
Chapter 100 Temple of Life

"Your Excellency, but an outsider?"

Just when Long Yongcheng didn't know what to do for a moment, an old man in the seat not far away from Long Yongcheng suddenly asked. The old man was there before Long Yongcheng arrived, and the breath and dress of Long Yongcheng were so eye-catching that the old man had always paid some attention to Long Yongcheng.

As soon as the old man asked, although the people in the restaurant did not believe it, they became very surprised. It seemed that they did not doubt the old man's words, as if the old man had a very high prestige.

Long Yongcheng was surprised to see that the people around him were not a little more hostile because he heard that he was an outsider, and he did not intend to hide his identity as an outsider, so he nodded honestly. Although this town seems to be completely isolated from the outside world, since he can come to this town, the town should not have blocked access. Even if the people inside don't go out, there will always be people outside. Maybe the old man also knows something about something. Long Yongcheng's honesty added a little surprise to the faces of the people around him, as if even outsiders should not appear here.

"What day is today?"

The old man asked others again.

"Mr. Hui, today is July 14th."

"July 14..."

The old man meditated slightly and looked at the sun in the sky. The sun in the sky seemed to be a little weaker than before, not as dazzling as before. Long Yongcheng seemed to notice this when he saw the old man looking in that direction. Obviously, it was a clear sky, but it was very strange. Long Yongcheng felt a gloomy feeling. At this time, the sun is already noon, hanging in the sky.

"I'm afraid you want to go out to your so-called unparalleled city and get next year's today."

After pondering for a long time, the old man suddenly came up with such a sentence. Next year today? Don't you have to wait for a whole year? Originally, I wanted to go out for a walk on a whim, but I never thought what would happen if I disappeared for a whole year without news. After all, he has only been in the Xinyuan Continent for a few years, but countless things have happened in the past few years. In a year, Long Yongcheng can't stay at ease.

Long Yongcheng still didn't believe the old man's words. He ran to the entrance of the town. The entrance of the town had already been shrouded in a thick fog. Long Yongcheng rushed into the thick fog regardless of his head. Long Yongcheng wanted to disperse the thick fog with his own spiritual power, but no matter how hard Long Yongcheng tried, even the thick fog He was not affected at all by Long Yongcheng. Long Yongcheng had no choice but to walk forward with a thick scalp, but the thick fog seemed to have no end. Long Yongcheng walked for half an hour and did not reach the end. Long Yongcheng was anxious and raised the speed to the fastest, almost flying, another half an hour, and there was still no endless thick fog in front of Long Yongcheng.

Do you really have to wait until today next year to go out? Long Yongcheng didn't believe it and gritted his teeth and wanted to continue to rush forward. However, a breath of stability suddenly came from Long Yongcheng's heart. Long Yongcheng'sbu dong magical power suddenly started to operate, which made Long Yongcheng's heart suddenly calm down. Although weak, but irresistible water spiritual power flowed out of his mind and flowed to his whole body. Long Yongcheng suddenly calmed down. Just now, it was Luo Shen who helped Long Yongcheng.

"Thank you, Luo Shen."

Long Yongcheng gasped. Under the urgency of Long Yongcheng just now, he has become a little unstable. Long Yongcheng is a master in the later stage of fetal rest. When it comes to the fetal rest period, even if he runs his spiritual power with all his strength, as long as he is not overconsumped, the masters of the fetal rest period should not have an unstable breath. Just now, Long Yongcheng was anxious, but he disrupted his mood. If Long Yongcheng continues this state for a period of time, it will inevitably lay hidden dangers for future cultivation. In the face of Long Yongcheng's thanks, Luo Shen said nothing and was silent as usual.

Now Long Yongcheng calmed down and thought carefully. If he really can't get out until next year today, as the old man said, will he act so rashly now that he will never even go back to Yuantai Town? Long Yongcheng was shocked by the idea in his heart and wanted to fly back at full speed, but Long Yongcheng took a step back and came out of the thick fog, and the old man had already waited outside the thick fog, and there were many people in Yuantai Town. Long Yongcheng suddenly found that some slight changes had taken place in the people of Yuantai Town, and the breath of life on his body was thicker, and his ears were becoming more and more sharp.

