Dark Frenzy

Chapter 15 The Farthest Distance in the World

"Why are you here?"

Although it was a little awkward, Li Shumin asked first. I don't know why, when he saw this person who was his lifesaver again, there was a different smell in Li Shumin's heart, which was unclear. I thought that the meeting could only be regarded as the last time after 500 times, but I didn't expect to meet again in the university library.

Li Shumin asked himself curiously: Is this fate? He shook his head and looked at Luo Qingming with a warm face. So far, he didn't even know what this man did and what his name was.

"When you pass by, come in and have a look. I also like reading. However, most of them read some ancient Chinese, which are sometimes compared with the current poetry collections. Ha ha."

"You still read ancient Chinese! I really can't see it. A young man in his early twenties can actually read classical Chinese that even dozens of old men may not be willing to touch. You're not doing this research, are you?"

Li Shumin looked at Luo Qingming curiously. This young man seemed to be a little different from what she imagined. Under the gentle and handsome appearance, there is no exaggeration and irritability of today's young people. It's quite stable, even a little different from what I saw before.

"No. I have just been reading ancient literature since I was a child. At the age of 13, he was able to recite the whole Yellow Emperor's Internal Classic. I can't help it, master. Ha ha."

Luo Qingming said with a smile.

The two talked about poetry, and time passed quickly. In the end, the two entangled in Tagore's The Farthest Distance in the World. This poem has been uncertain since it was discovered. However, Li Shumin has always believed that only a great writer like Tagore can write such poetic and picturesque sentences.

The Farthest Distance in the World has always been a controversial issue. Some people say that this poem comes from Zhang Xiaoxian's novel Single Bed in a purse; others say that the author of this poem is Tagore. In the final analysis, the real author is still unknown, but 99% of people will not hesitate to say who the author of this poem is.

Luo Qingming also likes this poem very much, but he is not sure. He never likes to make arbitrary decisions about something until he doesn't get absolutely true evidence or information. Just as he never pursues a doomed fruitless thing, in vain, it is better to spend his energy on other things, and there may be some unexpected results.

Luo Qingming just laughed off Li Shumin's paranoia, because it is the most irrational to care about women in this kind of thing. You can be silent, but you can never refute it, because at this time, even if you are reasonable, you will become passive. Women are intellectual animals, and sometimes their sensibility always prevails over reason. This is also one of the main reasons why the matrilineal society is eventually replaced by the patriarchal society.

"Which sentence in this poem do you like best?"

Li Shumin asked. Blinking a pair of flexible and playful eyes, it attracted the attention of many people. Even she herself doesn't know why she hasn't asked so many childish questions as today. The intellectual woman's side, which she had tried her best to maintain in the past, completely collapsed in front of this boy she had just met. Yes, it's a boy. Li Shumin is absolutely sure that she is younger than herself. Did he save himself?

"The furthest distance in the world is the distance between fish and birds; one is soaring in the world, but the other is deep into the seabed..."

Luo Qingming's eyes are a little blurred, but everyone has feelings. The girl who was saved on a mission, but I don't know what happens now? With the phone call of his two-year lonely career, he was also smashed in the task and finally couldn't find anything. In that phone, there were her photos, her text messages, and her phone number.

For two years, I talked to her on the phone for half an hour almost every night, and finally Luo Qingming was able to sleep peacefully. Sometimes when I follow my father from south to north on a mission, what I look forward to most is to be able to call her alive for even a short time after the task and listen to her beautiful voice. However, since the mobile phone was destroyed, Luo Qingming spent a whole month with his father in the Amazon jungle and lived a non-human life every day, but in the end, the task failed, and his father was finally abandoned by the people above. And his father's men, Luo Yi, Luo Si and Luo Jiu, also sacrificed to protect themselves from leaving sadly.

A month later, when he walked out of the Amazon jungle, he dialed the number again, but the other party's sentence made him not even say a word.

Who are you? I'm very busy now."

Luo Qingming smiled bitterly and then hung up the phone. This memory was hidden deep in his heart and was never mentioned.

