shake the nine bream

Chapter 42 Destination

At this time, the lake in front of Caixin is the legendary lake that can release the tail of water. His name is no longer important. What matters is its role. It is just early morning when you come to this place. Caixin's heart is very excited. This is already the day away from this water tail. Far away.

"How are you sure that this place is the place you are looking for?" Ye Yun asked.

Caixin came to Ye Yun's side with an excited look, and then pointed to the center of the lake in the distance and said, you can see that there is no maple leaf-like red area in the center of this lake. This place is the legendary lake.

"What are you going to do? What can be done to release this tail of water? Isn't there any danger after it is released? Ye Yun asked.

"Of course it's dangerous, so are you willing to help me?" Caixin asked.

Ye Yun hesitated for a moment, then raised his head and said, "Then tell me, how can I help you?" As long as you can ask for Shuiwei, anything is fine!"

Hearing Ye Yun say this, Caixin was still a little surprised. After all, Ye Yun was still a member of the guard before this, which made Caixin very pleased that Ye Yun would help him. Caixin showed a rare smile at this time and then said, "Actually, it's not a bad thing. I will enter later. At the center of this lake, I hope that when I get rid of this water tail, you can help me see the situation around me. Because the water tail is released is a very dangerous thing, so I must release a magic array. During the release of this magic array, I don't want anyone to come to this place to interfere, otherwise I will do my best. Abandoned, I know that those guards must still be looking for me, and I don't know when these guards will find my current location, but anything is possible. If they really find me, then things will be troublesome, so I hope that when they find me, no matter what. You all help to hold them back, please!"

In the face of Caixin's difficult request, Ye Yun agreed without hesitation and said, "Don't worry, even if I lose my life in this process, I won't let anyone disturb you. I just hope you can succeed!"

Caixin frowned at this time and said, "Forget the matter of fighting for life. If you really can't stop it at that time, then you can go quickly, otherwise everything here will implicate you, okay?"

Sometimes, once a woman makes up her mind, it is difficult to change. At this time, Ye Yun immediately said angrily, "You don't have to worry about this. You do your own thing and deal with all this well. That's it!" With that, Ye Yun flew around the lake in the distance. Caixin looked at Ye Yun's distant figure and felt indescribable psychologically, but when facing Ye Yun's back, Caixin suddenly said loudly, "Don't worry, I won't let you do anything. No matter what happens, I will protect you. "!"

For Ye Yun, this sentence seems to have heard of it a long time ago. Although she didn't know what would happen in the future, Ye Yun still laughed and her eyes were moist. This time Ye Yun was more moved than the last time.

After saying that, Caixin flew in the direction of the lake and flew to the center of the lake. From above, the scene in the middle of the lake is really beautiful. I don't know what happened to form a huge maple leaf-shaped water, around It's really surprising that such a place suddenly appears in the middle of the blue lakes.

According to the data, this place is the place where the water tail can be released. As long as the body invades into the lake, the water tail can be released, but Caixin also knows the danger of releasing the water tail, so Caixin has developed a way to temporarily bind this monster. Law, this method is still passed down from the first human container at the most primitive time in the village. Of course, by this time, this method is already a forbidden technique, because such a thing is not allowed to be released from the water tail in existence, but many years of latency have made Caixin get this method. Heart formula.

And the release of this array can only be released by the Caixin family.

At this time, Caixin put the flute in his hand into his pocket. He touched the flute and prayed, "Mom, bless me!" I will be free soon!"

Then I saw Caixin's hands together to make a triangular gesture. I don't know what he was talking about, but it was such a simple thing. Soon I saw that the triangular array in the center of Caixin's palm was shot from the Caixin to the lake in the distance. This thing It quickly expanded on the lake, and in order to maintain the high concentration of the array, the array had to be continuously released.

But in this process, the guards in the distance have come to this place, looking for the multi-day guards to finally find the whereabouts of Caixin efficiently while defending the surrounding dangers.

At this time, the guards had just arrived at the edge of the lake and saw the Caixin hanging in the sky at this time. Seeing Caixin casting spells, Liang Wu on the ground suddenly flew towards Caixin. However, when Liang Wu just flew out, Ye Yun suddenly came out. Now in front of Liang Wu, Ye Yun is actually Liang Wu's daughter, but because of the break between Liang Wu and Ye Yun's mother, Ye Yun did not follow Liang Wu's surname Liang, but after all, this flesh and blood are still their own. If Ye Yun hadn't been her own woman, I'm afraid that the ordinary people who blocked Liang Wu at this moment had been torn apart by Liang Wu.

