guy laughed, then walked around everyone, and then said, "I'm the wizard of this place. You can call me Black Raven. It's nice to meet you. I heard that we have some distinguished guests here before, but I haven't come to see you because of something. I hope you Don't mind!"

Hearing the black crow say this, Chu Wen smiled and said, "It turned out to be a great wizard. You don't need to be so polite. In fact, it should be said that we didn't come to visit you."

Black Raven smiled and continued to ask, "Are you looking for something here?" I have read so many books!"

"Yes, in fact, we are looking for a record of something here. As far as I know, this place is rich in a kind of jewelry. This kind of jewelry is crystal clear and yellow. It feels like gold and looks like lychee, but we haven't found any relevant records after looking through all the books. I don't know. Do you know?" Chu Wen hesitated for a moment, and then continued to say, "I heard that the baby is in a place called the Dragon Emperor's tomb. Do you know this ancient tomb?"

Chu Wen said that he hoped to get some information from the black crow's mouth by talking like this, but the black crow frowned and said, "I haven't heard of such a baby. Maybe I'm ignorant. In fact, I haven't heard of the Dragon Emperor's grave. But you are valued by the patriarch, and you must be able to find what you want here!"

Chu Wen could only smile bitterly and then said, "What, if there is really no such thing in this place, then we really can't find it."

"Six people are valued by the patriarch as soon as they come here, which really makes us envious. I don't know if you are here to find the so-called baby?" The black crow said.

In the face of Black Raven's statement, others were a little puzzled. I don't know why Black Raven asked this question, but Liu Lianyi and Chu Wen had a good sense of psychology, and then said, "Yes, we will leave this place soon!"

Hearing Chu Wen say this, the black crow also shook his eyebrows and said, "That's good. I hope you can get what you want!" After a while, the patriarch will invite everyone to have a meal together, saying that they have not treated everyone well before. This time, they specially made some dishes for you to eat. The ingredients of these dishes are not very good. In order to make a local dish for you, the patriarch has taken a lot of effort. At sunset tonight, I hope everyone You can attend on time!"

Hearing the black smoke say this, Liu Lianyi and Qiu Gu coincidentally remembered the guys they had eaten before. They couldn't help but nod with a wry smile, and soon the black crow left.

After the black crow left and was really sure to leave, Qiu Gu said, "This guy looks really gloomy. I didn't expect such a guy to be the position of this great wizard!"

Liu Lianyi frowned over there and said, "That guy was not simple just now. I can feel that there is a real qi in this guy's body. That's a very depressing true qi. It seems that this guy is not an ordinary person!"

"It's true that we are not ordinary people. We'd better be careful of this guy in the future!" Chu Wen said, then threw the book in his hand on the table and said, "Let's go and prepare for it. It seems that if we want to know whether this place is the location of the Dragon Emperor's tomb or not, we can only know some useful information through the patriarch!"

With that, Chu Wen walked outside.

When the sun sets, the sun in the distance from here is like an egg. The red thumbling is like an egg yolk slowly falling to the ground, covered by clouds and integrated into the ground. This is the time to see the patriarch.

Once again came to the patriarch's room. At this time, the cloud house actually strengthened more defense. The number of soldiers here has increased. There were not many soldiers here before. At this time, it was surrounded by heavily guarded soldiers. These soldiers were fully armed, so Chu Wen saw something strange at a glance, because there is no need to use so many soldiers to guard this place after eating a meal. Such a guard must be in order to deal with something cautiously, but now he still doesn't know what it is.

Everyone walked into the room, and Qiu Gu also saw the guy he saw before. The black crow was sitting there at this time and saw Qiu Gu and his party coming to this place. The black jay also smiled at everyone, and then said, "You are here. ?"

Finally, everyone sat down and the food was served. Sure enough, these meals were familiar to Qiu Gu and his party. Seeing these meals, Chu Wen said very politely, "The patriarch is really bothered. These things must be difficult to get in this place, right?"

The patriarch just smiled and said, "These things are really difficult to get, but this is not what I did. It was all found by the great wizard. The great wizard said that he wanted to treat everyone well. He knew that you must not be used to eating here from outside, so he got these The food in the place is bitter for the great wizard. If you want to thank him, thank him!"

