Love of a rich family: reborn queen becomes a beautiful wife

008 busy family banquet

Qin Mingjing is thirty-five this year, but because of his indifferent nature, he is not enthusiastic about love.

Qin Minghao is three years younger than him, but he is busy eating, drinking and playing before 30 years old, and after 30 years old, he is busy cultivating his body and mind.

So much so that Qin Mingrui, who is only 30 years old, became the earliest one to marry in the Qin family, and more precisely, Wen Shao'an is the only outsider of the Qin family at present.

Although it is a little inappropriate to use the word outsider to describe the third young lady of the Qin family, Wen Shao'an, who got up early in the morning and worked hard to organize a family banquet and only ate two bites in a hurry for lunch, and deeply felt that she was a real outsider.

Even the old housekeeper and Luo Ma are more like the Qin family than her.

And she didn't want to complain about anything, but she was very aware of this.

"Alas..." Wen Shao'an sighed, and then continued to lay the tablecloth and serve snacks.

The old housekeeper went to the airport to pick up Qin Dashao. Luo's mother was called by Shen Ruhua to serve in the small garden in the backyard. Except for the kitchen people helping to prepare food for dinner, she was the only one who could work.

Fortunately, it was just a small banquet. According to everyone's preferences, Wen Shao'an had a choice and ingenious neutrality, and it didn't take much effort.

And the main theme of the banquet is two words - warm.

Qin Mingjing has been living abroad for many years and has not returned in recent years. This time, it must make him feel that this family has always been like this, and there is a sense of familiarity as if he has never left.

So Wen Shao'an specially prepared his favorite Arctic shrimp, mango crab meat & salmon with mushrooms, and boiled cabbage made by Luo Ma.

According to the extravagant nature of the two elders of the Qin family, Wen Shao'an made extra shrimps into hibiscus shrimps that suit everyone's taste, and then made two cold dishes with salmon. The dessert is a pastoral mushroom salad and strawberry mousse cake made from leftover mushrooms. The staple food is spaghetti with eggplant sauce and coconut mango rice. The dessert is four of the traditional eight small pieces - fruit pie, crisp, peach pastry, chicken oil cake, and Western kitchen baked cookies and tila miso. The soup is delicious. Moyu egg soup to relieve heat in winter and summer. The wine was picked in the Qin family's underground wine cellar for 82 years.

Then, following Qin Mingrui's later suggestion, she prepared several light vegetarian dishes in person.

When everything was ready at 6 p.m., Wen Shao'an went upstairs to change the embroidered gradient gray silk dress of this spring and summer series, put on nude makeup, put on the wedding ring, fluffy hair on the shoulders, sprayed the light perfume of Dior Zhenwo perfume series, and then chose a pair of solid-color low-heeled shoes to put on. .

When she opened the door of the dressing room, she saw the bedroom door open, revealing Qin Mingrui's figure.

When I raised my eyes, I saw her Qin Mingrui's action, and immediately looked at her calmly: "Someone from the Shen family has come. My mother asked you to go down."

The Shen family? Wen Shao'an's eyebrows jumped, and when he was about to react, he heard a crisp female voice: "Cousin, aunt asked me to come up to find my cousin to change her clothes."

Qin Mingrui turned around and said, "Well, Mingzhi, you?"

"I'm here to rub my sister-in-law's new clothes," Qin Mingzhi walked around Qin Mingrui and pulled another girl who looked less than 20 years old into the room, and then smiled casually at Wen Shao'an: "Good sister-in-law."

Wen Shao'an narrowed his eyes slightly and nodded with a smile: "Come in."

The Shen family will come at the last minute. I guess it's Shen Ruhua's idea. Wen Shao'an smiled secretly and shrugged at Qin Mingrui after both of them entered the locker room: "I guess I'll go down later. You can help entertain them first."

Immediately, he closed the door and slowly walked to the two people who were rudely looking at the dress hanging in the wall cabinet.

On the first day of entering the Qin family, she collected the information of several people in the Shen family. Shen Ruhua also has an older brother Shen Rulin above his head, who is now the head of the Shen family. Shen Rulin has a son and a daughter. His eldest son Shen Zilin is only 23 this year. He is starting from the bottom of the Shen family. Naturally, in front of him is Shen Zihui, a little daughter who is still studying in a key university in the city.

Although Qin Mingzhi and Shen Zihui are the only daughter of the two families, they are still young. One's parents are more traditional, and the other is still in college. It is also the first time to see a private wardrobe like a famous luxury store, which is dazzled.

Fortunately, Wen Shao'an is only 22 years old. Most of these dresses are girl series, and very few are mature evening clothes.

But after all, it's just a banquet of the Qin family. I'm afraid it's wrong to dress too grandly. Wen Shao'an glanced over, and then took off two simple skirts: "Try it?"

Qin Mingzhi and Shen Zihui looked at each other hesitantly, and then Qin Mingzhi sneered: "Isn't it too embarrassing to wear out casually like this?"

Wen Shao'an said patiently, "This is the advanced customization of D&G's spring and summer show. This is the advanced customization of Chanel's spring and summer show. Not only does it need money, but also has no connections, so not many people can wear it casually."

It's not good that she doesn't care about fashion. Although she missed this year's Fashion Week, she also made it up in time, otherwise she would be ignorant like the two of them.

After all, the little girl in her 20 years old can't match the famous brand**. The two desperately made a gesture that they didn't want to get close to Wen Shao'an and had to collapse. Qin Mingzhi said reluctantly, "Then which one do you think is more suitable for me?"

