
Chapter 82 Cards

"Your power is really special. We will see you later."

Feeling the power of Long Yongcheng, Changyou felt an instinctive sense of threat, which made Changyou very uncomfortable and wanted to leave as soon as possible. After saying that, he was not limble and disappeared very simply. Changyou wanted to leave, and he could not stop him at all with the strength of Long Yongcheng. Even with the power of Luo Shen, it was at most to assist Long Yongcheng to exert more powerful power.

"One day, I want you to submit to me!"

Long Yongcheng said lightly. Bai Feng's heart was also shocked. Naturally, he also felt the power of Long Yongcheng just now. Although Bai Feng, who was already in shock, was shocked again by Long Yongcheng's words, full of domineering words. Perhaps the future glory of the fate magician is in the hands of Long Yongcheng.

"This is... a fate magician! God-level fate magician!"

Jin Ming realized that although he was not very familiar with the power of fate, the awe of fate from the depths of the soul told himself that it was the power of fate, and the power of Changyou just now reached the terrible divine level! The divine power is very obvious. The divine power has a sense of unity between heaven and earth, as if it were the power that drives the whole heaven and earth. This power is also known as the realm of God.

"The fate magician is one of my trump cards, but I can control only a part of it. As for the others... There is a little conflict within the fate magician. Let's talk about it in detail."

Long Yongcheng still looked very indifferent and led Jin Ming into his room in front of him. At this time, Ling Na was also in the room. Ling Na, who was bored, had already turned over Long Yongcheng's room, but she found that she could not feel it in Long Yongcheng's room. Things of interest, let alone privacy and so on. It seems that this result has been expected for a long time. Long Yongcheng's mouth showed a smile, as if he was naughty to a child. If Ling Na didn't have a good impression of Long Yongcheng, maybe Long Yongcheng would treat Ling Na as his sister.

Regarding the fate mage, Long Yongcheng did not hide the idea of Ling Na, who can represent the cold star. Although it is good not to expose a person's cards, with the relationship between Long Yongcheng and Han Xing, in fact, sometimes the exposure of your cards to others not only makes others feel your trust in him, but also a proof of others's own strength in a certain aspect.

When he saw Ling Na, Jin Ming's eyes stared again. How could Jin Ming not know Han Xing's daughter? The fate magician, the Alexander family, felt very nervous at this time. Is he trusted by Long Yongcheng? And there are so many secrets behind Long Yongcheng, which are already amazing. Suspected to be the backer of God, the strength that does not match the realm, fate is a magician, the Alexander family. However, the relatively simple thought of Luoyue seems to be much more indifferent than his father. Of course, he is only indifferent because he doesn't understand.

"Those present are all trustworthy people. Since you are going to follow me in the future, I will tell you. Many people suspected that there was a divine backer behind me before, and I didn't deny it. However, because of some accidents, she could not take action. At most, I could only use some of her powers. As for other things, the fate mage, the Alexander family, and your Black Dragon family, plus the status of a deacon in the Dark Holy See, this is all my cards.

Long Yongcheng said very simply while taking out the identity card of the dark deacon. The other people looked at each other. It seems that Long Yongcheng's cards are indeed very simple. Except for a god-level backer who can't take action by himself and the deacon of the Dark Holy See, all the other cards are present. But of course, they will not underestimate Long Yongcheng because of this. Since Long Yongcheng dares to reveal this to them, Long Yongcheng naturally does not worry that one day they will leave. In fact, Long Yongcheng is just gambling and exchanging his own information for a more solid power network.

Long Yongcheng looked around the crowd. There is no need to say that Ling Na is, because Ling Na has known him from the beginning. Although she is a little confused about how many cards she has, Ling Na is very clear about how she came from, such as dark deacons. If Ling Na didn't want to make friends with her, she would have left long ago. Don't wait until now. Others also seem to have received the desired effect.

