
Chapter 133 Dive

Long Yongcheng's people and Han Xing's people basically went out at the same time. Han Xing took those soldiers who were similar to his own to fight in the Yunxiao Empire in cooperation with the commander of the Bright Moon Empire, while Long Yongcheng's people went to the Qiankun Empire.

In fact, it goes without saying how much you must know about the situation in the New Yuan Dynasty. Anyone who compares the situation can feel the development trend of the situation in the New Yuan Dynasty. Relatively speaking, many people understand what the war between the Mingyue Empire and the Yunxiao Empire means, so in the Mingyue Empire and the Yunxiao Empire At the same moment of the war, basically the whole Xinyuan continent was in chaos. If it is not chaotic at this time, I'm afraid there will be no chance to be chaotic in the future. Regardless of the final result, if the three super empires are really combined into one and can compete with the Holy See of Light, then the "one" control over the territory will have an unprecedented improvement, and there will be no chance to be chaotic at that time.

Similarly, if the Holy See of Light suppresses the melee between the three empires, the Holy See's control over the entire New World will be unprecedentedly improved, so it is unlikely to be chaotic at that time. It's just that why it must be messy. The reason is very simple, that is, to fight for chips! Whether the Holy See finally has the advantage or the three super empires, when the final result comes out, there will be a big purge of the forces of the whole New Year continent. If you want to be saved in this big purge, you must have enough chips. Then where do their chips come from? It is taking advantage of this big The rapid rise of chaos is most possible only when it rises rapidly in times of chaos, and only when it rises to a certain extent can it have that chip.

Long Yongcheng of the Yunxiao Empire doesn't want to go there, because the Yunxiao Empire and the Mingyue Empire are going to war. In the past, he is not waiting for the Mingyue Empire to compete for territory. Let's see who comes first? Long Yongcheng did not want to do this. First of all, Long Yongcheng was not interested in grabbing territory with the Mingyue Empire, and Long Yongcheng was also a person who knew how to behave. Now the war between the Mingyue Empire and the Yunxiao Empire is obviously the core influence of the development trend of the New Yuan Continent in the future. Long Yongcheng is messing around in it. In case the situation is really chaotic, it will not be good for the Holy See to take advantage of it.

Now the Qiankun Empire obviously wants to intervene in the war between the Mingyue Empire and the Yunxiao Empire, but it is not how it can intervene, and just like the chaos of the whole New Yuan continent, the whole Qiankun Empire is also in a mess. This is also one of the reasons why Long Yongcheng chose the Qiankun Empire, and he and the Queen did not conflict at present. She chose the Qiankun Empire, and the Queen chose the Mingyue Empire, which had a two-pronged taste in the eyes of others. What she didn't know really thought that the Queen deliberately arranged it like this. As for the small empires outside the three super empires, they are much larger than the sea cucumber empire, but unfortunately, Long Yongcheng has no interest in it.

As for the current situation of the Mingyue Empire and the Yunxiao Empire, the queen of the Mingyue Empire is indeed a very resourceful person. There is not much chaos in the whole Mingyue Empire. Of course, moderate turbulence is inevitable. The only thing that is amazing is the sea cucumber empire where Long Yongcheng's public security bureau is located. There is almost no wave. The Yunxiao Empire, the king of the Yunxiao Empire did not have the same means as the Queen, and is even more different from Long Yongcheng. Under this general situation, it seems very chaotic, and the Mingyue Empire is attacking the Yunxiao Empire. Under various factors, the Yunxiao Empire is now the most chaotic.

In the place where the Mingyue Empire and the Yunxiao Empire confronted each other, Burer looked at the well-organized army not far away from him, and Burer couldn't help sighing in his heart. Although Hanxing is only a master of the heavenly level, such strength is also a master, but unfortunately The army of the super empire of the Mingyue Empire is not qualified for absolute high-level officials. However, Hanxing is indeed very capable in the leadership. The queen gave Han Xing the right to act according to the opportunity, and Han Xing very interestingly pulled people to help Bule fight the war.

After several battles, Büller fully realized the talent of Hanxing, but felt sorry for the strength of Hanxing. And now that the cold star is old, it is very difficult to make a breakthrough. Although there is the queen's promotion, can the queen's means really suppress the intrigue within the army? There are some things that even a strong man can't do. A strong man is not omnipotent, especially when playing tricks.

