Love of a rich family: reborn queen becomes a beautiful wife

067 Movie Premiere

When I woke up the next day, Wen Shao'an was the only one in the room.

Looking at the no sign of sleeping at all, Wen Shao'an just lowered his eyes and then washed himself and prepared to go downstairs for breakfast.

When eating breakfast, until after eight o'clock, there were only two elders of the Qin family and her at the dinner table. However, the two looked normal, and she felt a little strange.

Then Shen Ruhua complained, "Mingjing is getting married in October. You still sent your two sons on a business trip. How can I prepare alone?"

Qin Yuanshan said unhurriedly, "Isn't Shao'an there? Let her share what she wants to buy and prepare. Although she is from the old family, she is also the first to start, and she should help.

"She's not busy anymore?" Shen Ruhua raised his eyes and looked at her with a smile and said, "I'm afraid I'll be busier than Ming Rui in two days if I stay at home for a longer time this month, right?"

As soon as she finished speaking, even Qin Yuanshan looked over, with a little question in her eyes.

In fact, she always thought that it was not their turn to be the younger generation to get married, but Qin Yuanshan's words were not unreasonable. Thinking that it was really okay these two days, Wen Shao'an nodded obediently: "I can help these days, as long as my mother arranges it."

With her answer, Qin Yuanshan withdrew his eyes and continued to have breakfast slowly.

Shen Ruhua said with no expression, "Well, I'll ask Luo's mother to make a list for you later."

After breakfast, Luo's mother made a list for her, and then chatty a few words to tell the whereabouts of Qin Minghao and Qin Mingrui.

It turned out that the two were found by Qin Yuanshan when they quarreled in the study last night, and then sent their two sons to Italy and Japan on a business trip early in the morning. It is said that they can't come back for ten and a half days and a month.

It seems that what Qin Mingrui said last night is true. That cup of juice is probably touched by Qin Minghao, otherwise why would the two be impulsive to quarrel at home and quarrel with Qin Yuanshan?

It's just that. In a short time, she really doesn't want to see those two brothers again.

And when Qin Mingrui comes back, I believe she can also face him calmly and go to London with him to celebrate his birthday.

Wen Shao'an went out with the list, and then went to pick up Xiaoke, and then the two went to buy the things listed on the list.

As soon as she woke up, it was a wedding dinner directly, so she didn't know. Now she knew how troublesome the Qin family's wedding was, and it was still a traditional Western style. She had to prepare about two or three copies of everything.

Other rough things can be bought by the helpers at home, but these valuable ones must be bought by their own people, and they must be first-class.

Obviously, Shen Ruhua will handle it in person, which shows that it is not only expensive, but also must be eye-catching and compatible with the current style of the Qin family.

helped buy something, accompanied Shen Ruhua to the wedding company, and finally went to work as a model to try on Qiu Xin's wedding dress. It's just that Wen Shao'an knows that Qiu Xin must prefer the wedding dress in Paris. Even if she is very busy, since she has set a wedding date, she will definitely take time to pull Qin Mingjing to see it. There is no need for Shen Ruhua to prepare here.

It's just that she dares not say such words. Shen Ruhua rarely stabs her with words. Even if there are no good words, she still cherishes this short peace, and why bothers herself.

At the end of August, Wen Shao'an took over a job and escaped from the clutches of Shen Ruhua. In fact, it is normal for Shen Ruhua to be so excited. She has only two sons. Now this eldest son has finally decided to get married, which makes her attach great importance to her.

And Wen Shao'an can still take over the work only because it is something that the Situ family can't interfere with.

That was to participate in the premiere of the War of the Heart in City B with the crew, and then was invited by a media for an exclusive interview.

Although there was no publicity campaign in the second half of the month, the publicity on the Internet did not stop. From time to time, the official released a few stills to reveal the emotional entanglement between the protagonists. Among them, Wen Shao'an was outside the ward and looked sadly at Hu Yi in a sick uniform in the ward. This still has attracted the most attention. Most of the other stills are mainly based on the meaning, which has made people understand the main emotional line. Now it is inevitable that people are curious to have another one.

After that, there is a cleverly edited trailer, and the content in less than three minutes covers every line in the movie. However, only those who have read the script feel nothing, and others are confused at first sight. That's why we can attract the audience to buy tickets to the cinema when the movie is released.

Wen Shao'an is not the first time to attend the film premiere, but it is the first time to officially see Wen Shao'an's performance on the big screen, and he can't help but feel a little uneasy.

After all, no matter how the director evaluates it, she still can't see exactly what she has done. Only now can she really see it.

As soon as he sat down in the projection hall of a large cinema in City B, Wen Shao'an heard that the door was pushed open again, and then a large number of footsteps overlapped. Without looking back, he knew that it was a lucky audience who was drawn to watch the premiere. And only a small number of these people are fans of artists, so they are not very excited. Most of them enter and sit quietly according to the rules, and at most there are bursts of whispers.

Director Li also attended this time and sat beside her specially. Before the film was broadcast, he came over and said slightly, "I heard that you have a drama to start shooting soon. Is it a TV series?"

As long as you have the heart, you can inquire about the news of the people in the circle. Wen Shao'an was not surprised, but just nodded with low eyebrows: "Yes, the specific shooting time has not been decided yet, but it should be recently."

Director Li looked at her with a smile: "The little girl is really good. Is it a continuous appointment this year? I don't know if I have time to see my little old man's script in October?

"Of course there is." Wen Shao'an was quite honored to say, "I don't know how many seniors want to cooperate with Director Li. Even if Shao'an doesn't have time, he will take time to see it."

Director Li looked at her obliquely: "Now the little girl can talk... Well, after the October script comes out, I will ask you to contact your agent. If you are willing to answer, there is no surprise in other aspects, I guess you can start shooting in November. I believe you will not be busy at that time, right?"

If she really took the script, even if she was busy at that time, she would have to push off a lot of itineraries. Wen Shao'an smiled and said, "Yes, you can devote yourself to the new movie."

After a harmonious conversation, the film also ushered in the official broadcast.

The whole audience calmed down, and it was difficult for the two to whisper again, so they sat down and looked at the big screen attentively.

In fact, the theme of this film is old-fashioned and not old-fashioned, and novel... It is not recognized by so many people. Wen Shao'an consciously is relatively innovative. There is no heroine who is single-minded about the hero and is looking for life after being violated, let alone a vicious and annoying second female lead. Although the hero is quite vulgar, the deep affection of the second male lead makes up for it.

In a word, the so-called war of the heart is just to make it clear that everyone has its own characteristics in their hearts. Some people can compromise and choose to give up after the war. Some people lost to the weak side after the war and chose to abandon themselves.

The second male and the female protagonist were happily together. The female second female tried her best to find the male protagonist, but she resolutely turned around and left after a glance from a distance.

Such an ending is a little strange, but it will also make people sigh.

Not all suitable people can end in happiness, nor are all unsuitable people who can't combine happily and grow old together.

It's just that everyone has their own opinions. After leaving the scene after the film, Wen Shao'an can clearly hear the opinions of his own descendants. Some people say it's a good film, some people say they don't know what it means, some people say it's boring, and some people say it's a bad film. However, many people praised her for her good acting skills, which surprised her. They never thought that the current passers-by fans were so sharp that they could know who was not good at acting or who was good at acting after watching a film.

After the premiere, there is nothing wrong with her, and she can't worry about the box office. As soon as he left the projection hall, Wen Shao'an followed the treble directly to the media and began to prepare for a personal interview.