shake the nine bream

Chapter 37 Color Heart

This is a rainy night. On this rainy night, something terrible happened in this village. There are bubbles around. I don't know why this place is full of bubbles, and this place is not full of bubbles everywhere. What's more strange is that this place is everywhere. Corpses, this is an ancient existence, but on this rainy night, it has become a nightmare place. The corpses on the ground are full of painful expressions. This is what people who die in extraordinary pain will become like this. Their distorted expressions seem to explain the pain they suffered before death.

Soon several guards in the distance rushed here and saw the bodies everywhere on the ground. One of the soldiers said in a very panic, "It seems that Caixin has really defected!"

Facing the soldier's statement, another soldier said, "How can Caixin rebel? It is very strict to choose the human containers to accommodate the monster. The physical quality and personality quality are constantly screened layer by layer. This must be which monster has messed up the mind of Caixin, so it is like this. "!"

A strong man came up behind the two. Seeing that the strong man came up, the two soldiers did not dare to speak anymore. The strong man seemed to be some years old, about 50 or 60 years old, but Kong Wu was still powerful. The old man's name was Liang Wu, and Liang Wu was the captain of the village's guard. The Liang family has always been responsible for the security of this place, and they are undoubtedly the most powerful family in the area, because their family is the only family that knows magic. Of course, this family is very loyal to the patriarch of this village, even if they control the military of this place. Power, but I have never thought of taking the power of this place for myself. This is a harmonious village, but the seemingly harmonious village is not harmonious in private.

This incident tonight proved this. The next day, the murderer was still not caught, and everyone's target was aimed at a man named Caixin.

This morning, the village returned to its old days. The bodies of the people killed at night have been disposed of. This place has come to the sunny again, as if nothing happened here last night, but as the leaders of this place, they can't do this place. What happened to Fang is that it didn't happen.

On this lobby, everyone is very quiet. In the north, the village head is fiddling with the coins in his hand. The village head is an old man who looks 80 years old, but it is still awe-inspiring. The old man is playing with the things in his hand without saying anything. Some of the cadres below dare not speak. There are four elders in this village. Two are in charge of the politics and development management of this place, while the other two are responsible for the security of this place. One is Liang Wu, and the other has been killed last night. At this time, his son is replaced. His seat sits on top of this hall.

This place can only hear the sound of water droplets and coins in the hands of the patriarch who had not flowed clean last night. Everyone dared not speak in advance, because any color heart is the son of the patriarch.

The name Caixin is a nickname given to him by the patriarch. It has always been called like this. Originally, it was forgotten, but no one can forget the monster in this guy's body. What is sealed in Caixin's body is the water tail. Monsters need human containers to seal and with the help of some power of the human body, but it is undoubtedly a wrong behavior for these cursed monsters to be sealed in the human body.

"I think this must be because the water tail controls the mind of Caixin, so this is what happened!" The speaker is called Kong Yan. Kong Yan is the person who manages politics in this place. He knows that this matter is not easy to talk about, but someone must start first.

After Kong Yan finished saying this, the village head had stopped fiddling with the coin in his hand. At this time, the patriarch had raised his head and said, "There has been no such situation in the water tail for so many years. The human container we chose has not happened. Who can explain why such a thing happened this time!"

In the patriarch's words, the following is once again restored to silence. No one is talking, and no one can say one, two, three or four. Of course, it is difficult to explain this matter clearly. Shuiwei has indeed been silent all the time and suddenly burst out, which was unexpected and did not know how to explain it. Get up.

"I think we must quickly summon someone to find Caixin. I don't know what will happen to Shuiwei's body. If Shuiwei escapes, it may be troublesome!" Liang Wu said.

At present, this is the only way, and others have no objection. The village has always lived in seclusion. The reason for seclusion is to seal the news of this water tail. This water tail is the reason for the village to exist. If there is no water tail, there is no village. This is the mission of this village.

The patriarch seemed to have calmed down, then waved to Liang Wu, and then said, "Convener, you must catch Caixin for me!"

Liang Wu stood up and walked down.

Walking out of the house, Li Yun hurriedly asked Liang Wu, "What should we do?" We haven't heard from where this heart has gone!"