"What are you doing?" Liang Wu shouted at Ye Yun.

Ye Yun has always been very afraid of Liang Wu. This is the first time Ye Yun has faced Liang Wu like this, but this time Ye Yun made up her mind and only heard Ye Yun say to Liang Wu: "Dad, just let go of Caixin. As long as I complete this ceremony, I can get rid of the water tail. Caixin because of the water The tail has been in pain for too long, so just let him go!"

Hearing Ye Yun say this, Liang Wu was furious, slapped Ye Yun, and then said, "Do you know what you are talking about? This water tail has been guarded by our village for generations. How can the line be broken at this time? Get out of the way. No matter what happens today, you must catch Caixin back. If you want to release the tail of the water, there is no way!"

Although Liang Wu said so fiercely, Ye Yun looked at the heart that was performing the ceremony in the distance. Ye Yun still strengthened his belief. Although Ye Yun knew that he was not Liang Wu's opponent, Ye Yun still took out his weapon and said: " If your father doesn't agree, then you can kill me. Anyway, I won't let you stop Caixin!"

In the face of Ye Yun's resolute attitude, Liang Wu was also very angry. He immediately slapped him, but Li Yun, who was on one side, hurriedly stopped Liang Wu's side and said, and then said, "Your father and daughter still have something to say. Ye Yun, this is wrong with you. You know this water tail It's the life of our village. How can Caixin release this monster? If the water tail is released, then the village's protection will not be over!"

Ye Yun didn't know what to say. Ye Yun could only say, "I don't care. Anyway, I have promised Caixin. I can't let you stop him!"

When Ye Yun said this, suddenly Liang Wu came out angrily and said, "Since it's like this, we have no choice but to destroy our relatives!"

However, when Liang Wu said this, suddenly several people appeared in the distance. Liang Wu's side turned his attention to the far away, because Liang Wu had been paying careful attention to the things around him. Now these people appeared around him. Of course, Liang Wu also had a step and hurriedly attacked all the The striking power was aimed at the guys in the distance. The three guys were spirit snakes, black scorpions and cave fish, but compared with Liang Wu's attitude, the people on the side of cave fish were much easier.

Seeing that two different camps suddenly appeared in this place, Caixin was also very surprised, but Caixin was not in the mood to care about these things at this time. Caixin could only continue to care about the things in her hands.

In the woods on the other side, Qiu Gu and his party have just arrived at the edge of the lake, but everyone has not gone out yet.

"When are we going out?" Qiu Gu asked.

Liu Lianyi looked into the distance and then said, "Let's look at the situation first. Now we go out to the three sides to fight, and we don't know what the result will be. We might as well see what the two sides are going to fight for. At that time, we just need to take the power of the fishermen!"

"Then if those demons get it, won't we lose a lot?" Qiu Gu asked.

"Don't worry too much about this brother. Don't underestimate the strength of these guards. They are masters. Several people of these six Dausenluo may not be their opponents!" Liu Lianyi said.

At this time, Chu Wen and Fang Jian had already sat on the stone on one side. He only heard Chu Wen say, "Sit down, sit down. Let's watch a good play. Sitting on the mountain and watching tigers is my favorite thing!"

Liang Wu in the distance took the team to the front of the three hole fish. The three hole fish were not surprised at all. The snake still laughed and looked confident. It was the first time that Liang Wu met someone who dared to face himself like this, which made Liang Wu very curious and more cautious.

At this time, Ye Yun, who came with him, looked at those guys and said, "These guys look like monsters. We should be careful!"

Liang Wu looked at Ye Yun's side, and Ye Yun no longer dared to speak.

"The three of you have been following us all the time. Tell me what do you want to do?" Liang Wu said.

The snake smiled treacherously and said, "What am I going to do?" What we have to do is kill you!"

The cave fish hurriedly stopped the words of the spirit snake. Of course, the cave fish does not want to do something superfluous. For the cave fish, fighting with this guard is superfluous, because the cave fish is not sure whether the few people in Piaoyuan Mountain have found this place. If it is for a few people in Piaoyuan Mountain to find it. When you get to this place, you will suffer losses from the cave fish.

