Dark Frenzy

Chapter 7 Familiar Back [Please be red!]

One sentence can make things happen, and one sentence can do bad things!

Xue Feng's words were originally intended to mock Luo Qingming, but he was self-defeating and pushed himself to the forefront of the storm. 'Taiwan poison' is 'Taiwan independence'. This ** word is small and big! Perhaps in Taiwan, there is nothing great abroad, and even some Taiwanese call 'you Chinese' in public places without hesitation, as if they don't regard themselves as Chinese, but facts speak louder than eloquence!

But Xue Feng's current situation is not so good. In the mainland, 'Taiwan drug' elements are even treated as aliens. The reason is very simple. You, a Chinese, can't be a traitor, can you? Although the nature is different, the essence is basically the same. Xue Feng even knew this point better than anyone else, but a slip of the tongue completely put him in a dilemma. There is no doubt that it has become a target of public criticism, and even the eyes of Tan Xiaojia, who had been affectionate to him before, and several girls have become complicated.

Many people also whispered. Xue Feng stepped on his tail. This time, even if he is not besieged by public opinion, he will definitely become the object of some people's rejection and hatred. Xue Feng's face was covered with ice and looked coldly at Luo Qingming.

"Don't spit people's blood! Luo Qingming!"

"Blood mouth spray? Humph, you are also qualified to say such a thing. Didn't you just take it for granted that the Taiwan Mountains do not belong to China's 'Top Ten Mountains'? How can you become a defeated rooster now? I can't stand people like you. Seeing the wind, you might as well just promote 'Taiwan-in independence'.

He looked at Xue Feng with a warm sneer, and his eyes were full of contempt. He doesn't want to miss such a good opportunity to attack Xue Feng. He has long seen this little white face that attracts bees and butterflies. If he doesn't knock, won't let him fly to the sky?


Xue Feng's anger surged in his heart, and he was really popular with Luo Qingming and Wenxin.

"Good! OK! OK! Remember, I remember what happened today. I'll see you another day. Humph!"

Xue Feng laughed angrily, snorted coldly, and left without looking back. At this moment, even the atmosphere in the class has become a little awkward, and the voice has become much less.

Luo Qingming shook his head with a smile in his heart. After all, he was a puddle of mud and could not support the wall. But this time, Luo Qing did underestimate Xue Feng; this guy is not just as simple as the brain-damaged dand in his eyes...

"That Xue Feng is not simple. You two be careful."

Yu Tianguang, who had been silent, said strangely.

"Thank you. You can talk first. I went out for a walk alone.

Luo Qingming nodded to Yu Tianguang and said to the three people. Immediately turned around and walked out of the classroom.

"Huh? Sister Shu Min, look, why do I feel so familiar with that back?

Zhu Qianqian, with a puzzled face, pouted his playful little mouth and hummed softly. The delicate face is full of evil, delicate but not cold, which makes this little beauty who has just turned 18 look like a campus queen.

Li Shumin also turned his head in the direction pointed by Zhu Qianqian and felt a little familiar, but in a moment, the back had gone and disappeared at the end of the corridor. Today, Li Shumin dressed very formally. This is the first day she faces these college freshmen as a guide. She has always appeared as a student, and it is inevitable that there is some inner excitement that only belongs to little women.

He is dressed in a small coffee-colored knee-length windbreaker, and his light blue scarf above his shoulders is cold and arrogant. Compared with Zhu Qianqian around him, he looks extremely mature and stable. That intoxicating red made Zhu Qianqian laugh secretly:

"Sister Shu Min, you are so sexy and mature today, which makes me almost ashamed. As soon as you appear, you will be sure to make those pure little boys forgetful and can't find the southeast and northwest. Hey hey!"

Li Shumin's serious face softened slightly and patted Zhu Qianqian on the shoulder:

"I even dare to make fun of my sister. Let's see if I go back and peel your skin.

The moment Li Shumin walked into the classroom, the classroom, which was still a little dead, boiled up in an instant. The little boys looked at Li Shumin's eyes with a face of admiration. Unlike the cold beauty Yan Jingjing, her coldness that rejected people thousands of miles away made people dare not approach, let alone fantasize. . However, the beautiful woman in front of her is serious and kind, and there seems to be always a faint smile on her face, which makes people feel intimate. The exquisite facial features, beautiful and delicate face make people impeccable, and also make people have a kind of pure beauty that can be seen far away and cannot be played with, making her sexy and mature, more and more touching. In front of her, even school beauty such as cold beauty Yan Jingjing and Zhu Qianqian can only be willing to be green leaves!

When Li Shumin stepped on high heels and stepped on the stage step by step, the kicking sound was clearly audible. The whole class was silent, and everyone's eyes turned to Li Shumin. The girl was a little jealous, and the boy looked happy. This person will not be the legendary director, will he? Doesn't that mean that there will be such a beautiful guide for four years in college?