Li Yun is the son of the chief guard who was killed last night. This is the first day he replaced his father. Of course, he hopes to make some achievements, so that he can be appreciated by the patriarch here and sit longer in this position.

Liang Wu looked at Li Yun's side and said, "Just follow me!"

Liang Wu is naturally confident. Liang Wu's unique skill is tracking, which is the specialty of this family, and Li Yun's family's unique skill is to seal. The two families are originally a combination, but this time, it is a combination of old and young.

On the other side of the forest, an injured man was lying next to a tree. His body was injured in many places. The man looked beautiful and tall, covering half of his face with a touch of hair on his head, but it could still be seen that he was a handsome man.

This man is Caixin. Caixin has been far away from the village. The village is the place where he was raised, but now he feels relaxed by being away from the village. Caixin is touching his chest at this time, which looks very uncomfortable. Cai Xinba's coat was peeled off, and he immediately saw a round rune-like pattern on his chest. When Caixinba's clothes peeled off, he saw the rune spinning.

Seeing this situation, Caixin did not look panicked, but just approved his clothes. This was another night. This night, Caixin was as lonely as ever. From childhood to big Caixin was lonely, because he developed a lonely character for a long time, because he was sealed. The reason why Caixin in his body has always been afraid to be approached by people around him. From childhood to the parents around him have warned their children not to contact this Caixin. Indeed, most of the people who are too close to Caixin have no good results, including his mother, Caixin's mother is The first person who died because of Caixin, the water tail in Caixin's body had just ended the sealing ceremony, but no one expected that the monster that had just been transferred to the seal suddenly broke out and killed the people around him. Caixin's mother was one of them.

Every time Caixin sees the seal on his chest, he is very angry. Once Caixin is angry, the only way to relieve his stress is to play with a flute left by his mother to relieve his irritable mood. At this moment, Caixin is still taken out by the flute on this desolate night. In the evening, the sound of the colorful flute and the night seemed to be one, making this place feel even more desolate.

When Caixin played the gentle and sad flute, suddenly there was a sound from the woods in the distance. Caixin stopped in a hurry, stood up, and then said to the distance, "You are finally here. I've been waiting for you for a long time, but I didn't expect you to come now!"

Caixin said that there were indeed several people in the forest in the distance. Those are five people. These are the reconnaissance team sent by the village, and one of them is still a person Caixin knows. That is a woman. This is a person Caixin has known since he was a child, and he is also the person who has the best relationship with Caixin. Caixin saw This person also looked a little surprised, but soon Caixin hid his expression and said, "Ye, why did you follow?"

The Ye in Caixin's mouth is called Ye Yun. Ye Yun's family has been a member of the guard family for generations. He is a family of a small captain in Liang Wu's team. Naturally, Ye Yun also has a good exploration ability. The current whereabouts of Caixin is also explored by Ye Yun. Ye Yun saw Caixin and saw Caixin. With the injury all over his body, he also looked very sad and said, "Are you hurt?"

Caixin smiled and said, "It seems that this Shuiwei can't even treat me well. If you want to arrest me, I suggest you forget it, if you don't want to die!"

"Son, I hope you can cooperate and go back with us, and your pain can be solved!" A guard in the team said to Caixin.

Caixin smiled, then hid his own flute, and then said, "Go back to solve the pain? That's really true. I have lived in the village for 20 years, and I have suffered for 20 years. Is this called solving the pain? I'm just a tool of the village. I don't want to carry this burden anymore. I'm in pain. My pain can't be solved in the village. You have nothing to do with this matter. I advise you to go, otherwise I won't know what will happen in a while. I don't think you want to do it. For the body, right?"

Hearing Cai Xin say this, everyone present looked a little afraid, but it was impossible to escape back at this point. The guards should not have such thoughts and actions. Ye Yun hurriedly stood up at this time and said, "Sir, you'd better follow us back, if you have been If this stalemate continues, I'm afraid that the result will be bad. If the tail of water in your body bursts out, then everything will be over, and the things that the village has been guarding will escape like this. Don't you want to see such a result, right?

Hearing Ye Yun say this, Caixin was also a little shaken, but soon Caixin took out his own flute and said, "I don't care about those things. All I know is that I have lost too much!" If you want to do it, hurry up. If you don't do it, leave this place. I won't go back with you!"

