
Chapter 5 Sense of Air

Seeing this scene, Long Yongcheng was happy and not bad. At least it was used as a place for temporary practice. Even the futon is ready-made. Long Yongcheng walked into the hall and left a string of footprints in the dusty hall. Long Yongcheng walked to the futon, squatted down and patted the futon. What he didn't want to fly up was not only the dust on the futon, but also the yellow futon turned into dust and flew in the air. Long Yongcheng laughed at himself and almost forgot it. Although he didn't know how long the temple had been silent in history, even the door of the hall had become like that, not to mention an ordinary futon? The only thing that feels patient is the gate of the whole temple.

Long Yongcheng frowned. It seems that he has to find something to clean it up first, otherwise it is not convenient for him to do anything. If he is not careful, the dust will rise. For him who has no sense of breath, he can calm down and work hard to feel the sense of anger. When it's difficult. What should I find to clean? Although the cleaning tools are all available, none of them can be used, but they still look complete. Don't pick it up and turn it into a pile of dust. Long Yongcheng glanced around and saw the overgrown weeds outside the door.

Well, it seems that I can pull out all those weeds to make a simple broom. Anyway, the weeds are also very long. Just pull out a large handful and tie them up casually. Although it is not easy to use, it is enough to make do with it. Long Yongcheng pulled out a bunch of grass and used it as a broom. It took him an hour to finally clean up the main hall he planned to use for cultivation, but Long Yongcheng also looked very embarrassed. The dust raised during the cleaning made him much embarrassed.

After cleaning, Long Yongcheng also lost his interest in visiting other places in this temple. Forget it, let's practice first. Remember this place, come here again if you need it in the future, and clean it thoroughly when you are in the same mood. Long Yongcheng suddenly felt that what he was doing now was incredible. In the past, he never came out alone and planned to spend the night or even live a period of cultivation in a deserted temple in a deep mountain and old forest.

After finishing everything, Long Yongcheng planned to take a rest first. Not long after a rest, it was almost dark in a blink of an eye. Long Yongcheng filled his stomach and planned to officially start practicing, creating a sense of anger first. At least, Long Yongcheng feels that since the sense of anger is for every practicing person, whether it is cultivation of immortals or martial arts, this is a must-have level, and it will not be difficult to come to this level. The lowest goal of leaving here and going back should also be to feel angry. Long Yongcheng sat cross-legged and turned to the sky according to the method described in the skill.

The five hearts, that is, the palms of the hands, the palms of the feet, and the top of the head, are called unintentional. Five hearts to the sky is the most common and the easiest to adapt to practice posture. Generally speaking, the so-called cultivation and absorption of the aura between heaven and earth are mainly through the five hearts. After entering the five hearts, they run along the meridians in the body. Therefore, the feeling of breath also starts from the five hearts. And the most ** in the five hearts is the top of the head. As long as any of the five hearts have a sense of qi, with this feeling, the five hearts can naturally accept the aura of heaven and earth, but there is no need to perceive them one by one.

Long Yongcheng sat cross-legged for a long time, but felt nothing. Long Yongcheng couldn't help but feel a little depressed. He endured and continued to feel no other actions. It seemed that he had survived for a long time, but still felt nothing. Instead, he felt a little sleepy. Long Yongcheng had no choice but to get up and look at his watch for only half an hour. Just now, he felt as if a long time had passed. This kind of boring thing really made the longest. Looking at the darkening sky, Long Yongcheng always felt that he seemed to be missing something and something important.

His eyes turned back to the hall. The Buddha statue is solemn. Except for the futons in front of the Buddha statue that were photographed into dust by himself, other Long Yongcheng deliberately did not touch them when cleaning and were placed there. Such a scene was constructed in Long Yongcheng's mind. Several old monks sat on it and settled down. This sitting is often a day. Of course, if calculated in another sense, one is a lifetime.

There are no years of cultivation. People who practice can withstand such boredom, and many monks are actually just ordinary people, but they can withstand many things that ordinary people can't stand, such loneliness and such boring. Long Yongcheng's mind flashed, and what he lacked seemed to be the indifferent mentality of the old monk when he was settled down. As time goes by, the sea and the vicissitudes of life. Although those monks are just ordinary mortals, they may be much higher than those with profound cultivation. Generally speaking, cultivation and realm are proportional, not a good backbone. Diligent cultivation can achieve great strength.

