
Chapter 181 It took four years

In addition to Long Yongcheng, Long Yongcheng also has three living creatures. One is Luo Shen, the other is the instrumental spirit of the original tire, and the other is his own magic weapon dragon whip. The first to feel the change in Long Yongcheng is naturally Luo Shen who lives in Long Yongcheng's sea of knowledge. After the changes on Long Yongcheng, Luo Shen suddenly explored his divine consciousness, but found that Long Yongcheng's spiritual power, breath and magical power were all integrated into one, and there was no longer the previous one that was different.

Luo Shen let out a startling sound. Unexpectedly, he just temporarily found a place for himself to live in the yuan god. In order to compensate Long Yongcheng, he taught Long Yongcheng the method of cultivation. But now Long Yongcheng's progress has surprised him more and more. Not to mention that Long Yongcheng's cultivation has reached the Yuanying period, this Long Yongcheng integrates his spiritual power, breath and magic power into one, which is not what the practitioners of the Yuanying period should have.

Originally, the cultivation realm of practitioners has reached a profound level, and problems such as Long Yongcheng will also appear. In order to make his future cultivation easier, he will begin to integrate his spiritual power, breath and magical power into one, regardless of each other, but the so-called realm of cultivation is profound. It is not the current cultivation realm of Long Yongcheng, which is generally in the combination period.

Yuanying period is the complete integration of Jindan and the soul, so that Jindan changes according to the soul and becomes the appearance of the soul. Generally speaking, as long as it has not changed its appearance, or taken away, the appearance of the soul is the same as its own appearance. What Yuanying looks like. The more flexible thing about Yuanying than Jindan is that Yuanying is a "person", and Jindan is just an elixir. Yuanying can make his own movements and cast his own spells, and the spells performed by Yuanying are a little more powerful than those performed by the practitioners himself.

And after the infancy period is the out-of-body period. When Yuanying was just trained, Yuanying was very fragile and not very flexible in action, just like Long Yongcheng's Yuanying. When she first practiced, she didn't even open her eyes. However, with the improvement of cultivation, Yuanying's defense will also become stronger, and at the same time, Yuanying will also become extremely flexible and even out of her body. Originally, Jin Dan, a true person in the Jindan period, could be "out of the body", but after Jin Dan became Yuanying, Yuanying was restrained and unable to get out of the body.

Only after breaking through the realm of out of the body can Yuanying achieve a real out of mind. Moreover, after Yuanying's out-body, the body and Yuanying can maintain independent consciousness respectively, but Yuanying is the foundation of spiritual power. Once Yuanying is out of the body, the body can only rely on its own pure physical strength. The physical strength of the practitioner in the out-of-body period is quite good, and the simple physical strength can exert the strength of the practitioner in the early stage of fetal life. Yuanying, a practitioner in the out-of-body period, is more flexible than the body. She can travel around and understand the road. Of course, Yuanying's out-of-body is not only to understand the road, but also kill people thousands of miles away.

After the out-of-body period, it is the distraction period. In the distraction period, Yuanying can be divided into several parts, allowing the three souls and seven souls to occupy each other, act separately, and even exert the strength of the distraction period. However, the consumption of spiritual power is relatively much more intense, so there is no way to carry out long-term intense consumption. And even if the divism period has never split the Yuanying, the sign of the divism period can be split. Even if you don't split Yuanying, your cultivation realm will occupy your three souls and seven souls. At this time, the original spiritual power, breath, magic power, etc. became more independent due to their different occupations and the characteristics of the practitioners in the divine period.

After the separation period, it is the integration period. The integration period is to gather the originally scattered three souls and seven souls into one. There are no longer three souls and seven souls. If you randomly divide a trace from the soul, you can practice the three souls and seven souls casually. Yuanying can be divided and combined. At this time, the legacy of the problem comes out. They are independent and different. Now they have to integrate. Of course, it will be very difficult. And now Long Yongcheng has passed the separation period to the combination period in the Yuanying period. Not to mention that Long Yongcheng's qualification is not a genius. Even if he is a superior genius, few people have passed this level before the distracted period without opportunities. How can Luo Shen not be surprised?

At this time, Long Yongcheng felt that his whole body was extremely comfortable, with spiritual power, breath and magic power integrated into one, and extremely round. The unexpected joy brought to Long Yongcheng by this closed practice is that he not only broke through his cultivation realm from the early stage to the middle of Yuanying, but also took another step in the pursuit of becoming a strong man. Long Yongcheng opened his eyes, and suddenly seemed to have something in his eyes, as if there was another pair of eyes in Long Yongcheng's eyes. Long Yongcheng knew that this was his own Yuanying's eyes.