The vague memory was sealed by him, but he still remembers what she said at the beginning, 'The furthest distance in the world is the distance between fish and birds. One is soaring in the sky, and the other is diving deep into the sea'...

Luo Qingming looked a little trance. Looking at Li Shumin in the fog, he dared to say:

"What's wrong with you?"

Luo Qingming was stunned and said with a smile:

"It's okay, just a little sigh."

"This sentence is my least favorite."

Li Shumin frowned and said.


"Because this is also the most extreme, it proves that they can never be together. No matter how much sadness and feelings there are, it can only be useless. Even if it is a tree and fallen leaves, people who face to face also have memories. Even if they are not accompanied, they have held hands. And fish and birds can only be the most impossible luxury in the depths of people's hearts.

Li Shumin shook his head and sighed.

This poem is not a happy poem. After so much care, it has fallen behind, so that the beauty of this poem will suddenly be lost, and eventually there will be a trace of regret. The furthest distance in the world is actually always just the hearts of two people, and they can't be intimately together.

Luo Qingming recovered his warm little face, and the sadness at that moment was strangled by him in the depths of the cradle.

"If you want to choose, are you willing to be a tree or a meteor?"

Li Shumin became gossipy again.

"I won't choose any of them. I am in charge of my own destiny. I won't let everyone who loves me leave, without the furthest distance, that humble illusion, and I don't allow it to appear in the trajectory of my life. My master told me that if I can't stir up the storm in ten years, I will die miserably in 20 years. Ha ha, it's quite strange. It's like fortune-telling.

Li Shumin nodded, curled his lips, and didn't agree.

"However, I believe him."


"There is no reason."

Li Shumin was stunned and looked at Luo Qingming's expression becoming more elusive. This man was really stubborn. However, they didn't get along so deeply, and Li Shumin didn't ask in detail. No matter how much she gossips, she still has her own control. In fact, even if she continues to ask, Luo Qingming's answer will still be the last sentence.

Unconsciously, the two of them have been sitting under the bookshelf and chatting for nearly three hours, and the sky outside has long been dark. Li Shumin stretched out his little sore hand and said:

"It's very late. I'll go back first. Let's talk later."

"Well, all right."

Luo Qingming smiled simply, which was not nutritious, but plain and simple, but very comfortable.

"Bear by the way, after chatting for so long, I don't know your name."

Take two poetry collections and prepare to apply to the librarian to take them back. I have been chatting with Luo Qingming for such a long time.

"Give me the collection of poems in your hand."

A sonorous and powerful voice appeared in their ears. The two frowned almost at the same time. Look at each other and turn your eyes to the source of the sound.

A strong college student said with an indifferent face. He casually glanced at Luo Qingming and finally fell on Li Shumin's body. He felt a little amazing, but there was no exaggerated fanaticism like ordinary people, because beside him, there was a girl who was comparable to Li Shumin in both appearance and temperament.

The youthful and elegant face is completely different from Li Shumin's intellectual and gentleness, as cold and fresh as water hibiscus, crystal clear. Especially those wise eyes, it is even more amazing that this woman's IQ is as amazing as her appearance?

Light green clothes, cold and elegant in the bones, with a smell of fireworks in the world. Luo Qingming didn't expect that there were so many beautiful women in this Polytechnic University. And, most importantly, this woman's eyes are cold and light, but seem to be full of endless wisdom. She will make you feel that everything is irrelevant. In her eyes, everything seems to be insignificant. Perhaps all she cares about is the red mood of the water and lotus fragrance.

Her beauty seems plain, but it may not be the most beautiful in the world, but it is enough to be called the cleanest face in the world, but it thoroughly interprets her beauty. Even the handsome and strong boy stood in front of her, which made people sigh with a red flower with green leaves.

When Luo Qingming's eyes were intertwined with the girl, he really understood that one person's eyes could really affect another person's mood. In her eyes, there is no conspiracy, no struggle, no worldly wisdom. These eyes are the purest and wisest he has ever seen.