
Chapter 21 White Tiger

Back to the police academy, the military training seems to be over. Since I left, few people have mentioned themselves again. Today, when he appeared again, no one felt anything. Of course, it was not surprising that Long Yongcheng appeared at the school with Lin Shifang coming to school. This original figure was not so popular.

Indeed, Long Yongcheng came to find Lin Shifang. Lin Shifang was still in class. Long Yongcheng did not tell Lin Shifang that he was coming, but waited quietly outside the classroom. Long Yongcheng feels very struggling now. After all, his identity is too special. Should the relationship between himself and Lin Shifang be maintained? Of course, I hope to continue to maintain it. Maybe Lin Shifang may not be willing to leave me, but if I continue to maintain it like this, with my special identity, there will be a lot of inconvenience between them, and I can't explain anything. The future of myself and Lin Shifang can still be in this situation where I can't even explain. Is it maintained?

With half an hour left, Long Yongcheng felt a little bored. But at this time, the door of the classroom suddenly opened, and Lin Shifang sneaked out. Lin Shifang saw Long Yongcheng there and threw himself into Long Yongcheng's arms.

"How did you know I was here?"

Long Yongcheng was stunned and soon understood that Lin Shifang knew that she was back, so she sneaked out to see him.

"Someone sent me a message saying that you were back."

Lin Shifang hugged Long Yongcheng tightly without any relaxation, as if Long Yongcheng would run away as soon as she relaxed. Lin Shifang once had a nightmare that Long Yongcheng was going to be swallowed up by ghosts. When Long Yongcheng was about to be swallowed up by ghosts, Lin Shifang woke up, and that day was the day before Long Yongcheng killed several Japanese Onmyoji. Indeed, without Luo Shen, maybe Long Yongcheng would really be the end. After people, there is always a wonderful feeling, which can even be in advance.

Hearing Lin Shifang's words, Long Yongcheng was stunned. Although the people in the school don't talk much about themselves now, the students in the school still know him. Thinking that I had done such a big thing in school, and the time I left was so short that I didn't know myself.

Long Yongcheng also hugged Lin Shifang, but then frowned. Lin Shifang seemed to have a different breath. Suddenly, Long Yongcheng felt as if his eyes had suddenly lit up. Long Yongcheng looked at a young man in a white shirt standing behind Lin Shifang, and the young man was just standing in the sun. The white shirt emitted a white shirt in the sun, which was a little dazzling. The young man in white looked at Lin Shifang's back and smiled gently. However, seeing the young man in the white shirt, Long Yongcheng's eyebrows frowned deeper. That young man looks a little strange in the sunlight.

"Who is he?"

Hearing Long Yongcheng's question, Lin Shifang was stunned and turned her head reflexively. Seeing the young man in a white shirt, he showed a bitter smile.

"It's okay, you're here, and I can give him an quip."

"My name is Bai, a single-character tiger, and I am Lin Shifang's suitor, but she keeps saying that she has a boyfriend. When I see you today, I will admit your existence, but I will still compete with you."

"Well, then, I welcome you to compete. Let's go first, Shifang.

Long Yongcheng said lightly, but his tone seemed to be deliberately suppressing something. Lin Shifang nodded and left with Long Yongcheng. When Lin Shifang left with Long Yongcheng, she could even feel that the white tiger's eyes shone on her back like the sun, which was very warm, but it made her very embarrassed. The person she liked was Long Yongcheng. She didn't want to hurt such a Yang. People of light.

"How have you been recently?"

In order to break her embarrassment, Lin Shifang found a topic and chatted with Long Yongcheng.

"Actually, it's nothing. I just found a job in a small company nearby."

"Oh? In fact, that's not bad. Is this job okay?

"It's okay... It's just a frequent business trip."

There was a brief pause in Long Yongcheng's words. It's just that I often go on business trips. Maybe only I can understand the deep meaning implied in this sentence, but can I really stay together with Lin Shifang for a long time? And even if I chose not to be with Lin Shifang, I was not very worried about Lin Shifang after all. I was worried that what would happen if Lin Shifang didn't have me, or what had begun to happen, but I came back in time.

The two stayed until the evening. Long Yongcheng sent Lin Shifang back to the dormitory. Long Yongcheng seemed to be familiar with the road to the mountains on the outskirts of the city. The mountain on the outskirts of the city is also a deep mountain forest. Long Yongcheng walks in it at night but is not afraid at all. It seems that a white cat-like dexterous shadow quietly falls behind Long Yongcheng. Of course, it's just cat-like dexterity. If it looks like a cat or not, it looks a little bit like that. But this size is also too big. But after the shadow fell to the ground, it turned into a young man in a white shirt, a white tiger.