Generally, after the practitioner becomes Yuanying, Yuanying's eyes will have special power to support the practitioner's eyes, which makes the practitioner's eyes more mysterious. At this moment, Yuanying in Long Yongcheng Dantian is very happy that he can finally exercise flexibly and is enjoying himself. Although he said that because he integrated his spiritual power, breath and magic power, his breath is now round, and even Yuanying's breath is round, and he can't see any horror at all, only Long Yongcheng himself knows what horrible spiritual power is contained in his little Yuanying, who is now enjoying himself.

The improvement of strength and the improvement of cultivation level have made Long Yongcheng feel quite in a good mood. He sneaked into the Holy See to implement the plan successfully, and there was a little more hope. He calculated that this level was suddenly closed for more than four years, and in a blink of an eye, it turned out to be the Holy See every five years. Originally, I was trying to be fast, but now this method has not achieved the goal of being fast. If the previous sacrifice is still alive, it is time to go to this comparison by myself. But of course, it has not been a loss for more than four years.

If the last sacrifice is still alive, how can it have its own current opportunity to integrate the spiritual power, breath and magic power of the whole body, and further break through to the middle of Yuanying. Perhaps it is possible to break through to the middle of Yuanying in the past four years, but it will take several twists and turns to refine all your spiritual power, breath and magic power, at least before the comparison. Moreover, his current power has control over Kaifeng City and the surrounding forces. If the last sacrificial adult is still there, how can he get such an opportunity?

I just don't know how my people will develop their power after being closed for more than four years. Long Yongcheng opened the door of the secret room and walked out of the secret room. Someone had been waiting outside the secret room. Seeing Long Yongcheng out of the customs, he was stunned first, and then respectfully saluted and called the adult. Long Yongcheng knew that if he was in a place with his own power, no matter how long he was in the retreat, someone would take turns to guard his retreat and wait for him to leave the customs, so he didn't feel anything when he saw someone waiting for him for four years.

"Call Edie to come here."

Long Yongcheng said lightly that Edi was a member of the Public Security Bureau in charge of Kaifeng City affairs during Long Yongcheng's retreat. Long Yongcheng did not exude any breath at this time, just like an ordinary person. That person also knew that it was Long Yong's great honesty. Originally, Long Yongcheng was a legend worth looking forward to in the hearts of the members of the Public Security Bureau. Now when he sees Long Yong's honesty and progress, he shows more and more respect for Long Yongcheng. He bowed slightly and went away.

"Ale him to come to me in the study."

Long Yongcheng added another sentence, and then went to the study. The place where the Guangming Holy See in Kaifeng City is close to the study, which is also very convenient. Long Yongcheng sat on the chair and opened his eyes slightly waiting for Edie's arrival.

"Your Excellency."

Edi's voice sounded outside the study.

"Come in and talk about how many former clergy are there in the Guangming Holy See in Kaifeng City now?"

Edi came in and did not salute Long Yongcheng again. Although in terms of Long Yongcheng's identity, in the Xinyuan Continent, with the gap between their status, Yidi also knew that Long Yongcheng did not like this, and Edi was a dark elf, and Long Yongcheng was in the dark. Because of the god of life, the elves felt that Long Yongcheng was a little kind and did not speak at all, so they all listened to Long Yongcheng's words. Edi looked at Long Yongcheng with some worship before he began to answer.

"Your Excellency, now the Bright Holy See in Kaifeng City is all our people except for Kerwin, and the Bright Holy See in some forces around Kaifeng City have also been replaced by our people."


Long Yongcheng was slightly surprised. He didn't expect that Edi's efficiency was so efficient. Not only did he change all the people of the Bright Holy See in Kaifeng City, but also all the people of the Bright Holy See controlled by the Public Security Bureau in other places. It is estimated that Edie did not replace Kelvin or because Kelvin did not know his attitude towards Kelvin.

"Well, you bring Kelvin here first. I'll ask him."

Long Yongcheng thought for a moment and said to Edie. No matter how simple Kerwin's brain is, all the people around him have been changed, and he can understand something. Long Yongcheng's impression of Kelvin is not too bad, so Long Yongcheng also intends to do something about Kelvin. There is no need to do anything about Kelvin, but he sneaks into the headquarters of the Holy See of Light and can't leak. Son, we can only solve this matter first.