So Dongyu stood up at this time and said, "Don't listen to my colleague's nonsense. What he said is only a last resort. Of course, no one wants that to have that kind of situation. That's not good for both of us, so I need to discuss with you. What we need is your rationality. Go away and stay away from this place. Fighting and anything can be avoided, but you have to leave this place, but if you want to stalemate with us in this place, then obviously what my brother just said will come true!"

Facing the gentle knife on the side of Dongyu, Liang Wu could only sneer. Li Yun, who was on one side, looked at Liang Wu's expression, and then said to Dongyu, "You guys are so funny. Do you think the three of you can be against our guard team? Don't you look at our number? There are at least 50 or 60 people here, and the three of you, so let's go. We don't want to do anything superfluous.

Hearing Li Yun say this, Dongyu sneered and then said, "It seems that you have to fight first. If you want to fight first, then good, this is the way you choose, right, old man!" Dongyu said and asked Liang Wu.

Liang Wu also took out the big knife behind him and said, "Yes, this is the way we chose. Anyone who stops me here must die!"

With that, he saw that a lot of light slowly began to appear on the surface of Liang Wu's body, and the armor composed of light slowly emerged. Seeing this, the rest of the guards around him hurried to get out of the way, because they knew that Liang Wu was going to make that deadly spell again.

The spirit snake on the ground smiled and said, "This guy is going to use that move again. It seems that there is nothing we can do. The last battle must continue!" With that, he saw the spiritual snake reaching out to the ground. Suddenly, a huge magic array appeared on the ground. After this magic array, a huge purple snake came out of this magic array, and the three spiritual snakes stood on the huge snake's head.

After the snake with a length of nearly 100 meters appeared, he heard the snake as if he was saying something to the spiritual snake. It seemed that the snake was not completely under the control of the spiritual snake.

"What on earth is this snake saying to you?" The black scorpion asked.

"What can I say is not a matter of telling me about living sacrifices! Forget it, don't worry so much. The people in front of you are almost enough for sacrifices!" Speaking of the spirit snake, it began to melt. After it melted, its whole body entered the body of the huge snake, and the hole fish suddenly jumped into the lake. Of course, the black scorpion did not want to fight with this huge guy, because this guy was originally inhuman or even a beast. Sexual spirit beast.

The black scorpion ran aside. The black scorpion did not intend to fight, because it was the same as the cave fish. The black scorpion was also worried about the existence of other forces around, so the black scorpion began to explore around.

"This place is up to you!" The black scorpion said, and then turned into a large group of black scorpions and rushed into the surrounding woods. Suddenly, the whole forest made a rustling sound.

And Liang Wu and Lingshe are going to experience a big battle.

"Go and get the color heart back, and I'll give this giant snake to me!" Liang Wu said, and then rushed towards the giant snake, and the other guards went towards Caixin, but the matter was not so simple. The giant snake on the side of the spirit snake suddenly fanned its tail towards the guard. The force was very fierce, and the trees around it were touched. The wood was smashed, and the lake was also rippled by the strong wind, but what the spiritual snake did not expect was that Liang Wu actually blocked the fierce blow with both hands.

On the other side, the guards continued to go towards Caixin, but suddenly a rainbow-like shield wall appeared on Ye Yun's side. Ye Yun hoped to prevent the guards from going to Caixin, but Ye Yun did not need to stop it. Half of the black scorpion's body suddenly appeared in front of the team. .

"The battle is not over, are you like going to get the booty? That has to pass me!" Speaking with a hand on the side of the black scorpion, I saw that the sandstorm of the black scorpion swept out of the hands of the black scorpion. Soon the lake fell under the control of a black sandstorm. The sandstorm fell into chaos, and this sandstorm was obviously not just sand that could tear the skin. There are also many scorpions embedded in the sand.

At present, everyone is lucky to survive in this sandstorm relying on Ye Yun's rainbow shield.

"It seems that we can only solve the current problem before we can continue to talk about our affairs!" Ye Yun said.

Li Yun is also very helpless. Li Yun is the captain of the guard of the attack group. This is his first mission, but Li Yun's strength cannot be underestimated. At this time, Li Yun took out the ten-square sword handed down from the family. This is a cross sword with two swords intertwined. At this time, Li Yun It was one hand that rotated the sword. The sword rotated and saw that the surrounding sandstorm was actually attracted by the cross sword in Li Yun's hand.

"You should protect the safety of Caixin first!" Li Yun said, and then took the sand that attracted the past into the distance.