The Qiankun Empire is still not very calm. For the chaos in the empire, the Qiankun Empire has not been too much. Although such chaos will indeed have a great impact on the Qiankun Empire, making the Qiankun Empire be greatly restricted when it wants to do many things, but in this troubled times, Although there are such chaotic miracles created by Long Yongcheng and the means of the Queen of the Mingyue Empire that caused a lot of minor injuries within the empire, the overall situation of the whole New Yuan Continent is still similar.

At ordinary times, superpowers such as the Qiankun Empire disdain to pay attention to everything that happens in the New Yuan Dynasty except for some superpowers that are the same or even surpass themselves, but in troubled times, anything that happens anywhere can reflect some extremely useful things. . Since the general situation in the New Yuan continent is like this now, there is no need for the Qiankun Empire to worry about such a situation in its own country. At this time, not to mention the universe empire, even the Holy See of Light, which is afraid of the three super empires, will be greatly restricted. Even due to the special way of existence of the Holy See of Light, it may be more restricted.

So the Qiankun Empire is not very worried about the Holy See now. The only thing the Qiankun Empire is thinking about is how to directly intervene in the war between the Mingyue Empire and the Yunxiao Empire and play an important role in it. Although it shows that after the victory and defeat between the Moon Empire and the Yunxiao Empire, they may not be able to do anything about the Qiankun Empire, and may even really suffer losses in the hands of the Qiankun Empire, once the Mingyue Empire and the Yunxiao Empire slow down and combine the two The power of the country, and the power of the super empire like the Qiankun Empire, then there can only be one final result of the Qiankun Empire, that is, it will be swallowed up.

So whether the Qiankun Empire can get involved is not a question of eating meat or drinking soup, but whether eating meat or being eaten as meat. Just when the Qiankun Empire was distressed about this, the intelligence system of the Qiankun Empire did not find that a force had penetrated into the Qiankun Empire, under the circumstances that those intelligence systems were unaware of. This operation was personally led by Long Yongcheng. As for Laowo, the headquarters of the Public Security Bureau in the territory of the Alexander family of the sea cucumber empire, Long Yongcheng did not worry at all.

Long Yongcheng doesn't think anyone can touch the headquarters of the Public Security Bureau. Now the sea cucumber empire is nominally belonging to the Mingyue Empire. Only the two Holy Sees of darkness and light and the other two of the three super empires can reach into the Bright Moon Empire. The Qiankun Empire is eager to intervene in the war between the Mingyue Empire and the Yunxiao Empire, but it will never reach out to the Mingyue Empire. The main battlefield is in the Yunxiao Empire, and now it is not suitable to play A to play B, B to C, and there is also a bright Holy See staring at it. Although the Dark Holy See has always fought against the Holy See of Light, it may not fight against the Holy See sincerely at this time. On the contrary, it may take the opportunity to make a lot of money. When the price is enough, there will be capital to fight against the Holy See of Light.

So even if the Qiankun Empire wants to intervene, it will definitely find a way to reach out to the main battlefield of the Yunxiao Empire. And the Yunxiao Empire is still too busy, and it is even more unlikely to run out to find trouble for others. Perhaps if the Holy See of Light acts, the first thing that should deal with is not Long Yongcheng, who has a big relationship with the Holy See and may have a great threat, but how to suppress the three super empires. So Long Yongcheng didn't worry at all.

This time, Long Yongcheng came to the Qiankun Empire with some dark elves. The dark elves can now be said to be the absolute trump cards of Long Yongcheng, and this absoluteness is reflected in absolute control and absolute strength. There is no doubt that the dark elves are loyal to Long Yongcheng, who has the original fetus. Long Yongcheng also brought some fate magicians. Destiny magicians do not necessarily have strong strength, but fate magicians are relatively the most weird of practitioners in each department. Sometimes, weirdness can make up for or even surpass the gap in strength.

As for the people in Long Yongcheng's headquarters, Long Yongcheng did not bring any of them except Long Chen. Long Yongcheng intended to cultivate Longchen and thought that his own protection should not be too dangerous, so he let Longchen come and gain insights. Others, since Long Yongcheng can't cultivate everyone like Long Chen, Long Yongcheng did not bring other people in Long Yongcheng's headquarters who are too weak. Long Yongcheng's power is not strong, but every time he faces the people in his headquarters, Long Yongcheng will deeply realize a problem, that is, he is still a newcomer who has not been here for a long time. The real people in the headquarters are so weak that they can't be used when something happens.

Long Yongcheng is now mainly doing two things in the Qiankun Empire. One thing is to pay attention to the war between the Mingyue Empire and the Yunxiao Empire, and judge the possible direction of the New Yuan Dynasty at any time. The other thing is to study the Qiankun Empire. Now that you are here and want to do it, you should find a suitable way.