
Chapter 198 Memories

Although the knight, one of the three respected masters of the Holy See of Light, floated over the city, the soldiers of the three super empires were not afraid and rushed to the city with high morale. The soldiers in the city shot at the soldiers who rushed over. Although the soldiers defending the city also had honored strong men floating over the city, they were obviously not as morale as the soldiers of the three super empires.

Although many people died in the front row of the first batch of shooting, after all, this kind of war is nothing. It's just a thing to get used to.

These soldiers soon rushed to the bottom of the city, and the knight's face became a little gloomy. Originally, the morale of the Bright Empire was not very high. Now that the other party is about to rush to the front of the city, there must be some panic. Such passive defense is not a long-term solution.

The knight also waved his hand heavily, and the gate of the city burst. Destroying the city gate is a taboo for soldiers in the war, but the chief knights did not pay so much attention to it. After the gate exploded, a bright breath surged, and an elite came out of the city, which was a team of bright knights. The knights were originally good at rushing, and the knights of the Holy See of Light have been specially trained by the Holy See of Light. They are not only good at rushing, but also have excellent cooperation. What's more, how can the people in the headquarters of the Holy See of Light be weak? It can be said that such a team of bright knights has been equal to ordinary thousands of troops. Horse.

Although the morale of the three super empires is high, morale is not strength after all. The soldiers here are just ordinary soldiers. Even a pure elite without ordinary soldiers can pose a great threat to them, let alone the elite of the Light Knight of the Holy See of Light? The first group of soldiers who rushed up these three super empires were first killed by this bright knight.

Seeing this scene, the face of the queen of the Mingyue Empire suddenly changed. She didn't expect the Holy See to be so cruel. The three super empires have been prepared for a long time, and the victory of this first battle is inevitable. At least, the city at the beginning can't be preserved anyway. That is to say, the team of bright knights taken out by the Holy See of Light must be damaged in it. The difference is only the cost of being consumed when it is broken inside. What the queen of the Mingyue Empire did not expect was that the headquarters of the Holy See would rather damage an elite Knight of Light in the first battle than lose too much.

The queen of the Bright Moon Empire took a look at the knight who was still floating over the city, and the knight also looked at the queen of the Bright Moon Empire. The queen of the Mingyue Empire was suddenly stunned, because the queen of the Mingyue Empire saw a kind of tragedy that the strong man was gone from the eyes of the knight chief. It's just the first war, why do you have such a look? Naturally, the queen of the Mingyue Empire will not know that the three masters of the Holy See have long done it to complete the plan regardless of everything, even if they abandon the Holy See, which has been operating for ten thousand years, will not hesitate. Naturally, there will be this kind of tragedy, which is not only for the first scene, but for the whole war. And this first scene is the beginning of the whole war.

The queen of the Mingyue Empire was just a little shocked. Since the Holy See of Light took out a light knight so fiercely for the first time, if these ordinary soldiers are allowed to attack the city, the city can still be attacked, but it will cost The cost must be heavy, which is a very heavy blow to the morale of the soldiers. Imagine that in order to attack a city in the first battle, they paid a heavy price just in front of a knight, which will become an indelible shadow in their hearts.

The queen of the Mingyue Empire gritted her teeth. Originally, she didn't want to reveal her own strength too early, but in order not to affect the morale of the soldiers in the whole war in the future, she could not care so much. The queen of the Mingyue Empire pulled out her own swordqiao, held it high in the air, waved it violently, and shouted "Kill!"

Of course, the queen of the Mingyue Empire does not want to take action in person. There is a high-level master staring at herself above the opposite city. But when the queen shouted this "kill!" After that, in the army behind the queen, I don't know which one it is. It seems to be responding to the queen, and also shouted "Kill!" Words. This killing list is heard from the sound, just like the bloody Shura from the hell of Shura, which makes people feel like falling into hell in an instant.

