shake the nine bream

Chapter 52 Resolve

Qiu Gu said this, which made the beacon and water mist very curious about what was going on, so the beacon fire and water mist asked with a very excited look, "Oh? Is there such a big thing? What the hell is going on?"

Qiu Gu looked a little worried, frowned, and then held back for a while before saying, "Since I've said this, I won't beat around the bush. In fact, I'm from Piaomiao Mountain. You should also know that the ancestors of your village came out of this Piaoyuan Mountain, so You don't have to doubt the direction of our work. We won't do that kind of evil thing. We did come here to look for the black sky, because except for another person looking for the black sky. I don't know if you know, the leader of Liu Daosenro is always looking for this thing, and I The purpose of looking for these spirit beasts is also caused by him. He hopes to find these spirit beasts and then summon the legendary eye beasts again. Don't you know about the eye beasts?

"Eye beast? I've heard of this. I've seen the description of this thing in some classics. It seems that this thing has always been an ancient spirit beast. It takes four spirit beasts together to be summoned, and this black sky is one of them, and I have heard of the common sense you mentioned. This six-dozenro is famous. The cult once once challenge the three major cults, and many times almost plunged the world into an unprecedented predicament. The beacon and water fog said.

Qiu Gu nodded and said, "Since you know all this, I won't explain it. That's the right thing. The village on the other side of Shuiwei has been flattened because of Liu Dao Senluo, and now Shuiwei doesn't know where to go, so the black sky should also be listed by him. An important task, I think since it is the black sky handover recently, these six-dozen people will not miss this opportunity, so we came to this place!"

"Even if you find the black sky, what are you going to do? What do you want to do with this black space thing? The beacon and water fog said.

This question is indeed difficult for Qiu Gu to answer. Qiu Gu can only be stunned before saying, "We are going to seal this spirit beast. I don't know if you can deny this?"

Akiya said that this matter would be difficult to deal with, but Akiya didn't expect that the beacon fire and water mist would be very happy to slap down the table and say, "That's great. That's great. I'm just waiting for this moment. In fact, I've been looking for a way to deal with this black sky. In fact, you know! The reason why so many things happen in our village is that the black sky has caused conflicts within our royal family and made our village bear a heavy burden. The way to liberate all this is to place the black sky in a place far away from our tribe. I didn't expect that God bless you to come to this place. In this way, this black sky has settled down. If things can be like what you said, then it would be great!"

Akiya also slowly laughed, but soon Akiya did fall into sadness again.

"Actually, as you know, Liu Daosen Luo is a very powerful existence. If you want to succeed in this operation, you need everyone's cooperation, so I hope you can provide me with some cooperation in future actions!" Akiya said.

The beacon fire and water mist have already held Qiu Gu's hand, and then said, "Don't worry, what kind of cooperation do you need?"

Qiu Gu couldn't explain this question clearly. He was stunned for a moment and said, "Well, I can't explain this now, but there is always a place where you need your cooperation, so..."

The beacon also laughed and said, "I know, I know, hey hey."

On the other side of the Leiyun camp, the old hunchback is also outside the tent of Fenghuo Leiyun. Of course, this side can't be called a tent. The condition of Fenghuo Leiyun is that it is much more luxurious. This is a palace. This palace is very luxurious, but it does not prevent the old hunchback from coming. In this place, the old hunchback knew that the black sky was in the body of this beacon thunder cloud, so of course, the old hunchback should follow up with this person and could not make any mistakes in the handover ceremony the day after tomorrow. When the old hunchback was observing the beacon thunder cloud from high, the old hunchback suddenly found a person, and the other person was The beacon thunder cloud was being observed through the window in the corner of the palace, which immediately attracted the attention of the old hunchback. The attention of the old hunchback was partly distracted by the observer. Soon the old hunchback found that the observer was not an ordinary observer. This guy's skills were very good. Awesome, this is very rare in this place. Only look at the observer's whole body when observing, but when someone passes by this place, he turns into a pool of water. This is a very powerful investigator. Although there are many such people, the old hunchback passes through his own spell. Sensing that this guy is not so simple. The real amount in this guy's body is very large. These forces surprised the old hunchback, and the old hunchback also smiled pleasantly.

"You are very deeply hidden in this place, but no one has found you!" The old hunchback said that he heard that someone had found him and didn't find it so close to him, which surprised Li Yun. The observer was Li Yun. Li Yun was about to attack. The old humpback had stopped Li Yun, and then said, "I think I have the same purpose as you. I There is no need to fight to the death in this place, right? You should not be from the three sects!"

