shake the nine bream

Chapter 24 Black and Red Camp

Everyone's destination is the Emerald Lake. Under the leadership of Chu Wen, this is the first time that everyone has come to this grassland so close. The grassland in the north is very different from the grassland in the south. The ultra-far in the north is even more spectacular. Because there are few mountains here, the grassland in this place is also particularly flat. In addition, the uncovered sunshine makes this place look more beautiful. This is Mongolia. The people in Mongolia like to live a nomadic life. They look like a scattered nation, but in fact, this is a very powerful nation. The cavalry here are famous for their strength in the Central Plains. In the eyes, it seems that the people of Mongolia are extremely powerful and the strongest people. In fact, it is also like this. In fact, there is a more special ethnic group in this so-called most powerful nation. This ethnic group is the Tang barbarians. This ethnic group is called barbarians. This race is a very mysterious. Nation, talking about this nation is to talk about the past of the dead Tang Man.

It is rumored that the barbarians have been fighting with the practitioners for a long time. These barbarians have a very strange ability. These people have the strongest physical quality of human beings, and they also surpass the physical quality of ordinary people. They have some power that has been close to surpassing the practitioners. They will not easily fall into illusions, let alone They will be easily killed by swords, and their skin is also surprisingly thick, because their thick skin makes some simple spells not impact, and there is rumored in this race that there is a body technique called King Kong's Indeible Body, which can make people who have cultivated to this point not be hurt by any attack at all. This has brought this nation to a peak position in physical arts.

But I don't know why this nation gradually faded out of people's sight, and this Tang Man was a descendant of an abandoned barbarian. He found Tang Man and raised him as an adult. However, in fact, he did not know that Tang Man was a member of the barbarians before, but later he found Tang Manju. However, not being able to practice Taoism was the discovery that he was originally a member of the barbarians. He had an extraordinary physique and was many times stronger than ordinary people in some physical skills. Unfortunately, such a person was killed later, which was undoubtedly a pain point of inorganic psychology. Inorganic thought it could be cultivated. A person who combines Taoism and physical arts, but failed.

At present, what Chu Wen and his party want to visit is such a race. Oh, no, in fact, it is a last resort. At present, Chu Wen is looking for a place called Emerald Lake. In fact, Chu Wen concluded that the tomb of the Dragon Emperor is likely to be in this so-called Emerald Lake, and all of the Emerald Lake has such a body. One of the power is because of the tomb of the Dragon Emperor, because the legend of the Dragon Ridge is that the Dragon Ridge represents the life of human beings in the world. In fact, this also shows that the Dragon Ridge has an extremely strong physical power, which is consistent with the tradition of the barbarian race. Combined with all Chu Wen imagined that all the barbarians have such a strong body. The quality condition must be due to this dragon ridge.

According to what Chu Wen learned, the Emerald Lake is in the center of Mongolia, and Chu Wen has come here to investigate before, but Chu Wen did not find any difference in the center of this place. The second time he came to this place, Chu Wen was not alone, but a team came to this place. When you get to this place, it is surrounded by grasslands, and there is no water or a pond at all.

"Brother, are you sure this is this place?" Qiu Gu asked.

"It should be this place. I came to investigate this place before. In fact, the last time I came to this place, I didn't find any special place, but according to the information I investigated and what Tang Man told me before his death, this place is the center of Mongolia. It should be said that the so-called Emerald Lake It should also be in this place. It's probably that we didn't find this place. Chu Wen said.

While Chu Wen was talking, suddenly the sound of horse galloping came from afar. The sound slowly approached this place, and you could feel the continuous vibration of the ground. Seeing this situation, Chu Wen hurriedly let everyone hide.

As soon as they hid among a local tycoon, they saw a large number of people coming towards this place in the distance. Those people were all wearing fur coats and were very strong. These guys knew at a glance that they were some soldiers with heavy iron armor hanging on those fur coats, but they were so thick. Heavy equipment seems to have little to do with them. These people still walk very quickly. They walk like ordinary people walking from the horse, even faster than ordinary people. It is hard to imagine what kind of physical condition this is.

These people are all fully armed, with weapons, armor and horses. It's like half of them are going to fight, and their number is also large. At this time, a group of people on the other side also came to this place. Both sides seem to be of the same race, but they are holding different. Flag, one is a black flag and the other is a red flag. The two camps look roughly the same, but I don't know why they come to this place together and are fully armed, which is to find fault in this place.

