Sword of Defense

Chapter 31 It's Going to Rain

Lei Jian finally resisted the small but not small thruster from the basement, and those winding stairs almost killed Lei Jian.

Lei Jian gasped and lay in the ruins of the electronic row like a dead dog.

Lei Jian also received temporary emergency scientific and technological training from Verens before it came out. Although Lei Jian is still confused about the product of this ancient civilization, it can at least know how to use it.

Although this thing is like what Verens said, its power system is more than ten times that of the phantom wing, but according to the bitter defender body of Lei Jian, there is no other hardware support. Besides, this propeller is like a core equipment, equipped on top of other power systems, that is It is said that this thing will be installed on the phantom wing in the end.

But Lei Jian has to admit that his phantom wing is a piece of garbage in Verens's eyes. If he can give full play to the general ability of this ancient propeller, he will be grateful.

It is also worth mentioning that this ancient machine did not have a name code, so Verens directly pressed it as a core device of a phantom wing, which made Lei Jian unable to say anything in such a casual situation.

The thunder sword struggled to sit up from the ground and looked at the metal Gada behind him. Now the thunder sword admires itself very much. It can bring such a guy from such a deep basement with his physical strength. It can be said that the current thunder sword is very different from five months ago. Farewell to the ground.

Lei Jian stretched out his swollen right hand and looked at the time on the terminal. Good boy, this night has almost passed, and it seems that my mecha should be repaired.

But defenders still need Lei Jian to make some adjustments in person, and these things must be unavoidable. Lei Jian's legs trembled from the ground and looked at the big guy behind him with a twisted face.

"I'm going to die of exhaustion!" Lei Jian definitely thought of it.

It's good that Lei Jian is not a fool. Although the army is going to withdraw from here, that's also tomorrow at most. Now it is still a temporary military base for human beings. It's okay to find one or two small soldiers for Lei Jian's current status.

Lei Jian thought about it and still called Yang Zhi, the supreme commander.

Yang Zhi did not fall asleep, and the current situation makes Yang Zhi sleepless.

After Yang Zhi received the phone call, Lei Jian's first thing was to tell Yang Zhi about the food he talked about with Verens.

Yang Zhi is still very satisfied with this result, which can make his soldiers escape, and Verens will not have any danger, which is reasonable.

At this time, Lei Jian said, "Marshal, Verens gave me a good equipment, but it's too heavy for me to carry alone, don't you think?"

"I will ask a car soldier to pick you up!" Yang Zhi said casually.

Of course, Lei Jian would not object, and then said, "Well, I hope the marshal will take care of his health."

Yang Zhi hung up the communicator, and Lei Jian curled his lips and didn't care. Then he spent the last bit of his body to pull the power core device out of the electronic line, and then sat down and waited for the car soldier in Yang Zhi's mouth.


Stanso has now come around Oak City by a spaceship. Stanso closely follows Q. Now that Casadin is dead, Stanso has become the supreme commander of outsiders.

That being said, in fact, almost everything of outsiders is taken care of by Q himself, and Stanso is just a formality.

"Listen, Q, I'm a little impatient. I don't want to tolerate these scum to live in front of my eyes anymore!" Stanso's gritted teeth was horrible.

Q said lightly, "Lord Stanso, I know you are eager to revenge, but you should know that you are now the supreme commander of these hundreds of noble soldiers. Your every move is affecting them. We have little advantage in fighting at night. If we lose a lot, even you can't afford it. ."

Q's words made Stanso have no complaints, but Stanso's eyes looking at Q became more and more abnormal. I don't know when, Q, who only knew how to obey the orders of himself and Casadin, actually learned to be self-reliant and be able to deal with many things by himself, but more importantly, Q just now However, he dares to contradict himself obviously.

When Stanso was observing Q, Q was also paying attention to Stanso's facial expression.

"It seems that this old man has doubted me." Q's face is motionless, but his heart is full of thoughts.

Stanso withdrew his eyes and played with the gadget in his hand, which was one of Kasadin's relics. Once Stanso asked Casadin many times, and Casadin was not willing to give it to Stanso. Now Casadin is dead, Stanso easily got what he had longed for, but It's Stanso now, but he can't be happy.

"I want to know when you are going to solve all this." Stanso looked at Q coldly.

Q knows that if he doesn't give Stanso a satisfactory answer, he will have a hard time in the future.

"Lord Stanso, we will launch a general attack tomorrow to clean up the people of the earth!" Q's voice is emotionless.

Stanso, who got his satisfactory answer, nodded with satisfaction. Although he was very suspicious of the current Q, as long as he attacked the oak market, Stanso didn't care what Q was thinking.

Stan wanted to leave. He still had a lot of things to do. Q saw Stanso walking towards his spaceship. When Stanso completely disappeared, Q was relieved. Although Q said some words without changing his face just now, even his back was soaked with sweat. If it hadn't been for a mask on Q's face, he really couldn't do this kind of acting.

"I can't help you this time!" Q looked at the oak market in front of him with a lot of thoughts, then looked at the portrait of the dead Casadin posted on the wall, and then smiled and said, "Lord Casadin... You can rest assured that your friends will come to you soon..."

Suddenly, a bright light flashed outside the door, followed by a loud noise. Q looked out of the window and it turned out to be pouring rain.