Sword of Defense

Chapter 11 The Queen of Hard Battle II

One arm of the thunder sword mecha has been colored. Although it is said that some of it affects the movement of that arm and is still a deadly right hand, fortunately, the thunder sword is not the kind of ordinary driver who can only rely on one hand. Under the control of the thunder sword, both the left hand and the right hand can play the same ability.

The thunder sword is waiting here, but the thunder sword over there is looking for a breakthrough point in the attack.

We must fight quickly!

Q's eyes have been staring at the thunder sword, hoping to find a flaw exposed by the thunder sword. Q knows that with the retirement of time, Lei Jian's ability to control the mecha will also improve. When Lei Jian fully masters the control of the new mecha, his chances will be very slim.

Q took back the beam sword in his hand. This light but low-damage weapon can still make the assassination action just now, but in the face-to-face competition, he still feels powerless.

Q pulled out the latest configuration of a beam sword from behind. The strength of this beam sword has been greatly improved. Although the weight has also increased a lot, the beam sword is originally a representative of lightness. No matter how heavy it is, how much can it be?

Q directly controlled the queen of air war and flew straight towards the thunder sword. This straight play made the thunder sword very surprised. Just in a daze, Q had already killed in front of him.

The thunder sword did not dare to be careless and immediately raised the cold forging sword. Just as he was about to make a fight, the queen of air war disappeared from the eyes of the thunder sword.

The thunder sword then controlled the mecha and turned around, and a sword was placed on his right. Without the accident of the thunder sword, the queen of air battle appeared there.

The handover between the beam sword and the cold forged sword emitted uninterrupted sparks.

Thunder Sword looked at all this calmly. The speed of the air battle queen is very strong, but relatively, the power of the air battle queen is absolutely not as good as its own.

"As long as she can be forced to fight head-on..." Lei Jian's eyes were like lightning, and the battle plan was drafted in his mind in an instant.

The strength of Lei Jian's mecha hand increased slightly, and Q realized that something was wrong and was ready to leave immediately, but how could Lei Jian give her this opportunity?

The phantom wing behind the thunder sword burst into dreamy colors again, and the huge propulsion directly hit the shoulder of the thunder sword's mecha on the chest of the queen of air war.

This method similar to normal personality fighting seems to work well. Q grasped the operating rod in front of him, and the cockpit of the air battle queen shook back and forth with the vibration of the body. Q finally controlled the mecha to stabilize.

Although the damage of this attack is not good, the control ability in a short period of time is powerful. Lei Jian was the initiator of this attack. Although Lei Jian's mecha also moaned because of this, Lei Jian adjusted its posture first by relying on the identity of the starter and the superior performance of the mecha.

When Q finally reacted, a huge cold forged sword had been cut to the head of the air war queen.

Although Q was already a little panicked, he was still very calm on the surface. Q knew that if this sword hit, then the information collection device of the air battle queen could say goodbye to the fuselage and lose the mecha of the reconnaissance system, which was no different from the blind man.

But Q will not wait to death!

Q directly pressed a red button, and the speed of the air battle queen was instantly increased to the extreme, which could not be captured with the naked eye.

Thunder Sword saw that its attack was about to work, but the queen of air war disappeared in front of Thunder Sword.

Q has successfully escaped the attack of the Thunder Sword, but the state of the Queen of Air War cannot be maintained for a long time.

It is also because of time constraints, and Q doesn't want to waste such a short opportunity.

The air battle queen's body was still detected from behind the thunder sword. The thunder sword hurriedly pulled back the cold forging sword to block the blow of Q.

Q's beam sword used this time is an enlarged and strengthened version, which is slower than the previous awe-inspiring, allowing the thunder sword to seize the opportunity to block it, but at the same time, the damage of this beam sword is very sufficient.

Q user's cold forged sword body, and the flexible beam sword left a deeper scar on the shoulder of the thunder sword body.

Almost in an instant, the two sides distanced themselves. Lei Jian frowned and looked at his scars. This time, he was hit by the robotic arm on the right again. The situation is not optimistic. If Lei Jian's feel did not deceive him, then the right hand of the mecha could not be used for the time being.

But how can the situation on Q be better? That state like explosive skill can't be taken out casually like cabbage. That state can't be used again if the queen of air combat has not experienced a rest.

But the most important thing is not this. Within the speed of Superman, Q can't achieve perfect operation in time, and the highly focused operation method also consumes Q's mental ability. Now Q is also a little out of breath, which is why Q pulls away from the thunder sword. The reason for leaving is that she needs time to breathe.

Now that the battle has come, the two sides seem to have returned to the same starting point. The injured mecha and the tired driver are really not sure who has taken advantage of it.

Thunder Sword and Q only stare at each other. At this time, a trace of flaw will become the key to victory or defeat. Thunder Sword and Q both know that the next attack is the time to decide the victory or defeat.

Lei Jian's hands trembled a little, and Lei Jian took a deep breath. The state of Q can also be guessed more or less. If it drags down like this, when Q is almost recovered, then he will not start.

Lei Jian closed the abandoned right hand through the operating system of the mecha, and did not want to waste some unnecessary energy. At the same time, the robotic arm with the two swords completely lost its ability to move.

The thunder sword replaced the cold forged sword in his hand with a folding beam sword. The weight of the cold forged sword is too large, and it is a little inconvenient to operate a robotic arm, so the thunder sword still chose some light folding beam sword.

The thunder sword narrowed his eyes and used the main brain in the mecha to completely lock the direction of Q. The thunder sword adjusted the power of the phantom wing to the greatest extent. The huge steel body rushed quickly to the queen of air combat under the fierce propulsion. The folding beam sword was behind the mecha. The thunder sword was confident You can face the moment of Q again, immediately pull out the beam sword, and use the huge momentum caused by the inertia of the body to end this difficult battle.

(All kinds of collection, red tickets, if you think it's okay, don't be stingy with your support, your support is the driving force for me to create)