Dark Frenzy

Chapter 58 The Arrival of Reinforcements!

Chapter 58 The Arrival of Reinforcements!

The exchange of fire between the two sides is not long, but it is obvious that the people on Lu Tianhua's side have begun to be a little powerless, and the signs of retreat are extremely obvious. At this time, the firepower of the unknown mysterious forces on the grassy side of the street became stronger and stronger. The machine gun shot, and even Lu Tianhua's specially reinforced Mercedes-Benz RV was full of bullets and looked devastated and unsightly.

Lu Tianhua has made more than ten phone calls in his hand, all of which are soaked in sweat. How gloomy the gloomy color on his face is. At this moment, the situation has been completely reversed, and the complete overwhelming decline has made him almost lose most of his confidence in himself. He does not blame these men, who were saved by chance and sold their lives for themselves for more than ten years. Even if they pay off their debts, they should be finished. What he was really angry about was the group of 'Cheng Yaojin' who rushed out of nowhere! According to the current situation, if there is another five minutes, it is likely to be completely beaten down by the other party. In the end, even who the other party is is unknown.

"Is it that God wants to stop me? Will 50 million be wasted like this? Damn, why hasn't Xiaofeng come yet!" Lu Tianhua said breathlessly.

"Brother, how long can we last?" The monkey said with a faint expression. He suddenly wiped a handful of blood on his face with his arm. No one knew that this half-dead middle-aged man, who seemed crazy and could even be suffoted without talking, had many nightmares in those years.

"It can last for up to five minutes!" Ma Long took a look at the second and third, the monkey, and the fifth and sixth around him. Now, there are only six of them left. If Malone expected it, the other party may be gradually approaching them now. Although he doesn't know how far the other party is from them, Malone can clearly judge that the distance from the bullets is shortening step by step. And this means that the crisis of death is approaching them step by step.

"I really underestimated these people. Sure enough, there are some ways, if these people can use it for me..."

Luo Qingming leaned against the tree with a dead grass stick in his mouth and looked playfully at the almost bright fire fighting in front of him. From the original state of glue, he has almost completely become a lamb slaughtered and slaughtered. Luo Qingming has been waiting here for nearly half an hour. Now, I guess Lu Jinfeng is about to arrive. Lu Tianhua must have asked Lu Jinfeng for help at the first time.

Almost at the moment when Luo Qingming looked into the distance, six or seven first and tail cars came rapidly from the distance, and the lights instantly illuminated a distance of nearly 100 meters. Luo Qingming's eyes finally jumped and muttered, "Have you finally come?"

Lu Tianhua's eyes suddenly shrank and looked at the seven consecutive cars from afar, and the phone rang at this time. It's his son Lu Jinfeng. Lu Tianhua's face finally showed a relieved smile at this moment.

"It seems that I will not die! Humph." Lu Tianhua laughed gloomily.

Seven cars stopped around Lu Tianhua's three cars at almost the same time. The fast speed and the sound of emergency braking sounded extremely gloomy and horrible, which was extremely frightening in the night. The sound of tires intersect with the friction on the ground.

Four Audis and three vans, 40 people came down, all of whom were armed and powerful men in black.

At this time, not only Lu Tianhua, but also Ma Long and six other people who had been resisting, all had a trace of joy on their faces. Fortunately, Lu Jinfeng came with reinforcements at this time. Otherwise, they would really be here. Looking at a series of enthusiastic Lu Jinfeng and others, their responsibility has been fulfilled, and now the matter will be left to Lu Jinfeng and his group.

"Uncle, second uncle, how are you? Are you all right?" In contrast, Lu Jinfeng's face was tense and he crouched on the ground and asked with concern. Lu Jinfeng almost grew up as these people, and even most of Lu Jinfeng's skills were given to him by Malone and others. Therefore, the relationship between these people around my father is also very good.

"It's okay. The boss is still in the car. Our bullets are almost finished. Conservatively estimated that the other party was also half a catty. The consumption of so many bullets could almost catch up with the charge of a battalion. If it hadn't been for the original inventory in the car, maybe we would not have been able to support it long ago. The other side is all sharpshooters, and they can't afford to spend time with us. Malone said seriously.

"I mean to stay still for the time being. Wait for further action from the other party. Now the tire of the truck has been knocked out by the other party. It is impossible to move forward. We can only wait for the next step of the other party, and we can only respond to changes unchanged. Although it's night now, I think such a big move on our side will definitely startle the market in an hour.

Lu Jinfeng nodded and listened to Malone's advice without any doubt. They also chose to put out the armistice at this time.