Li Shumin was also quite uneasy at the moment he stepped on the stage. After all, he was a teacher for the first time. When he experienced such a scene for the first time, he was somewhat uneasy. His pretty face turned slightly red. He held his head high in front of the stage and spoke in a clear and pleasant voice. He said loudly:

"Hall, from today on, I will be your instructor. I will also be responsible for everything in Class 2 of the School of Economics. I hope you can give me more support. You can call me Sister Li or Sister Shu Min. I have just graduated from college. You are my first students. As your senior sister and as a guide, I hope everyone can support my work. I hope to see you in the provincial, national, and even world-class wealth forums in the future; I hope that each of you can become a giant crocodile galloping on the commercial battlefield; I hope that the names of each of you can appear on the Forbes list, and let's create a one that only belongs to us. The glory of Class 2 of Ji College! OK?"

Li Shumin's words made all the students excited and emotional. Those boys were as excited as chicken blood, howling, cheering for the new guide and cheering themselves! The introduction and motivational words are particularly inspiring.

Li Shumin looked at these freshmen like his younger brothers and sisters, and a sense of happiness and achievement also rose in his heart!

"Sister Shu Min, are you really our director? It's so happy. Isn't this dreaming?"

"Sister Shu Min, which university did you graduate from?"

"Sister Shu Min, we will have to communicate frequently in the future."


For a while, both male and female students began to take turns to 'siege' Li Shumin in a concocted way.

"Sister Shu Min, we are proud of you now; a few years later, you are proud of us! In order to communicate better, should you tell us your mobile phone number first? We can also find your whereabouts as soon as possible and report the first situation to you!"

Warm roared with a smile on his face. This guy was definitely a 200-centibel loud voice, and he suppressed everyone at the exit. Finally, Li Shumin also happily announced her mobile phone number, but what she didn't expect was that not long later, dozens of classmates confessed to her, and even some wild wolves from other classes came when they heard the news, which finally forced her to change her number to calm down this confession. Since then, her phone number has become one of the most mysterious things in the whole college. Of course, this is all after that.

After that, Li Shumin arranged some daily things and some things about the day after tomorrow's military training. Finally, in a burst of enthusiasm, he disbanded.

Moonlight Bar, East Road, Nangang District.

Luo Qingming sat alone in front of the bar and drank wine. At this time, it was past ten o'clock at night, and most people in the city had fallen asleep. However, at this time, in the red and green night, it was just the beginning. People who are used to soaking in the bar and looking for ** have just stepped on the confusion of the moonlight.

Moon Bar is one of several large bars in Nangang District. It is said that the boss behind the scenes is one of the best in Harbin. Only in this way can people with real energy in the upper class of Harbin have the ability to open bars and nightclubs in this prime area of Nangang District. Nangang District is one of the most prosperous areas in Harbin. Because there are a large number of students and some professional black-collar workers, the business here is also extremely prosperous.

The slightly cold autumn wind blows gently, and the streets look extremely depressed. The cold moonlight is like a layer of silver light, adding a little mystery to Harbin. Occasionally, a few speeding vehicles rolled up a few yellow autumn leaves. The street lights on both sides of the street, like loyal guards, stood there quietly. From time to time, several policemen patrol this cold and bleak area.

People familiar with this place know that the seemingly calm Nangang District has actually just begun to be gorgeous at night! The luxurious life of paper and gold has gradually begun...

"Waiter, a glass of dry beer with ice cubes."

Luo Qingming gave a simple order. Continuing to turn their eyes to the stage not far away, hundreds of men and women danced with the hot music on the dance floor. The dazzling neon lights kept shining, full of smiles, excitement, or sadness, dancing selflessly.

In fact, Luo Qingming doesn't like such an environment very much. He just likes to drink alone here. Silently looking at those who play various roles during the day, the self-intoxication and wild liberation in the night. In this city full of rotten atmosphere, only here, only the bar is the most real place, can make people unscrupulously release happiness, happiness, boredom, pain...

The loud and noisy music covers the whole bar.

"Miss, what's the matter? Still unwilling? If I ask you to accompany our boss, I respect you. If you come out to do it, you must be aware.

In the corner, a bald man looked at the girl with two bottles of red wine with a blush and said coldly.

The girl's face was a little blue and red, her hands trembled slightly, and the dim light flickered, and she could faintly see the quite beautiful face. The girl bit her lips tightly and trembled:

"Yes... I'm sorry, sir, I won't accompany you."

"Don't drink with me? So what are you doing here? Can you make money just by selling alcohol? As far as I know, your income is completely linked to the wine you sell. Besides, how much we want depends on your performance. Hey hey."

A bald middle-aged man sitting on the sofa looked at the girl who gave the wine with an obscene face and said with a sneer.

Along with him, four young men were separated, and another young man about 30 years old on the sofa also said with a cold smile:

"Don't make a toast without drinking. You have to accompany me today, but I won't accompany you. I have to accompany you!"