shake the nine bream

Chapter 39 Seductive Night

According to the news received by Wanxing Palace, Liu Daosenluo was already ready to attack the eye beast, which made the Wanxing Palace make an emergency policy in a hurry, but Wanxing Palace decided to let other sects help deal with this matter together this time. Wanxing Palace's budget may be here by itself. There may be no way to fully grasp it.

This is the second time I have come to Piaomiao Mountain. Of course, as the host, I naturally have to greet everyone well, and this is also a meeting between top elders. This meeting is held in the Sword Pavilion. This place is the quietest and least idle people waiting to come here. At this time, there are only three elders in Piaoyuan Mountain in this hall, and there are also Yang Lingfeng, an inorganic eldest disciple in Chen Yuzhong of Wanxing Palace. Yang Lingfeng rarely leaves this inorganic side at this time, which will not be surprising.

"What's going on?" Inorganic asked.

"I heard that the people of Liudao Senluo have diverted their attention. Their attention has completely shifted to our three sects. They want to destroy our three sects. In order to increase their strength, they are ready to summon the legendary ancient Warcraft Eye Beast out. You should have heard of this eye beast. Well, this guy is the ancestor of illusion. I think Liu Daosenro hopes to control us through the ability of this eye beast. Chen Yuzhong said.

Hearing Chen Yuzhong say this, inorganic and Danyang had no words, and their expressions were suddenly shocked and returned to the quiet. Chenyuan stood up very excitedly and then said, "This six Dawson is really getting bolder and bolder. How can this eye beast be controlled by what they say can be controlled? If this monster is summoned, let alone what will happen. Aren't the six Daosenluo people afraid that this eye beast will devour them? I haven't heard that someone can completely control those ancient spirit beasts. Brother Chen, your news is true?

Chen Yuzhong smiled and then said, "Of course it's true. This news is absolutely true."

"Oh? Why are you so sure? How did you know the news? Chen Yuan said that he looked at Chen Yuzhong with a suspicious look. Chen Yuzhong knew what Chen Yuzhong was thinking of at this time, but Chen Yuzhong was really not in a hurry. He took the cup next to him and took a sip of tea, and then said, "I know what you are thinking now, but you can rest assured that I and Liu Dawson Luo has nothing to do with it. All this news is indeed true. Among the six Dawson Luo, I have an informant. You can rest assured about the authenticity of this news. Now I think we should not focus on speculation here. How should we deal with this matter? If the eye beast is really successfully summoned out Come on, then I think the world is over!" Chen Yuzhong said.

Chenyuan sat aside at this time, and stood up at this time, and then said, "Brother Chen, I hope you don't mind. My junior sister is this temper, but I really didn't expect that there would be your eyeliner in Liudao Senluo. This really makes me have to sigh that the investigation work of Wanxing Palace is really done. OK, let's not talk about this, let's talk about this eye beast. This eye beast is an ancient spirit beast with illusions that can control the world, but such a spirit beast can't be controlled by ordinary people. I don't know how to control it when they have summoned this thing?

In the face of this inorganic question, Chen Yuzhong also didn't know how to answer this question. Chen Yuzhong could only say, "Although I don't know how to control this spirit beast, one thing that can be confirmed is that since Liu Dao Senluo dares to touch this thing, then There must be a way to control this spirit beast, and this spirit beast is also a spirit beast without a brain. If it falls into the hands of some powerful people, it is obviously not impossible to control it, so what we have to do is to stop the birth of this spirit beast!"

"The question comes again. How can we stop the birth of this monster?" Danyang said.

