
Chapter 131 Elite Army

Long Yongcheng felt a burst of sweat and didn't expect the queen to speak so directly. However, Long Yongcheng also heard from the Queen's words that the Queen's establishment of a public security bureau in the sea cucumber empire was purely an experiment. She felt that she was very interesting and wanted to see what she could do, but she accidentally made a big experiment. She didn't expect that she would grow to this place at a near-horrifying speed. Step. However, the queen is indeed a very resourceful person. Thinking about how many times they met, especially when the two factions of the fate magicians fought, so many masters were present, and they didn't see that the queen, a master, was also a master.

It's hard to say whether Luo Shen can see if it hadn't been for the great recovery of Luo Shen this time. I don't know what means the queen has. The queen said so bluntly that Long Yongcheng had nothing to say and could only bow down. Then the queen turned to Hanxing. Long Yongcheng knew the queen's other identity and had some speculation about why the queen called Hanxing over. Thinking about the good relationship between the royal family of the sea cucumber empire and the Alexander family, the queen and the cold star are also very good. It can be seen that the queen is very important to the cold star, and this time I'm afraid to promote the cold star.

Of course, the queen also understands that Han Xing is also a person with a good personal relationship with Long Yongcheng. Moreover, although what Han Xing once did to Long Yongcheng is nothing now, it is enough to give Han Xing enough face in front of Long Yongcheng, and these faces are enough to play a certain restraining role for Long Yongcheng. Besides, in fact, the queen is relatively cold star.

"Cold star, your realm is at the beginning of the sky level. Although it is not very high, it is not low. From today, you will practice well, and when our Mingyue Empire and the Yunxiao Empire go to war, you will go to the battlefield to build meritorious deeds. After the war, no matter what your cultivation level is, I will mention you to be the deputy commander of my Mingyue Empire.

The queen's words are amazing. Although what the queen said to Long Yongcheng is too straightforward and not suitable for such an occasion, no one feels anything. It seems that the queen should have been like this. In fact, think about a queen with strong means. For all kinds of means, even if they have not been used, everyone will feel accustomed to them, but what they said to Han Xing can no longer maintain this habitual appearance. No matter how can the queen use means, it is difficult for everyone to accept such means.

Let the commander of an empire under the Mingyue Empire, which is almost uncontrolled, and it is only a heavenly level in the realm. The super empire in the Mingyue Empire is enough to become a general with a certain power, but such strength is far from enough to become a commander. Although no one in the whole hall stood up directly and said anything to the queen, the hall was obviously blown up and in a mess.

"What, will anyone have any objection to my decision? Since there is any objection, why don't you just stand up and say it?"

The queen's eyes glanced at the hall coldly, and the whole hall quieted down in an instant. Feeling the queen's cold eyes and a chill rising in their hearts, they suddenly found that they had been accustomed to many things since the Queen's accession to the throne. It was because of their habit that they began to forget. The queen is like a mystery. No one can see through the veil. The mysterious origin, no one knows where the queen came from. The queen was designated when the previous king was still in office.

Originally, after the death of the previous king, many people bullied the queen as a female generation, and she was born in the sky. Suddenly, it was designated by the king. There was no foundation in the Mingyue Empire and wanted to turn the queen into a puppet, but the following means used by the queen were strong Everyone was surprised. Before they recovered from the surprise, all their arrangements had lost all their functions before they came into play. And the queen held them firmly in her hands. After thinking about some of the methods used by the queen, in addition to marveling at the queen's methods, they had to continue to sit peacefully with the ministers of the Mingyue Empire.

"This...is not appropriate..."

When all the voices in the hall were calmed down, a voice sounded very inappropriately, and because all the voices in the hall were calmed down, the sound seemed extremely clear, making everyone's attention involuntarily turn to the speaker. It's not someone else who speaks, it's the cold star. The relationship between the Alexander family and the royal family of the sea cucumber empire is good, and the relationship between Han Xing and the queen of the sea cucumber empire is also very good. Now that the queen of the Mingyue Empire has said this, the first thing Han Xing considers is not whether there is anything else wrong with the queen of the Mingyue Empire giving her such great benefits, but that he is in the sea. You will feel uncomfortable in front of the queen of the empire.