"Let me talk about my plan again. I said that I wanted to establish a power over the whole New Yuan continent and enforce an absolute order. The forces we need most now are now mainly divided into two parts, one is my own power and the other is the fate wizard. My own forces include the Black Dragon family, the newly recruited people and the four prefecture-level masters given to me by the Alexander family. As for the fate magician, this power is the most powerful, but it is also the most difficult to take out. This is the trump card. Since it's the trump card, I don't want anything unexpected when I need to use it, so the first thing I want to solve is another part of the fate magician.

Originally, Long Yongcheng did not plan to deal with the internal affairs of the fate magician so early, but Long Yongcheng suddenly found that maybe he would have many powerful enemies outside. Although the fate magician is not the only power he can take, he definitely occupies it. Most of his power, while the other fate magicians always affect their control of this part, and that kind of power is indeed a waste. If you can receive it, your power will soar.

"I don't know if adults have any ideas?"

The white maple asked. Originally, this part of the fate magician was dominated by Long Yongcheng. After this confrontation between Long Yongcheng and Changyou, Bai Feng shouted more willingly than before. Even if Long Yongcheng is not so arrogant, maybe Bai Feng will also have a different view of Long Yongcheng. Although the god of fate is the god of fate, he has never had the power to control fate, just use it, but from Long Yongcheng, he found a feeling of controlling fate. The so-called god is to control it!

"It mainly depends on your fate magicians to do it themselves. All the power I can take out is here, as you can see. Perhaps the only most useful thing I can do is to contain that regular friend. If I am well prepared, I think maybe I can control the regular friend.

Long Yongcheng is very honest. In fact, the most important part is Changyou, who can control Changyou. Of course, it is the power of Luo Shen and the appearance of all sentient beings. Bai Feng nodded slightly. As long as he can contain Changyou, it has played a great role. Moreover, this kind of thing was originally to be solved internally by the fate mage himself, but the fewer external forces are involved, the better. Otherwise, I'm afraid it will inevitably make the fate mage. Something happened inside.

"Today, the patriarch Jinming came here with the elite children in the family. Anyway, I have to show a little. I have nothing to do. Let me do something for Luoyue."

Long Yongcheng turned to Jin Ming and said. Naturally, Jin Ming will not object. Since Long Yongcheng said such a thing, he may give his son some unexpected benefits. After all, no matter what, Long Yongcheng is also a god-level master as a backer. Long Yongcheng gently pressed his palm on the forehead of the moon.

Cultivators, no matter what their natural personality is, they will not think of the current sunset moon, and have no opinion on many things. Although the realm of the falling moon is very high, the cultivation of the Xinyuan continent is obviously different from that of the practitioners. When the practitioner reaches the enlightenment period, he can break away the ignorance, which is wisdom, and the spiritual power of the practitioner in the enlightenment period can also enlighten others and enlighten others' ignorance. What Long Yongcheng needs to do at this time is to point out the falling moon. The falling moon has a good heart. If he can enlighten the wisdom, there must be a lot of room for improvement.

Moreover, the falling moon is the patriarch of the future Black Dragon family, and it is also good for you to open the falling moon. Long Yongcheng's spiritual power swam around the body of the falling moon, and saw a circle of light coming out from the back of the falling moon's head, which seemed to have infinite wisdom. With the enlightenment of Long Yongcheng, the eyes of the falling moon began to change and gradually became wise. Seeing the change of the falling moon, Jin Ming was overjoyed. His son was usually nothing wrong, but his wisdom was not enlightened, so he followed the children of several other families. Without any concept, they would do whatever they did.

"Well, I don't think there should be anything to do with me for the time being. I'll go to the retreat first. If there is nothing urgent, don't bother me. My strength is still too weak."

Although the confrontation with Changyou just now took advantage of the power of Luo Shen, the price was that Long Yongcheng's spiritual power was almost exhausted. In order not to be ugly in front of his future subordinates, he had to show a calm appearance. Otherwise, he would show a little bit. In the conversation just now, he was single-life. The magician of the fortune department may change his views on the fact that there are basically no secrets and all the cards revealed, and the control of the fate magician may become much more difficult. Now what Long Yongcheng needs most is retreat and cultivation.