Chen Yuzhong took out a drawing and said, "These are the decomposition bodies of the eye beast. You may have heard of it. All these were done by the ancestor of Piaomiao. A long time ago, the eye beast ran out of the spiritual world. The Piaomiao master realized the power of this spirit beast and planned to seal this spiritual beast. Come on, but even the ancestor of Piaomiao can't completely seal the monster, because the power of this monster is really too strong, so the ancestor of Piaomiao has come up with a way, that is, by dividing the monster into several parts to seal it, so there are several decomposition bodies. They are separated These parts are decomposed from the power of the power of the eye beast. They are sealed in the human body and sealed with the help of the seal laid by the seal laid by the ethereal ancestor at the beginning. It is rumored that the first five people used to seal these decomposition bodies are the disciples of the ethereal ancestor. In order to prevent this eye beast from running out of the human body, these five disciples are assigned to different places to prevent the power of this eye beast from returning to one, so what we need to find now is the descendants of these five disciples. These five decomposition bodies are the descendants of these people who have been sealed for generations. In the body, only the descendants of these disciples can be used to seal this eye beast. What we need to do is to find them. If they can kill one of the decomposition bodies, then our task is completed. If we really can't kill it, we need to protect at least one of these guys. We can't let the people of the Demon Sect get these people, and then we will find an opportunity to eradicate these remnants of the Demon Sect!"

Chen Yuzhong's analysis is very reasonable, and everyone thinks that this is the only way to do it now.

"Do you have the whereabouts of the descendants of these disciples?" Inorganic asked.

Chen Yuzhong was stunned when asked this question, and then said, "At present, I only have the news of two tribes, and I don't know the rest, and the news of these two tribes is also a long time ago. I don't know whether they still exist now. I hope they still exist in place now. Right!"

According to Chen Yuzhong's news, these two tribes are the water capital and the village of the evil village respectively. The tail of the water is in the water capital, and the black sky is in this evil village. Qiugu and his party were sent to investigate the news of the water capital in this mission area, and the people on the Wanxing Palace have begun to investigate which so-called evil According to the news of the village, Shangguan Qinger also set out in person this time, and the main elders of the two sects will also take on the direct confrontation with the magic religion Liudao Senluo. They must shoulder the task of investigating Liudao Senluo's base camp.

On the other side, the pigeon flew into the hands of the old hunchback. The old hunchback touched the pigeon's feathers, and then got the news from the feet of the pigeon. The old hunchback successfully got the news from the mouth of the Floating Mountain and Wanxing Palace. In fact, six Senluo himself did not know what the legendary eye beast was. At present, the strategy of the old hunchbacked white wolf has taken effect.

"Who is the spy in the right path?" The black scorpion asked, and the snake just smiled, and then said, "Who knows? I'm afraid that even Changjue doesn't know how many hands and feet the old hunchback has. How can we workers know!"

"Forget, no matter what, now we have finally found this so-called water city. Those guys just now should be the people in the ethered mountains. We should be careful not to be hit by these guys!" The hole fish said.

"What's wrong? I haven't seen you for a long time. You are still so brave. Those guys are just a little Luo Luo in the ethereal mountain. If this matter is done, then we will kill these guys without a trip!" The black scorpion said.

The snake did not agree with this opinion and said, "Have you forgotten that we have another task? The god said that there was a person in the team of Piao Miaoshan who had the spirit of Danyang, which was the guy who killed our two generals. Although the blood fog was already weak, this mirror demon was not weak. You should know it, so we'd better not to do it randomly. If we are unlucky in this team If we meet the owner of Danyang's spirit, we may be able to stand it!"

Dongyu also agreed with this opinion. "The snake is right. We'd better be careful. At present, we don't know what happened in this village. We must take this night to investigate what happened in this village and why there are so many white cloths, as if dead people. If You can investigate the whereabouts of Shuiwei, and everyone sends a signal that you must take this guy away!"

After several people discussed in this place, they began to act. The spirit snake turned into many snakes, and the whole body became a large number of snakes and spread towards the village, while the black scorpion became many scorpions, but the other side of the hole fish suddenly got into a drop of water on the ground and then disappeared. Without a trace, the group on Akiya's side also dressed themselves as nightwalkers at this time. They were also ready to go to the village one after another, covering everything that was about to happen in the village at night.