Elf! Long Yongcheng suddenly thought of a race. There are also elves on the Xinyuan continent, but the elves on the Xinyuan continent are not real purebred elves. It is rumored that the real purebred elves are like the elves in this Yuan fetus. When they are children, they have already practiced more than the first-class level, and will slowly improve as they grow up. After adulthood. It will naturally be upgraded to the fourth-class strength. After reaching the fourth-class strength of the human level, the strength of the elves depends on personal cultivation. The elves on the Xinyuan continent only have a higher talent for cultivation, and the number is rare, and most of them are slaves of those nobles. However, elves worship the god of life, so they generally have a strong breath of life.

"I don't know why the old gentleman said that I can't go out until next year today?"

Long Yongcheng also said respectfully to the old man as the elves called the old man. Elves are born to worship the god of life, so they are naturally friendly, and for a town full of elves, it is no wonder that they feel extraordinary, and no wonder the residents here are so handsome. Long Yongcheng's seemingly prestigious old man in this small town can't help but have a kind of respect in his heart. Elves are born to be the beginning of cultivation, and when they are old, they are above the fourth level. Although they can't feel how strong the old man's breath is, because they can't feel it, I'm afraid they are also a strong man above the sky level.

People who practice are born with awe of the strong, not just those who practice, but anyone who is friendly to this attitude has more awe than the strong.

"Since the establishment of this Yuantai Town, this Yuantai Town has been isolated from the world. As you can see, this Yuantai Town is a town of elves, and the elves worship the god of life. The god of life set up this boundary in order not to let the elves of the original fetus be disturbed by the outside world. But July 14th every year is the day when the ghost gate opens. At this time, the power of life will be particularly weak, but after all, it is the boundary set by the god of life. Only before noon on this day will there be a moment, and the entrance to the boundary is open. However, because the specific time of this moment is uncertain, and this moment is too short, it is difficult to grasp. Even if there are elves who want to go out, there are few, and the elves who go out have kept their vows and did not reveal the existence of the original fetus.

The old man looked at the statue engraved with the original tire at the entrance of Yuantai Town. Is this the god of life? Long Yongcheng looked at the statue of a handsome man holding a life in his hand. This god of life is indeed not a simple figure. It is rumored that in the era of the dark demon gods of the Dark Holy See, there were few gods on the whole Xinyuan continent, and the gods at that time were very powerful until now, and their names were widely circulated, but there was no god of life. It can be seen that since then, Yuantai Town has existed. It is and isolated from the world. It is estimated that the elves on the Xinyuan continent are the descendants of the elves from the Yuan fetal town, so the name of the god of life will slowly spread in the Xinyuan continent.

"Can you give me any other advice if I want to go out before July 14?"

If you live in seclusion, this is indeed a good place, full of peace and a strong atmosphere of life. Unfortunately, Long Yongcheng did not come to live in seclusion.

Temple of Life. Rumor has it that since the God of Life set the boundary, he has not been half a step away from the temple of life and has been sitting in the temple of life. It is precisely because of the existence of the god of life that the power of this boundary has not weakened by half until now. Since the god of life has been in the temple of life, even if the god of life does not help you personally, it is unknown that there may be a way to leave this boundary in the temple of life.

The Temple of Life, when it comes to the Temple of Life, all the elves have extremely pious and solemn expressions on their faces. Each god has its own temple, just like the god of fate. In fact, it also has its own temple, but the temple is divided internally and no longer exists. The so-called temple is the most pious and powerful among the believers who believe in themselves to maintain the existence of believers who believe in themselves. There has always been a saying that there is a god of life on the Xinyuan continent, but no one knows where the temple of life is. It turns out that it is in this Yuan fetal town. And since the god of life has always been in the temple of life, maybe there is really a way to leave in the temple of life, and even if he is lucky, the god of life will take action himself.

"I don't know where the Temple of Life is, please give me some advice."

Points? The old man smiled and looked in the same direction with great devoutness with all the elves. Long Yongcheng looked in this direction and never paid attention to it. It was not until now that he suddenly noticed that there was a building in the whole Yuantai Town, and the breath of life in the whole Yuantai Town seemed to be ordinary because of the existence of this building.