Sword of Defense

Chapter 97 Ghost Hall

Sun Yuan's expression was stiff, but the program still had to continue. After hastily solved the past problems about Karentina, Sun Yuan turned his head and turned his eyes to the war angels.

"So Miss Yinyouyou, if I guess correctly, you should be the captain of the music group, right?" Sun Yuan blinked his eyes and looked at the war members innocently.

The feelings of the goddesses remain unchanged. It seems that Sun Yuan is trying to disrupt the relationship within the music group, but it is obvious that Sun Yuan's idea is completely broken.

Now the topic of whether the sound of war is human or not has always been controversial, but absolutely no one will know that these four flower-like women are actually just the external manifestations of a super intelligent system.

The war angels are almost laughing and talking to each other in the communication channel between them.

No wonder such a situation happens. Being able to talk freely between war sounds can be regarded as a state-level secret, and it is normal for Sun Yuan not to know.

After the war angels confirmed each other, Yin Youyou said with a smile, "Yes, I'm the captain of the music troupe."

"Ah?" Yin Youyou's humble answer made Sun Yuan a little unreactless.

Nana looked at Yinyouyou with little stars in her eyes. Nana always thought that Yin Yiyi, who had been providing food for the war music group, was the captain, but she didn't expect that this sister Yinyouyou, who had nothing to do all day, was the real boss behind the scenes.

Nana silently set a goal in her heart. In the future, let's pester Ling Youyou's elder sister. Although Yin Yiyi has a lot of lollipops on her body, don't forget that Yin Yiyi is a foodie herself. If she wants to get sweet lollipop from Yin Yiyi, Nana will pay every time. There is a lot of price.

Well, because Nana is now holding a lollipop that has just been exchanged from Yinyiyi in her mouth. Because of this lollipop, now Nana is struggling in the clutches of Yinyiyi.

The killing power of the lovely Nana is even difficult to resist. Everyone wants to touch Nana, but this situation has only appeared in the hands of Yin Yiyi at most. There is nothing they can do. Yin Yiyi has sugar.

After hearing Yin Youyou's answer, Sun Yuan was a little stunned, but then he also recovered and smiled a little awkwardly. Obviously, the unity inside the war sound was beyond his imagination.

The next thing was much simpler, and several questions were asked in a row, but they didn't get any benefits from Karentina and the station music group.

Originally, Sun Yuan still wanted to put the breakthrough point aside Nana, who was eating lollipops with an innocent face, but when he wanted to interview Nana on the spot for some reasons, he was rejected by the war angels on the grounds that Nana was not familiar with the media.

After his grandson Yuan was exhausted, he had no choice but to follow the normal program process, and finally completed the recording of the whole program with the new song of the war angel.

Everything is over. The war angels and Karentina stood up and smiled grateful to the audience below. Sun Yuan is roughly the same.

The light on the stage slowly dimmed, and finally the whole stage disappeared into the darkness.


Sun Yuan sighed, and now the whole stage has disappeared from the eyes of the audience, so Sun Yuan doesn't have to wear a false mask.

"Is there any situation below to lead the beauties to dinner?" Sun Yuan implemented an almost perfect etiquette.

But these were not put in the hearts of the women at all. The war angel and Karentina directly ignored Sun Yuan with a false smile on the other side and walked in directly*.

Lei Jian is still waiting outside. They need to change their clothes quickly, and then go to see Lei Jian, who has only met for a moment.

It's just like seeing each other every three autumn.

After watching Nana, who was a little confused by several women's carriers, walked into the locker room, Sun Yuan's smiling face immediately began to distort.

"Sooner or later, these damn women, you will kneel down and beg me!"

I don't know why, Sun Yuan seemed to be full of himself and with a disgusting smile on his face. Sun Yuan directly found a cotton pad on this huge stage, and then slept here.


The recording of the program is over, but every audience has not taken off the cover of their faces, how they come, how they go out, and there are few conversations with each other, almost like a group of strangers at a party.

But Lei Jian did not have time to care about such a situation, because Yin Youyou and Karentina had already waved to themselves in a hidden place.

Lei Jian looked around. After making sure that no one noticed him, he walked to the place where Yin Youyou were.

"Why did you suddenly come here?"

As soon as we met, Lei Jian raised his own question.

The angel of war didn't say anything, but Karentina smiled bitterly and said, "I'm not doing this for you."

"Me?" Lei Jian is a little confused.

"Aren't you preparing to investigate Huang Changzhi now?" Instead, Karentina asked about the Thunder Sword.

Lei Jian nodded, but he was also in the same group. How did Karentina know about this?

As soon as Karentina wanted to say something, she was preemptively said, "It's not Karendis."


Lei Jian now understands that there are so many ways for Karendis. Maybe he will know that the High Council will come to him to do this matter, and it is estimated that Karendis has already guessed that he would let Karentina help him, so he has prepared everything early in the morning.

Lei Jian looked at the people around him and found that everyone except Nana had no unexpected expressions. It seemed that only he was kept in the dark, and looking at this situation, everyone had known this news for a long time.

But Lei Jian won't pick bones in the egg, but just said, "What do you mean, what does this have to do with Huang Changzhi?"

Karentina took an information device from Yin Youyou, opened it and said to Lei Jian, "There is a lot of information about the Ghost Hall. You can read it yourself later. Now let me introduce you a little about this place."

Lei Jian immediately posed like a good student.

"First of all, this ghost hall was not opened by Huang Changzhi, and of course it doesn't matter." Karendis shook his head and then said, "Generally speaking, Huang Changzhi is a behind-the-scenes supporter of this club. All the income of this club is actually Huang Changzhi's, but the name on the account is indeed the woman who has been charging at the door. His name is Liu Yan, and she is also one of Huang Changzhi's assistants."

Lei Jian understood a little. Because of Huang Changzhi's identity restrictions, it is impossible for Huang Changzhi to blatantly open a club to make money, which must cause a lot of controversial topics.

"What useful information do you want to find here?" Lei Jian then continued, "But how can you use this place as a place for program recording?"

If Lei Jian is not wrong, this should be a private hall that is not open to the public.

At this time, Yin Youyou shook her head and said, "Lei Jian, you still underestimate us too much. Now the sound of war is very powerful. We don't need to say anything at all. This is Liu Yan who came to our house to invite us."

Yinli then added with a smile: "They also gave us a lot of appearance fees. Anyway, we are also superstars..."

You will know after a little thought that although this is a private club, before the release of the banned activities, it must have welcomed the joining of various stars from time to time, and now only the battle angels are active on this stage. It is estimated that it has not been opened for many days. Huang Changzhi also lost a way of making 200,000 yuan a ticket.

Of course, Huang Changzhi wants to find a breakthrough, so the current performance of the war angel is also the breakthrough point that Huang Changzhi seeks.

As for the recording of the program, this is entirely due to Yin Youyou's requirements. Although this situation is unprecedented, how can Huang Changzhi have any objection after seeing the silver of white flowers?

But some difficulties are inevitable. After all, although Huang Changzhi and Karendis have no communication, Zhanyin and others are generally on the side of the high director, so everything happened so naturally.

After listening carefully to some information about this place, Lei Jian finally had his own opinion on the ghost hall.