
Chapter 85 Fire of Fate

"Changyou, is it possible that even you will breach the contract? Will the lower gods also breach the contract?

Bai Feng's face changed and said. Bai Feng knew that his bet was a little too fierce this time. If he was not careful, he would be calculated and could not retreat, but Long Yongcheng's heart was anxious, and Bai Feng's heart was even more anxious. Bai Feng wants to swallow another part of the fate magician, and Changyou will naturally have the same idea. For Bai Feng, the biggest obstacle is Changyou, and for Changyou, the biggest obstacle is Bai Feng. Therefore, in order to achieve their goals, anyone can stay, but the biggest obstacle for the other party is absolutely impossible.

But maybe Bai Feng has nothing to do with Changyou. The peak of the lower god and the holy magician seems to be only one step away, but the gap between God and the saint cannot be crossed by Bai Feng. But what can Changyou do to Bai Feng? Therefore, if Changyou can really bet this time, there may be a chance to win, because it is not them who compete with other masters above the prefecture level. This is perhaps the best opportunity for Bai Feng to win. As for Changyou, you can try to find opportunities to remove it in the future.

Maybe you don't need to wait too long. As long as Long Yongcheng gets out of the customs, Changyou should not be able to turn the market. It's just that Changyou doesn't intend to gamble at all now, but just wants to give Bai Feng a trap.

"What's wrong with the lower god? Who stipulates that the next god cannot breach the contract? Who knows that those masters of law and martial arts have never breached the contract and will not breach the contract?

Maybe those weak beings are very awe of god-level masters, but such awe has little deterrent to some detached superpowers or some strong men above the holy level, and for these masters who are infinitely close to the divine level and even reach the divine level and infinitely close to the supreme level. It is said that if they want to achieve some realms, all they need is time and a certain opportunity, although maybe these times and opportunities will last a lifetime until one day.

"Although you are the next god, why do you think that you can keep us all here alone? You are too self-righteous!"

Bai Feng sneered, but his heart was beating hard. Is this constant friend really crazy? Does he really want to keep everyone here? Bai Feng actually doesn't think that Changyou can't do it, but he just doesn't believe that Changyou will really do this. Bai Feng has always thought that Changyou wants them to suffer a big loss at most, but in the current form, what Changyou wants to do is not to annex, but to completely erase the unstable factors on their side!

"I heard that the person you joined called Long Yongcheng can control the four families with two high-level masters at the seventh level of the human level. It seems that you were also present at that time... But I don't know who is self-righteous, and why do you think you are like ants? What's the right to let me, the next god, take action? This is too derogatory, isn't it?"

Changyou said lazily. At this time, the space around the whole martial arts field began to fluctuate strongly. The breath of fate shook violently and tore in this space, and Bai Feng's face suddenly changed. In any case, Bai Feng did not expect that Changyou's trap would be so poisonous that he would put a completely closed array, which did not leave any vitality.

While the breath of fate fluctuated and tore violently in the space, a personal figure also began to appear in the air. They used the power of the array to cover up their shape and breath, causing Bai Feng not to find their existence at all and thought it was Changyou wants to deal with them on his own. But I didn't expect that the other party was waiting for them in ambush.

Bai Feng was desperate. The breath of fate is the most mysterious. Thinking about the fate magicians of the other party, except Changyou, have formed a large array. I'm afraid that its power is as powerful as the middle god or even the upper god. A fateful middle god or even the upper god is absolutely more horrible than any other series. God's power is not what they can compete with, not to mention that they are facing a series of fate. It seems that Bai Feng no longer knows what to do except despair at this time.

Suddenly, a flame burned in a large array. The flame was transparent, but it clearly saw every spark on the flame, as if there was a mystery hidden on it. The flame rotated around Changyou. Not long after, another flame appeared silently. Like the flame, it also rotated around Changyou. In this way, a total of 864 flames appeared, evenly around Changyou. Against these eight hundred and sixty-four flames, Changyou looked extremely mysterious at this time.