Fortunately, the local tycoons who Qiugu and his party fled were on the side, just avoiding the opposite position of the two camps, so that several people could still clearly see what was going to happen in this place.

"Should we avoid it first? If these two camps are barbarians, if we are found, it is likely to be a bloody battle!" Liu Lianyi said that although the practitioners have a certain advantage in fighting with the barbarians, there are actually not many advantages. If it is in the face of so many barbarians, then a few practitioners may not have an advantage.

"Let's take a look. Maybe if these are really barbarians, it will save us some effort to find these guys!" Rowling said.

In the end, everyone did not leave this place. Everyone was watching what was going on. The people on both sides in the distance had gathered in this place at this time. The leaders of the two teams quickly stood up. The two guys didn't know how they came from and saw these two. The guy came out of the crowd and talked angrily there. Before long, there began to conflict between the two sides, but in the end, there was no fight. Soon these guys dispersed, and when the team on the side of the red flag withdrew, it suddenly stopped at the top of the local tycoon. At this time, Chu Wen found that everyone had been surrounded by those barbarians. Soon the guy who led before came over, came down from the horse and looked at Chu Wen's party. Shang Fangjian and Luo Lin were ready to fight, and those barbarians were also prepared, all in their hands. He took the weapon and pointed it at everyone among the local tyrants under the ground. Chu Wen hurriedly greeted everyone to put down their weapons, and then said to the barbarians over there, "Speak slowly if you have something to say, say it slowly." What's there to say? You mortals dare to come to this place. Don't you want to live?" The leader said.

Chu Wen was very polite and then said, "Of course, ordinary people will not come to this place. Everyone knows that this place is the sacred place of you barbarians. How dare we come to this place to peek? In fact, we came here for you. Come here!"

Chu Wen said this, Qiu Gu and others didn't know what Chu Wen was thinking, but Chu Wen's words aroused the interest of the leader. They only looked at the leader and smiled, and then said, "It's really interesting. Are you here to help us? Did you help us open this Emerald Lake?

Hearing that guy say this, Chu Wen immediately seized the opportunity and said, "Well, how do you know? I came to this place to help you open this emerald lake."

"Oh? This is impossible. Do you have the Dragon Ball in your hand? The strong man who took the lead said that Chu Wen didn't expect this strong man to be so stupid. Some questions had already been answered before they could be said. This also gave Chu Wen a solution. Chu Wen smiled and took out a bead from his pocket. That bead was obtained from the patriarch before. Chu Wen learned from the patriarch that this bead was related to the tomb of the Dragon Emperor. When Chu Wen heard the word Dragon Ball, he immediately thought of this bead. Although he did not know if it was really a dragon ball, there was only such a bead on Chu Wen's body at present, but Chu Wen did not expect to see that bead. After that, the leader was also immediately surprised, and then discussed with several people next to him. Suddenly, he saw that the leader had changed his attitude and said, "Although I don't know if this thing in your hand is really Dragon Ball, let's take you back for the time being. I want to make it clear first that if this thing is not Dragon Ball, then your heads will fall down!"

Shang Fangjian was very unhappy with the tone of this strong man, but forced by Chu Wen's obstruction, no one had any intention of resistance and left these guys to take away.

Following these troops, they walked magnificently and walked, and saw a fog floating around, surrounded by fog, but soon after the fog passed, Akiya and his party were taken to a strange place. There were buildings in this place, which seemed to be moving. Zi, compared with the buildings here, there are more tents. Some people come out of those tents from time to time. Those people look like ordinary people, and they also come out to do some ordinary people's things. This place looks like people have settled here for a long time, but Chu Wen doesn't have time to think too much. , was soon taken to another stockade of this place by those soldiers. There is a largest tent in this place. That tent is very different from other tents here. This tent is not only different in size, but also the materials of this tent are very different. I don't know what cloth to use. The whole fabric looks shiny, as if it were paved with gold.

Walking outside the tent, the leading guy hurried in to inquire, and then took everyone in and was taken to the tent. Only looking at the eight guys in the tent, the guy who led before also made a seat on one side at this time. Above the seat, and there is a large seat on the north side of this place. There is a huge grizzly bear's fur on it. This is a very domineering seat. At this time, there is a person sitting on that seat. The man looks old, but it can be seen that this guy is still very In a strong appearance, there is a huge map behind this seat. Seeing that Qiu Gu and his party were taken to this place, the old guy also sat down.