"Why, you don't want to?"

The queen glanced at the cold star, although the coldness in her eyes was missing, it was also full of majesty.

"I'm willing."

Although Han Xing always feels that he will feel embarrassed in front of the queen of the sea cucumber empire if he agrees, which will be very inappropriate, but Han Xing still remembers that the queen of the sea cucumber empire told herself before she came, no matter what the queen of the Mingyue Empire let herself do, she promised her or not, whether or not It involves its own interests, or the interests of the sea cucumber empire. Han Xing didn't know why the queen said that. Since the interests of the sea cucumber empire and the queen of the sea cucumber empire can conflict, she has to agree to this matter. The queen of the sea cucumber empire will not deliberately talk to herself or joke about such things. Although the sea cucumber empire has now become the parliament of the Mingyue Empire, which makes the queen very tired.

"Well, that's about the same. I'll give you some people. You bring back the sea cucumber empire and run in well with you. When the official war starts, you can take them directly to the battlefield. You can not be under the command of the commander, and I will arrange another task for you. Well, I have nothing to say. If you don't have anything to start, just step back."

Although the queen said that if there was nothing to start, she would retreat, in fact, the queen did not wait at all to see if anyone would have something to do, and left very simply. In fact, such a court meeting is just a formality. What will happen to a king like the Queen with means? She didn't know it and needed ministers to report it. Maybe the ministers didn't know as much as she did? Only the ministers in the hall who still have something to do with what happened today are left.

No matter what the queen wants to do, it is always right not to offend others. When the ministers who finally turned around wanted to celebrate the cold star, Long Yongcheng, who had already reacted, had already left with the cold star. Since Long Yongcheng knew the identity of the queen from the beginning, many things were actually expected. The queen of the Mingyue Empire is indeed a person with means. Long Yongcheng has subconsciously thought that he is afraid that the only queen can combine the three super empires into one.

However, Long Yongcheng still has a headache thinking about what will happen next. Whether they understand the Queen's intention or not, those ministers will not easily give up an opportunity to make friends with others, especially those like Long Yongcheng and Han Xing who let the queen do things that no one can figure out. Ministers are always right to be infuriable. If they can still make good terms without offending, it is the best rule to visit them as soon as possible. Their residence is arranged by the royal family of the Mingyue Empire, which is not a secret, and they can't leave now, because they have to wait for the group of people called by the Queen to contact them to set off together.

Anyway, it is Han Xing who has to wait for those soldiers, not Long Yongcheng. He can leave at any time, but he just wants to wait to walk with Han Xing. So Long Yongcheng decisively threw all his headaches to Han Xing, but he wandered around in all the capital of the Mingyue Empire to join in the fun. It seems that there are many things that Long Yongcheng has never played, so, except for whoring, everything else Long Yongcheng has heard of or found, Long Yongcheng has played it all.

When Long Yongcheng finally had nothing new to do, Long Yongcheng, who was wandering on the street, heard the news that there was another army in the capital of the Mingyue Empire. I don't know what the Mingyue Empire wants to do recently. I heard that the number of this army is still quite large, with hundreds of thousands, and it is an elite army. Long Yongcheng couldn't help sighing that the queen was really willing to spend money. These elite armies probably had a quarter of the strength of the whole Mingyue Empire. Hundreds of thousands of elite troops. Moreover, what Long Yongcheng expected was that these armies should be given by the queen to Han Xing. It was really a big deal, but it seems that he should also go back with Han Xing. Han Xing should be waiting for him now.

Sure enough, when Long Yongcheng swaying back, he was stopped by the two heavenly middle-level military masters. After some explanation, he finally shocked Han Xing, and then Han Xing came out to help Long Yongcheng clarify, and then he was able to enter. Under Han Xing's explanation, Long Yongcheng knew that the two middle-level masters were masters of his own guard camp. The personal guard camp at the peak of the sky and middle level is really luxurious. No wonder the queen dares to let the cold star go to the battlefield of the war between the two super empires. If she loses her life even like this, there is really nothing to say for a general.