Wen Shao'an looked at the two with a smile and made a determination in an instant: "Your D&G, Zihui."

D&G is a straight dress with Italian flavor, with a length of up to ten centimeters on the knee. The skirt is brightly colored, with apricot lace on the shoulders and skirt, and casually matched with two long necklaces, which is sweet and a little naughty, which sets off Qin Mingzhi's original lively and outgoing personality.

Shen Zihui's dress is very simple and just right to the knees. The black sequins above the shoulders to the chest are connected with the white pleated fluffy skirt. The bright and soft black and white match look generous without losing the girlish feelings.

In addition, the two are tall and snow-white, and the two skirts are like tailor-made for them.

Compared with the two of them, Wen Shao'an looks much more stable.

The heating was turned on, and the three of them went out of the house in summer and went downstairs. Coincidentally, the car carrying Qin Mingjing just arrived at Qin's house.

Wen Shao'an came forward without a trace and gently took Qin Mingrui's arm and greeted the four people sitting on the sofa one by one: "Father, mother, second brother, Zilin."

Shen Zilin looked up at her with a shallow smile: "Cousin sister-in."

And Qin Mingjing has arrived at the door. As a junior, Wen Shao'an had to come forward with a smiling face at the risk of being blown away by the cold wind: "Brother."

After shouting, Qin Mingzhi answered with a gentle smile and then fixed his eyes on Wen Shao'an: "Is this Shao'an? I'm sorry that I didn't attend the wedding. The gift is made up now. I hope you and your third brother don't blame it.

Qin Mingrui came forward to take the box: "Thank you, brother."

Wen Shao'an: "Thank you, brother."

After a greeting, everyone entered the banquet hall with a smile.

For good, as soon as he entered the door, there was a sofa. Seeing them sit down and keep talking, Wen Shao'an took the opportunity to flash to the kitchen.

With the heart of not wasting, she only prepared eight people at most, but now nine people are afraid it is not enough.

This mother-in-law is really uneasy. Not to mention that Qin Mingrui didn't know that the Shen brothers and sisters would come, she said that Shen Zihui came here and wanted to change her clothes. What would happen if she hadn't invited someone here at the last minute?

Fortunately, the dress and makeup passed smoothly. Shen Ruhua also wore a specially customized spring and summer simple and generous skirt, and did not wear any extra jewelry.

Called Luo Ma at the door of the kitchen, Wen Shao'an smiled calmly: "First serve soup and snacks, and it's time to cook braised shark fins, and then let the Western kitchen make some sushi and chicken sandwiches. Remember, it's the weight of nine people. And if anyone asks about me, say I'll go to the wine cellar to get wine.

After the order, Wen Shao'an turned around and walked to the wine cellar without hurry.

Isn't it just bullying her when she is young and energetic, and she will mess up when she is anxious? Unfortunately, she bullied the wrong person. She seemed to be calm, but she had already thought about it in her heart. As for the weight, there is no shortage of refrigerators and freezers at home. Just change the style tomorrow. How can she be stupid enough to purchase by catties?

Not to mention the clothes, what if the two little girls secretly reject her? Aren't they all well-dressed? I will refuse everything, but I will not refuse beauty.

Wen Shao'an walked around the wine cabinet, and finally returned to the outermost champagne cabinet and picked one at random.

Just as soon as I wanted to return to the banquet hall, there were light footsteps on the wooden stairs.

Waited for two seconds, and a familiar face flashed into sight: "Sister."

Wen Shao'an smiled: "Second brother."

Qin Minghao raised an unclear smile: "Artists are different. A little dress up is a scenery. Those aristocratic celebrities are just empty and temperamental compared with you. They are not as good as your brothers and sisters."

"Thank you, second brother." Wen Shao'an still smiled.

Qin Minghao bent down and came in from the door half a head shorter than him. He didn't know whether he was intentional or not. He held Wen Shao'an's wrist in his right hand and carefully looked at the diamond ring on his ring finger: "Tut, how can the third brother be so stingy? If I married such a beautiful woman, the diamond on it will never be less than 10 carats."

Wen Shao'an took two steps back quietly, but found that Qin Minghao suddenly clenched it tightly and could not avoid it unless he struggled hard.

"Second brother, it's seven o'clock. It's time to sit down." Wen Shao'an looked cold, and there was only a smile left on his lips.

Qin Minghao raised his other hand and scratched it slightly on her lips: "Don't worry, my parents are still asking the eldest brother long and short questions, and they won't be able to open for a while."

Feeling a slightly rough texture, Wen Shao'an trembled all over and wanted to retreat, but was firmly pulled: "The third brother is still involved with Qi Xiaofei's unclear involvement, but he is eager to marry you into the door. He enjoys the blessing of Qi people."

The only half of the smile also dissipated. Wen Shao'an frowned and was waiting to speak, but the footsteps sounded in his ear with the familiar voice: "Shao'an? Are you there?"

Without waiting for Wen Shao'an to answer, Qin Minghao had released her and then smiled: "Third brother, my sister-in-law is here."

Qin Mingrui went downstairs a few steps, saw that the two only frowned faintly, and immediately smiled and said, "It's been so long to pick a drink. It's time to open. The second brother is also his father looking for you. Why did he come here?"

Qin Minghao shrugged his shoulders: "Come out for a walk and inadvertently came in. Then I'll go first. You two take your time."

After a few "dling" sounds, Qin Minghao has left the wine cellar, leaving only Qin Mingrui and Wen Shao'an looking at each other in the slightly dark but slightly yellow space.

Wen Shao'an asked blankly, "You've been here for a long time, haven't you?"