"I'm Earl. I heard that you are Dragon Ball again?" Earl said.

Chu Wen bowed to Earl at this time and asked, "Are you all a barbarian tribe?"

"Barbarian? It seems that you still have a certain understanding of us. Yes, we are barbarians, but as you saw before, our barbarians are actually divided into two parts. My part is a part of Benyuan. The black camp you saw before is actually a mutiny and split. Earl said.

"Well, yes, I have Dragon Ball, but I don't know if it's the Dragon Ball you want to see. Anyway, my thing is also called Dragon Ball!" Chu Wen said, and then took out the dragon ball from his pocket. Chu Wen thought he was guessing, but Chu Wen didn't expect that he would really encounter such luck.

Earl just saw the beads in Chu Wen's hand, then stood up very excitedly and said, "Dragon Ball? Do you really have Dragon Ball?

Saying that some bodyguards gave the dragon ball in Chu Wen's hand to Earl. Earl took the bead, observed it carefully, and then said, "Sure enough, it's Dragon Ball. Where did you get this thing from?"

Chu Wen was hesitating for a moment at this time, but Liu Lianyi hurriedly said, "Well, you don't have to know. You just need to tell us that the place where you two camps meet today is Emerald Lake?"

"Yes, that place is Emerald Lake. Are you the messenger of Dragon Ball?" Earl said.

Liu Lianyi lowered her head and smiled, and then said, "Yes! We are the messengers of Dragon Ball!" At this time, Earl hurriedly complimented him, and then hurriedly asked someone to show his seat to the group on the side of Qiugu. No one expected that the Dragon Ball Messenger would make such a big change to these people. Since they were already like this, it was better to be respectful than to obey. Everyone also sat down, but Everyone didn't say anything, and even Qiu Gu, who wanted to talk most, was stopped by Liu Lianyi from talking. Liu Lianyi and Chu Wen hoped to say more information through Earl's mouth to carry out the next thing.

"With you coming, the Emerald Lake should be about to reappear, and the scattered team in western Hubei will also be defeated."

"West Hubei? What's going on? What on earth happened to you barbarians? Why did it suddenly spread into two camps? Chu Wen asked.

"Well, in fact, it's a long story. In the final analysis, the dragon ball here was lost decades ago. This dragon ball is actually the treasure that opens the Emerald Lake. Without this Dragon Ball, the Emerald Lake cannot appear when the annual nine-star beads, and our bloodline is After a serious lag, slowly, fewer and fewer people have divine power. You know, only women who drink the water of the Emerald Lake can give birth to the next generation with the power of the barbarians, and we barbarians will be strong, but the closure of the Emerald Lake also makes our troops slowly getting weaker and weaker. Up to now, our army The team is basically middle-aged and elderly. Although our barbarians are famous veterans, it is not a good way to go on like this. Later, a saying came out among the barbarians, and I don't know who came out that the barbarians were going to extinction. Later, various rumors spread more and more, and slowly appeared later. Dispersing, it has evolved into the current situation of the two camps. Recently, it is the time of nine-star beads, and in three days, it will be nine-star beads. At that time, I hope that the Dragon Ball messengers can use the Dragon Ball to make the Emerald Lake reappear again. In this way, our broken nation will come back again!"

In fact, no one on Chu Wen's side knows what the Dragon Ball Messenger is, and no one knows what functions the Dragon Ball Messenger has, but in the face of such a problem, everyone has to stop talking nonsense.

Finally, in listening to Earl's words, everyone was inexplicably stayed in this place as a distinguished guest. According to Earl's words, just three days later, nine stars of the same size as the moon will appear in the sky, and these nine stars will be connected together. It is called Jiuxinglianzhu. According to the saying, this moment is the time to make the Emerald Lake reborn again.

However, Chu Wen and his party were still stunned about the mission of the so-called Dragon Ball Messenger.

Any battle is likely to be like Infernal Affairs. The news of the emergence of the Dragon Ball Messenger was soon transmitted from the Red side to the Black side. West Hubei soon knew the news of the appearance of the Dragon Ball Messenger. Of course, Exi did not want everything to be destroyed by these Dragon Ball Messengers. This night Xi hurriedly held a conference. The goal of this meeting was to eradicate those Dragon Ball messengers. The assassination team that Hubei had been training in private was finally going to come in handy at this time, and other people on the other side did not know what was going on.