Unless it is the practice of magic, it can make the strength grow endlessly, and the level of the general practitioners determines the level of their cultivation. Of course, in fact, sometimes demon practitioners have higher requirements for their state of mind. If they are allowed to grow like this, they will not have enough mood, and they may only become real demons who can't even control themselves in the end.

In fact, the indifferent mentality like a monk itself is a state of mind. Long Yongcheng crossed his knees again in his place just now. Closing his eyes, the whole person was immersed in a wonderful state in an instant. It should be like the mood of an old monk. Long Yongcheng felt that all the irritability and other emotions in his heart had calmed down. Now his heart is like a pool of stagnant water, without a trace of waves. At this moment, all his perceptions seemed to be several times more acute, including his perception of himself. Long Yongcheng even had an illusion that he could feel every meridians in his body.

Suddenly, Long Yongcheng seemed to feel that something was unintentionally flowing into his body. Although the feeling was very subtle, it was still perceived by himself at that moment. In fact, even ordinary people are absorbing the external aura all the time, but because it is unconscious absorption, this effect is difficult to reflect, and it is also difficult to feel. In fact, being able to feel the aura of the outside world being unconsciously absorbed by your body is already a sense of qi. As long as you feel it, you can consciously absorb it, which is the first step of cultivation.

Long Yongcheng is trying to deliberately control these auras flowing into his meridians. At first, the speed of flowing in is still very slow, but it is still increasing slightly. With the passage of time, the amount of increase begins to increase, and the amount of flowing in is naturally obvious. Get up. It's like, at first it was just like a drizzle, but then the slow rain began to get bigger, and then it simply changed to a splash. Long Yongcheng felt very comfortable and felt so "boom" that all his mind began to immerse himself in this comfortable and mysterious feeling. Although the aura was still constantly absorbed, his perception of everything in the outside world slowly became blurred, and in the end it seemed to have reached an absolute My own world.

Long Yongcheng felt that in this process, he improved not only the amount of aura in his body, but also his mood. In fact, for any practicing person, it is the most convenient way to directly open the sense of breath, but slowly trying to perceive it to generate a sense of breath is the best and most appropriate way. It is crucial to have a sense of qi for the first time. When you have a sense of qi for the first time, just like Long Yongcheng's current situation, it improves not only the amount of aura in the body, but also your own state of mind. Under this mysterious feeling, the mood is easy to improve. Of course, whether it is aura or mood, how much can be improved, it is still personal.

After the aura flows into the meridians of Long Yongcheng's body along Long Yongcheng's five hearts, it runs around in Long Yongcheng's body and is also constantly refined in the process of operation. As Luo Shen said, this is a skill suitable for women's cultivation, which will have a great impact on the temperament of the practitioner. Long Yongcheng can fully feel that the aura in his body also begins to produce a feminine atmosphere in the process of refining. Even Long Yongcheng, who sat cross-legged in the hall, began to exude his feminine breath slowly. Although he was a little distressed, fortunately, it only affected his temperament and so on. Long Yongcheng secretly wiped a sweat from the bottom of his heart.

In fact, after immersed in this feeling, Long Yongcheng did not think too much. I'm just immersed in this feeling. Long Yongcheng could not feel the passage of time at all. No matter how long the real time has passed, whether it is long or long, Long Yongcheng no longer has that boring feeling. He feels as if he has only passed for a moment, but he feels strangely and contradictory that he seems to have passed a long time, and the sea has turned into mulberry fields several times. Only myself is the only unchanging existence, and there is only myself left in heaven and earth. Perhaps, if you want to recover from this state, you can only wait for this mysterious feeling to automatically recede. It seems that it is right to find such a remote place to practice. Otherwise, God will know when you wake up. Long Yongcheng felt the meaning of cultivation for the first time.

In the first update in the morning, summoned red votes. Everyone helped put the book on the new book list. Buddha's tears are here to thank you!