Everyone smiled at the big wizard. At this time, the big wizard Black Raven hurriedly said, "Where, this is all right. Everyone comes from thousands of miles away. Of course, we must do our best to be a landlord here. Otherwise, what's good? Outsiders must not get used to the food here, as The landlord must understand these things!"

The black crow said, it was obviously offending the patriarch, but the patriarch could only smile. Chu Wen knew that there must be something wrong. The patriarch must have received the oppression of the black jay. The black Raven must be the actual ruler of the other party, and the soldiers outside must also be the patriarch to prevent it. Fan Hei Raven made it, so that everything can be explained. This place is indeed a very complex place of contradictions and disputes.

"Come and eat, everyone eat!" The black crow greeted.

Everyone began to move the chopsticks, but the patriarch did not move the chopsticks. Seeing the black crow here, he was unhappy at this time, and then said, "Why doesn't the patriarch move the chopsticks? The guests have moved their chopsticks. You, our leader, should also be polite, otherwise it won't give face to others.

The black crow's speech posture is very arrogant. People with bright eyes can see that the patriarch has actually been being pressed on the head by the black crow to do things. Seeing this, Qiugu and his party dare not say anything. After all, this is their own business.

Under the oppression of the black crow, the patriarch also began to move his chopsticks. In fact, it was like the meal before Qiu Gu came to this place. The patriarch is also not used to eating these things, especially the table is full of meat in this place. Those pigs and dogs do not exist in this place. It can be seen under the psychological effect. The patriarch did not eat well.

At this time, the black crow came out satisfied and said, "Actually, I have checked the baby you told me about before with the patriarch. That thing is indeed not available, but we can give you a better baby. I hope you can bring it back to the king of the Zhou Dynasty, but I just hope you You can give the king some scarce things here to come to this place!"

Hearing the black crow say this, Chu Wen smiled and said, "I don't know what the scarcity is here? Is it water?"

The black crow suddenly laughed at this time and said, and then said, "No, no, we are indeed short of water here, but we don't need water, so this is not my consideration. In fact, what we lack here is people, and what we lack here is children. Dissatisfied Three-month-old child.

Hearing the black crow say such a strange thing, Chu Wen has no solution, but he can also feel that this matter is not that simple. Liu Lianyi said at this time, "You should also have such a child here, right?"

The black crow smiled and then said, "Yes, but I found that the children here are different from those in the Central Plains, so I need only 100 children in the Central Plains. As long as there are 100 children, I can give you what the emperor wants. I think you are You won't resist the order, will you? As far as I know, you can't find what the king wants, and you won't live long, so I hope you can bring this matter to the king's ears. This is a very cost-effective deal, because I can let your king live to be about 300 years old. I think your king will not refuse such a condition, and you If this news is brought to your king, I don't think you will have less gifts!"

Hearing the black crow say this, everyone felt something wrong. Those 100 children brought to this place must not be used to do anything good. At this time, Liu Lianyi asked politely, "In fact, praying for the king is our task, but I'm curious about that one. What on earth do a hundred children do with it? I don't know if you can explain it to us, Lord Wizard?

The black crow frowned at this time and said, "Actually, it's not that I don't want to tell you, but if I tell you these things, I'm afraid you will feel uncomfortable, so I still won't say it. As long as you come to this place with those 100 children, each of you can do it because of my mana. And extending the year by a hundred years is a very cost-effective deal.

Hearing this, everyone already knew that this guy must have used the 100 children in a normal scene. Qiu Gu was immediately very angry and was about to stand up, but Chu Wen next to him clicked the acupuncture point on Qiu Gu's feet so that Qiu Gu could not stand up. At this time, Chu Wen's side He smiled and then said, "This question is not a problem, but we want to ask something. Has there ever been a place called the Tomb of the Dragon Emperor? Have you heard of it?"

Hearing Chu Wen's question, the others present did answer and made up for it. Black Raven smiled, "I really don't know about this, but the transaction is a transaction. I hope I just told you that you can take care of it!"

At this time, Qiu Gu couldn't help saying, "Why did you choose us to bring your child No. 100 to this place?"

The black crow looked helpless and said, "Actually, there is nothing I can do. Only you can come to this place through the desert, just like you came to this place with that bottle of water, so I can't help it."

Hearing the black crow say this, Chu Wen immediately lowered his head and smiled, as if he had heard something.