
Chapter 78 Recruitment

Now Long Yongcheng suddenly has a feeling that he is slowly approaching the center of the whirlpool of power in the New Yuan Dynasty, but he lacks some very necessary conditions: his own power. Of course, the public security bureau is its own power, but this power is not strong enough. Whether Han Xing will really win the acquiescence of the entire sea cucumber empire for the existence of its own public security bureau, he needs to expand his power.

Not to mention the so-called catastrophe far away, it is difficult for him to continue to dominate if he does not have enough power in the territory of the Alexander family. Now nothing has happened in the territory of the Alexander family because his remnants are still there after the incident between himself and several families, but how long can these remnants last? Maybe it won't be long before these remnants will fade away in people's lives. Although people will take into account the existence of the Public Security Bureau in the future, people will try to challenge some things that the Public Security Bureau does not allow.

The first second time, perhaps sporadic, is easy to deal with, but with the first time and the second time, there will inevitably be a third time or even more times. When the number of times slowly increases and becomes more frequent, people will suddenly find that there are too few people in the whole public security bureau, and they can't take care of it at all. Everything that happened in Alexander's territory, Long Yongcheng and the four subordinate districts of the four prefectures want to establish order and achieve absolute execution in such a large area of the territory of the Alexander family? Just kidding!

Now the fate magician is actually the power of Long Yongcheng, but the power of the fate magician is really too special. If this special power is taken out, it will definitely attract the attention of the whole Xinyuan continent. At that time, it will attract countless troubles, and perhaps any small trouble can It's enough to make the public security bureau, which is actually not even a real initial scale, seem to have never appeared and disappeared. Moreover, when Long Yongcheng began to quietly gather towards the territory of the Alexander family, Long Yongcheng already felt that this power could not be completely controlled by himself.

Long Yongcheng can obviously feel that in fact, only a small number of people really support him, and even those who gather here are not all. Because the interior of the whole fate mage seems to have been divided, most of them are supporting one of the strongest characters among the current fate magicians. And those fate magicians who support him claim that if he can reach a master, then he will be regarded as the new god of fate. They think that it is unrealistic to seek that so-called vitality in Xinyuan mainland, and it is better to fight for yourself.

And a small part of it supports Long Yongcheng. Wei Han himself has a relatively high position in the fate magician. Wei Han and others believe that only the vitality of finding the New Yuan continent can rely on this vitality in the upcoming catastrophe and may make this catastrophe come to a real end. At this time, what Long Yongcheng can control is only a small number of magicians led by Wei Han.

Of course, no matter how these fate magicians make trouble, all this is just internal trouble. If the differences between fate magicians are known by the New Yuan Dynasty, I'm afraid the major forces will intervene. It is estimated that at that time, the New Yuan Dynasty and the fate of the fate magicians Internal will be in an unprecedented dilemma at the same time.

When Long Yongcheng was having a headache, he suddenly thought of a man, Luo Yue, the young master of the Black Dragon family and the son of the patriarch. Long Yongcheng remembered that Luo Yue said that maybe he could help himself. When Luoyue said this sentence again, his eyes were extremely clear. Long Yongcheng actually believed in Luoyue from that moment. In fact, it was not evil before Luoyue. The more sinful things he did was just because the living environment he came into contact with made him not have a correct understanding of the concept of evil. That's all.

Maybe I can release those rich children now, and even Luoyue can naturally release them. At that time, I will see if Luoyue will really help me. Of course, you can't put all the bets on Luoyue. The Public Security Bureau still needs to recruit people. Maybe, publicize it and let people join the Public Security Bureau. Long Yongcheng suddenly smiled. It seemed that everything that happened after coming here became ridiculous. In order to recruit people, the Public Security Bureau also had to advertise like those other forces. This kind of advertisement seemed to be similar to the kind of street advertising on earth.