Then a murderous team floated out of the army behind the Queen, but they were so fast that they could only see the remnants of shadows. The team quickly rushed to the front of the bright knight without any suspense, and the bright knights were dismembered by this team in an instant. And this strange team did not stop at all and floated back to the army behind the queen, not knowing where it was hidden.

At this moment, a chill rose in the backs of all people. Such a team should not belong to the world, but to the Shura hell. The soldiers of the three super empires were just stunned for a moment, and their morale rose again. Although such a team is terrible, such a team ultimately belongs to their side. But the side of the Light Empire is different. There is such a terrible team hidden in the enemy's team, like a huge shadow hanging in their hearts. Can they defeat such an army?

The soldiers of the three super empires have been smashed and rushed in at the gate that had lost their original function. And the soldiers of the Bright Empire had no strength to fight. Their strength was greatly reduced, and they were defeated by the soldiers of the three super empires like killing chickens and dogs.

The knight looked at the situation below, and his face sank again.

"Is this the Queen's card? Well, I will wait for the Queen's ride at the headquarters of the Holy See.

The knight's voice said without any emotion that the people on his side had fallen into a scene of Shura hell, slaughtered by others and disappeared into the air without looking at them. The queen of the Mingyue Empire looked at the place where the knight disappeared and frowned. This time, in order to improve the overall morale of the soldiers, she was forced to reveal the cards she had prepared in advance.

Originally, in the intention of the queen of the Mingyue Empire, the elite of the Holy See of Light will not be separated, but will close to the headquarters of the Holy See of Light to form the strongest defense, so this card can be taken out at the last moment and receive the effect of strange soldiers. It's just that it has been exposed now that there is no effect of strange soldiers. At most, it can only be regarded as an elite who can compete with the Holy See of Light.

The soldiers of the three super empires soon slaughtered all the people who dared to resist in the city. Originally, this place was spontaneously gathered by the believers of the Holy See of Light, so the whole city was basically slaughtered, and few surrendered and did not resist. A tragic breath rose to the sky, as if there were countless grievances wandering over the city. Although such situations rarely occur even in war and can only occur when slaughtering cities, although these soldiers are only ordinary soldiers, many of them have been to the battlefield countless times and are not afraid of such visions.

The queen of the Mingyue Empire saw that it was almost done. Under an order, all the soldiers gathered. This gathering suddenly shattered the tragic atmosphere hovering above the city.

Seeing the reassembled army, the queen did not say a word, but pulled out her sword and pointed straight to the direction of the Holy See. The Queen's terrible momentum spread out along the sword, as if to smash the Bright Holy See with this sword. Seeing the queen, the commanders of the army naturally understood what the queen meant. Taking advantage of the high morale and the momentum of just capturing the first city, they took the opportunity to rush forward and attack a few more cities. This momentum can make them go as far away.

The commanders of the army immediately began to rectify the soldiers and began to continue to march towards the next city. The queen watched a team of soldiers pass in front of her, and the queen stood there with a sword motionless like a sculpture. There was a trace of loneliness on the queen's body for a moment. I never thought that one day I would lead an army to do such an earth-shaking cause. I never even thought that I could sit as the lord of the Mingyue Empire before.

At the beginning, he was just an ordinary princess of the sea cucumber empire. His father was worried all day long about whether any of them would annex the sea cucumber empire between them. However, with the passage of time, my amazing talent in cultivation has been reflected. My father was shocked by his amazing talent, so he began to cultivate himself with all his strength and told himself that there were countless geniuses in the New Yuan Dynasty, but no one had ever become a strong man after the Dark Demon God. He hoped that he could become the second person.

As long as you become the second person, the sea cucumber empire can get rid of such an embarrassing situation. As long as you become the second person, you will work hard for it. However, what even his father did not expect was that he really became a second person. That is, the Mingyue Empire is secretly putting pressure on the sea cucumber empire, and the sea cucumber empire can no longer support it. His father took himself to meet the lord of the Mingyue Empire at that time, the master, the second person after the Dark Demon God, who shocked the lord of the Mingyue Empire at that time.