Li Yun smiled and then said, "You are talking about Piaoyuan Mountain, Wanxing Palace and Dabei Temple, right? I'm not their people. In fact, I don't want to fight with masters like you. Since I'm talking about these three sects, it seems that they are your enemies, so we don't have a common enemy and a common goal. We should It's time to say it's a friend!"

The old hunch smiled, then put down his hand that had already caught Li Yun, and then said, "It seems that you are a smart person. Yes, we should be regarded as friends. Your goal should be black sky. My goal is also black sky, and you are also a very capable person, so I suggest you join my array. In the camp!"

Hearing the old hunchback say this, Li Yun recalled the strength of the old hunchback before, so he did not dare to collide. Although Li Yun is not like sharing something with others, what's more, Li Yun's goal is to integrate the black sky into his power system. This purpose cannot be shared, but Li Yun is still willing to hear what kind of person and what kind of organization can have such a strong organization member.

"Oh, but I don't know what camp you are?" Li Yun asked.

At this time, the soldiers came around, and several soldiers found Li Yun's side, but before they shouted, they saw that the soldiers had stood still and kept their original movements without moving at all. All this was just because of the old hunchback wave of their hands. .

The old hunchback looked at Li Yun and said, "Six Daosenro, I work for Liu Daosen Luo. If you join us, you will also become the main force of our Liu Daosen Luo. In the future, the world will be our Liu Daosen Luo, and you will also enjoy endless wealth."

Don't say the following things. Even if Li Yun was very surprised by hearing the word Liu Daosenluo, Li Yun couldn't help changing his expression from shock to calmness, and then said, "Since you invited me like this, how can I refuse?"

"Very good, very good, you are a very wise person!" The old hunchback said.

"Then I want to know what you are doing if you are looking for this black sky?" Li Yun asked.

The old hunchback did not answer Li Yun's question directly, but the old hunchback talked about another question and said, "Although I invited you to join Liu Daosenluo, Liudaosenluo is not so easy to enter, because I am not the leader. You need to come up with something enough for you to join these Liudao. Senro's reason!" The old hunchback said.

Li Yun smiled and said, "Is it okay for me to demonstrate on those two soldiers?"

Hearing Li Yun's words, the old hunchback smiled and then said, "No, in fact, there is no need for those two soldiers to be killed. Being killed will only attract the attention of our target, but I have no doubt about your strength. What I need is other reasons!"

Li Yun laughed and said, "You are looking for the black sky, and as six Dawson Luo, you should not run for such a little power. As far as I know, the reason why these four spirit beasts are scattered is guarded by the disciples of the ethereal ancestor and their descendants is because these four guys can Merge into a horrible ancient spirit beast. This spirit beast is called the eye beast, right? The purpose of your six Dawson Luo according to several guys should also be for this, so the reason I can give you is that there is a water tail in my body, and the water tail is in my body.

Hearing Li Yun say this, the old hunchback rarely showed an incredible appearance, and then smiled and said, "Yes, yes, you have a good reason. You will be a six-way Senluo person in the future!"

Although the old hunchback is happy, Li Yun doesn't want it very much and said, "But I must say that this water tail is not something that can be plundered by some external means, so I need to give this thing to you at the end, because I hope Six Daosen Luo can be strong, and I need Six Daosen. Luo gave me more power than this water tail!"

The old hunchback was still smiling, and then patted Li Yun on the shoulder and said, "You are very smart. Smart people can get more. You will definitely get what you deserve!"

Of course, the old hunchback really doesn't know that what Li Yun wants is something that Liu Daosenluo can't give.

It was dawn. This was the next day, the day before the black sky handover ceremony. At this time, everything was often the most intense, but the beacon and water fog were not too anxious. On this day, at the invitation of the beacon fire and water fog, the group on the side of Qiugu side were invited to go there.

Akiya had already told everyone everything before, but he didn't expect that the leader of this place would invite himself the next day.

Everyone came to this tent. The tent has been renovated. There is a large table in the center of this place. This is a long table. At this time, the beacon, fire and fog have led the team to wait for the people on the side of Qiugu.

When Qiu Gu came to this place, in addition to the beacon and water mist, there were also some people who looked like soldiers.

