
Chapter 70 Provocation

When everyone in the sea cucumber empire was panicked by the war between the Yunxiao Empire and the sea cucumber empire, a big event happened in the territory of the Alexander family.

In the territory of the Alexander family, an organization suddenly appeared, and the members of this organization had a unified code name called the police. And the so-called police actually became the law enforcement team in the territory of the Alexander family. What is the law? Strength is the law. This dogma has always been recognized by the New Yuan continent, but the police suddenly told these citizens in the territory of the Alexander family that the so-called law is what kind of things are not allowed to be done, and if they are done, how they will be punished by the law enforcement team. This strange organization suddenly caused an uproar.

Why do you need others to implement what you said? Strength is the law, which has always been recognized by the whole New Yuan continent. As long as you don't care about the power behind a person and have the strength to kill this person, you can do this without scruples. This is the law! But suddenly one day, someone jumped out and said to you, no matter how powerful you are, killing is a crime, and you will be punished according to the seriousness of the circumstances. If the circumstances are serious, you even need to kill people to pay for your life. Bullshit! Such a team may only be welcomed by the weak, but the world is not the world of the weak.

So, or because of the inherent influence brought by the emergence of the police, perhaps because the psychology of wartime people was originally chaotic, or perhaps, in order to demonstrate to such a group of people who suddenly appeared to change the "law" of the New World, the territory of the Alexander family suddenly became chaotic. Suddenly, a lot of eyes turned here. First of all, what the sudden emergence of the profession called the police put forward was unheard of. Secondly, they really wanted to see how this newly formed organization faced the chaos in the territory of the Alexander family caused by the emergence of this organization. .

Of course, although strength is the "law" on the Xinyuan continent, this kind of demonstrative chaos, even if it is murder, as long as it is not crazy, it will not kill people casually or do something else.

The headquarters of the police also has a very novel name for the people on the Xinyuan continent. The public security bureau also has a police sign. Although the huge sign is incomprehensible to the people on the Xinyuan continent, it reveals an inviolable justice and majesty that they can feel. In fact, it is China's *, national emblem, shield, Great Wall and pine branches moved by Long Yongcheng. Except for pine branches, which have a very similar ornamental plant on the New Yuan Dynasty, others have never been seen by people on the New Yuan Dynasty. However, in any case, an extremely bloody incident happened in front of the door of the Public Security Bureau and under *.

Although some people will not do some things as long as they are not crazy, there are some people who are indeed a little crazy, or just crazy for the ten people this time. Several children of a rich family are beating a beggar. How much strength can a beggar have? No one teaches, maybe it's the first level, maybe it's not even the first level at all. And what kind of strength does such a rich second generation as the children of a rich family have? Behind them are the cultivation and support of family power, especially in this new continent that advocates strength. No matter how dimp they are, their strength is still a little bit, and they also have strength that is not too weak.

At least, several rich children who beat this beggar are all human-level strength. There are six people, four of whom are seventh-class and two are eighth-class. Originally, such a beggar came out to beg not only for anything, but was beaten, but these six rich children dragged the beggar to the door of the public security bureau, openly surrounded and beat him at the door of the public security bureau, and it seemed that they were going to kill a human life! Originally, it was a relatively normal thing that no one gathered around, but suddenly surrounded a large number of people. Everyone around here wanted to see how the so-called public security bureau would face the blatant provocation of these people.

These children of rich families actually have something that is not simple*. Their family is also relatively influential in the territory of Alexander's family. Although in this kind of Alexander's family territory, other families with influence to a certain extent are absolutely not allowed to exist, under this standard limit, some families may not rely on Long Yongcheng on several prefecture-level juniors. A master can afford it. But how can Long Yongcheng tolerate this blatant provocation, especially on the first day? Although Long Yongcheng, the family behind these rich children, can't afford to provoke, at least at present, these rich children Long Yongcheng can still afford to provoke, simply in terms of strength.

