
Chapter 215 Real Training

"Do you think that after that kind of training, you can really qualify for the battlefield like this?"

After arriving at the destination, the captain did not say anything about stationing, but suddenly shouted at the team that still seemed to be a mess. Everyone was stunned and looked at the captain for unknown reasons. It seemed that it was the first time for the captain to speak to them with such an attitude and tone. However, Long Yongcheng's eyes flashed. This person, which seemed to be very interesting, only found out for the first time.

"You are wrong! I tell you, now you will start your real training. Don't be stationed and don't rest. Before we came, our people stationed here were fighting now. What we need to do now is to fight immediately, immediately!"

The captain pointed to a camp not far away and roared. There were not many people in the camp. Obviously, everyone inside had gone to war. Although everyone is a little unclear, since the captain ordered it, the team is still chaotic. They felt very uncomfortable with what the captain just looked like, but they didn't dare to say anything. The captain is a sea clan, and there is a 100-person squadron led by the captain, all of whom are prefecture-level masters, and they are just nine squadrons who are prefecture-level masters.

The captain led his squadron to press the array at the back, and in front of him were several other squadrons, including the squadron led by Long Yongcheng and Qin Zi. Long Yongcheng and the three deliberately brought the three squadron together. Although they don't care much about the life and death of these so-called subordinates, there are only a hundred people in total. It's not good if they die too much, so that they can get closer together and take care of each other.

Long Yongcheng has already seen that the captain is a very interesting person, and this has his own profound meaning. Because these soldiers could not get enough training because the war was too hasty, the three days of training were difficult to achieve, so the captain did not take those three days seriously. The captain's real training plan for these recruits has long been planned, that is, on the battlefield, these recruits who do not have the consciousness of being a soldier at all suffer a big loss on the battlefield.

Perhaps, this will cause these soldiers to suffer great losses, but those who can stay can grow into real warriors, and there are many of these soldiers who don't care at all. Too many people are not conducive to fighting. Long Yongcheng had to admire the captain's means and cruelty. Although many people are not soft when killing people, there are not many people who can really fill human lives in the battlefield like grass mustard.

This is not how cruel this Hai people are, just like human beings will feel very normal no matter how cruel the slaughter is when dealing with their own race. Hai people are alien in the eyes of human beings, and the corresponding human beings are also alien in the eyes of the Hai people. They are not regarded as the same race at all, and naturally there is no cruelty.

After this messy group of people ran a long distance, they soon saw the two sides in front of the war. On one side are the soldiers in white armor of the Bright Holy See, and on the other side are the soldiers in black armor of the Dark Holy See. They are black and white, and there is no need to worry about not recognizing me. When he could see the two sides of the war, the captain urged behind. Like a group of hornets that have been stabbed, they rushed into the regiment in such a mess.

Although Long Yongcheng and the three of them deliberately reduced their losses, and the three of them were interested in approaching each other to take care of each other, after all, their so-called subordinates only had only run-in with them for three days. In three days, they could basically say that their subordinates Except for the general direction of the killing, it is non-binding.

Long Yongcheng paid attention to his surroundings, and there were no masters. The strongest one was just a prefecture-level master, so an invisible murderous atmosphere quietly permeated the soldiers led by Long Yongcheng. This momentum was so inconspicuous in the whole battlefield, but it made the combat effectiveness of the three squadrons soar. It was Long Yongcheng who used his magic power to point soldiers in the field. Since Long Yongcheng integrated everything into one and part of each other, Long Yongcheng's use and power in magic power have soared, and the power used tends to be equal.

Originally, there were 365 generals who were supposed to be black and murderous, but there was no trace of black at all. If you feel it with your heart, you may feel that some invisible generals and soldiers with higher spiritual cultivation are looming in these three squadrons. If Long Yongcheng really wants to condense these 365 soldiers, he can also form a Sunday array at any time.

In fact, the armies of the Holy See on both sides were at a disadvantage. In addition, they were rushed by this group of new messy teams and messed up the formation, and the disadvantage was even more obvious. Not long after the killing, the Bright Holy See began to collapse. As soon as the signs of defeat appeared, it was out of control. Before long, the army of the Bright Holy See was wiped out, but it seemed that many people on the dark Holy See side also died. If you look closely, you will find that the Dark Holy See is dead. Although there are many people, 80% of them are these newcomers who just came.

After the battle, looking at the bodies all over the ground, the faces of the originally messy newcomers finally showed a trace of seriousness. Although it is still impossible to become unified at once in action, at least in terms of attitude, they have clearly understood how they should face such a war. What is the position and what attitude should be used to face their identity.

The veterans didn't say anything about the slightly depressing silence of these newcomers. They just cleaned the battlefield calmly, and the whole battlefield suddenly seemed much more depressed and made people want to collapse. Just when the newlyweds were really about to stand such depression, the veterans also cleaned up the battlefield and suddenly broke the dull depression of the whole battlefield.

"Collection! According to their respective teams, gather!"

It was the captain who shouted that after he shouted, not only these recruits gathered, but even the veterans gathered. It seemed that the veterans did not feel anything about obeying the new captain.

"Yes, you are very sensible. You are worthy of veterans. I am the new captain. From now on, I will take over the position of your dead captain. These newcomers are also led by me. In the future, you will become a brigade."

The captain looked at the veterans and said. It turned out that the original captain of those veterans was dead. While sending this captain here, it was not only to take over the position of the former captain, but also to bring a group of new people by the way, which is also a little fresh blood input. I am indeed very satisfied with these veteran captains, much more satisfied with those new recruits, but after this time, these recruits should also make themselves satisfied.

"New recruits, after this first battle, you must understand a lot of things. At least you should have an accurate self-positioning, right? A lot of people died, right? Since many people have died, the original establishment will not be counted. I will redistribute the establishment for you.

The captain glanced at the new people as he spoke. When the captain's eyes fell on the soldiers behind Long Yongcheng, he paused. At this time, Long Yongcheng naturally had already taken back the murderous spirit. When Long Yongcheng released the murderous spirit, not many people knew about it, only Long Yongcheng himself and Lan Ling, and even the other parties did not know anything about it. It was the number of people that stopped the captain's eyes. Nearly half of these recruits died. Several squadrons almost killed more than a dozen people, and even better ones were only about half left, but Long Yongcheng and his three squadrons only lost about 20 people and about 80 people.

The captain's eyes flashed a few times, and he didn't know what he was thinking. They are also new recruits. Although the capabilities of the squadron captains of these new recruits are different, no matter how capable the squadron captain is, they will not hone the team to this extent within three days. However, such a thing obviously happened. There must be a reason for this abnormality, and this reason is likely to be attributed to the squadron leader, especially when the squadron captains of the three squadrons are still familiar with each other, this matter is very interesting, but if the captain really feels like Long Yongcheng If it's unusual, I'm afraid I'll think of more.

"Well, it's very good. These three squadrons are retained, which can supplement the number of squadrons that have been dispersed... Other people, no matter what position, I will make arrangements..."

"Our squadron leader's position is set above. You can't do this!"

While the captain was meditating and talking, a sudden voice interrupted the captain's voice. At the same time, several other squadronleaders also expressed a very indignant look, obviously dissatisfied with the captain's unauthorized claim. The veterans didn't seem to know what had happened. They just stood quietly waiting for the captain's arrangement, but there was a clear trace of unpreceptible pity in the eyes of several veterans. They have gone through such a battle, but they haven't figured out their position yet. It's really pitiful to die like this.