Love of a rich family: reborn queen becomes a beautiful wife

177 Valentine's Day date

The sunshine in early spring is bright but not warm, and even if the unobstructed light shines on the body, it will only feel soft and comfortable.

So when the sun came in through the glass and Wen Shao'an turned his eyes confusedly, he only felt so comfortable that he didn't want to get up. He just wanted to sleep in the sun like this.

But there was always someone who would not fulfill her wish. When she was ready to continue to dream, a warm big hand sneaked into the quilt and stayed at her waist: "Shao An? It's almost eleven o'clock, and you still plan to continue to sleep, but it's Valentine's Day?

Huh? 11 o'clock? 11 a.m.!?

Wen Shao'an suddenly opened his eyes and looked at the smile close at hand. First, he was stunned, and then subconsciously retreated a little before asking, "Is it so late? Why didn't you wake me up?"

Qin Mingrui came closer and pecked her lips before saying with satisfaction, "You were tired last night and wanted you to sleep more, but I didn't expect you to sleep all morning."

Thinking of the fierce scene in this ** last night, Wen Shao'an's face turned red again: "You bad guy... Well, I'll take a shower first. Can you help me cook noodles?"

Although she uses interrogative sentences, the meaning can't be clearer.

Knowing that she was indirectly driving him out of the room, Qin Mingrui was not embarrassed and nodded: "Well, remember to turn on the heating and don't catch a cold."

Then she ate a mouthful of tofu before she got up from ** and went out and thoughtfully helped her close the door of the room.

In fact, he helped her wash it once last night, but Wen Shao'an still felt a little uncomfortable. After wrapping her home clothes casually, she hurried into the bathroom in the room.

And when she washes out, it will be 12 noon.

I knew that it would take so long, so Qin Mingrui also postponed the time to cook noodles, and then took out a night of hot noodles from the kitchen at the moment she came out.

I just drank some porridge last night, and after half a night of intense exercise, Wen Shao'an was already hungry. After drinking a glass of warm water, he took the chopsticks and began to eat noodles. After a few bites, he remembered to ask, "What about yours?" It's noon, just eat whatever you want and have a good meal in the evening.

"Remember me." Qin Mingrui rubbed her hair and then stood up: "My is still in the pot. Eat slowly. Don't worry."

"Oh." Wen Shao'an spit out his tongue, and then lowered his head to concentrate on eating noodles.

Because neither of them was in a hurry, it was already two o'clock in the afternoon after eating noodles and preparing to go out. And it happens to be when there are more people on the street, and no matter where they go, there are couples.

Wen Shao'an originally wanted to have an ordinary person's date, but he gave up after seeing such a crowded scene.

There are many people. What if she is accidentally recognized and then causes chaos in the crowd? Is it possible to be in the newspaper with a crowded stampede the next day?

Thinking of this, Wen Shao'an couldn't help shaking his head, and then looked at Qin Mingrui, who was still calm... He should have arrangements, right? Generally, Valentine's Day is not dominated by men. Women just need to enjoy this rare sweetness.

After thinking about this, she was no longer uneasy, but sat at ease and enjoyed the time alone.


I thought that Qin Mingrui would drive for an hour to a place that could surprise her, but... looking at the big playground in front of him, Wen Shao'an couldn't help but be embarrassing.

Isn't there still a lot of people here, and will Valentine's Day be like this?

"..." Wen Shaoan stopped Qin Mingrui, who wanted to move forward, and asked directly after looking at his hesitant eyes, "Why did you come here?"

Qin Mingrui was stunned first, and then laughed: "Do you think we are going to Happy Valley?"

"What else?" Wen Shao'an looked left and right and only saw the more prominent Happy Valley.

Qin Mingrui pinched her face, and then pulled her straight forward: "Of course not, as for where... you will know when you come with me."

"?" Wen Shao'an frowned hesitantly, but still honestly let him pull her forward. It was not until he really bypassed the Happy Valley and walked on a tree-lined path that she let go of her eyebrows... Fortunately, it was not Happy Valley. Although it's good inside, it's not a good place for Valentine's Day. If she had to go to such a crowded place, she would rather stay at home and live a two-person world with him than come out and be watched.

This Happy Valley was newly built last year, and it is specially located in the suburbs. After all, it needs a very large site, and it takes up too much space to be built in the city.

is also because of such a position, so there will be other holes in the back, and there is surprising delicacy, which is not so unexpected.

Despite this, Wen Shao'an couldn't help holding his breath at the moment he saw it.

A large area of grassland, a thousand-year-old tree at the end, a clear lake that covers a large area, and even a powerful waterfall. It looks like a painting, not like the scene in today's over polluted cities.

Qin Mingrui shook her hand and said with a smile, "This place was bought by the Qin family. At first, I planned to build a golf course, but I didn't expect to get a Happy Valley in front of me. I was afraid that some customers would be noisy, so I simply prepared to build a horse farm. It hasn't opened yet. In two months, it will be surrounded into a private space.

Wen Shao'an looked at him with a smile: "It should be a private space now, right? Such a good place will definitely not be allowed to enter casually.

"Hmm." Qin Mingrui didn't intend to hide it from her and nodded directly, "My third young master still has some power."

After saying that, he paused and asked carefully, "Do you want to ride a horse?" If you don't want to, let's just walk and go somewhere else.

"Think!" Wen Shao'an nodded simply and rarely came out to see the light. She was still satisfied with the feeling of riding a horse on the grass in the sun. When she was tired, she could enjoy the cool under the tree and look at the lakes and waterfalls... It was beautiful when she thought about it.

Seeing that she was very satisfied, Qin Mingrui was relieved and pulled her to the already large-scale racecourse.

Because he has filmed several martial arts dramas, Wen Shao'an has specially learned to ride horses, but he can't ride too well and is still in a state where he can only trot.

Although this place looks very safe, because it is not yet surrounded, it is still impossible to run too fast, so the staff repeatedly told them not to run too fast and not to go too far, and try to walk on the grass.

The two did not expect to run like the characters in the TV series, and there was no dissatisfaction. They just rode a horse slowly on the grass. They didn't need to say anything more. They just looked at each other and smiled from time to time, as if they had said all the sweet words.

After staying at the horse farm for an afternoon, the staff also thoughtfully helped them prepare afternoon tea and laid it under the thousand-year-old tree without interference from others.

Time passed too fast. After the sky gradually darkened, Wen Shao'an was reluctant to leave. He was not looking forward to the so-called candlelight dinner at night. He just felt that it was good enough to live such a leisurely life.

After Qin Mingrui got on the car and saw that she was still looking at the direction of the horse farm, he couldn't help but laugh: "I will come often in the future. Anyway, it is going to become a high-end consumer place, and the conditions for entry and exit will be relatively high, so don't worry about too many people."

"Hmm." Wen Shao'an turned around and said contentedly, "Then let's go home."

"Eh?" Qin Mingrui paused and then patted her hand with tears and laughter: "Don't worry, our date has just begun."