Just as several rich children were fighting, several people in strong clothes rushed out of the public security bureau. Long Yongcheng did not design * according to the Chinese * style, but used strong clothes, sewn * on the left sleeve, and also sewn * on the shoulder. Long Yongcheng's * is the silver national emblem of China surrounded by silver olive branches, which is the chief police officer*. However, several other prefecture-level masters are all here, with a total of four, three prefecture-level first-class and one prefecture-level third-class. The three first-class in the prefecture are all a silver olive branch and three four-cornered star flowers, which are equivalent to the first-class police inspector. The third-class master of the prefecture is the silver Chinese national emblem surrounded by silver olive branches, which is equivalent to the deputy police inspector.

Seeing those rich children, the faces of several prefecture-level masters suddenly changed, trying to stop Long Yongcheng from interfering. Although Han Xing supports the establishment of Long Yongcheng Public Security Bureau, this support is limited to these prefecture-level masters, and Han Xing has not clearly expressed his support for Long Yongcheng to the outside world, and even has not even expressed any opinions on the establishment of the Public Security Bureau. Therefore, in the eyes of the outside world, the Alexander family is the same as all other organizations except the Dark Holy See. As long as you have strength and as the land is still under the control of the Alexander family, you can do whatever you want.

So when demonstrating against the Public Security Bureau, they are also a little unscrupulous. How much strength and capital does an organization that tries to establish order and rules have to do so? Although there are Hanxing behind those prefecture-level masters, Hanxing said that unless Long Yongcheng's life has been threatened and it has become a last resort, it must not involve the Alexander family. Han Xing is really testing Long Yongcheng's ability. But Long Yongcheng did not care about the obstruction of these prefecture-level masters. They are just Long Yongcheng's subordinates and dare not force them to stop them with their strength, so when Long Yongcheng insisted on giving a few rich children a little color, they had no choice.

" Stop!"

Long Yongcheng shouted loudly, and the six rich children really stopped their hands and looked at Long Yongcheng with a joking look to see what would happen to Long Yongcheng. Long Yongcheng glanced at the six people with a murderous spirit in his eyes. Although Long Yongcheng's momentum is very strong, Long Yongcheng's strength is not enough. Long Yongcheng's human-level sixth-class murderous spirit has no impact on several rich children at the seventh and eighth levels.

"There is a great family power behind these rich children. Unless Lord Hanxing openly supports you, we can't compete with the power behind them."

A prefecture-level master suddenly realized that they had not told Long Yongcheng the reason for blocking Long Yongcheng. Maybe if he told him, he would not embarrass those rich children too much? After listening to this, Long Yongcheng only raised his eyebrows and automatically ignored what the prefecture-level master said. Instead, he observed the strength of six people, seven-class four and eight-class people. If he took action himself, although it was a little difficult, as long as he played well, he still didn't clean up them too much. A big problem.

"I know that the organization I formed does not listen to what others say. In Xinyuan mainland, you are the first to speak by strength. I will take you first to prove that at least our public security bureau has the strength to deal with your role."

Long Yongcheng sneered and took a few steps forward. Standing there, a sense of pride and domineering emanated from Long Yongcheng's body like waves. This momentum is not something that can be possessed with strength, but a person's mind. Strong people may not have such arrogant and domineering mind. Perhaps the stronger some people are, the more cautious they are, so even if these people reach the realm of immortals, they will never have such momentum. What determines a person's achievements is not only talent and opportunity, but also the same importance. Perhaps Long Yongcheng's unmatched arrogance and domineering can make Long Yongcheng have high achievements.

Long Yongcheng's domineering atmosphere made several rich children feel a little lacking in confidence, but they soon calmed down. It seems that this person's subordinates are a little afraid of them, but this person seems to be just a sixth-class level. These rich children are not as sharp as Han Xing. With the realm of Han Xing, they can not only see the realm of Long Yongcheng, but also see the strength that Long Yongcheng can exert, but these rich children only judge the realm of Long Yongcheng through breath. As for strength, they have never considered it. After all, there are not many people whose strength is higher than the level. They don't think Long Yongcheng can, and each of them has a higher level than Long Yongcheng.