
Chapter 118 Dark Elf

"Since the archbishop is interested, I am naturally very happy."

Long Yongcheng pretended to meditated for a long time, but in fact, he had already made a decision in his heart. Archbishop Adam was very happy to see that Long Yongcheng finally agreed. In fact, Archbishop Adam was a little sure. Archbishop Adam saw it very clearly that Long Yongcheng did not know much about the situation in the whole continent, and even if he knew nothing when he came to the unparalleled Chen, although it was established in Long Yongcheng. During this period of the Public Security Bureau, Long Yongcheng has gradually gained a certain understanding of the overall trend of the New Yuan continent, but many things are beyond Long Yongcheng's reach, so Long Yongcheng's understanding is very limited.

The reason why Archbishop Adam analyzed the situation of the whole New Yuan continent to Long Yongcheng is to let Long Yongcheng deeply realize that he actually does not know the situation of the whole New Yuan continent. At least, his understanding of the situation of the whole New Yuan continent cannot keep up with the changes in the situation in the New Yuan continent, but now His time is very tight. If the whole sea cucumber empire cannot be controlled in time, the existence of the public security bureau will not allow him to be like a thorn in the sea cucumber empire. He will be killed at all costs. Even if he himself will not be killed, his public security bureau will be destroyed.

Archbishop Adam believes that Long Yongcheng is an ambitious person, so he has the existence of the Public Security Bureau. An ambitious and talented person will be promoted from the original fifth-class to the current second-class prefecture-class in such a short time. There is no shortage of genius in Xinyuan. It is normal for the strength of genius to improve quickly, but if you want Long Yongcheng to improve so much in such a short time, you can't just rely on the word genius. In addition to genius, you need to have a strong heart that is constantly getting stronger. Why do people become stronger? For ambition, for desire.

In such a tight situation, Long Yongcheng must find someone to cooperate to at least raise the control of the sea cucumber empire to the best state. Of course, Long Yongcheng himself is not powerless. The fate magician is a relatively huge force, but it is only huge. Since the three super empires can be called super empires, any of them can regard this power as a threat just now. So who should Long Yongcheng cooperate with?

One of the three empires? If cooperating with Long Yongcheng at least represents the existence of the public security bureau that allows Long Yongcheng. Since they regard the threat posed by Long Yongcheng's public security bureau as ordinary, why should they allow the public security bureau, such an organization that is extremely unfavorable to the rule of an empire, exist? Other forces seem to be the only ones who can play a role under this general trend. The Bright Holy See and Long Yongcheng had no choice, so Archbishop Adam dared to speak so openly. Generally, how can ambitious people allow others to share their own interests? This is a last resort.

"Deacon Long is really cheerful. Now the general trend has been understood by Deacon Long. As for some other situations, it must be that the head of the Public Security Bureau for so many years is not in vain. How much power the Public Security Bureau needs now. Long Deacon must be very clear. However, how many people does Deacon Long needs to ask me for it, although I am just An archbishop, I can barely do this thing.

said Archbishop Adam. Since it is cooperation, Archbishop Adam naturally knows how to be measured. He can't send people directly without saying how many people they want. Isn't it obvious that he wants to use the people of the Dark Holy See to restrain Long Yongcheng? Although it is very explicit now, it's better not to be more explicit. Long Yongcheng can't even kill the abandoned son of God. In addition to a mysterious and powerful god behind him, there must be other cards. If he is offended like this, there may be no good end in the future.

"I heard that while the Dark Holy See was in the slave business, it also selected some well-qualified slaves for training to become a very powerful force of the Dark Holy See. Among these forces, I heard that the strongest is the Dark Elf? I just want the dark elves of Archbishop Adam.

Although Long Yongcheng wants to let go to the Dark Holy See when he leaves back, Long Yongcheng does not want to be restricted by anyone before leaving. If he wants other people in the Dark Holy See, those people can be their own strength or those who monitor him. And if it is a dark elf, if you have the innate treasure given to you by the god of life, you are equivalent to the arrival of the god of life. Even if you let those dark elves directly fight back to the water, it is still a matter. One of the biggest characteristics of elves is that their faith is very firm. No matter what force they join, they will always be the greatest god of life, so Long Yongcheng is not worried that some of the elves will not recognize their original birth.

Archbishop Adam has no doubt about it. The dark elf is indeed a very powerful force. People with firm beliefs are often not strong, but they are very horrible. Of course, if they are a person, such horror may not be very obvious, but if they are a group of people, and if they are a group of people who cooperate very well, then such horror will be very obvious. It's coming out. What's more, the elves are already very talented in cultivation. They are all masters, a group of people who are essentially horrible, and these people are all masters...

In people's cognition, the greatest role of the dark elves is to assassinate. There is basically no such thing as failure as the target of the dark elves want to assassinate. In fact, the dark elves are only good at assassination. Dark elves rarely show their strong other aspects, which is also for the dark elves. It is a big advantage. But the ability to assassinate alone is enough to achieve Long Yongcheng's goal. When a group of horrible assassinations that are considered to be unable to fail are used by Long Yongcheng, try to think of who dares to fight with Long Yongcheng in the whole sea cucumber empire. It can almost be said that as long as the dark elves are in place, Long Yongcheng is equivalent to immediately controlling the sea cucumber empire, and the rest is just how to consolidate it. .

"Wait for the dragon deacon to go back. When the dragon deacon goes back, I will naturally send the dark elves there. I don't know how many dark elves the dragon deacon intends to have."


Long Yongcheng said lightly. Long Yongcheng felt that he still had an advantage, that is, he must go back and find a way to do what he promised. He wanted to pass all the dark elves. The Dark Holy See thought that the dark elves were at their orders. In fact, when it came to Long Yongcheng, it would immediately be completely at the order of Long Yongcheng. Since Long Yongcheng promised the god of life to take care of these elves, the best care is to give the dark elves their own cards, for example, Cultivate some strong, or the dark elves to grind with their own fate magicians during their own time, so that the two can take care of each other.