
Chapter 46 Jade Pei

After a period of time, Long Yongcheng himself had already recovered, but Long Yongcheng still did not feel the slightest breath of Luo Shen in his sea of knowledge, but he did not know when Luo Shen would recover. What Long Yongcheng wants to know most now is what kind of world he has come to in one of the three thousand worlds. Forget it, it seems that Luo Shen will be difficult to recover for a while. After all, no matter how strong Luo Shen is in front of Zao Mingyan God, a person who is almost on the verge of dissipating suddenly explodes. If it were other existences, even the existence of Zao Ming Yan Shen may have to explode when the Yuanshen is on the verge of dissipation. Completely dissipated. However, Long Yongcheng believes that Luo Shen, as an ancient god, is not so easy to dissipate.

But Long Yongcheng also figured it out. Although he couldn't dissipate, he couldn't let Luo Shen recover from his eagerness. Although if he dies, Luo Shen will lose a primordial spirit, this time, after all, Luo Shen did this for himself, which really moved Long Yongcheng. Long Yongcheng is convinced that once he dies, Luo Shen's means to find a new primordial body is not a problem at all. Long Yongcheng knows that there is only one way to recover Luo Shen as soon as possible, that is, to improve his strength as much as possible. The stronger his strength is, the higher the quality of his spiritual power will be, and the better the nourishment effect on Luo Shen's Wonshin. Only in this way can Luo Shen recover. He even recovered his strength in the war with Hebo, but that goal was too far away.

The first task now is to familiarize yourself with the world. Now you don't know anything about the world, and you have to try not be found by other intelligent life before you get familiar with this world, unless you figure out the strength of the intelligent life here. Long Yongcheng carefully observed his surroundings. In addition to plants, not to mention human footprints, even animal footprints were rare. At this time, Long Yongcheng felt that something was wrong, as if there was a mysterious force covering here. There is definitely a problem here. If not, how can there be only plants, and even the footprints of animals?

Long Yongcheng's belief moved, and a tattoo-like eye slowly appeared on Long Yongcheng's forehead. This is Long Yongcheng's heavenly eye. Long Yongcheng observed with his own heavenly eye, but did not observe anything he wanted, such as the clues that are so wrong here. There is something wrong with the mountain where the headquarters of the Black Dragon Society is located, but Long Yongcheng can also see the ghosts permeated the whole mountain with his heavenly eyes, but everything Long Yongcheng sees here, except for plants or even animal footprints, seems very normal.

Long Yongcheng simply withdrew his heavenly eyes and closed his eyes to experience it carefully. Long Yongcheng had long found that more often, intuition was more effective than his own magical power. When a person is about to be attacked, his intuition can give you the first reminder, and with the increase of cultivation, the time of this reminder is also advanced. Of course, how long it is ahead of schedule has to be compared with the strength of the person who attacks you. But except for the feeling from the beginning, Long Yongcheng has no other feeling, and still feels that there is a mysterious power covering here.

Long Yongcheng couldn't help frowning. What kind of power was so mysterious that he could stop his prying. In order to prevent danger, Long Yongcheng instinctively wanted to run his body's jacket, but he did not feel the existence of his jacket. Long Yongcheng couldn't help smiling bitterly. The sabers have long been torn to pieces in the cracks in the space. In many people's consciousness, with the strength of Buddha, the treasures in his treasure house must have earth-shaking power, and the cracks in the space should still be able to resist. But in fact, when it comes to the realm of Buddha, the material of the magic weapon refined is not necessarily how hard it is.

So isn't the magic weapon refined by the master of that realm easily damaged? Of course, the magic weapon refined by the existence of that realm is the most difficult to be damaged. Even if it is torn into pieces in the space crack, it can still be gathered together for recovery. Of course, if the users of the magic weapon have strong enough strength, the magic weapon is difficult to be damaged, but Long Yongcheng's strength is too strong. Weak. However, the magic weapon itself does not have the ability to automatically gather. Only with the help of the power of the owner of the magic weapon, Long Yongcheng's control of the magic weapon is only a trace of the connection between the three realms and the magic weapon. What's more, how can Long Yongcheng's strength sense the powder of the magic weapon in the crack in the space?