"Why did this guy ask us to come?" Shen Tu asked that Shen Tu had returned to the team after the two children were sent to Piao Miao Mountain and brought back some things from Piao Miao Mountain, that is, about the inexplicable killing of Lu Shou and Wang Ran, which also made it difficult for everyone here to raise their emotions.

"I think he should say something about cooperation. Yesterday, he said that he wanted Heikong to be taken away from the village, but I didn't expect him to invite us like this." Akiya said.

"Is the thing you said about Piaoyuan Mountain true?" Chu Wen was still asking Shen Tu, because Chu Wen really didn't believe that such a thing would happen, and no one saw it and couldn't find out.

Shen Tu sighed and said, "Yes, the whole Piaoyuan Mountain is full of noise. Some people say that it was killed by the demon people, and some people say that it was killed by Shang Fangjian. As I told you last night, Shang Fangjian is indeed very suspicious, but he has no motivation. I believe you will not I believe that they were killed by Shang Fang's sword!"

Although everyone thinks so, Chu Wen doesn't think so, but Chu Wen did not say who this will be or who this will be. For Shang Fangjian, Chu Wen may have noticed his change long ago, and Chu Wen also knows the ability of the abyss sword, and At that time, he was also the closest person to Shang Fangjian after Shang Fangjian was seriously injured by the ice soul. Chu Wen also knew the injury of Shang Fangjian best, so no one in Chu Wen's own heart thought that this matter was not done by Shang Fangjian.

Seeing that Chu Wen seemed to have other ideas, Shen Tu asked curiously, "Brother, what are you thinking?"

Hearing Shen Tu's question, Chu Wen was stunned and said, "It's okay!"

At this time, the beacon water mist has hurried up to greet everyone. This is the leader who came up to greet everyone in person. After greeting everyone to the corresponding seats, the beacon water mist pulled Qiu Gu to the north, and then put his hand on Qiu Gu's shoulder and said, " This is the person who saved me last night. Their team came from Piaomiao Mountain. As you know, our ancestors came from Piaomiao Mountain. Today, I feel very honored to see the people of Piaomiao Mountain again. I hope they can do it for this black sky like their former brothers. And fight with us on the united front.

Hearing the beacon and water mist say this, Liu Lianyi made it clear that this beacon and water mist was just to emphasize this problem with the help of this dinner. This is just a forced needle in the heart of the team on Qiugu's side, because as long as it pulls some relationship, Later, the praise in front of everyone was to give the other party an inescapable responsibility. Seeing him pull Qiu Gu up, Liu Lianyi had a premonition that Qiu Gu is famous and honest, and there is nothing he can do about being killed by this beacon fire and water mist. Qiu Gu also said shyly: "Actually, for this matter of Black Sky This is all what we should do, so it's all too polite for Brother Shuiwu to set up such a large table of food. It's really polite!"

The beacon suddenly laughed and said, "Brother Qiu Gu, you are really a polite person. I'm going to show some of my determination for this action."

These words made Qiu Gu very confused about what was going on.

Qiu Gu was greeted next to the beacon water mist. Before the meal started, the beacon water mist raised the glass and said to a general next to the table, "Liu He, let's have a drink first!"

The Liu He over there seemed to be very surprised when he heard the beacon and water fog say this. He picked up the wine glass in a panic and said, "This, this is not good!"

"What's wrong? This is a must. You have done a lot for our village. Since you joined the team at the age of 15, you have been working hard to benefit from Leiyun Canyon. I see it all, because it's all for the sake of this village, right? But after the village split into two camps. You also chose the camp you think is right, but shouldn't you have some personal desires at this time? The beacon and water fog said.

Hearing the beacon and water mist say this, the Liu River suddenly sweated as if he had been known what had been done.

"Come and drink this cup!" The beacon and water fog said here.

Hearing the beacon and water mist say this, Liu He immediately put his wine glass on the table and hurried out of the tent, but as soon as he ran to the door of the tent, he saw his head cut to the ground by several people outside the tent, and then the whole headless body It was dragged down, and soon the scene was handled very clean. The beacon smiled, and then stood up and said, "This is the end of the mole. Although Liu He defected to me, he has been doing things for my brother. At this moment, no rebellion and mole are allowed to appear. We must unite. Consistently, the black sky is about to be handed over. At this critical moment, I don't allow any malpractice to appear. The assassination last night was caused by him, but I only advocate doctrine. As long as you think it's right, then just say it, I can let you go, but don't come down. Well, now You can say whatever you think. If you want to leave me to help my brother continue to be cruel, you can also go!"