Hearing Cai Xin say this, the others also looked at each other. They only saw that the other guards had already prepared their weapons. Seeing that the war was inevitable, Ye Yun hurriedly calmed everyone down, and then continued to say to Caixin: "Heart, you'd better go back with us, so that everyone It's easy to do, otherwise I'm afraid we will lose both sides!"

Caixin looked at Ye Yun's side. At this time, more guards gathered around, but Caixin didn't care about these guards. She only heard Caixin ask Ye Yun and say, "I still remember what you told me before that you are my friend, right?"

Suddenly, when I heard Caixin say this, Ye Yun was also a little surprised, and then said, "Yes, what's wrong?"

Caixin actually smiled at this time, and then saw Caixin start blowing his own flute. Seeing that Caixin made such a move, Ye Yun hurriedly shouted, "Be careful, everyone!"

In Ye Yun said, the others attacked Caixin, regardless of Ye Yun's obstruction. Those guys attacked Caixin. Before those people touched Caixin, they saw a lot of bubbles. These guards were trapped in mid-air, which was Caixin's specialty. The bubbles blocked the attack of those guards, and those guards really have nothing to do. In this bubble, those guards can't break through at all. Ye Yun is also anxious to see this. Ye Yun knows this move. Ye Yun knows this move very well. Those bubbles will explode when they fly into the air. Explosion, this explosion will dry all the people's gas and explode out, so that they will die and the rest will be corpses.

Ye Yun also didn't care so much. She ran out in a hurry, but as soon as she ran out, she was the same as being shrouded in the bubble of Caixin. The other side of Caixin played the flute and looked at Ye Yun's side without saying anything. These bubbles flew into mid-air and flew out of the woods. At that moment, it suddenly exploded, and all the people in the bubble were shot down. They fell from the sky and fell to the ground. It seemed to be dying, but Ye Yun's side was not made into the same end. Ye Yun's bubbles were colorful, only to see Ye Yun slowly fall to the ground.

Which bubble on the ground suddenly burst, but Ye Yun was fine. After Ye Yun was released from the bondage, she hurried to greet the others lying on the ground. Ye Yun hurried to check the pulse, but fortunately, these guys were not dead. Caixin left a breath for these people, which also made Ye Yun relieved. He stood up and asked Caixin, "Actually, you don't want to kill people?"

Caixin turned around and took a few steps, and then said, "I don't want to kill, but the monster in my body wants to kill!"

Saying that Caixin left forward, Ye Yun hurriedly followed, but Caixin hurriedly said to Ye Yun, "Don't you understand? I can control me, but I may control the monster in my body. I won't kill, but I'm not sure that this guy will kill, and I can even confirm that this guy will kill!"

Although Caixin warned Ye Yun again, Ye Yun still walked to Caixin, walked to Caixin, and then said, "Anyway, I believe you will protect me, right?"

Suddenly, when I heard Ye Yun say this, Caixin was also a little surprised and said, "Are you still thinking about what I said before?"

Yes, Caixin did say these words to Ye Yun in the past, because at which time Ye Yun was the only friend of Caixin. Over time, Caixin has regarded this Ye Yun as the most important person. Ye Yun was the most important woman in Caixin's heart besides his mother. At that time, Caixin She still remembers that it was a sunset night. Caixin told Ye Yun that she would do her best to protect her under any circumstances.

Although everything slowly became like this later, Ye Yun always remembered what Caixin said to herself.

At this time, Caixin looked at Caixin without expression, and then walked forward. As he walked, Caixin said to Ye Yun, "If you want to keep up, it's up to you!"

"Where the hell are you going?" Ye Yun asked.

Caixin walked for a while before saying, "I'm going to relieve the dehydration tail!" With that, Caixin continued to walk forward. Hearing Caixin say this, Ye Yun already knew a general idea.

"They are still angry!" A soldier explored the guards on the ground and said that Liang Wu and Li Yun then appeared in this place, saw the guards lying on the ground, and then said, "It seems that he did it!"

Liang Wu's big knife in his hand was inserted into this place, and he suddenly saw many illusions. These illusions repeated everything that happened in this place. After seeing what happened here, Liang Wu put away the knife and said, "Let's go. Next time you see this colorful heart, don't care about it. First, do it directly, don't let him do it first!"