Sword of Defense

Chapter 20 He is serious

"I've been waiting for you for a long time..."

Karendis's voice spread all over the place, and then a cold voice came.

From this sound, you can hear the other party's disdain for Karendis.

Karendis raised his eyes and then saw a man walking quickly towards him with a strange beam sword in his hand.

"Quick battle and quick decision?"

Karendis just sensed the meaning of the thunder sword in an instant, then sneered, stretched out his hands, and then took out a beam gun from nowhere.

Then the deadly beam was designed quickly in the direction of the thunder sword. The direction of Karendis's shooting was to find some tricky directions. If it were an ordinary person, it would definitely be a return.

However, the thunder sword is not in the ranks of ordinary people. I don't know what the body of the thunder sword is made of. I only see that the thunder sword's body is distorted like a spring, and then the thunder sword turns these beams that would have been lost into his body into the accompaniment of his dance.

Everything seems to be under the control of Thunder Sword.

There was a smile on the corners of Lei Jian's mouth, but this smile was like a devil's smile in Karendis's eyes.

"Damn it, it's your way of winning that makes me feel annoyed."

Karendis's voice did not hide his disgust for the thunder sword at all.

"So what?"

As the thunder sword approaches, the volume of the thunder sword is getting louder and louder.

"So you betrayed me?"

The voice of Lei Jian is full of doubts.

"Of course not. Don't look too highly of yourself!"

Karendis completely denied the meaning of Lei Jian, and then said, "All this I have done has long existed in my ideal, do you know?"


With the emergence of Karendis's words, the pace of Lei Jian has also slowed down.

"What did you say?"

Lei Jian obviously didn't expect Karendis to say that.

But Karendis's words are still not finished.

After seeing that the thunder sword was approaching, Karendis did not slow down his attack, but accelerated the shooting frequency of the beam gun.

But how can such an attack hurt the thunder sword? If the thunder sword will be hit by such an attack, then the thunder sword does not have to get along here. Go straight to a place to be a farmer.

just slightly improved his speed, and a black light flashed in Lei Jian's eyes turned all the attack scenes into slow motion, and everything seemed so simple.


Seeing that his attack had no effect, Karendis sneered and then said, "Thunder Sword, do you remember that day? When we first met an outsider..."

Karendis's voice was full of sadness. At the same time, Lei Jian's thoughts were also moved back. Of course, Lei Jian's vigilance was not lost, but in a blink of an eye, a bunch of deadly attacks swept in. Of course, Lei Jian still dodged it.

Although Karendis is full of unforgiving circumstances, Lei Jian is not angry at all, because neither Lei Jian himself nor Karendis think that such an attack can hurt Lei Jian.

"Yes, I still remember that moment. It was the most unforgettable day for us..."

The voice of Lei Jian is low, and it is precisely because of the memory that it makes Lei Jian feel uncomfortable.

It is precisely because they have experienced those things together that Lei Jian can't understand and forgive Karendis's betrayal.

"What on earth do you want to do?"

The thunder sword waved the sword of despair in his hand and smashed the beam attack on the side carelessly, and then quickly approached Karendis.


Karendis has no intention of fighting close combat with the thunder sword, but a slight jump opens a long distance from the thunder sword.

"Do you know? My ideal."

The voice of Karendis is full of fun.

"Isn't it rich?"

Because of Karendis's words, Lei Jian thought of the life negotiation between Karendis and himself.

Yes, that's what Karendis told Lei Jian that he wanted to be the richest and richest person in the world.

It's just that Karendis seems to be very close to all this now. Karendis's ideal is about to be realized. Of course, the premise is that Karendis's ideal has not changed.

"Maybe you will laugh at me, but I still want to say that my ideal is to wish the world always be peaceful..."

Karendis said this sentence calmly, but compared with Karendis, the thunder sword could not calm down. Because of his shock, the thunder sword actually forgot to dodge. If it hadn't been for the last time, Ding Ding Ding directly grabbed the thunder sword's body control from the brain, and If the body controlling the thunder sword has completed a difficult displacement action, maybe the thunder sword has been beaten into a sieve at this moment.

"Is it to distract me?"

Finally, the thunder sword came back and looked coldly at Karendis.

But Karendis shook his head and then said, "You guessed wrong. This is my ideal now and what I'm going to do."


Lei Jian frowned, and then took out a beam gun from behind him and attacked Karendis several times mercilessly.

But after all, Lei Jian is not very good at shooting, so the attack of Lei Jian naturally failed.

"Do you understand that feeling? The feeling of nothing can do in a real war..."

After saying this, the corners of Karendis' eyes actually burst into tears.

"My ideal has changed... but you can also say that it hasn't changed."

Karendis smiled, and the smile with tears looked so strange.

"I can still be the richest person... the richest person spiritually!"

Karendis smiled crazily.

"You're crazy!"

Lei Jian frowned.

Karendis glanced at the thunder sword lightly, then nodded and continued, "I'm crazy. Only a madman can do really big things!" Now I'm going to change the world, Lei Jian, I don't want you to stand on the position of blocking me. Listen, Lei Jian, even if it's you, I will kill you!"

Karendis's voice is very cold, and Lei Jian knows that Karendis is serious!