The fire and fire of fate have different meanings, which can represent both the fire in the five elements and some extreme. If any force reaches a certain extreme, it will condense into flames. The upper gods of the Xinyuan continent can condense 8864 flames representing the power they have cultivated. After reaching the level, it is also 8864. However, it is said that the dark demon god and the light god who have reached the late stage of the honorable level can condense 891 flame, and there is a legend that if they surpass the honor Level, is the real ninety-nine return to one, and this one can be gathered and dispersed, moving at will.

Obviously, the power of this array has reached at least the power of the upper god, and may not have reached the supreme level, at least the upper god. Can they compete with the strength that the upper god can exert?

Changyou's smile seemed to become ferocious in Bai Feng's eyes at that moment. The eight hundred and sixty-four flames of fate stopped rotating around Changyou, but slowly floated around. The fire of fate was condensed from a large array, and naturally it would not hurt the people who formed the array, and neither It will float out of the array. As for Changyou, it is very obvious that Changyou also has a certain control over this array through some secret methods. Then the dead can only be the people brought by Bai Feng. There are mages who have supported their fate, people from the Black Dragon family, and the four prefecture-level masters originally given by Hanxing to the Public Security Bureau.

And, it seems that they can only die. A fire of fate slowly floated in front of Bai Feng, and other fires of fate were still drifting aimlessly in the array and had not hurt anyone. It seems that Changyou intends to be the first to have an operation on himself. However, as a strong man at the peak of the holy level, it is also willing to die in one of the eight or sixty-four fires of fate that only the upper god can send. The strong may not feel unwilling if they are killed by the stronger. Bai Feng slowly closed her eyes. Bai Feng didn't want to see her body burned by the fire of fate.

At this time, an inexplicable breath enveloped the large array and penetrated into this large array. Such a change surprised everyone. This is a large array that can exert the strength of the upper god. What power can penetrate into it? What's more, it is a large array formed by the forces of fate. Is it possible that the other party is a master? However, not to mention that any of them will not arbitrarily intervene in this desperate struggle between such a huge force, which is almost completely different from this infiltrating atmosphere.

So, or is it Long Yongcheng, who is always hard to see through? There is also a mysterious god-level backer behind Long Yongcheng, but no one knows what kind of strength this god-level backer has except Long Yongcheng himself. I don't know whether it was Long Yongcheng himself or the god behind Long Yongcheng. Of course, although Long Yongcheng's own action is not strong enough, it can borrow God's power, so the speculation that Long Yongcheng's action has always been true.

So what is this inexplicable breath? It's fate! Long Yongcheng used the power of Luo Shen and used the magical powers of all sentient beings to touch the power of fate. In fact, it may not be enough for Long Yongcheng to use the power of Luo Shen alone, but this time it was Luo Shen who also exerted all his strength with his weak primordial spirit, which caused such an amazing effect. Unexpectedly, he can infiltrate his power into the array that can exert the power of the upper god. The reason why the breath of Long Yongcheng's fate is different from that of these fate magicians is entirely because of the realm.

Obviously, Long Yongcheng's understanding of fate is one level higher than these magicians' understanding of fate, or two paths, but Long Yongcheng's path is obviously better and more correct.

In the whole array, a fire of fate slowly condensed. Although there is only one, this fire of fate exudes a breath that makes everyone palpitate. Unexpectedly, it has achieved the power of one! In the later period of the honor level, it is the fire of fate in ninety-eight, and beyond the honor level is the number of one. And the honor level is equivalent to the master of the fairyland, and beyond the honor level is equivalent to the master of the fairyland. At the beginning, Luoshen was a golden fairyland, but this time, with the joint action of Luoshen and Long Yongcheng, he reached the fairyland briefly. This is infinitely close to the real strength of Luo Shen.

Unfortunately, although the strength exerted now is very strong, the price of being strong is that the time limit of this strong is very short, and it is also quite exhausting. Whether it is soul power or spiritual power, it is likely that one will be injured by accident.