Several things happened in the territory of Alexander's family. One was the high-level fate magician of the Ice Wing family suddenly disappeared. At the same time, not only the high-level magician of the Ice Wing family, but also all the fate magicians of the whole New Yuan continent seemed to be active for a while. After that, it became silent at the same time. One is also related to the Icewing family. The original two geniuses of the Icewing family suddenly turned into two mediocre talents, and suddenly regressed a lot in terms of temperament and other ways of dealing with other things.

One more thing is that Long Yongcheng put back all the children of the rich family. It seems that the children of the rich family have not become mediocre like the two children of the Ice Wing family. Another thing that made the whole Alexander family's territory feel a little incredible was that the Public Security Bureau began to recruit people. However, the conditions for recruiting people by the Public Security Bureau seem to be a little ridiculous, such as a strong sense of justice. However, Long Yongcheng suppressed the name of the four families with the strength of one person, and many people planned to go in the name of Long Yongcheng.

Today is the fifth day of May of 981 in the New Yuan Dynasty. This day is the day when the Public Security Bureau recruits people for interviews. On this day, the whole street where the Public Security Bureau is located is full of people. People don't know what a strong sense of justice is. However, people all know that Long Yongcheng broke through to the seventh class in the face of the pressure of the four families and detered the existence of the anti-sky-level genius of the four families. Being able to follow such an existence may have an unlimited future, with infinite development and possibilities.

The new continent is respected by strength, and the strength exerted by Long Yongcheng has been recognized by everyone in the territory of the Alexander family. In the sea cucumber empire, the first-level patriarch of the Alexander family, Han Xing, is an insurmountable existence, and Long Yongcheng, who can suppress the four families with two prefecture-level masters, has become the second master of the sea cucumber empire. Some people even speculate that between Long Yongcheng and Hanxing, it is not certain that Long Yongcheng will be stronger than Hanxing. Because they think that the cold stars at the beginning of the heavenly level may not be able to suppress a group of elites among the two earth-level high-level masters on their own.

And among the people queuing for the interview, a veiled woman was looking left and right in the crowd, as if she was extremely restless. Long Yongcheng in the Public Security Bureau said that it was an interview, but it was really similar to the interview, because Long Yongcheng's recruitment does not depend on strength at all, but on personality, but how can a person's personality be seen clearly? It doesn't matter. Long Yongcheng has magical powers. When Long Yongcheng brought some of the power of all sentient beings into his eyes, the whole world in Long Yongcheng's eyes was different.

At this time, the whole world seen in Long Yongcheng's eyes is composed of twisted lines, which are the so-called fate. These lines are entangled and intertwined into many twisted faces, all kinds of which are also connected to these twisted lines. Long Yongcheng can judge a person's personality and even what he may do in the future based on these twisted curves. Although the interview was very fast, it led to only a dozen people recruited by the whole Public Security Bureau from the morning to near noon.

At this time, the woman queuing outside seemed to be a little impatient and began to squeeze forward intentionally or unintentionally. Unexpectedly, he began to jump the queue forward along the squeezed space. That woman has been queuing since the morning, but others have also been queuing up since the morning. The woman is impatient, and others are also impatient. Although some people will turn a blind eye to this woman's queue jumping in line, some people will always be unaccustomed to it. For example, those who were originally lined up in front of the woman, but suddenly found themselves behind the woman.

Just as the woman was squeezing, she suddenly put a hand on the woman's shoulder, making the woman unable to move for a moment. The woman turned her head in horror, but saw a seemingly meaningful smiling face.

"I'm afraid this is not the place to jump the queue. If you can't wait, we can't wait. If we all jump the queue like you, won't it be chaotic here?"

It was a very handsome man who clasped the woman's shoulder. Although the man spoke magnificently, his eyes flickered when he spoke, and he knew what he was thinking. That man was originally a prodigal. Few people came here for words such as a sense of justice, and naturally this man would not be included. Although this woman is veiled, she gives people a good temperament. If it hadn't been for the proximity to the Public Security Bureau, I'm afraid it wouldn't be as simple as clasping her shoulders. The man is fantasies.