"What is your purpose of finding Lin Shifang?"

Originally, after the white tiger turned into a human form, he planned to go and say hello to Long Yongcheng, so that Long Yongcheng knew that he had also came, or that he had always been here. White Tiger is really a little uncertain about the reason why Long Yongcheng appeared in this mountain so late and wants to ask. But what Bai Hu didn't expect was that as soon as he turned into a human form, Long Yongcheng actually opened his mouth to speak. Bai Hu looked at Long Yongcheng in astonishment. I don't know when an eye-like tattoo appeared silently on the back of Long Yongcheng's neck. In a trance, he seemed to feel that the eye was alive.

"Are you not an ordinary person?"

"In comparison, I am at least a human being, and you are not even a human being. It's better not to run around for a monster that hasn't been cultivated enough to turn into a human form. It's easy to get into trouble by illusion alone.

If this white tiger is a monster that can turn into a human form, I'm afraid that it will be easy to pinch himself to death with the strength of the Golden Dan period. And the human form of this monster is just an illusion, but its body is a white tiger, not a white tiger among the four mythical beasts, but an ordinary white tiger.

"I really like her."

The white tiger did not defend his identity, but answered this sentence lightly. Long Yongcheng was stunned. Is it really true? Unfortunately, you are a demon, otherwise, even if I leave her, I can rest assured.

"Whether you are sincere or not, you are a demon and she is a human being."

"If she can accept me, is it because I am a demon and she is a human?"

Suddenly, an anger surged into Long Yongcheng's heart. Whether it is a demon or a human being, as long as he is infatuated, Long Yongcheng has more or less a sense of identity. After all, he is also a person with feelings, and he also knows how difficult it is for a wise existence to truly love a person. But this tiger demon pestered Lin Shifang. Unexpectedly, he is not going to change his mind now, which is intolerable by Long Yongcheng. Long Yongcheng will never tolerate a goblin pestering Lin Shifang.

"I'd like to see how deep you are!"

After saying a word, a stream of water vapor surged all over his body and patted towards the white tiger like a storm on the shore. It looked extremely powerful. Bai Hu saw that Long Yongcheng took the initiative to attack him, but he was not angry. Originally, Long Yongcheng was also for Lin Shifang's good, so he had no reason to be angry. The white tiger is only in the early stage of foundation building, but monsters generally practice Taoism, which is generally better than those in the same realm or even one or three levels higher than themselves. Therefore, the white tiger was not afraid of Long Yongcheng. The illusion was shattered in an instant, and the white tiger roared, and the huge waves were like Long Yongcheng's waves hitting the shore, setting off a huge wave. Together with Long Yongcheng's waves hitting the shore, the waves and the waves caused by the white tiger disappeared invisible.

It's so strong! This is Long Yongcheng's first thought. I have long heard that once monsters practice Taoism, they are stronger than those in the same realm or even higher levels, not to mention the king tiger in this beast? Fortunately, Long Yongcheng also practiced the skills of the ancient water god Luo Shen. In the early stage of foundation construction, he could prevail in the battle with Li Siying, and he still had some confidence in dealing with this white tiger.

Water vapor surged again, and Long Yongcheng was in the center of the water vapor. This time, Long Yongcheng and the whole group of water vapor smashed into the white tiger like a huge wave. Bai Hu did not expect that Long Yongcheng's reaction would be so fast. By the time he realized it, he was about to hit Bai Hu's forehead. The white tiger turned dexterously and roared at the white water vapor centered on Long Yongcheng again. The air began to fluctuate, and the powerful airflow began to hit this mass of water vapor. However, suddenly, the fluctuation of airflow in the air stopped.

do not move. It was Long Yongcheng who exerted his power. Although it is said that it is motionless, it is Long Yongcheng's own skill, but it is not affected. In this motionless field, he can still act freely. The ball of water vapor hit the white tiger's forehead unabated.

The white tiger was also anxious, and the power in his body accumulated to the extreme, and he wanted to explode. White Tiger tried his best to control his muscles. White Tiger felt that his muscles were trying to break through the shackles of imprisonment. Suddenly, White Tiger felt relaxed all over, but the power of the explosion was also consumed, and Long Yongcheng felt that his heart was calm, as if there was something at that moment. It broke with a crash. In fact, this is not harmful to Long Yongcheng, but the magic power has been broken, and Long Yongcheng has received the feeling.

The first update in the morning, summon the red ticket, collect, Buddha's tears here to thank you!