Sword of Defense

Chapter 29 Ghost Hall Fengyun III

Yin Youyou and his party are about to walk out of the ghost hall, and now they are walking in the long corridor.

But all this always makes people feel something wrong.

"Do you think it's too quiet?"

The sound and reason frowned. Yes, there were no other sounds around here except for themselves.

Other people also found this situation, except for Nana.

Yes, that's it. Although the war angels spent more time changing clothes, it is impossible not to see any other audience on the way back.

Anyway, I still believe in the influence of my war music troupe. It would be unscientific if many enthusiastic audiences stayed here waiting for their people to come out for signatures.

The fake thunder sword thinks more about here than sound and reason. After all, Huang Changzhi also contacted the fake thunder sword before and told the fake thunder sword some of his thoughts.

"He doesn't want to act..."

There is no bottom in the heart of the fake thunder sword, because Huang Changzhi has not greeted him since then, so does Huang Changzhi want to bypass himself and directly take action against the war angels?

Apart from the recent fake thunder sword's good impression on the war angels, Huang Changzhi's current behavior can be regarded as a provocation to him.

Thinking of this, the fake thunder sword's face can't help but be gloomy, and now the face and expression of the fake thunder sword is also in the sound and rational gaze.

"Does it have anything to do with him?"

For the fake thunder sword, ten thousand people are worried about it, but although the sound theory thinks so, they still say to the fake thunder sword with a smile, "Thunder sword, do you think we be in danger?"

Lei Jian quietly looked at the sound and reason, and at this time he had come out of his thoughts.

"Don't worry, reason."

The fake thunder sword stretched out its hand to soothe the sound and reason hair, and the sound theory also chose to obey after a short hesitation.

The fake thunder sword smiled gently and then said to the crowd, "No matter what will happen. Even if there is an accident, I will carry it!"

Listening to what the fake thunder sword said, everyone wanted to laugh a little. Lei Jian, who is usually lazy, will not say such words, but now it is still difficult to expose it. Several war angels echoed with ghost talks, but the sound and reason look at the fake thunder sword is a little different.

Although they were talking, everyone's footsteps still did not stop. At this time, everyone could already see a little light through the door in the distance.

Just when people thought that the feeling just now was just superfluous, the door that had been open in front of them suddenly closed!

"Sure enough!"

Everyone's nerves began to tighten, including the fake thunder sword.

There is no prelude, but the sound theory has a special sense.

The sound and rational body moved quickly, and then held the overwhelmed Nana in his arms, and then a backflip left the original place for several meters.

And several other people are also following the same example, and even Yin Youyou, who is just a subprogram is operating, is far away from their own location just now.

As for the fake thunder sword, you don't have to worry about it. This guy can't be a simple character.

After everyone was confirmed to be safe, everyone looked at the place where they had just been.

The originally flat ground has now appeared a bottomless pit. If everyone had reacted later, it is estimated that everyone has fallen into this unknown hole.

But why does this happen all of a sudden?

The sound theory keeps combing the clues revealed now. According to the situation just now, even the fake thunder sword should not be aware of this matter. Now the fake thunder sword is still a little frightened.

And such an attack is obviously aimed at these people. At this time, except for Huang Changzhi, it is estimated that no one wants to fight against these people.

The black hand behind

has been guessed, and now there is only one problem that needs to be solved! That is, get out of here and get out of here safely!

Although the phonetic theory thinks so, some people will not agree.


A paragraph of applause suddenly came, and everyone was watching around vigilantly. Only Nana grunted with big curious eyes. Now Nana has not realized what's going on.

"That's good, that's good..."

With the applause came a male voice full of magnetism. Every war angel of this male voice remembers it clearly. There is no one else except Sun Yuan.

Sun Yuan walked out of the dark place where he hid with steady steps. Even so, Sun Yuan's mouth did not stop.

"It's worthy of being an angel of war. All this is just a pediatric for you..."

Sun Yuan's eyes on the war angel are very complicated, with a little fun and a little fear, but more crazy!

Looking at the people who have been revealed, the sound and reason are full of calmness: "I don't know what the host Sun is doing today."

Looking at the sound and reason with a cautious face, Sun Yuan smiled wildly until he bent down and laughed with tears.

Until now, Sun Yuan opened his mouth, and because of the previous laughter, Lei Jian was a little hindered when he spoke.

"Wohaha... Sound theory, sound theory, you didn't expect that you noble war angels will beg me one day! ~”

Looking at Sun Yuan, who was full of crazy looks, he shook his head and said, "Sun Yuan, I think you misunderstood. We have never begged you. We just want to know what you want to do."


Looking at these beautiful war angels, Sun Yuan can't come up with any beautiful ideas in his heart.

What are you doing? Take you away!"

Speaking of this, Sun Yuan just waved his hand and felt that the vibration range of the floor had increased significantly.

"six people!"

The sound theory accurately reported the number of sneak attacks.

Yes, according to the current number of people on the phonetic side, Sun Yuan brought six decision-making masters this time, and one of the person opposite is Nana, who has no power to bind the chicken, so one of them is selective as a candidate, referring to the situation around him. Do it.

These six guys are all elites among the elites in Huang Changzhi's hands. Maybe their ability to drive mecha is not very good, but their hand-to-hand combat ability absolutely does not have the existence of the five tigers in Kyoto. In order to cultivate these guys and carry out under secret situations, Huang Changzhi does not know how much thought he has spent.

These six people are proficient in assassination, and now these six guys are sneaking in the shadows around them. If they don't want to, ordinary people will never find them.

But the war angel is not an ordinary person. The sound theory almost instantly found the hiding place of these six guys. After a little consideration, the sound theory shouted at the fake thunder sword: "Thunder sword, 100 meters ahead of you!"

The fake thunder sword looked shocked, and then realized that this was the location of the hidden ants. There was no hesitation. The fake thunder sword took out a beam dagger from behind it that was almost exactly the same as the thunder sword, and then rushed like a gust of wind in the direction guided by the sound theory.

Now the fake thunder sword is clear. All this is caused by Huang Changzhi. He can't believe that Huang Changzhi really dares to bypass himself and give such an order.

I don't know if there is a place for me in the other party's plan, but now the fake thunder sword can accurately draw such a conclusion.

"Cooperation with Huang Changzhi failed!"

There is such a sentence in the mind of the fake thunder sword. The action of the fake thunder sword is clean and neat. Almost in the blink of an eye, the fake thunder sword has come to the hiding place of one of the other six people.

After knowing that he had been found, the guy jumped out of the shadow and wanted to escape and find another place to get up.

But his idea can never be achieved, because now he has been cut off his throat with a beam dagger by the angry fake thunder sword!