The dark night regained tranquility again, and all the headlights were ordered to be turned off. Without the moon, I don't know how many people are ready to move on the dark vast land. I don't know how many people are hiding in the night, like a murderous wolf. Lu Jinfeng and dozens of others hid behind these cars. After a while, the shrugging sound of weeds made Ma Long, Lu Jinfeng and others like great enemies. These people are all sharpshooters. How can they be bad?

"Tiger, tell him to go down. All move forward at a flat speed, and don't take it lightly. The more cautious you are at this time.

Qiu Shi said with a flat face that he has absolute confidence in his quality and ability for many years of training! These are all elites who have been eliminated layer after layer of screening. If 60 people can't even handle these people, their plans and training over the years will be completely scrapped. It's completely useless!

"Yes, boss." Li Hu answered in a muffled voice and quickly passed on Qiu Shi's order.

After receiving the order, everyone did not dare to neglect and approached the front step by step according to Qiu Shi's instructions.

People on both sides are worried for a little mistake, so everything they have done before has been abandoned. In particular, Lu Jinfeng's people have been at a disadvantage, which has also greatly hit their self-confidence.

"They should be approaching us. Be careful." Malone whispered.

Li Hu rushed to the front with one horse and began the first wave of small charge with 30 people. He crossed the trenches on both sides of the street. Li Hu rushed up with 30 'tiger wolves' fearlessly. The reason why it is called Tiger Wolf is the common opinion of Fifth Master Jin and Qiu Shi. I hope that the people they have spent years cultivating can be like the army of tigers and wolves, which is irresistible! There were 120 people in total, but not all of them were dispatched this time, only half of them were dispatched, but it was enough. Sixty tigers and wolves are enough to deal with Lu Tianhua and these people. This is the notice issued by Fifth Master Jin.

Li Hu led 30 people across the trench on the street in the blink of an eye and quickly rushed to the highway.

"Prepare for battle. Here it comes. Ma Long snorted coldly and was ready to attack at any time. Hold tightly the cold front dagger in his arms that has not been sheathed and drinking blood for five years. Listening to the growing weeds around him, he shouted, "Run out."

Ma Long rushed out of the back of the truck and rushed out. As soon as he met him, he was a man with a beard. He was not old, but the feeling for Malone was extremely solid. Malone took the lead and punched him! The person who came was Li Hu. His eyes stopped and stopped the trend of rushing forward for a moment. His body leaned slightly. Looking at the strong punch of the middle-aged man in front of him, he did not dare to take it directly. His left foot was biased and his shoulder sank, and he dodged. Li Hu also narrowed his eyes slightly and thought that this middle-aged man was still a powerful practitioner.

With a sneer, Li Hu captured him with his backhand and pulled Ma Long over. Suddenly, there was a big collision between the two bodies. Li Hu's body was obviously much stronger than Ma Long, and his strength was even higher than him. The first contact was that Ma Long was knocked back by Li Husheng. Ma Long's face was gloomy. Looking at Li Hu, this young man was definitely not simple! He seemed to have a slightly sloppy beard, but he didn't dare to be vigilant.

"Five it all for me." Li Hu shouted coldly, and the 30 'tiger wolf' rushed to more than 40 people hiding behind trucks and several cars like tigers going down the mountain. There is not much difference between the two sides, but in comparison, Li Hu believes that his people can definitely completely solve these 40 people in five minutes. This comes not only from confidence, but also from the trust of these comrades-in-arms who have been trained together for many years.

"Where is Lu Tianhua?" Li Hu asked in a muffled voice. Look at Malone.

"Little boy, do you want to know where your grandfather is? I'll tell you when I come." Ma Long said with a cold face. Look at Li Hu.

"shameless things! Let me see how hard your mouth can be!" Li Hu snorted coldly. The body rushed out in an instant and attacked Malone. Ma Long stepped back and stabilized his body and picked up Li Hu's oncoming punch. However, he was beaten back several steps, and there was a trace of pain on his face. Obviously, he suffered a lot of distress in the confrontation with Li Hu just now. This guy really had a little doorway and rubbed his sore palm. Ma Long said, "Second, second brother, young master."

The second and third brother and Lu Jinfeng all turned around and instantly felt relieved when they saw Ma Long, who had been forced back a few steps away. The three of them put down the 'tiger and wolf' that had just knocked down but stood up resolutely in their hands and turned around to help Ma Long deal with Li Hu. The monkey is now trembling with a 'tiger wolf', and the injury on his shoulder is really not serious, otherwise he will not have to go all out to deal with a person. If it is put in peacetime, even three or four 'tigers and wolves' may not let him down. The monkeys also scolded in their hearts. Where did all these bastards come from? They all had unique skills and were completely like a special forces team. In those years, they were also monkeys who had fought with many special forces on the Vietnam border. They had to sigh that this group of people were really tigers.