And here, Long Yongcheng, not to mention feeling the breath of the sea, is estimated that there is no big river nearby. Long Yongcheng's first judgment is that this place should not stay for a long time. If the three Buddha treasures are still there, or there are any larger rivers or even oceans nearby, although Luo Shen has basically not been felt by Long Yongcheng, Long Yongcheng is confident that he can still exert the power of the ancient water god of Luo Shen, but the current situation is I have nothing but my own strength. Staying in such a strange place is purely for death.

With extreme ignorance of the local terrain, there is only one way to get out of here, that is, to choose a direction to go straight. Maybe the direction you are going is just going deeper, but you will always come out. This is the stupidest way, but this is also the only way Long Yongcheng can come up with. There is one person tall in the grass here, and it is really troublesome to walk. You have to walk while pulling away the grass, but here the heavenly eye can't be used. You can only use the naked eye. You don't know what you will encounter when you open the grass in the next second. It is true that there are no animal footprints here, but there may also be other unknown dangers.

So Long Yongcheng walked very carefully. No matter how much he wanted to leave this strange place, Long Yongcheng did not dare to speed up his pace, but put his footsteps as slowly as possible to make the fastest response in the face of sudden unknown dangers.

When Long Yongcheng complained while walking, a skeleton shelf suddenly appeared in the grass that Long Yongcheng opened. Long Yongcheng was shocked, condensed spiritual power in his hand at the fastest speed, and bombarded the bone shelf. His spiritual power and the aftershocks of the bone shelf hit and wiped down the grass around him, but the bone shelf seemed to be nothing. The bone shelf did not make any counterattack, but still maintained the posture when Long Yongcheng bombarded the bone shelf and lay on the ground. It seemed that he had exhausted his strength and could not move, but he was unwilling to climb out.

Is this the person trapped here and finally trapped? The bone shelf alone is so hard that I'm afraid its strength is not low when he is alive. Such a existence is trapped in it, so he... Long Yongcheng's heart suddenly cooled down. Long Yongcheng carefully looked at the man's bone shelf and held a jade pendant in his left hand. Long Yongcheng can completely judge that when this master came here, there was definitely not only one jade pendant. There must be other things on his body, but other things have been weathered over time, leaving only bone shelves and jade pendants.

In this way, this jade pendant is definitely not a simple existence. I can't imagine that everything else has been weathered. In addition to the bone shelf, there is still one jade pendant left. Of course, it was the long time this master died, so Long Yongcheng did not find any trace of anyone coming. Long Yongcheng carefully pulled the jade pendant from the hand of the bone shelf and studied it in his hand. There was a strange creature carved on the jade pendant. The creature had a strong body, horns on its head, wings on its back, and something that seemed to be a tail on its back.

The creature's nostrils seem to be able to cause extremely high temperatures in one breath, and there are faint flames, emitting an extremely strong breath on the body of this strange creature. Behind this creature, there is a curved moon rising. The moon is originally a soft existence, but it appears in the same picture as this powerful creature, but it looks extremely harmonious, as if that creature is the child of the moon. What is this? Long Yongcheng doesn't seem to find any secret from this jade pendant. It doesn't seem to be a magic weapon. Except for the very special and strong material, it is no different from the ordinary jade pendant!

How can it be? Long Yongcheng was very surprised. Long Yongcheng concluded that this jade pendant would never be so simple. Long Yongcheng explored his consciousness into the jade pendant and finally found a very obscure fluctuation in the jade pendant. Because of the long time, the fluctuation was about to dissipate. From that fluctuation, Long Yongcheng vaguely got some information he wanted to know: decades ago, a new church called the Bright Holy See suddenly appeared in our continent, which competed with our dark Holy See, which originally ruled our continent. Its momentum was like the sky, and it actually suppressed my dark Holy See.

This place has become a Jedi since the rise of the Holy See, and even some weak beings have been blocked by a subtle force and cannot enter half a step. I suspect that the secret of this place is related to the rise of the Holy See of Light. I came here specially to explore it. I didn't think it would be a hundred years, and I finally realized a way out of it. However, my life expectancy is finally exhausted, and I can't get out of this place after all. I will leave it here as a predestined person to find this thing and escape when they visit this place again. If someone really takes this thing to get out, my only wish is to bury my bones in the land of demons.